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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Well I have a large surplus of screenshots at the moment, but I want to pace them out since progress could get slow. Usually when I post screenshots it's because it's a tad low on the page, and because I want to.

i would just dump a large amount, but then the thread may get bogged to the bottom of the first page

jubby right now there is like minimal chapter progress because of the lack of dialogue and a crapton of graphical progress

oh and i've been improving the lore and backstory

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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Well I have a large surplus of screenshots at the moment, but I want to pace them out since progress could get slow. Usually when I post screenshots it's because it's a tad low on the page, and because I want to.

i would just dump a large amount, but then the thread may get bogged to the bottom of the first page

jubby right now there is like minimal chapter progress because of a lack of dialogue and a crapton of graphical progress

oh and i've been improving the lore and backstory

I figured that's why you were posting pretty much minor graphix updates like dem generic class cards :P

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just wait until you get to late-game and you won't post any screenshots out of fear of spoilers lulz

so I caught up on your progress, tbh at some point I thought you were slacking on the graphics:


- the neck/head-angle of that girl on the right is so weird, like I tried putting my head in a position like that and it's weird, her neck's straight yet her head is like, tilted, idk but it looks off

- the old man is WAY too detailed--he sticks out like a sore thumb. yes, I'm actually criticizing the portrait because the shading is so much more detailed than the others, that it stands out, almost like a different spriting style. Consistency would help, I think. Obviously, this is just an opinion and you should take it with a grain of salt~

- the "Dream of Five" text is hard to read thanks to the... fuzziness or whatever at the bottom, and why is there Japanese text there? Is the game getting a Japanese release too? XP

- the soldier's waistline looks too high and the back of the helmet almost looks like part of the hair at first, I thought it was just me so I asked a few friends and they also thought it looked too female. sadly, fixing this would be a LOT of work, but meh... (or was it INTENDED to be a female soldier? in which case it's make sense)

- the Onduris "mini-portrait" (more like "allegiance icon") feels like it would benefit a LOT if it were symmetrical, which it's not... the fact that the swords are crossed like that implies that it'd be symmetrical yet it quickly becomes obvious they aren't and it's sort of odd


some of your more recent screens--and there's no need to link to them, since they're just a page or two back--REALLY proved me wrong. Making a world map is no easy task, and making custom generic class cards isn't something I see often either, especially ones that are so well done. Things have clearly been stepped up and I'm quite amazed--this hack deserves all the praise it gets for its graphics, and I look forward to seeing the continued graphical revamps you make. IMO, you've done a great job so far, and if you keep up this quality of work and continue to refine things, I don't think any hack will surpass the game's graphics anytime soon.

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just wait until you get to late-game and you won't post any screenshots out of fear of spoilers lulz

so I caught up on your progress, tbh at some point I thought you were slacking on the graphics:


- the neck/head-angle of that girl on the right is so weird, like I tried putting my head in a position like that and it's weird, her neck's straight yet her head is like, tilted, idk but it looks off

- the old man is WAY too detailed--he sticks out like a sore thumb. yes, I'm actually criticizing the portrait because the shading is so much more detailed than the others, that it stands out, almost like a different spriting style. Consistency would help, I think. Obviously, this is just an opinion and you should take it with a grain of salt~

- the "Dream of Five" text is hard to read thanks to the... fuzziness or whatever at the bottom, and why is there Japanese text there? Is the game getting a Japanese release too? XP

- the soldier's waistline looks too high and the back of the helmet almost looks like part of the hair at first, I thought it was just me so I asked a few friends and they also thought it looked too female. sadly, fixing this would be a LOT of work, but meh... (or was it INTENDED to be a female soldier? in which case it's make sense)

- the Onduris "mini-portrait" (more like "allegiance icon") feels like it would benefit a LOT if it were symmetrical, which it's not... the fact that the swords are crossed like that implies that it'd be symmetrical yet it quickly becomes obvious they aren't and it's sort of odd


some of your more recent screens--and there's no need to link to them, since they're just a page or two back--REALLY proved me wrong. Making a world map is no easy task, and making custom generic class cards isn't something I see often either, especially ones that are so well done. Things have clearly been stepped up and I'm quite amazed--this hack deserves all the praise it gets for its graphics, and I look forward to seeing the continued graphical revamps you make. IMO, you've done a great job so far, and if you keep up this quality of work and continue to refine things, I don't think any hack will surpass the game's graphics anytime soon.

nah i'll just post massive graphical updates and very obscure screens

craning, but yeah ilanice is just lol

but his sags. his sags man

fuzziness is there for texture, japanese is there because i don't have much else to fill the space in with

the soldier sprite has since been rescaled since he ended up being too high, and the back of the head is just like a "normal soldier" helmet. (once i finish the female version, you can see some clear differences, esp with the hair/helmet thing)

it's different to represent both myrmidons and mercenaries, myrmidons use lighter thinner blades, while mercenaries use thicker heavier blades


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ooh, that explains some stuff... I still think the Japanese text is a bit silly, but your choice, thanks for the explanations~

I think instead they should replace it with "Jubby is God." Just saying.

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oh, don't tell me this is another silly thing with "dicks of faggots"

I should call TLP "Tile Layer Pro" if you do that and we'll convince Arch to change EN from "Elibian Nights" to "Eccentric Nerds" or something

of course it is, dicks of faggots is the best name

do it

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This looks like a pretty good hack! My only gripe is the colors on some of the mugs and battlers. Oh man, they're way too bright/saturated in some cases.

Other than that, it looks alright., I'll give it a playthrough in a minute or so, and I'll come back and give some critique/praise :)

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the colours are mostly fe8 colours x:

and the battle palettes have been redone by feaw (though a good chuck haven't been inserted yet)

also that old patch is so outdated, but have fun anyway, since the new patch won't be out until November(?)Just ball parking the date, here, since I only need to make 3 entirely need chapters and add a bunch of other graphics/world map stuff.

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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the colours are mostly fe8 colours x:

and the battle palettes have been redone by feaw (though a good chuck haven't been inserted yet)

also that old patch is so outdated, but have fun anyway, since the new patch won't be out until November(?)Just ball parking the date, here, since I only need to make 3 entirely need chapters and add a bunch of other graphics/world map stuff.

ah, fair enough. at least you're going to change it!

I'm liking the way this hack is heading so far c:

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