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Unicycle Mafia - Pretty Unpleasant Guys win

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LIFE TOLD ME TO PERSUADE YOU. He said to use my ability on you and him or he would have me lynched cycle 2. Do I have proof, no, because I didn't know how to use the irc and accidentally deleted our conversation.

My role is to Persuade yes. And I used it on Levity, yes. But I haven't used it after that and I'm not mafia and I still can't believe you are listening to Obviam.

It's okay. Life already told me before he died.

If Obviam is town, we lynch you.

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btw I doubt Obviam is town at this point, but he's pretty convincing

I'll give him credit for that

#Vote: Obviam

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I come back to this?! What the bloody HELL just happened?!

EDIT: Gimme a bit to think. . .my mind's all soupy. . .

Edited by eclipse
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Also, we have 3 confirmed scum, StSS, Obviam, Kaoz.

If you all do not vote for Obviam RIGHT THIS FUCKING SECOND, town will lose.

... Actually wait I think mafia has the numerical advantage so we lose anyway.

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Okay, so, what happened yesterday? Obivam saved himself from being lynched? Some sort of Mafia Mayor role, I suppose. And was the doctor told to not protect Life? That seems... questionable, since the other person he'd protect would be Haze, and both died. One shot insta-kill mafia? Hitman? Fake doctor?

Either way, we need to claim to Eclipse RIGHT NOW. He's the only confirmed town. Doc, you better be on him every night.

##Vote: SSS

I'd prefer a lynch of Obviam, but I don't want to divide the votes.

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##Vote: SSS

Hello everyone. I suppose this is my first actual post of the game, isn't it? Now that I've gotten everything down, or so I think, anyway, I can try to be useful to this town of ours.

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Eclipse said to me she's somewhat bogged down with things at the moment, so I'm going to do her a favour:

If you haven't already, claim to her. We need someone to be the town leader now that Life and Haze are gone. I expect she already has some degree of information from Life and Haze; if not, we really need that information replaced.

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I'm wondering how both Life and Haze died

I can't remember if I voted last night ##Vote: SSS

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Try and stay on message, people. Obviam is definitely guilty, and a mafia inspector as well. He is our top priority. SSS can wait (we're not even sure

#Vote: Obviam

I recommend everyone claims to Eclipse in the meantime, if you haven't already, and the Doctor target her tonight.

Edited by Anouleth
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