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Disgaea Mafia Signups

Lux Aeterna

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I signed up for this months ago... But now it's time! If this was premature blame Joshy, who said I should start signups.

This game is based on Disgaea 1. The basic story is that war has broken out between the three worlds: the Netherworld, Humans, and Celestia. But since this is the signup topic you get no flavor.

The netherworld is like the town, and celestia and the humans are the mafia factions. Because I feel this will attract people, I'll make this as conspicuous as possible without being obnoxious...

EVERYONE HAS A ROLE. There are no generic townies. I think that's boring and pointless, and makes it less fun for the people who exist without a role. Likewise, I tried to make the roles as varied as I could without breaking the game.

Note: I will be assisted by Astra.

As with every mafia game, there's rules... So let's list them here so you know what you're getting into.

1. Do not disagree with a decision made by me or Astra. You will be warned, and if you do so again, you will be killed.

2. Do not show your role PM, nor screenshot it. Claiming a role is fine, because that adds to the chaos of the game, but if everyone showed their role PM... Just don't do it. If you do, I'll send Baal down there to blow your head off (or in other words, this results in your death).

3. Null.

4. Don't edit your posts--it's forgivable if you accidentally did it reflexively if you spotted a typo or some such... but don't do it excessively, okay?

5. Invite me and Astra to all discussions about the game.

6. This also isn't really a rule, but kind of is at the same time: try not to lose your temper. I haven't been on the mafia circuit in a long time, but I remember seeing some people getting royally pissed off when I last played, and it was... a pathetic sight to see.

Now, for the final part... There shall be 17 roles. Subs are welcome as well.

[spoiler=Sign ups]1. Radiant Dragon

2. Eclipse

3. SlayerX

4. Raymond

5. Psych

6. BK201

7. WoMC

8. Anouleth

9. Joshy (JBCWK)

10. Bizz

11. Obviam

12. Strawman

13. Pariah

14. Haze

15. Excellen Browning

16. mikethfc

17. Balcerzak


Haruhi Suzumiya (March only)


The Valter


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6. This also isn't really a rule, but kind of is at the same time: try not to lose your temper. I haven't been on the mafia circuit in a long time, but I remember seeing some people getting royally pissed off when I last played, and it was... a pathetic sight to see.

The last time you played, I mind-fucked everyone around. So I can't blame them, honestly.

I want to be an informed observer. Who knows, if the quality of play goes up around here, I might come back.

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even though I don't exactly agree with rule 3.

I think, at the end of the game, you will agree with why I did this. Although, I am considering revealing alignment. But never the role. (Let it be noted that if a mafia faction is defeated, I'll let the players know) Also, there are one or two special cases where revealing of role and alignment is unavoidable...

Also, can I infer from rule 5 that this will be an Outside contact game?

I haven't been on the mafia circuit, nor do I understand your question fully, so I'll just put it this way: my preferred method of communication is PM, but I know that sometimes talking about mafia on msn or some such is unavoidable (or at least it was when I played). Just tryyyy to keep it to PM, though.

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I think, at the end of the game, you will agree with why I did this. Although, I am considering revealing alignment. But never the role. (Let it be noted that if a mafia faction is defeated, I'll let the players know) Also, there are one or two special cases where revealing of role and alignment is unavoidable...

At least reveal the person's alignment when they die, except for those people whom it is unavoidable.

I haven't been on the mafia circuit, nor do I understand your question fully, so I'll just put it this way: my preferred method of communication is PM, but I know that sometimes talking about mafia on msn or some such is unavoidable (or at least it was when I played). Just tryyyy to keep it to PM, though.

I was just wanted to confirm that talking about the game outside of the main topic was allowed.

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At least reveal the person's alignment when they die, except for those people whom it is unavoidable.

Fine. Changed. I was thinking of doing it anyhow.

I was just wanted to confirm that talking about the game outside of the main topic was allowed.

I didn't know the newer mafia games didn't allow that. Well, since I'm behind the times, PMing is cool.

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I didn't know the newer mafia games didn't allow that. Well, since I'm behind the times, PMing is cool.

In my opinion (this is because I'm used to real life Mafia games, where PMs obviously don't exist.), PMs are not really necessary in a simple Town vs. Mafia game unless the mod planned the game around a village leader who gathers roles and makes decisions. However, games with multiple factions usually require PMs, so it really just depends on the game.

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This entirely depends on when the game starts. I can play from March on, but will likely not be able to 'til then.

This entirely depends on when the game can start. I'll throw you on the list as undecided. I'm waiting until someone gives me the okay to begin.

Or in other words, when the other games end, mostly.

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Or in other words, when the other games end, mostly.

I'm pretty certain that there currently aren't even any games running.

Anyway, I'm not familiar with Disgaea, but I guess I'll sign up. Maybe a miracle occurs and people actually allow me to live past Night 1 for once, who knows.

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I'm pretty certain that there currently aren't even any games running.

Anyway, I'm not familiar with Disgaea, but I guess I'll sign up. Maybe a miracle occurs and people actually allow me to live past Night 1 for once, who knows.

I'm next on the line I believe, but I still need people.

Alignment helps somewhat, even if I don't even know what Disgaea is. That comic thing from what's her face.

Note to self: Kill Raymond

Whoops. Psych

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where to i buy this game and for what system is it

I emulated it, but it's available for both ds and ps2.

I'm gonna assume you can probably order it online.

Difference between ds and ps2 is that ps2 has voice acting in most parts (while the ds only has it in the beginning scene) and the ps2's a bit flashier.

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Obviam is signing up for this.

Obviam is impatient and will resign from the mafia game which starts last of these two:



Obviam doesn't like the idea of being in two games at once but loves the idea of having higher odds of being in an active game at all in the first place.

Obviam will now click "Post".

Edit: Obviam has clicked "Post".

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