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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Thing is, what is the point of giving dancers weapons if they can just refresh another unit that will deal more damage?

That is the key flaw with giving dancers(refreshers) weapons. And if you make them too good, what is the point of even giving them the dancing option?

Unless you are suggesting making Dancers literally the best combat units in the game, they will always be favoured for their dancing and not their combat. Note that I don't think that giving dancers weapons is really a bad thing. You might prefer the "flavour" of a dancer being able to wield a sword for limited self defense. And for many players it is quite fun to kill enemies with a unit that is ordinarily supposed to be frail and weak. But Astra is wrong when he says it's "hard to balance", as if Feena being able to use swords somehow completely broke FE12. In fact, it's very very easy to balance. I know that when I played Tactics Universe about a year ago, I never used Anakin to attack despite his viable combat, and he ended up promoting at level 8 or some other silly level, and then I proceeded to never use his staff rank either. The +1 move was appreciated, though.

Weapons on Dancers: not really a good or bad thing.

Well, in FE 12, Feena was good enough by level 20 to take down a dracoknight with a bamboo sword... But Staves could be a good alternative if there are no rings.

I find that hard to believe, since a level 20 Feena only has 15ATK with a Bamboo Sword.

Staves? Better to have one dedicated staff user and dance them.

Edited by Anouleth
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I really don't see how it makes any difference at all. There has never been a dancer or bard with meaningful combat potential and even if they did you would want them to dance almost all the time anyway. And if you're going to give them incredibly shitty combat, why give them combat at all?

Levin and Homer had great combat potential

On a serious note, FE4 dancers having swords mattered a little bit because it meant they could go through the arena (even if they were really bad at it unless you had Ardan!Leen for Sleep Sword)

Edited by Paperblade
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have you changed it yet i don't wanna get in shit with the copyright police.

took me a while to get what you were getting at, but i got it

whoop whoop ch11b let's go

and now i go back to working on graphics because no dialogue for chapters

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i remember when i tried tile changing the boats manually






man that was a fun time wasn't it

now cam why don't you get to fixing the weird graphic glitch when you make the map rumble

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