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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 79


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Most: FE4 Gen 1

Least: FE8

Also, what the fuck is WITH these nominations? Pretty sure Best/Worst Reference to Plant Life was supposed to be up years ago. NM, I'm once again calling you out on this bullshit.

EDIT: Taken from the previous thread.

Best/Wost Reference to plant-life (5)

Most/Least Depressing Ending (2)

At least now we know that nominations mean absolutely nothing and NM is a hypocrite.

Edited by Survivor
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Also, what the fuck is WITH these nominations? Pretty sure Best/Worst Reference to Plant Life was supposed to be up years ago. NM, I'm once again calling you out on this bullshit.

EDIT: Taken from the previous thread.

At least now we know that nominations mean absolutely nothing and NM is a hypocrite.

Amazingly, you are the only one complaining about it... Besides, can you think of a a best and worst reference to plant life (you certainly couldn't think of anything for worst quote when we did that round).

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Then what's the point of voting? I can think of two quotes for Best/Worst Reference to Plant Life.

Anyway. . .

Nominate: Best/Worst Red-Headed Unit.

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Most Depressing: FE8

Least Depressing: FE6

And I nominate Best/Worst Enemy Axe User (eg: Gheb, Batta, Paul, Rose, Scott)

Also, seeing how Best/Worst Reference to Plant Life will be next, what are some examples of things we could nominate? The only one I can think of is Sue's Death Quote: "Sound of the wind, smell of the grass."

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I nominate best and worst Bro.

Do try to keep your nominations sensible.

Again, who's the genius that comes up with these things? "Best/Worst Reference to Plant Life"? Seriously?

Don't ask me! It was on the list I "inherited" from General Spoon.

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Also, seeing how Best/Worst Reference to Plant Life will be next, what are some examples of things we could nominate? The only one I can think of is Sue's Death Quote: "Sound of the wind, smell of the grass."

How about Gatrie and the tree in a skirt?

Most: FE8. Sure they beat the Demon King, but...

4 out of the 5 Sacred Stones are gone, Lyon is dead, Grado will probably never recover, most of the old rulers are dead. (granted, nearly all their children survived but still, being suddenly thrust into leadership of a country would be hard) and most of the countries have suffered some form of irreperable damage.)

Least: Kind of a hard call here. FE6 can/i] be made depressing if you're an idiot and beat Idoun with someone other than Roy, while RD does have Ike leaving, which makes things slightly bittersweet.

Overall, I'd go with RD here. (although my mum likes to rank it is most by FAR, just because Ike leaves.)

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Hm... Hard to say...

Most Depressing: Sacred Stones

After all Eirika and Ephraim did, they were unable to rescue Lyon, one of the few times where the guy you want to save but can't just so happens to be the near-final boss. Oh, and the world's pretty much wrecked and is going to take a lot of rebuilding and monster purging, even with the leader slain for good as long as no more shamans try to make science out of the last remaining Fire Emblem.

Least Depressing: Radiant Dawn.

After climbing the tower and defeating Ashera, multiple high-fives and drinks were shared all around, the armies decide now's a good time to stop fighting, and Ike takes up cross-country.

All the games end on uplifting notes, really. Most depressing things either require their respective sequel to fully understand the situation, are character specific, (mostly involving offscreen death) or require a bit of thinking afterwards to realize.

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This is a tough one. Like the above poster (who I respect more after reading that comment) said, most of the games end on a high note.

In restrospect, though, there are a few good ones. And then there's FE4 Gen1 which it just plain sad. It's kinda like a FUCK YOU SIGURD.


Best: FE4 Gen 1 if it counts (too lazy to read the topic to find out), FE8 if it doesn't.

Worst: FE10. So happy.

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