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(FE12) FEDS2 Draft II


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I'll be dead honest guys I didn't record my stats at the end of every chapter *gasp*

Chapter 4

Turns 4/36

Wrys killed one thief and almost killed a pirate as a mage

Ryan charged towards the boss and killed him

Ogma Recruited Sirius and stole Yubello's thief kill with a crit and I said 'fuck it'

Yumina Rescued Marth and he ran towards the goal asap.

Sirius killed shit.

Yubello does what he does best.

Chapter 5

Turns 5/41

Wrys and Yubello try to get a little expierence. Ryan goes back to Berserker and charges towards the boss while Marth gets there asap. Sirius goes D-Knight and kills all the runaway thieves. And Ogma and Jullian recruit Barst and Rickard. No penalties.

Chapter 6

Turns 6 or 7/48

(I did forget to write down this turn out and one other so i'll assume the worst until i finish the game)

Sirius is Rickard's bodyguard as he plunders shit.

Frey didn't do much. Everyone else charges west then north then west and Ryan solo's the bosses room. Yubello was a mage and Wrys did a little healing, nothing groundbreaking though.

Chapter 6x


I arena abuse the shit outta Frey to level 17. Getting HP Attack Skill and Speed almost every level up and gets defense like twice.

Otherwise I used my second round of rescue to 1 turn this chapter.

Chapter 7


I really only needed two DracoKnights to kill all of the thieves that I needed so out of concern for Frey's lack of defense gains he gets a level killing the dragon and a few enemies as a general. Navarre and Feena suicided against the thieves and Marth hit the goal ASAP. Some non drafted unit also got the physic staff once it was safe.

Chapter 8


Cav!Gordin joins the party to recruit Jeorge. Ryan goes berserker and kills everything to the south, including Astram. Frey and Sirius kill everything to the north except the Generals. Yubello and Wrys are...yeah.

Chapter 9


Yubello officially demotes to staff bitch during this chapter as he desperately staff spams useless shit (like the speed staff and other useless crap)

Sirius Frey and Ryan do their thing out west and Marth runs to Minerva's village asap. He uses the boots along the way since Ryan had a fully inventory of 5 iron swords. I decide to take a risk and just rescue Marth to save a turn or two.

Chapter 10


This chapter took me a while to figure out but I didn't make too many cheap moves to win. Wrys pormotes to a Sniper and kills one of the purge bishops with the glass bow. Marth equips/uses all the temp. magic boosters he can so he can 1RKO the Merc on turn 1. Sirius Frey and Ryan kill the sniper and the two shaver mages. (that kept critting me before i decided to promote Wrys...) Yubello also thief staffed everything but the physic staff. Merric killed the boss and I got the silver card.

Chapter 10x


Wrys becomes more of a boss in this chapter than he was in the last one. He goes SM and holds a few magic boosters and the Levin Sword and destroys one of the initial enemies on the east. Ryan and Sirius go west killing the two there. Everyone else but Yubello (who I actually deployed as mage but realized the reinforcements would kill him) and Rickard went east with Wrys. The reinforcements try to 1HKO Wrys but he dodges about a 60-something hit. And in the end the boss was in the northwest and Sirius and Ryan killed him, not before Frey and Marth doubled the northeastern one though.

I promise I'll post stats before I start chapter 11.

Edited by RedNeck Holsety
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Chapter 17: 6/119

I probably could have shaved a couple turns by ignoring items, but fuck it, I get all the treasure, including Tomas (his items, mainly), Samson and Sheema (again, free Silvers), the Angelic Robe, and even the Secret Book. I also burn a Warp use warping Feena to Marth to dance him onto the Throne after he recruits Sheema. Etzel gets the Seraph Robe to bolster his survivability as well as the Goddess Icon to keep from getting critted. Jake gets the Secret Book.

Also Maris gains another point of Defense. So hax.

Name      Class       Lvl  HP  St  Ma  Sk  Sp  Lk  De  Rs
Marth     Lord        23   40  21   0  24  23  20  17   0
Draug     Paladin     16   46  24   1  22  24  13  22   7
Gordin    Dracoknight 19   56  26*  0  26* 23* 23  29   5
Julian    Thief       24   43  19   0  18  25  22  20   0
Rickard   Thief        3   Base
Feena     Dancer       9   21   5   0   9  21  14   7   0
Maris     Falcoknight 11   38  24   3  21  23  19  20  12
Etzel     Bishop      17   41   1  18  20  24  14  15  20
Jake      Paladin     15   43  22   1  17  23  23  19   9
Beck      Bishop       6   34   8   5   7  11   8   8   9
Est       Paladin      5   38  24   1  17  24  21  20   6

Chapter 18: 2/121

Yawn. Marth gets danced to the left and visits the village, Gordin solos Generals on the right, Draug kills a Paladin from the Wolfguard just because he can. Etzel continues to burn Physic staff uses, simply because I want him to be able to use the Again staff later. Beck Rescues Marth close enough to the Gate to seize on turn 2.

Name      Class       Lvl  HP  St  Ma  Sk  Sp  Lk  De  Rs
Marth     Lord        23   40  21   0  24  23  20  17   0
Draug     Paladin     16   46  24   1  22  24  13  22   7
Gordin    Dracoknight 20*  57  26*  0  26* 23* 24  29   5
Julian    Thief       24   43  19   0  18  25  22  20   0
Rickard   Thief        3   Base
Feena     Dancer       9   21   5   0   9  21  14   7   0
Maris     Falcoknight 11   38  24   3  21  23  19  20  12
Etzel     Bishop      17   41   1  18  20  24  14  15  20
Jake      Paladin     15   43  22   1  17  23  23  19   9
Beck      Bishop       7   35   8   5   8  12   8   9   9
Est       Paladin      6   39  25*  1  18  25* 22  21   6

Chapter 19: 5/126

Bumrush the throne. Feena dances Marth on turn 1, then later is Warped to dance him to the throne, allowing him to avoid the ballistae. I completely ignore the scrubguard, instead opting to let thieves murder Roshea and then kill the rest of them myself. Don't buy anything... nothing really to buy. Jake gets the Dracoshield, Etzel gets the Spirit Dust.

Name      Class       Lvl  HP  St  Ma  Sk  Sp  Lk  De  Rs
Marth     Lord        25   41  22   0  25  25  22  17   0
Draug     Paladin     16   46  24   1  22  24  13  22   7
Gordin    Dracoknight 20*  57  26*  0  26* 23* 24  29   5
Julian    Thief       24   43  19   0  18  25  22  20   0
Rickard   Thief        3   Base
Feena     Dancer      10   21   6   0  10  21  15   7   0
Maris     Falcoknight 12   38  24   3  21  23  20  20  12
Etzel     Bishop      18   42   1  21  20  25* 15  15  21
Jake      Paladin     15   43  22   1  17  23  23  21   9
Beck      Bishop       7   35   8   5   8  12   8   9   9
Est       Paladin      6   39  25*  1  18  25* 22  21   6

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Chapter 20: 5/131

I do what I can here, but this is a stupid mission. Gordin soloes the throne room with only his awesomeness, and OHKOs Hardin with a Silver Axe crit, just because. I ditch two chests: Master Seal and Brave Bow, simply because the Brave Bow is one that I can't use (I have no Bow user). Feena Warping makes up for Marth needing to grab the Brave Sword chest. Dracoknight Draug with Lifesphere and Starsphere solos the Paladins near the beginning of the map, which also helps.

Also, I'm adding the Shield of Seals boosts to Marth's stats manually since it's basically a pseudopromotion for him.


Name      Class       Lvl  HP  St  Ma  Sk  Sp  Lk  De  Rs
Marth     Lord        26   42  24   2  27* 27* 24  19   2
Draug     Paladin     19   46  24   1  24  24  14  24   7
Gordin    Berserker   20*  60* 30*  0  23  28* 22* 24*   0
Julian    Thief       25   43  20   0  18  25  22  20   0
Rickard   Thief        3   Base
Feena     Dancer      11   22   7   0  11  21  16   7   0
Maris     Falcoknight 13   38  24   3  22  23  20  20  13
Etzel     Bishop      20*  44   1  22  21  25* 15  16  22
Jake      Paladin     15   43  22   1  17  23  23  21   9
Beck      Bishop       7   35   8   5   8  12   8   9   9
Est       Paladin      9   42  25*  1  21  25* 24  22   6

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Finally Started.

Did Armour Knight MU, just clicked random options for his build. Stats through prolouge:

Marth    Lord           08.14     28   10   12   12   11   9    0   D Sword
MU       Knight         09.12     28   14   11    2    9  20*   0   C Lance
Cecile   Cavalier       09.35     24   11   12   13    8   8    0   D Sword E Lance

Marth is a lot better in this game. MU never proc'd a point of speed, but that was fine by me, all he did was hit stuff hard enough for Cecile to pick up the kills.

Chapter 1 5/5 Turns

Cecile and Marth blasted through all the bandits, and Marth talked to Lawrence on turn 4. Seized on turn 5. Arran picked up the money and bought a lot of Javelins.

Marth    Lord           08.29     28   10   12   12   11   9    0   D Sword
Cecile   Cavalier       10.85     24   11   13   14    9   8    0   D Sword E Lance

Chapter 2 6/11 Turns

Jesus christ, silver swords already?

Missed the Lady Sword sadly, I needed one more unit. Catria recruited Warren on turn 2, and they moved out of the way of any combat. Marth and Cecile both one rounded the cavs with Iron/Steel respectively, so they didn't pose too much of a threat. Didn't get to kill the boss, but w/e. Marth had to dodge a 44 displayed hit attack from the boss to win this chapter.

Marth    Lord           08.29     28   10   0    12   12   11   9    0   D Sword
Cecile   Cavalier       10.85     24   11   2    13   14    9   8    0   D Sword E Lance

Chapter 3 15/26 Turns

Marth had to run through the middle unarmed, so Matthis wouldn't die :facepalm: Fourtunately, Cecile, somehow didn't one round Matthis, so that allowed her to take out the ballistae which allowed Palla to assist her in taking out the cavs. Broke Palla's Silver Lance, but got another one and still have Arran's, so nbd.

Marth    Lord           09.71     29   11   0    13   12   12   9    0   D Sword
Cecile   Cavalier       13.65     26   13   2    16   15   10  10    0   C Sword D Lance
Palla    Peg. Knight    15.33     26   14   2    16   17   12  10    6   B Lance
Matthis  Cavalier       04.00     Base 

Chapter 3x 6/32 Turns

First of, Matthis is a fucking winner:


Palla baited the enemies chasing Wrys (meaning she had to dodge a steel bow archer or an iron lance knight) and Marth used his Rapier to take out one of the Knights. The other 2 knights at the start, as seen by the pic above, went after Matthis, and failed to kill him. Rest of the map is trivial.

Marth    Lord           10.05     29   12   0    14   13   13   9    0   D Sword
Cecile   Cavalier       13.93     26   13   2    16   15   10  10    0   C Sword D Lance
Palla    Peg. Knight    15.89     26   14   2    16   17   12  10    6   B Lance
Matthis  Cavalier       05.67     22    8   0     4    8    1   9    0   D Lance E Sword

Chapter 4 - 3/35 Turns

Yumina surrounded herself with enemies, and rescued Marth on turn 2. Sirius stole Ogma's vulnerary, and ate it in front of the boss on turn 2, and finished him on turn 3. Yubello died, but it was inevitable. Reclassed Matthis to merc just cause.


Marth    Lord           10.33     29   12   0    14   13   13   9    0   D Sword
Cecile   Cavalier       14.21     27   14   2    16   15   10  10    0   C Sword D Lance
Palla    Cavalier       16.29     29   16   0    14   16   12  12    1   B Lance
Matthis  Mercenary      06.20     23    8   0    10   11    1   7    0   E Sword

Chapter 5 - 5/40 Turns

Arena'd Palla up to level 20 and promoted her. She was a Dracoknight here.

Palla rushed the boss (she wasn't 0HKO'd by the Arrowspate) and took out all the enemies except the single ballistae. (Not the boss). She then chased down the master seal thief. Marth ran to the throne, while Cecile and Matthis killed mages. Rickard assisted Matthis because Matthis couldn't double.

Marth    Lord           10.41     29   12   0    14   13   13   9    0   D Sword
Cecile   Cavalier       14.69     27   14   2    16   15   10  10    0   C Sword D Lance
Palla    Cavalier   20//03.56     37   23   1    22   19   13  17    4   A Lance E Axe
Matthis  Cavalier       06.87     23    9   0     4    8    1   9    0   D Lance E Sword
Rickard  Thief          03.40     Base

Chapter 6 6/46 Turns

Palla killed everything, blah blah blah.

Lang is just sad:


Got all the shards, missed whatever was in the south chest.

Marth    Lord            10.41     29   12   0    14   13   13   9    0   D Sword
Cecile   Peg. Knight     15.84     25   14   2    19   17   11   8    6   C Sword D Lance
Palla    Dracoknight  20/06.03     40   26   1    25   20   13  19    5   A Lance E Axe
Matthis  Cavalier        07.19     24   10   0     5    8    2   9    0   D Lance E Sword
Rickard  Thief           03.40     Base
Wendall  Sage         ??/07.00     Base

Chapter 6x 1/47 Turns

Arena'd Cecile to promotion.

Cecile killed Roro, Palla killed the knight, Wendall rescued Marth, who seize.

Marth    Lord            10.41     29   12   0    14   13   13   9    0   D Sword
Cecile   Dracoknight  20/01.50     33   20   4    23   21   12  14    3   C Lance E Axe
Palla    Sniper       20/06.15     44   24   1    28   22   13  16    5   A Lance C Bow
Matthis  Dark Mage       07.19     22    5   2     4    5    2   6    3   E Tome
Rickard  Thief           03.40     Base
Wendall  Sage         ??/07.28     Base
Caeser   Mercenary       08.00     Base

Edited by General_Horace
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Chapter 20x: 4/135

Yawn. I burn an Again use to get Marth closer to the throne. Swordmasters aplenty so that the Berserkers can't hit the broad side of a barn. I even get Excalibur, for what it's worth.

Name      Class       Lvl  HP  St  Ma  Sk  Sp  Lk  De  Rs
Marth     Lord        27   43  25   2  27* 27* 26  19   2
Draug     Paladin     19   46  24   1  24  24  14  24   7
Gordin    Hero        20*  60* 25*  0  30* 26* 24  25*  0
Julian    Thief       25   43  20   0  18  25  22  20   0
Rickard   Thief        3   Base
Feena     Dancer      11   22   7   0  11  21  16   7   0
Maris     Falcoknight 13   38  24   3  22  23  20  20  13
Etzel     Bishop      20*  44   1  22  21  25* 15  16  22
Jake      Paladin     15   43  22   1  17  23  23  21   9
Beck      Bishop       7   35   8   5   8  12   8   9   9
Est       Paladin      9   42  25*  1  21  25* 24  22   6

Edited by Seven Deadly Sins
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Chapter 7 - 6/53 Turns

Palla 0RKO'd Astram with an unforged Javelin, and proceeded to 0RKO the rest of his gang too. Feena died on turn 1, Navarre on turn 3, but Navarre took out some hunters and thieves before going down. Cecile went north cleaning up thieves, and took the bosskill. Caeser even killed something this chapter. Got the hidden physic staff, courtesy of Arran.

Marth    Lord            10.41     29   12   0    14   13   13   9    0   D Sword
Cecile   Dracoknight  20/03.06     35   20   4    24   23   14  14    3   C Lance E Axe
Palla    Sniper       20/08.64     41   26   1    26   20   14  20    5   A Lance E Axe
Matthis  Dark Mage       07.29     22    5   2     4    5    2   6    3   E Tome
Rickard  Thief           03.40     Base
Wendall  Sage         ??/07.28     Base
Caeser   Mercenary       07.50     Base

Chapter 8 - 5/58 Turns

Burned a rescued staff use here to recruit George. Palla killed all of Hardin's General's sans 1 with a Javelin, and Caeser picked up the final one with an armourslayer. Arena'd Matthis in hopes of proc'ing magic, but he got strength instead. :facepalm:

Marth    Lord            11.33     30   13   0    15   13   13   9    0   C Sword
Cecile   Dracoknight  20/04.09     36   20   4    25   23   14  15    3   C Lance E Axe
Palla    Sniper       20/09.97     43   26   1    26   21   14  20    5   A Lance E Axe
Matthis  Dark Mage       08.41     23    6   2     4    6    2   6    3   E Tome
Rickard  Thief           03.51     Base
Wendall  Sage         ??/07.87     Base
Caeser   Mercenary       08.50     27    9   0    12   12    7   8    0   C Sword

Edited by General_Horace
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Chapter 21: 7/142

I almost forgot that I needed to go get Starlight, which would have been pretty stupid. I forge +2 onto a Dragonpike, which allows Maris to OHKO Wyverns. I also buy EVERY SINGLE STAT BOOSTER, and I've given them out. My team now owns.

Stat booster distribution:

Seraph Robe x3 - Est, Jake, Maris

Energy Drop x3 - Draug, Jake x2

Spirit Dust x3 - Etzel x3

Secret Book x3 - Jake x3

Speedwing x3 - Maris, Julian, Jake

Goddess Icon x3 - Etzel, Draug x2

Dracoshield x3 - Jake, Marth, Maris

Talisman x5 - All on Marth

Arms Scroll x3 - Julian (A Swords), Jake (B Axes), Maris (B Lances)

Name      Class       Lvl  HP  St  Ma  Sk  Sp  Lk  De  Rs  Weapon Levels
Marth     Lord        29   45  26   2  27* 27* 28  21  12  A Swords
Draug     Paladin     20*  47  25*  1  25  25* 18  25   7  A Lances, E Swords
Gordin    Hero        20*  60* 25*  0  30* 26* 24  25*  5  A Axes, D Swords
Julian    Thief       26   43  20*  0  19  28  23  20   0  A Swords
Rickard   Thief        3   Base
Feena     Dancer      12   23   8   0  12  22  16   7   0  E Swords
Maris     Falcoknight 15   46  24*  3  22  26* 21  22  13  B Swords, B Lances
Etzel     Sorceror    20*  44   2  29  21  25* 17  17  19  A Tomes, B Staves
Jake      Berserker   16   52  28   0  20  28* 22* 21   3  B Axes
Beck      Bishop       8   36   8   5   8  13   9   9   9  E Tomes, D Staves
Est       Paladin     13   51  25*  1  23  25* 25* 22   6  B Lances, E Swords

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Chapter 9 - 8/66 Turns

Palla used a pure water and went to town, while Wendall and Cecile provided backup. Marth managed to get a thief kill, along with Caeser picking up a few, and Matthis one. Got the boots and shards, and Minerva.

Rescued Marth to get to the throne obviously.

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Chapter 10 3/69 Turns

Marth ran to the throne, while my dracoknights took care of everything else. Grabbed the buillon.

Chapter 10x - 2/71 Turns

Arena'd some units to level up, and reclassed my dracoknights to Swordmasters. Killed the real Roro with Cecile on turn 2, he was the top right one.

Marth    Lord            13.04     32   14   0    17   15   14  11    0   C Sword
Cecile   Paladin      20/07.59     39   21   5    28   23   15  15    6   C Lance E Axe
Palla    Swordmaster  20/12.49     45   23   1    29   29   15  16    5   A Lance E Axe
Matthis  Dark Mage       10.12     24    7   3     5    6    2   6    4   E Tome
Rickard  Thief           03.51     Base
Wendall  Sage         ??/09.31     26    3   9     6   14    6   5    7   B Tome D Staff
Caeser   Mercenary       10.34     28   10   0    13   14    8   8    0   C Sword
Minerva  Swordmaster  ??/05.31     35   11   1    19   22   11  12    3   C Sword

Chapter 11 9/80 Turns

Marth max moved to the throne, and my draconknights took out the dragons. Picked up two dragonpikes, plan on forging one for Minerva, as she cannot 0HKO them (Palla and Cecile double and one round with iron).

Wendall pulled out Excalibur occasionally.

Marth    Lord            13.33     32   14   0    17   15   14  11    0   C Sword
Cecile   Dracoknight  20/09.98     38   23   5    26   23   16  17    3   B Lance E Axe
Palla    Dracoknight  20/13.95     45   26   1    26   23   15  20    5   A Lance E Axe
Matthis  Dark Mage       10.42     24    7   3     5    6    2   6    4   E Tome
Rickard  Thief           03.62     Base
Wendall  Sage         ??/10.20     26    3  10     6   14    6   5    7   B Tome D Staff
Caeser   Mercenary       10.53     28   10   0    13   14    8   8    0   C Sword
Minerva  Dracoknight  ??/05.96     33   14   1    13   16   11  16    3   C Sword
Dice     Fighter         12.40     32   15   0     7   11    6   8    0   C Axe

EDIT: Yay, I've got Roro now. Soren was terrible.

Edited by General_Horace
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Some free time today got me all the way to the Final Chapter. Here's how it went down.

I had some fun in this level. Rody with the starsphere got warped to the boss area and solo'd everything with a bunch of Javelins. Everyone else just took the circuit to the throne.

Chapter 19: 7/135

Name      Class       Lv  HP St Ma Sk Sp Lk De Rs
Marth     Lord        25  43 21  0 23 24 24 16  1
Rody      General     20  60 26  1 25 21 25 30  3  
Linde     Bishop      11  35  1 17 17 25 26  5 13
Shiida    Paladin     14  49 20  1 23 25 25 13  9 
Norne     Paladin     13  50 23  1 20 25 17 17  7
Navarre   Paladin     12  45 23  1 20 24 19 18  7
Roger     Dracoknight 15  46 26  1 23 23 20 18  3
Belf      Swordmaster 11  50 21  1 29 30 12 14  3        
Samson    Sniper       6  35 15  1 13 18 12 13  3
Frost 	  Bishop       6  healbot	
Astram    Bishop       5  healbot
Rickard   Thief        3  base

Rushed the throne through the treasure room while grabbing most of the important stuff (Braves, Bullion, and Again). Navarre crit killed Hardain with the Mercurius saving from burning an Again staff. Also tried to have Shiida waste what was left on the Wing Spear forge on the reinforcement Paladins, but it didn't turn out so well because her defense sucks even as a General.

Chapter 20: 6/141

Name      Class       Lv  HP St Ma Sk Sp Lk De Rs
Marth     Lord        25  43 21  0 23 24 24 16  1
Rody      Paladin     20  54 25  1 27 25 25 23  6
Linde     Bishop      12  36  1 19 18 25 27  5 13
Shiida    Paladin     15  50 20  1 24 25 25 14  9
Norne     Paladin     15  52 25  1 22 25 18 17  7
Navarre   Swordmaster 13  46 21  1 27 30 20 16  4
Roger     Dracoknight 16  46 26  1 23 23 20 18  3
Belf      Swordmaster 12  51 21  1 29 30 16 16  3       
Samson    Sniper       6  35 15  1 13 18 12 13  3
Frost 	  Bishop       6  healbot	
Astram    Bishop       5  healbot
Rickard   Thief        3  base

Gaidens suck. Skipped all the treasure. Also it's around this point I thought it would be funny to make Samson a serious unit via the secret shop instead of just being a chipper.

Chapter 20x: 5/146

Name      Class       Lv  HP St Ma Sk Sp Lk De Rs
Marth     Lord        26  44 24  2 25 27 22 19  3
Rody      Paladin     20  54 25  1 27 25 25 23  6
Linde     Bishop      14  36  1 19 19 25 29  5 13
Shiida    Swordmaster 15  50 18  1 29 30 30 12  6
Norne     Swordmaster 15  52 23  1 29 30 18 15  4
Navarre   Swordmaster 14  47 21  1 27 30 21 16  4
Roger     Swordmaster 17  48 24  1 29 30 16 16  3
Belf      Swordmaster 13  52 21  1 29 30 16 16  3     
Samson    Sniper       6  35 15  1 13 18 12 13  3
Frost 	  Bishop       6  healbot	
Astram    Bishop       5  healbot
Rickard   Thief        3  base

Chapter 21: 7/153

Getting Starlight made this level a pain, so I used to 2/6 Again staff uses to get it done. Also bought all the stat boosters. Stats are with the boosts added on.

Seraph Robes: Lindex2 Marth

Energy Drop: Navarre Shiida x2

Spirit Dust: Lindex3

Secret Book: Samsonx3

Speedwings: Samsonx3

Goddess Icons: Belfx3

DracoShield: Shiidax2 Norne

Talisman: Marthx4

Arms scroll: Samsonx2(A bows) Shiida(B swords)

Name      Class       Lv  HP St Ma Sk Sp Lk De Rs
Marth     Lord        28  53 26  2 26 27 28 17 11
Rody      Paladin     20  54 25  1 27 25 25 23  6
Linde     Bishop      16  50  1 25 21 25 30  5 15
Shiida    Swordmaster 16  51 23  1 29 30 30 17  6
Norne     Falcoknight 16  51 24  3 24 26 19 18 10
Navarre   Swordmaster 15  48 24  1 28 30 21 17  4
Roger     Dracoknight 19  48 26  1 23 23 22 19  4
Belf      Swordmaster 13  52 21  1 29 30 22 16  3
Samson    Sniper       7  35 16  1 20 25 13 14  3
Astram    Bishop       7  healbot
Frost 	  Bishop       7  healbot
Rickard   Thief        3  base

Chapter 22: 4/157

Sold a bunch of stuff and arena'd everyone for a level or two depending. Samson is getting pretty good, but other than that these last few chapters are a pretty standard rush to the throne so not much to comment on really. Used another Again staff and broke it so I have 3 uses left. Also warped Samson for the boss kill and have 2 uses of that left.

Name      Class       Lv  HP St Ma Sk Sp Lk De Rs
Marth     Lord        28  53 26  2 26 27 28 17 11
Rody      Paladin     20  54 25  1 27 25 25 23  6
Linde     Bishop      16  50  1 25 21 25 30  5 15
Shiida    Swordmaster 17  52 23  1 29 30 30 17  6
Norne     Falcoknight 17  51 24  3 25 26 19 18 11
Navarre   Swordmaster 17  49 24  1 29 30 23 17  4 
Roger     Berserker   20  53 29  3 21 28 22 15  1
Belf      Swordmaster 17  55 23  1 29 30 25 16  3
Samson    Sniper      14  42 22  1 21 26 19 17  3
Astram    Bishop       7  healbot
Frost 	  Bishop       8  healbot
Rickard   Thief        3  base

Chapter 23: 4/161

Throne rush with Linde killing Garnef. Had to use another warp use leaving me with 1 use of that, a whole Again staff and 4 rescues for the Final. Also Frost got to B staffs and Astram was at C letting them use Again and Warp respectively which is gonna be crucial for a 1 turn Finale.

Name      Class       Lv  HP St Ma Sk Sp Lk De Rs
Marth     Lord        29  54 27  2 26 27 29 19 11
Rody      Paladin     20  54 25  1 27 25 25 23  6
Linde     Bishop      17  50  1 25 22 25 30  5 16
Shiida    Swordmaster 18  53 23  1 29 30 30 17  6 
Norne     Falcoknight 18  52 24  3 25 26 19 18 11
Navarre   Swordmaster 18  50 24  1 29 30 23 17  4
Roger     Berserker   20  53 29  3 21 28 22 15  1
Belf      Swordmaster 13  56 24  1 29 30 26 16  3  
Samson    Sniper      15  43 23  1 22 27 20 17  3
Astram    Bishop       8  healbot
Frost 	  Bishop       8  healbot
Rickard   Thief        3  base

Final Chapter: 1/162

Astram warps Sirius who has the rescue staff and begins a rescue/recruit chain. Last Sister rescues Shiida to kill Elice(wonder how Marth is gonna feel about that). Rody and Marth moved full movement and both got Again'd. Rody killed the Dragon blocking the way to Medeus and Marth Crit killed him. Fun times.

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Chapter 22: 5/147

Meh chapter, especially with my horde rolling through. Magic Dragons are kinda suck. Screw the treasure, just blitz the throne.

Name      Class       Lvl  HP  St  Ma  Sk  Sp  Lk  De  Rs  Weapon Levels
Marth     Lord        30   46  26   2  27* 27* 29  22  12  A Swords
Draug     Paladin     20*  47  25*  1  25  25* 18  25   7  A Lances, E Swords
Gordin    Hero        20*  60* 25*  0  30* 26* 24  25*  5  A Axes, D Swords
Julian    Thief       26   43  20*  0  19  28  23  20   0  A Swords
Rickard   Thief        3   Base
Feena     Dancer      13   24   9   0  13  23  17   7   0  E Swords
Maris     Falcoknight 18   49  24*  3  23  26* 23  22  14  B Swords, B Lances
Etzel     Sorceror    20*  44   2  29  21  25* 17  17  19  A Tomes, B Staves
Jake      Berserker   16   52  28   0  20  28* 22* 21   3  B Axes
Beck      Bishop       8   36   8   5   8  13   9   9   9  E Tomes, D Staves
Est       Paladin     13   51  25*  1  23  25* 25* 22   6  B Lances, E Swords

Chapter 23: 4/151

Another stupid chapter. Glower sorcs are retarded, Gordin is again a boss by standing and pulling dragons and gharnefs and other shit. Etzel kills Gharnef in one shot with a Starlight crit. Beck gets C Staves.

Name      Class       Lvl  HP  St  Ma  Sk  Sp  Lk  De  Rs  Weapon Levels
Marth     Lord        30   46  26   2  27* 27* 29  22  12  A Swords
Draug     Paladin     20*  47  25*  1  25  25* 18  25   7  A Lances, E Swords
Gordin    Hero        20*  60* 25*  0  30* 26* 24  25*  5  A Axes, D Swords
Julian    Thief       28   44  20*  0  21  29  24  20   0  A Swords
Rickard   Thief        3   Base
Feena     Dancer      13   24   9   0  13  23  17   7   0  E Swords
Maris     Falcoknight 19   50  24*  3  23  26* 23  22  14  B Swords, B Lances
Etzel     Sorceror    20*  44   2  29  21  25* 17  17  19  A Tomes, B Staves
Jake      Berserker   17   53  29   0  20  28* 22* 21   3  B Axes
Beck      Bishop       8   36   8   5   8  13   9   9   9  E Tomes, D Staves
Est       Swordmaster 14   51  24*  1  29* 30* 29  20   3  C Swords

Chapter 24: 1/152

I was originally considering warping Julian so that he could give Rescue to Lena, who would then Rescue Marth for the critkill, but I figure that not only does that mess with the spirit of the no warpskipping rule, it's also no fun. Instead, I decide to dick around with this chapter. This is H1, who the hell needs Marth and Falchion when you've got ETZEL? Oh, and 5 uses of the Again staff.

Beck (and his fancy new C Staves) warps Julian to Lena for recruitment. Sirius moves his full movement, and Etzel casts Again on him. Two bishops down. Nyna gets the Rescue staff from Sirius, and Rescues Merric. Repeat for Minerva. With all 4 bishops recruited, it's time to toast the dragon. Feena dances Etzel, who moves his full movement and Again staffs Feena. Repeat this, and Etzel should now be next to Lena. He crits Medeus with Excalibur for 63 damage, then Lena trades Etzel for the last remaining Again Staff. She rejuvenates Etzel, who proceeds to crit AGAIN, thoroughly blowing the ever-loving shit out of Medeus' candy ass.

Sweet, sweet victory.

As is the custom... character writeups!

Marth - This guy is obvious. You kinda need him if only to be a warm lump of flesh to sit on the throne. The fact that he kicked ass was a huge perk though, as it let me extend my forces a lot farther than I would normally with him leading the charge. Sword lock sucks, though, and he's got a lot of shortcomings. It's nice that he gets a pseudopromotion from the Shield of Seals, but it's not only too little too late, but it also robs the rest of your army of a vital resource. Still, he contributed a hell of a lot.

Draug - One of the bigger letdowns, considering he was my first pick. I think Draug is a bit overrated right now- definitely not as good as the cavs IMO due to his irritatingly low HP growth. Got a bit def blessed near the end, though, which helped smooth things out.

Gordin - WHAT THE DICKS. Seriously, I must have some kind of soul connection with this dude or something, because I pick him in drafts and he becomes a damn god. He did most of the heavy lifting in this draft, something I expected out of Draug or MAYBE one of my growth units.

Julian - Remarkably effective. Like Marth, sword-lock and no promotion hurts, as well as losing out on 10 levels of EXP due to said lack of promotion. The only thing I will note is that having a combat thief is very useful, since it means you don't have to sacrifice a combat deployment slot for thieving.

Rickard - "wat"

Feena - This girl should be 100% free in every draft. I can basically attest my success in this draft directly to her, simply because there's literally no way to speed up maps past a certain point without her. She really opens up possibilities, especially when combined with the Warp staff to get her next to Marth.

Etzel - The other HUGE part of my success. OHKOing flying dragons with Excalibur, being my only reliable staffbot, and charging ahead dispatching enemies with ease.

USING PHYSIC (like a boss)

KILLING WYVERNS (like a boss)

WARPING DANCERS (like a boss)

KILLING GHARNEF (like a boss)

KILLING MEDEUS (like a boss)

Really, what more can I say?

Maris - Bugger off, Grandjackal. If she wasn't so bloody defense and resistance blessed, she probably would have been the least effective member of my team (and with her low Speed, she almost was in some ways). However, pouring enough money into a character will make them usable in H1... to an extent.

Jake - See above, subtract a master seal and defensive blessing. Jake was a lot of effort to get a "mediocre" unit, just like Maris. With plenty of resources and a little luck, he's usable... but just barely.

Beck - Ugh, don't let dondon talk me into getting another shitty character "because his weapon levels are good". His stats are awful, bow rank is meh in this game, and his growths aren't on par with Jake's to justify his low starting stats. I was thinking of doing what Oval did with Samson, but I just couldn't justify pouring that much cash into what I had basically turned into an assy staffbot all game. Still, having a throwaway character to use for staffbotting was kinda nice.

Est - See Jake and Maris, except instead of getting a shitty unit, I got an amazing unit. Still pretty awful on any difficulty but H1, but if you're going to sink some money into a character on H1 for the arena, Est is a remarkably not bad choice, most definitely. She was quite the boon to my team once she showed up.

All in all, a fun run, and AN ACTUALLY COMPLETED DRAFT PLAYTHROUGH HOLY CRAP. Fun racing with you guys (especially Oval), and I'm looking forward to the next one I participate in.

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  • 6 months later...

NO, THIS IS NOT DEAD! Finally got DeSmeME to not lag so much, so I can actually play the game!


Got Ogma, and he killed stuff. Marth is adept at shooting himself in the foot. The End.

Chapter 1 - 6/6

Marth's durability was garbage, and Arran wasn't much better. MU deployed as a flying unit to get my Bullion.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord        8.86  28  10    0   10   10   11    8    0
Arran     Paladin     3.84  26  10    1   12   11    4   10    6

Chapter 2 - 6/12

Dear me, everyone's made of paper! Managed to bait the boss with Marth, then used Warren as a distraction so Marth could hightail it to the throne. Catria's awesome.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord        9.59  29  10    0   11   11   12    8    0
Arran     Paladin     4.50  27  10    1   12   11    4   10    6
Catria    Peggy       8.20  24   9    2   10   16   11    8    6

Chapter 3 - 19/31

I don't care that Bord took me extra turns. His Hammer made life a lot easier for me. Palla rocks. Too bad I didn't draft her.

Reclassed Arran to Dracoknight, and Catria to Cavalier. Arran handily took out the enemy flying units, while Catria took out all the other horse units, and some leftovers. Marth was decoration.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord        9.59  29  10    0   11   11   12    8    0
Arran     Drakky      6.48  26  11    1   12   11    4   12    3
Catria    Cavalier    9.56  27  11    0    7   16   12   11    0
Bord      Fighter     4.87  24  11    0   10    6    2    6    0

Chapter 3x - 6/37

Wrys died, and not a single damn was given.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord        9.93  29  10    0   11   11   12    8    0
Arran     Drakky      6.96  26  11    1   12   11    4   12    3
Catria    Cavalier    9.65  27  11    0    7   16   12   11    0
Bord      Fighter     6.34  26  12    0   12    7    3    6    0

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Chapter 4 - 7/44

Should've been six turns, but I moved Marth on the wrong turn. . .

Reclassed Arran to Swordmaster and Bord to Mercenary.

Ogma couldn't take hits, so Sirius wound up being bait. Everyone else cleaned up near the starting point. Arran ran around to smack the boss twice in the face, then Ogma finished. Missed all the villages, but bleh.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       10.25  30  11    0   11   12   13    9    0
Arran     Swordity    7.26  28   9    1   18   17    4    8    3
Catria    Cavalier   10.02  28  11    0    8   17   13   12    0
Bord      Mercenary   6.71  22   9    0   17   10    3    8    0
Ogma      Mercenary  11.79  31  10    0   15   14    8   10    0

Chapter 5 - 6/50

Reclassed Bord to Pirate, Arran to Paladin, and Ogma to Cavalier.

I had to hang back a bit, because the RNG kept killing Marth. Eventually, I got a run where he dodged a Stonehoist, meaning that the rest of it wasn't too bad. Recruited Barst so I wouldn't have to fight him, and Rickard so I can start thieving.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       10.53  30  11    0   11   12   13    9    0
Arran     Paladin     7.70  28  11    1   12   11    4   10    6
Catria    Cavalier   10.64  28  11    0    8   17   13   12    0
Bord      Pirate      7.27  23  12    0   11    9    4    7    0
Ogma      Cavalier   13.84  32  11    0   10   13   10   12    1
Rickard   Thief       3.30  Base everything

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New day, new post, and that chapter took way too long.

Chapter 6 - 11/61

Hit the arena for several characters (Ogma for some lance rank, Bord so that he'd gain Strength so he could OHKO a mage). Taurus to Bord, Gemini to Catria.

I didn't have problems with Lang. I had problems with the trollish knights and whatnot he surrounded himself with, because my sturdiest units were looking at 4HKOs or so (worse with the Bishops). As a result, it took me a long, LONG time to clear out enough space so that Ogma and Marth could take him off his throne. Snagged everything that mattered, so yay.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       11.66  31  11    0   11   12   14   10    0
Arran     Paladin     8.15  28  11    1   13   11    4   10    6
Catria    Cavalier   13.30  31  11    0   10   19   14   13    0
Bord      Pirate      9.64  25  13    0   12    9    5    7    0
Ogma      Cavalier   15.91  33  11    0   12   14   11   13    2
Rickard   Thief       4.32  19   6    0    4   10    1    3    0

Chapter 6x - 1/62

Reclassed Arran to Dracoknight, Catria to Pegasus Knight, and Ogma to Staff Thingy. Catria criticaled once and hit again, thus clearing the map for me. Everything else should be self-explanatory.

Marth gave a friendship speech to Caesar.

No stats, since no one leveled, and I don't feel like writing out all the class changes.

Chapter 7 - 7/69


Reclassed Bord to Mercenary, and Ogma and Radd to Cavalier. Catria has Gemini, Bord has Taurus, and Radd has Libra. Aquarius is in storage.

MU grabbed the Physic staff, and everyone else made a mad dash towards the boss, more or less. Catria + max Speed + Scorpio could double the boss. Radd managed to sneak in some experience. Navarre died, but bleh. I didn't recruit him.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       11.66  31  11    0   11   12   14   10    0
Arran     Drakky      8.78  26  12    1   13   11    4   12    3
Catria    Peggy      15.39  31  10    2   13   20   15   13    6
Bord      Mercenary  10.49  26  10    0   20   10    6    8    0
Ogma      Cavalier   17.02  35  13    0   13   15   12   15    2
Rickard   Thief       4.42  19   6    0    4   10    1    3    0
Radd      Cavalier    6.27  24   7    0    4    8    1    8    0

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Chapter 8 - 4/73

"Jeorge, can you join us?"

"Uh, no."


"Oh, all right."

Promoted Catria and reclassed her to General. Reclassed Bord to Pirate. Ogma got Scorpio, Marth held on to Cancer (which probably saved him).

Everything that Catria touched died. Broke a Silver Lance in the process, but hey~! Gordin was *just* awesome enough as a Cavalier to withstand a Sniper shot. Managed some free experience on the very last turn.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       11.66  31  11    0   11   12   14   10    0
Arran     Drakky      8.95  26  12    1   13   11    4   12    3
Catria    General     2.28  44  17    1   13   17   18   23    3
Bord      Pirate     11.12  27  14    0   14   10    7    7    0
Ogma      Cavalier   17.92  35  13    0   13   15   12   15    2
Rickard   Thief       4.42  19   6    0    4   10    1    3    0
Radd      Cavalier    6.97  24   7    0    4    8    1    8    0
Jeorge    Sniper      5.10  Base everything

Chapter 9 - 7/80

Promoted Ogma and reclass him, Catria, and Jeorge to Dracoknights. Reclassed Radd to Staff Thingy.

Recruited Minerva for Hauteclere, not realizing that she had Virgo. WHEE~! Got all the treasure, killed all the enemies, poor Radd, etc.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       11.66  31  11    0   11   12   14   10    0
Arran     Drakky      9.43  26  12    1   13   12    4   12    3
Catria    Drakky      4.20  38  19    1   17   21   18   18    3
Bord      Pirate     11.49  27  14    0   14   10    7    7    0
Ogma      Drakky      2.90  39  16    1   17   16   13   19    5
Rickard   Thief       4.42  19   6    0    4   10    1    3    0
Radd      Curate      7.95  23   3    1    3    7    1    5    6
Jeorge    Drakky      5.55  Base everything

Chapter 10 - 5/85

Extra turn for. . .Silence. Because I can.

Reclassed Jeorge to Staff Thingy, because Arran can still OHKO mages with his Silver Lance. Gave Bord a couple of arena levels so he'd have enough Speed (with Scorpio) to murder the Worm Bishop. Radd got a level in the arena as a Merc, and Jeorge got one, too, so they wouldn't level as Staff Thingys.

Merric survived, thanks to some creative positioning, Catria, and Ogma. Got Ellerean, the two back treasure chests (including a much-needed Bullion), the Silver Card, and a reason to go to town on Roro. All of them.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       11.66  31  11    0   11   12   14   10    0
Arran     Drakky      9.72  26  12    1   13   12    4   12    3
Catria    Drakky      5.06  39  19    1   17   22   18   18    3
Bord      Pirate     13.91  29  15    0   14   12    9    7    0
Ogma      Drakky      3.47  40  17    1   17   17   13   19    5
Rickard   Thief       4.42  19   6    0    4   10    1    3    0
Radd      Curate      8.76  23   4    1    4    8    1    6    6
Jeorge    Drakky      6.58  31   6    3    8   10    5   10    9
Elleran   Mage       10.10  Hi.

Chapter 10x - 3/88

Reclassed Catria and Jeorge to Swordmaster, Ogma to Paladin, Radd to Cavalier, and Bord to Mercenary.

The real Roro was in the center. ;/

On the upside, Ellerean could take a Devil Axe hit and live to tell about it. Radd as a Cavalier had just enough in him to take a hit, as well. As a result, I got quite a bit of experience off of those axe-wielding ninnies.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       11.78  31  11    0   11   12   14   10    0
Arran     Drakky      9.72  26  12    1   13   12    4   12    3
Catria    Swordity    6.35  42  17    1   24   29   19   15    3
Bord      Mercenary  14.39  30  13    0   20   13   10    8    0
Ogma      Paladin     3.95  40  17    1   17   17   13   19    5
Rickard   Thief       4.42  19   6    0    4   10    1    3    0
Radd      Cavalier   10.11  25  10    0    7   11    2   10    0
Jeorge    Swordity    7.28  31  11    1   17   20    5   14    3
Elleran   Mage       10.84  Hi.

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Chapter 11 - 15/103

Reclassed Catria to Dracoknight, Ogma to Hero, Radd to Staff Thingy and Jeorge to Sniper.

I don't care that I took forever and a day, I couldn't figure out the movement pattern of those stupid Wyverns. Catria and Ogma got rid of most of them. Ellerean and Jeorge each claimed a Wyvern kill. Bord was bored (*is shot*), and three random promoted units ran around the desert, picking up everything in the process.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       12.08  32  12    0   12   13   15   10    0
Arran     Drakky     10.13  27  12    1   13   12    4   12    3
Catria    Drakky      9.31  43  22    1   20   23   19   20    4
Bord      Mercenary  15.65  31  14    0   20   13   10    9    0
Ogma      Hero        6.33  47  16    1   25   22   16   17    5
Rickard   Thief       4.42  19   6    0    4   10    1    3    0
Radd      Curate     11.61  24   5    1    6    9    3    6    6
Jeorge    Sniper      7.85  33  13    1   14   16    5   15    3
Elleran   Mage       13.30  28   1   10    6   12    3    8    3

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Chapter 12 - 10/113

Reclassed Ogma to Dracoknight, arena'd and promoted Bord, and reclassed him to Swordmaster (so he'd be useful on this map), and fed some arena levels to Ellerean. Gave Speedwings to Marth and Ellerean, and an Arms Scroll to Ellerean (for Excalibur). Arran got Scorpio. . .and I really don't remember the rest.

MVP of this map is Ellerean, for dodging two separate wyvern blasts that would've turned him into a pile of ash, AND for matching his level and Speed (19).

Ahem. . .fangirling aside, the point of this setup was for everyone to have at least 14 Speed, so nothing could double me. This allowed me to rotate my offensive units while Radd and the forts healed them. Delayed a bit around turn 7 to make sure that everyone would survive the final rush (spoiler: this is where Ellerean dodged a second time to save the run). Catria eventually got a break, so she chipped the boss with a Javelin, and Marth finished.

Darros survived, somehow.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       14.22  34  13    0   12   15*  17   10    1
Arran     Drakky     11.17  27  12    1   13   12    4   12    3
Catria    Drakky     11.82  45  23    1   21   23   21   21    4
Bord      Swordity    2.73  37  17    1   26   18   10   10    3
Ogma      Drakky      7.25  44  18    1   20   18   16   20    5
Rickard   Thief       4.42  19   6    0    4   10    1    3    0
Radd      Curate     13.51  25   6    1    7   10    4    6    7
Jeorge    Sniper      8.88  34  13    1   15   16    5   15    3
Elleran   Mage       19.75  33   1   11    9   19*   7    9    3

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  • 3 months later...

Clearing out my backlog, might as well start with a game I don't enjoy.

I obviously don't have the old savefile anymore, so started a new one. Unit stats out of Prologue:

MARTH     LORD       09.25   29 10 12 13 12 10 00 D SWORD
CECILE    CAVALIER   10.46   26 12 12 15 11 09 00 D LANCE D SWORD

Chapter 1 - 5/5 turns

Cecile didn't have enough durability to break Lorenz for the four turn... Oh well.

Arran got me the buillon.

Chapter 2 - 6/11 turns

Lady Sword get. Palla next chapter!

MARTH     LORD       11.48   31 12 13 13 14 11 00 C SWORD
CECILE    CAVALIER   12.74   28 12 13 17 12 09 00 D LANCE D SWORD

Chapter 3 - 14/25 turns

Keeping Matise alive was a PITA. Palla <3

MARTH     LORD       11.79   31 12 13 13 14 11 00 C SWORD
CECILE    CAVALIER   15.53   30 13 15 20 14 09 00 C LANCE D SWORD
PALLA     PEGASUS    14.40   28 13 15 17 13 11 07 B LANCE
MATTHIS   CAVALIER   04.00   21 07 03 07 01 09 00 D LANCE E SWORD

Chapter 3x - 6/31 turns

ran, killed stuff, etc.

MARTH     LORD       11.94   31 12 13 13 14 11 00 C SWORD
CECILE    CAVALIER   16.15   31 14 15 20 15 10 00 C LANCE D SWORD
PALLA     PEGASUS    15.03   29 13 16 17 13 11 07 B LANCE
MATTHIS   CAVALIER   05.30   22 08 03 08 01 10 00 D LANCE E SWORD

Chapter 4 - 3/34 turns

Sacrificed Yumina and Yubello, but oh well. Sirius killed the boss, Marth was rescued on turn 1 and ran, etc.

MARTH     LORD       12.24   32 13 13 14 15 12 00 C SWORD
CECILE    CAVALIER   16.28   31 14 15 20 15 10 00 C LANCE D SWORD
PALLA     PEGASUS    15.59   29 13 16 17 13 11 07 B LANCE
MATTHIS   CAVALIER   06.00   23 08 03 08 01 11 00 D LANCE E SWORD

Chapter 5 - 5/39 turns

Arena'd Cecile to promotion.


MARTH     LORD          14.33   33 14 15 15 17 13 00 C SWORD
CECILE    CAVALIER   20/02.28   39 20 22 22 19 11 06 C LANCE C SWORD
PALLA     PEGASUS       16.68   30 14 16 18 13 12 08 A LANCE
MATTHIS   CAVALIER      06.62   23 08 03 08 01 11 00 D LANCE E SWORD

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new day, new post

Chapter 6 - 6/45 turns

Arena'd Palla to promotion. Chapter was a cakewalk.

Chapter 6x - 1/46 turns.

Wendall get. He rescued Marth, Palla killed Roro.

MARTH     LORD          14.67   33 14 15 15 17 13 00 C SWORD
CECILE    PALADIN    20/02.28   40 20 24 23 20 12 06 B LANCE C SWORD
PALLA     PEGASUS    20/02.53   37 22 21 19 14 18 05 A LANCE E AXE
MATTHIS   CAVALIER      08.09   25 09 03 10 02 13 00 C LANCE E SWORD
WENDALL   SAGE       ??/07.24   26 08 05 13 04 05 06 B TOME D STAFF
CAESER    MERCENARY     07.00   26 08 11 11 06 08 00 C SWORD

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Restarting, and this time, I'm on cartridge.


I forgot to get Ogma's stats. Sorry~!

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord        8.88  28   8    0   10   11   11    9    0
Ogma      Mercenary  10.??  Oops

I may not have stats for a few chapters. Sorry!

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Chapter 1 - 5/5

Arran and Marth run forward, MU picks up the gold and buys some projectiles.

Chapter 2 - 7/12

Stupid boss was in my way. Got the Lady Sword and Warren, even if I didn't recruit the latter.

Chapter 3 - 18/30

Reclassed Catria to Cavalier for Lady Sword (which put a healthy dent in the ballista). Got Bord. Got the Master Seal. Turned Matthis into worm food. Palla got two straight Speed levels for me. Too bad I didn't draft her!

Chapter 3x - 6/36

Reclassed Bord to Pirate and Arran to Dracoknight. Arran flew over and made sure Wrys didn't see combat. Bord Hammered a Knight and sat on a fort. Everyone else ran to the throne.

Chapter 4 - 7/43

I have better things to use my Rescue staff on. Yumina and Sirius nearly died, but Sirius dodged, and Yumina doesn't go down so easily. Ogma had a field day with the assorted cast. Catria had to Lady Sword the pirates for a ORKO. Bleh.

Chapter 5 - 5/48

Reclassed Arran to Paladin and Ogma to Cavalier. Ogma recruited Barst and Julian recruited Rickard. If Rickard and Julian are both in range of the mage, the mage will attack Rickard. Bord walked on water to get to the fort cluster, while everyone else took the long way 'round. I used the save point to make sure that Bord would dodge the Stonehoist for one turn (Stonehoist's hit was stupidly low to begin with).

The next chapter's gonna suck big time. In preparation for it, Catria has Taurus and Gemini. Depending on how things go, Bord might get Taurus instead.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       11.53  30  10    0   11   12   14    9    0
Arran     Paladin     6.13  28  11    1   14   11    4   11    6
Catria    Cavalier   11.57  29  11    0   10   16   12   11    0
Bord      Pirate      4.40  20  11    0    7    8    3    6    0
Ogma      Cavalier   11.59  31  12    0   10   12    7   10    0
Rickard   Thief       3.50  Base everything

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Chapter 6 - 9/57

FIRST. . .Catria, Ogma, and Bord got some arena time.

Getting any sort of decent turn count on this chapter is insane. Arran got Gemini, and OHKO'd the mage in the treasure room, then raced left. Rickard looted the place. Catria took Taurus, and had enough oomph to kill both Bishops. Marth, Ogma, and Bord kept themselves busy with the enemies to the left. Marth opened the door, which wound up costing me a turn (somehow). Recruited Samto, then stole his stuff. Meanwhile, Frey, Norne, and Rickard followed Catria up the right side. Catria opened up her side, killed the mage, downed some healing, then did her best to join Marth and the others through the throne room. She dodged a Bishop, which guaranteed her survival. After that, it was clean-up, followed by Lang dying to Marth and Ogma.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       12.32  31  11    0   12   13   15    9    0
Arran     Paladin     7.37  29  11    1   14   11    4   11    6
Catria    Cavalier   14.73  31  12    0   12   16   15   12    0
Bord      Pirate      7.07  23  14    0    8   11    6    6    0
Ogma      Cavalier   14.52  33  15    0   10   14    8   12    0
Rickard   Thief       3.50  Base everything

Chapter 6x - 2/59

Reclassed Arran to General and Catria to Pegasus Knight.

Roro died, and no one really noticed. Decided against using Rescue, since this is a lame chapter to burn it on. Stats later.

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Chapter 7 - 7/64

Reclassed Arran to Dracoknight and Bord to Hunter. Radd got some arena time as a horse thingy. Catria got Cancer and Taurus.

If Feena runs towards the thief with the droppable Iron Sword, she'll live. Navarre ran around nicely, and did quite a bit of doubling with Scorpio in his lap. When all was said and done, the only things I missed were the Robe and Wo Dao. Catria and Arran flew forward, and Catria had enough durability to take an arrow and live. The boss went down to Catria and Arran. MU was deployed to get Physic.

Chapter 8 - 5/69

Reclassed Arran to General and Bord to Pirate. Arran got Taurus and Cancer. Catria kept Gemini. Radd got Libra. Bord got Scorpio.

This would've been a lot less if I was allowed to have Gordin enter combat. Cain nabbed a couple of Silver Lances and another Armorslayer. Ogma obtained Leo, then ran towards everyone else. Arran ran forward and tanked like a boss. I made sure to tick off the Sniper first, then got the attention of the armors. Bord was able to double with a Hammer with Scorpio. Arran was able to tink things neatly with his shards. Catria put a huge dent in armors with Gemini (which was swapped for Leo on the last turn). Radd killed the Ridersbane guy. Rickard hit the save point. Gordin talked to Jeorge on turn 5. Arms Scroll get (and I know who's gonna get it).

I leveled Catria and Ogma in the arena once, so their stats will reflect that.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       12.72  31  11    0   12   13   15    9    0
Arran     General     8.91  36  12    1   12    8    4   18    3
Catria    Peggy      19.02  34  13    0   18   20   17   13    7
Bord      Pirate      9.27  25  16    0   10   12    6    7    0
Ogma      Cavalier   17.21  36  18    0   10   17   10   14    0
Rickard   Thief       3.98  Base everything
Radd      Cavalier    8.24  25   9    0    4    9    3    8    0
Jeorge    Sniper      5.30  Base everything

Chapter 9 - 6/75

Promoted Ogma and reclassed him to Dracoknight, along with Arran. Radd was reclassed to Curate (shaddap). Jeorge was reclassed to Swordmaster, and took Gemini, a Killing Edge, and a Thunder Sword.

Catria downed a Pure Water, then went to town on just about everything (Etzel was doing something like 6 damage to her). Ogma flew around and killed whatever got in his way. Jeorge killed enemy non-mages with the Thunder Sword. Bord did his best not to die. Etzel wasn't recruited, because Marth had better things to do with his time. Rickard got the treasure, the boss died to Jeorge and Bord, then Marth was Rescued and seized.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       12.72  31  11    0   12   13   15    9    0
Arran     Drakky      9.39  28  12    1   14   12    5   14    3
Catria    Peggy      20.00  35  14    0   19   20   18   13    7
Bord      Pirate     11.00  27  17    0   10   13    7    7    0
Ogma      Drakky      2.49  39  21    0   13   18   10   17    3
Rickard   Thief       3.98  Base everything
Radd      Curate      9.37  24   5    1    4    7    4    4    6
Jeorge    Swordity    6.10  31  11    1   17   19    6   13    3

Chapter 10 - 3/78

Jeorge reclassed to Sniper.

Bord with Scorpio and Sagittarius blicked one of the long-range guys, while Jeorge got the other. Ogma ORKO'd the Sniper, while Arran and Catria OHKO'd the Shaver guys. Merric ran out of the room towards Marth's army, while Marth ran towards the throne. Radd got me Physic and the Bullion. Wendell recruited Ellerean on turn 2, and then. . .just about everything else was dead. Got Elfire on turn 3.

Radd's gained Strength every time he levels up. Awesome~! Jeorge's stats won't be changed, because he's going right back to Swordmaster for the next chapter.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       12.81  31  11    0   12   13   15    9    0
Arran     Drakky      9.51  28  12    1   14   12    5   14    3
Catria    Peggy      20.00  35  14    0   19   20   18   13    7
Bord      Pirate     11.53  27  17    0   10   13    7    7    0
Ogma      Drakky      3.26  40  21    0   13   19   11   17    4
Rickard   Thief       3.98  Base everything
Radd      Curate     10.48  24   6    1    4    8    4    4    6
Jeorge    Swordity    6.37  31  11    1   17   19    6   13    3
Ellerean  Mage       10.00  Base everything

Chapter 10x - 2/80

Arran and Ogma reclassed to Hero, Bord reclassed to Mercenary, Radd reclassed to Myrmidon, and Jeorge reclassed to Swordmaster. Radd got Scorpio and Cancer, so he'd double and live to tell about it.

Bord killed a Roro clone that smacked himself over the head. Ellerean stole a kill because Radd got hit. Ahem. . .

Ogma and Jeorge stormed the sides. Jeorge killed the real one via crit on EP.

No stats for Arran, 'cause he didn't gain any experience. Likewise, none for Ogma 'cause he didn't level, and will be going right back to Dracoknight after this chapter.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       12.81  31  11    0   12   13   15    9    0
Arran     Drakky      9.51  28  12    1   14   12    5   14    3
Catria    Peggy      20.00  35  14    0   19   20   18   13    7
Bord      Mercenary  12.00  28  15    0   18   14    8    9    0
Ogma      Drakky      3.97  40  21    0   13   19   11   17    4
Rickard   Thief       3.98  Base everything
Radd      Myrmidon   10.60  24   9    0   12   15    4    5    0
Jeorge    Swordity    7.27  32  11    1   17   20    7   14    3
Ellerean  Mage       10.50  Base everything

Chapter 11 - 12/92

Promoted Bord and reclassed him to Dracoknight. Reclassed Ogma to Dracoknight, and Jeorge to Sniper.

Marth trudged through the desert with Radd, Jeorge, Ellerean, and Catria. Arran, Bord, Ogma, and Caeda made their way to Jake and the Shop. Fed Ellerean an Arms Scroll before the boss, which turned out to be unnecessary. In the process, I found all the treasure that the desert had to offer. Catria's gonna rock!

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       13.92  32  11    0   13   14   16    9    0
Arran     Hero       10.35  33  10    1   19   16    5   11    3
Catria    Peggy      20.00  35  14    0   19   20   18   13    7
Bord      Drakky      1.92  30  19    0   15   12    8   14    3
Ogma      Drakky      6.27  43  24    0   14   21   14   18    4
Rickard   Thief       4.51  19   6    0    3    9    1    3    0
Radd      Myrmidon   11.97  25  10    0   13   16    4    5    0
Jeorge    Sniper      7.91  34  13    1   14   16    7   15    3
Ellerean  Mage       13.57  29   1    9    7   12    3    8    4

Chapter 12 - 9/101

Promoted Catria with the Elysian Whip from last chapter. Reclassed Radd to Cavalier, so he'd be able to take hits. Leveled Bord in the arena until he wasn't doubled. Radd got Scorpio. Used an Arms Scroll on Bord so he'd auto-hit C lances (and Dragonpike).

Ellerean with Excalibur makes EVERYTHING better. So does most of my army wielding effective weapons. Rickard's grand contribution was stopping reinforcements. I had to go quite a bit more slowly, because I was looking at 4HKO, at best (Ogma). I don't like the next chapter, either. ;/

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       15.74  34  12    0   13   16   17    9    0
Arran     Hero       11.53  33  11    1   19   16    5   11    3
Catria    Falco       4.95  42  17    3   24   25   20   18   10
Bord      Drakky      5.93  34  20    1   19   15    8   14    3
Ogma      Drakky      7.48  44  24    1   15   21   15   18    5
Rickard   Thief       4.51  19   6    0    3    9    1    3    0
Radd      Cavalier   13.17  29  13    0    6   12    5    8    1
Jeorge    Sniper      9.16  36  13    1   14   17    8   15    3
Ellerean  Mage       15.91  30   1   10    9   13    3    8    4

Chapter 13 - 8/109

Fed some arena levels to Ellerean and promoted him. Fed a level to Radd, too. Arran got Scorpio and Leo, Bord got Taurus, Radd got Gemini, and Marth got Cancer.

Marth went up the center, with Catria, Bord, and Ogma making sure he didn't die. Everyone else hoofed it to the left, with Radd countering the pursuing Ice Dragon whenever he could. I managed to kill both thieves after they ran off with my stuff. Once that was done, killed the rest of the guys following me, as well as the dragon to the right of the castle. Rickard netted the Spirit Dust, while Catria, Marth, Ogma, and Bord managed to kill the majority of the center island. Once that was done, it was a matter of mop-up.

Fun fact: Ellerean is more durable than Marth.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       16.21  35  12    0   14   17   17   10    0
Arran     Hero       11.86  33  11    1   19   16    5   11    3
Catria    Falco       7.18  45  19    3   26   26   23   19   10
Bord      Drakky      7.58  35  20    1   20   16    9   14    3
Ogma      Drakky      9.35  45  25    1   16   22   16   19    5
Rickard   Thief       4.51  19   6    0    3    9    1    3    0
Radd      Cavalier   16.10  32  15    0    8   13    7    8    1
Jeorge    Sniper      9.75  36  13    1   14   17    8   15    3
Ellerean  Sage        2.97  40   4   14   10   18    3   11    6

Chapter 13x - 3/112

Nothing much to say here. I don't feel like doing stats for this chapter. Catria killed Kleine. Iote Shield get.

Chapter 14 - 8/120

Reclassed Bord, Ogma, and Catria to Paladin. Promoted Radd. Gave Radd the Robe and Bord a Drop.

Ellerean was busy keeping everyone alive. Everyone else wound up being delayed a turn, because no one was good enough to take that many dragon attacks and live to tell about it. Once I lost my shards, it was a race to the end. Nabbed the Again staff.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       17.33  36  13    0   14   18   17   10    0
Arran     Hero       12.39  34  11    1   19   16    5   11    3
Catria    Paladin    10.22  50  22    1   27   25   25   21    7
Bord      Paladin     9.80  39  22*   1   21   16   10   12    6
Ogma      Paladin    12.16  48  25    1   18   23   18   17    8
Rickard   Thief       5.34  20   7    0    3   10    2    4    0
Radd      Paladin     2.97  44* 18    1   12   14    8    9    7
Jeorge    Sniper     10.45  37  13    1   14   17    8   15    3
Ellerean  Sage        5.64  42   4   16   11   21    5   12    8

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