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(FE10) Draft Tournament VI


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Might as well stop bitching and get started.

1-P: 6 turns clear + 3 turns Edward = 9 total

Edward got a good level and Mic got a bad one. Figures.

1-1: 7 turns clear + 3 turns Nolan = 19 total

Oh, Jesus. Mic is 0 for 2 on MAG. This is going to be fun. Babe drank the Dracoshield for some experimental shenanigans.

1-2: 9 turns clear + 3 turns Nolan = 31 total

Could have shaved one, maybe two turns but I desperately wanted Thani.

1-3: 8 turns clear = 39 total

Easily among my top most hated chapters ever. Oh well, got Discipline and Aran and no penalties.

1-4: 9 turns clear = 48 total

I got the Seraph Robe? wtf?

Sothe capped STR. :D

1-5: 6 turns clear = 54 total


1-6: something and something is something total

I don't feel like doing 1-6 right now.


/restart draft

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1-3 8 turns

LHS. The enemy loves to hit sothe :awesome: They allowed my miccy to be near even though they could have killed her, however they decided to go and hit Sothe :awesome: Ilyana couldn't get as much kills as she should have though ;_; ... Didn't get Discipline.

1-4 prep.

Take off skills from undrafted as well as weapons. Sell weapons which won't be used. Give Energy drop and Draco shield to Meg. I gave her a bexp level (+ speed lck and i think HP idk) and leveled her up to 99. Gave her an iron forge MT and Crit capped aswell. Buy a Beast killer for sothe. Give bexp up to 99. And give miccy wrath. Ready for next chapter. I'll use sho's strategy (or was it generic's?) Might give a forge to Ily as well.

Edited by SlayerX
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Part 1 with 10% less Edward Shenanigans than my last run:

1-P 5 turns

I made sure on of the pirates was at worst biorythim so Edward would be more likely to dodge again, but it wasn't even necessary as he critted a bandit. Then on enemy phase, the boss got him down to wrath range, he attacked him and critted, Micaiah attacked, and Edward finished him off.

1-1 5 turns

I used the same strategy I relied on last time, which relies on healing Edward just enough so a certain amount of attacks put him in wrath range. Turn 1 he moves up while Micaiah stays out of range. On ep he kills a fighter. Next turn he moves in front of the Javelin guy, who gets him into wrath range and is then critted, while one fighter goes and attacks Micaiah instead of him. Then he moves in front of the fighter blocking the path to the boss, and after being hit by the archer and the other soldier, is left in wrath range, and crits him. He then attacks the hand axe guy who he hits, dodges, and crits in wrath range, so Micaiah can arrive. Pretty sure Nolan can't do this in 5.

1-2 6 turns sad.gif

I took the advice of Soul and didn't use my beloved 5 turn strategy (which I perfected this time as Laura wouldn't have even gotten attacked) and took an extra turn to get the energy drop. All in all this one was pretty standard stuff. Micaiah blocks the initial chokepoint, healing every turn. Edward and Laura go up the ledge, and when Sothe comes he kills everything in the initial room on his first turn, and the archer on the second.

1-3 6 turns

Not a big fan of this chapter, but this time I used Soul's 6 turn strategy with Edward opening the door on the lhs on turn 2, Sothe killing the archer inside, and once inside storming, and killing everything in sight. Sothe equiped the Kard and attacked the knight in front of the arrive square, but he critted him (which wasn't part of my plan, I was going to have Sothe finish him off on player phase and then have Edward in wrath range try to critkill the archer on the arrive square. However, this crit allowed me to obtain the discipline scroll from the boss, while Eddie still finished off the archer and Miccy arrived.

1-4 7 turns

Sothe got cancel. I used Sho's famous 7 turn strategy. Edward and Miccy were less active this time than last however.

1-5 6 turns

Standard defense chapter. Eddie and Sothe go up and kill the initial enemies. Then Eddie goes up on the ledge, gets into wrath range with the wind edge equipped, and starts killing the boss and all his 2 range chronies for quite a few levels. Sothe did a bunch of random shit, which I would later find to be retarded, while Miccy and Volug stayed out of my way.

1-6-1 5 turns

So I get to base, ready to seal Eddie at lv 15 with his max skill and speed, and average strength and HP, and then I find out I FORGOT to steal the master seal. I think I'm fucked at this point, as I fear I may have to take the Volug penalty to get by 1-6-1, then I remember that I have a unit who I've not done shit with this playthrough, so there may still be some hope left. I give a bunch of bexp to MIcaiah, and luckily she gets a couple of levels of speed. Next, I give Sothe Adept and Miccy Resolve. I forge Iron Knives for Sothe, and buy Elights for Miccy. The rest is all history. I have Miccy run up north while Sothe solos the west. I park her on a bush, and luckily for me even pre-resolve she's facing ~40 displayed hit from enemies. Miccy can 2HKO archers thanks to her high Magic and Resolve speed, and 3HKO Armors and pegs with the Elight. Now, as Sothe solod the west, Miccy solod the north, allowing me to finish in 5 turns.

1-6-2 2 turns

I used the standard 2-turn strategy. Eddie shoves Sothe, who runs to a position to be attacked by the boss on turn 2 ep. On ep, he kills the boss.

1-7 6 turns

Sothe gets Savior and caries Miccy while Eddie gets into Wrath and goes on a rampage. He OHKOs the boss once again with the brave sword.

1-8 9 turns

Well, I didn't take any penalties, and I had this one in 7 if a mage wouldn't have lived Micaiah's attack with 1 HP. Resolve Miccy goes west, Sothe East, and Eddie north. Vika's transforms on turn 2, attacks the wyvern knight, and then goes after bandits on the west that attacked regular people. By turn 9, I was done. If I'd have had one more unit that could get to the west faster, I could have done this in 4 again.

1-9 7 turns

Ovals strategy + Celerity on Micaiah. Micaiah got A in Light tomes for what it's worth.

1-E 8 turns

Maybe this makes up for my shitty 1-8 performance? Sothe gets pass and savior and carries Miccy up the ledges, while Eddie gets resolve. Vika blocks the lower ledge as Sothe and Edward make their way up to Jarod. On turn 7, Sothe reaches Jarod thanks to pass and drops Miccy off. Eddie is in Wrath and Resolve range and critkills a bunch of stuff on ep, giving him a clear path to Jarod. Sothe kills the thief that took the speedwing, netting me it, and Eddie Brave Sword, Resolve-Wrath kills Jarod, and Micaiah seizes. Ilyana will be taking Celerity, Blue Gem, paragon, energy drop, and Ashera Icon to the GMs.

Total Part 1 turncount: 72

five above my previous, one can assume it's because I was missing Nailah in 1-8.

Edited by Xander
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Here's part 2, and now I'm done for the day.

2-P 8 turns

Elincia and Leanne were used free of penalty. Nealuchi was my free unit.

2-1 3 turns + 3 + 3

My original 4 turn strategy got cut short per chance, when Neph critted a knight without me even having to do anything. This crit allowed Brom to attack Ludveck on turn 2, and again on turn 3. Then on turn 3 enemy phase, Ludveck attacked Neph and put her in wrath range where she critted. Forget Heather.

2-2 6 turns + 4? (The Lucia penalty isn't clear)

Lucia and Lethe did their thing, killing everything in their path, all the way up to the boss, who Lethe killed on turn 6 so Lucia could arrive.

2-3 5 turns + 3

Geoffrey charged forward with the partners close behind. On turn 4 Geoffrey broke down the door and OHKOd the boss after getting strength from a level up.

2-E 1 turn

I gave Neph the psychic staff for Rhys. Lethe got bexp up to lv 27, and Elincia got 3 levels, each one giving her strength with no resets. Now at first I was being a retard and trying to get a stun because after bexping Lethe I didn't know if I had enough for Elincia's 3 levels. Luckily, I still did, and with Leanne's vigor, I was able to 1 turn Ludveck.

Part 2 Total: 36 turns

Grand Total: 108 turns

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1-4 8 turns

Couldn't do sho's tactic because i couldn't find that pic he once posted. I think i did something similar. Did not get Beastfoe ;_; Meg got up to level 7 with good level ups in speed, str, and def. Ilyana fought some... she isn't getting much i'm getting worried...

1-5 6 turns

Had some problems at first due to the mages frailty and the fact meg can't take many hits. Gave ily the seraph robe to get her survive 2 hits. Got the master seal. Lets see the ai was being dumb and caused 2 restarts... why Jill!!! Got over it and finally managed to finish.

1-6 prep.

Gave Meg some BEXP. She has 15 speed now :awesome: Gave my Sothe 3 forges of iron knives max mt and adept. Ily is still worrying me, she has 30 hp, 15 mag, 14 speed, 13 skill, 3 def... and she's at level 15. The stats are not bad, however she is in need of training. I tried to do it, but its giving me some trouble as Meg can't kill generals reliably, Sothe can't be in 2 places at once, and the damn pegasus knight like to hit miccy... ;_; She has resolve but that doesn't help ;_;

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In 1-6-1 you say your Ilyana is doing poorly? Why not just do what I did with Micaiah? Bonus exp her up some more, seal her, slap resolve on and send her up north for some training while Sothe goes West and does his thing. She'd probably be doing Meg's job north twice as good because of 2 range, hitting resistance, and lower defensive parameters.

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In 1-6-1 you say your Ilyana is doing poorly? Why not just do what I did with Micaiah? Bonus exp her up some more, seal her, slap resolve on and send her up north for some training while Sothe goes West and does his thing. She'd probably be doing Meg's job north twice as good because of 2 range, hitting resistance, and lower defensive parameters.

I was thinking of BEXP however i only have enough for 2 levels (been using the .99 bexp for more than +3 lvl ups) and i don't really want to seal her yet... However it'd probably be good if i did. I could probably do that though... hmmm. I'll give it a try.

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1-P: 6 turns clear + 3 turns Edward = 9 total

Familiar much?

Same plan except Leo ended up snagging a failed Wrathcrit.

1-1: 5 turns clear + 3 turns Nolan = 17 total

A TOTALLY unexpected dodge from Mic shaved a turn from a 6 I had lined up when Leo missed a 79 and died.

1-2: 8 turns clear = 25 total

I'm torn here. On the one hand, I didn't have to use Nolan. On the other hand, I missed the Energy Drop. Stupid not-SPD-blessed Micaiah.

1-3: 8 turns clear = 33 total

Essentially, same as last time except + Leonardo. And I missed Discipline.

1-4: 9 turns clear = 42 total

Same as last time except without Sothe capping STR. Pity.

1-5: 6 turns clear = 48 total


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Edward jumped into a bunch of enemies, killed and dodged most attacks like a pro. I had him Wrath critical the boss for Micaiah to kill.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    2.98 16  2   8   9   7  11   2   5    A Sothe

5 (+3) turns.


Nolan carried with most of the weight in this chapter by holding off the enemies and shared some kills with Micaiah.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    4.48 16  2  10   9   9  12   2   7    A Sothe
BROlan    10.86 30 12   0  12  11   8  10   4

6 turns.


Micaiah and Nolan killed their way through enemies until Sothe arrived. Then they head down the small chest room to retrieve Thani. Sothe killed his way through the enemies to protect Laura and to get the Energy Drop.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    5.68 17  2  11   9  10  13   2   8    A Sothe
BROlan    11.79 31 13   0  13  12   9  10   5
Sothe      1.24 35 18   4  20  20  15  14   9    A Micaiah

6 turns.


Too the RHS.

Olol, Nolan 1RKO's now.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    6.36 18  2  11   9  11  14   2   9    A Sothe
BROlan    12.90 31 14   1  14  13   9  10   5
Sothe      1.53 35 18   4  20  20  15  14   9    A Micaiah

6 turns.


Battle preparations

As always, I sell off crap I don't need. Bought a Hand axe and a Beastkiller.


Micaiah - Wrath


Thanks again, Sho. Oh yeah, Nolan 1RKO's Tigers now. :mellow:

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    8.53 18  3  13   9  12  16   2  10    A Sothe
BROlan    15.21 32 16   1  16  16  11  10   7
Sothe      3.08 35 19   4  22  22  17  14  10    A Micaiah

7 turns.


Battle preparations

I bought Sothe one of those crappy throwing knives. At least he can 1RKO Mages/Myrmidons with it and feed enemies to Micaiah. Gave Nolan the Seraph Robe.


BROlan solo'd the entire middle-side and kill just about everything there. No exaggeration. Sothe either fed enemies for Micaiah or killed things for himself.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    9.95 18  4  13  10  12  16   3  11    A Sothe
BROlan    18.35 33 17   1  19  19  13  11   7
Sothe      3.37 35 19   4  22  22  17  14  10    A Micaiah 

6 turns.


Battle preparations

Bought a Hand axe and filled Sothe's Inventory with Max Mt/+5/10 Hit knife forges.

BEXP'd Nolan to level 19 and gave him the Energy Drop and the Dracoshield.


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - Adept

BROlan - Renewal


Sothe took care of the West side. Nolan took care of some enemies to the Middle, and then the ones to the North/North-West. Micaiah killed a few with the help of Resolve.

4 turns.


Nolan shoved Sothe a space so he could go at Laverton's range.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah   11.08 18  4  15  12  13  18   3  13    A Sothe
BROlan     1.66 42 21   3  20  21  14  14   9
Sothe      4.94 35 20   4  23  23  18  14  10    A Micaiah 

2 turns.


Battle preparations

Got the Brave sword. Bought an Arms scroll, a Secret Book and a Hand axe.

Fed Nolan the Secret book and BEXP'd him to 5.99.


Micaiah - Paragon

Sothe - Adept

BROlan - Resolve


The usual. ;/

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah   12.12 19  4  16  12  13  19   3  14    A Sothe
BROlan     6.94 44 23   4  26  25  17  14   9
Sothe      5.00 35 21   4  24  24  19  14  10    A Micaiah 

6 turns.


Battle preparations

Bought a hand axe and forged a Max Mt Fire tome for Tormod. Gave Nolan a second Seraph Robe.


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - Adept

BROlan - Paragon


Tormod took care of the LHS. Sothe took care of the RHS. Micaiah and Nolan took care of the Middle and South sides.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah   13.63 20  4  17  13  13  20   3  15    A Sothe
BROlan     7.25 52 24   5  26  26  18  14  10
Sothe      6.06 35 21   4  24  25  20  14  10    A Micaiah 

5 (+3) turns.


Battle preparations


Micaiah - Celerity


I know oval's strategy without having to check, now. 8D

As always, thanks.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah   13.73 20  4  17  13  13   20  3  15    A Sothe

7 turns.


Battle preparations

Bought a Hand axe for Nolan. Micaiah got a second Thani.

Packed these things in Ilyana's Inventory:

Blue gem



Goddess Icon

Arms Scroll

BEXP'd Nolan to 11.99 because it's damn worth it.


Micaiah - None (I forgot to give her Resolve ):)

Sothe - Adept

BROlan - Paragon


I was quite impressed over Nolan's perforance here. He was such a beast. He killed enemies down from ledges with Hand axes, 1HKO'd enemies with Chuck Norris and then once again impressed me by 1RKO Jarod with Hand axes. He also got me Speedwings and an Unlock staff...for whatever the latter's worth. Sothe helped clear the way for Micaiah to seize.

Nolan's a true Bro. Don't listen to any of that "Leo is a Bro because I just think so" crap. :)

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    1.00 23  6  19  14  14   21  6  17    A Sothe
BROlan    14.63 53 30   5  26  27   23 16  13
Sothe      6.78 35 21   4  24  25   20 14  10    A Micaiah 

9 turns.

That makes a total of 75 turns by the end of Part 1.

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I didn't use your strategy. I couldn't find the picture :o I tried to do it... but...


1-6-1 was something ridiculously high like 8/9 turns

Managed to find a way to get sothe to kill those generals and go up north as fast as he could. Ily and meg gained some levels blah blah.

1-6-2 4 turns.

I could have done something like 2/3 turns but i screwed up and didn't think :/. Had some trouble in the middle as well. I hate that damn archer. No one could kill him and he killed miccy evertime. Apparently putting miccy next to his 2 range after he's weakend makes him move and not attack. That allowed me to kill the horses who would have also killed miccy.

1-7 8 turns i think.

Ily gets bexped up to lvl 19 and then given paragon. Meg gets remaining BEXP. Meg clears the Ex-Dains escape door. Ily Miccy and Sothe rescue them, as they race towards the boss. Ily found a Master seal :awesome:

1-8 6/7 turns Nailah penalty.

Meg goes to the LEA side. Rafiel comes by to the center. Ily clears the center along with Sothe. Sothe goes West then South and obliterates the Boss island with an iron forge :awesome: .

1-9 was the reason i stopped and came over here. I want to do that 8 turn which i already looked up :awesome:

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How about The money strategy... Or tiger assault. Or cat assault. or or or... bah whatevs.. anywho

1-9 8 turns.

Ovals strategy.


Almost did it, but the generals hit Ilyana too hard. They don't play nicely. I also want to get the speedwings... hmm i just got a not so great idea but it will suffice :awesome:

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1-P: Rob P. tanks axes with his face and stomps. No boss crit ftl


Unit    Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Notes
Micaiah  2.78 15 03 07 08 08 11 02 05

1-1: Brolan stomps.


Unit    Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Notes
Micaiah  4.17 15 03 09 09 10 13 02 07

1-2: Micaiah holds off the soldiers as Brolan and Sothe clear a path for Laura.


Unit    Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Notes
Micaiah  4.65 15 03 09 09 10 13 02 07
Sothe    1.Something something Base

1-3: Sothe runs down the east side killing guys as Kurth holds the enemies off.


Unit    Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Notes
Micaiah  4.85 15 03 09 09 10 13 02 07
Sothe    1.68 35 18 04 20 20 15 14 09 Guard

1-4: Dracoshield Micaiah, Sothe runs south and east, kills boss, then loops back down to the left. Volug get!


Unit    Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Notes
Micaiah  7.06 17 03 11 09 11 16 02 10 Shade
Sothe    4.39 36 18 05 23 21 17 14 09 Guard, Cancel, Wrath
Volug   15.00 49 11 02 12 13 13 09 05 Howl

1-5: Getting Strike and EXP.


Unit    Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Notes
Micaiah  7.74 17 03 11 09 11 16 02 10 Shade
Sothe    5.09 37 19 05 25 21 17 14 10 Guard, Cancel, Wrath
Volug   15.17 49 11 02 12 13 13 09 05 Howl

1-6: Sothe charges forward as Volug protects the useless chick.

Volug shoves Sothe so that he can be in range of the boss on turn 2.



Unit    Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Notes
Forgot to record stats/10

1-7: Charge along the south path, recruiting Tormod. Volug hits S Strike after the first round of combat.


Unit    Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Notes
Micaiah  8.04 18 03 11 10 11 17 05 11 Shade
Sothe    6.82 38 19 05 25 21 18 14 10 Guard, Cancel, Wrath
Volug   15.56 49 11 02 12 13 13 09 05 Howl, Resolve
Fiona    9.63 25 08 08 08 10 07 08 06 Imbue, Savior
Tormod   5.69 34 13 17 16 20 14 12 14 Celerity

1-8: BEXP Volug to 16 for the extra point of HP. Volug takes west, Tormod south, Sothe east. Miccy picks off stragglers trying to get to priests. Tormod had no need for Celerity here so I took it off for 1-9.


Unit    Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Notes
Can’t get from base

1-9: Oval strat w/Celerity to save a turn.


Unit    Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Notes
Micaiah  8.51 18 03 11 10 11 17 05 11 Celerity
Sothe    7.90 38 20 05 26 22 18 14 11 Guard, Cancel, Resolve
Volug   16.16 50 11 02 12 13 14 10 05 Howl, Renewal
Fiona    9.63 25 08 08 08 10 07 08 06 Imbue, Savior
Tormod   6.19 35 14 18 16 20 14 13 15 Paragon

1-E: BEXP Fiona to 20 and Micaiah to 16. Promote Fiona, forge her a +5 mt/+5 hit Steel Lance, use a Coin but it Vines. Ilz transfers Pass, Celerity, Brave Sword, Silver Lance, Guard, and Shriek.

Holy crap. Okay, I am never picking Volug again if given the choice. I PROBABLY should have had him support Sothe, but still, DAMN he was underwhelming. Fiona carried Micaiah all the way to the second floor and then dropped her (stupid ledges!) as Sothe Resolve tanked and Volug/Tormod held dudes off.


Unit    Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Notes
Micaiah  1.00 21 07 20 12 13 27 08 21 Paragon
Sothe    9.18 38 21 05 26 23 20 14 12 Guard, Cancel, Resolve
Volug   16.95 50 11 02 12 13 14 10 05 Howl, Renewal
Fiona    2.25 38 13 10 10 22 15 15 12 Imbue, Savior, Adept
Tormod   6.73 35 14 18 16 20 14 13 15

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1-6-1: 8 turns clear = 56 total

Zihark is honestly kinda REALLY shitty. I'm surprised and saddened. Biorhythm fucked my plan and tied up Sothe, thanks Mic. One more Wrath crit would have made this a 8 turns clear but I was done resetting.

And then Zihark died on the last enemy of the map. Fuck this, I'm getting the two-out-of-four SEVENTY PERCENT crits for an 8.

Also, Wind Edges fucking blow.

Fuck this. The average 70% hit 70% crit goes miss -> adept -> hit -> miss, no crit. AVERAGE. Also, about one in every three times a 30% will kill him in his face. Fuck Zihark. Fuck Wind Edges. I'm restarting the chapter later when I care again.

Edited by Integrity
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Wait you got 70% crit wat!? :o

1-E 9 turn, could have done an 8 turns but i couldn't shove miccy further... :unsure:

Got the speed wing and Parity. Ily took both along with Blue gem, resolve, celerity, thunder forge, and i think that was it. Oh and a hammer IIRC. Usual sothe carries miccy up to top and then drops her. The BK goes along killing everything :awesome: he kills jarod and the generals that pop up after the door breaks. Meg was awesome, she doubles almost if not everything 22 speed, a bit frail with 36 (or so) hp/ and 20 def. Not worried for 3-6 though.

2-p 9 turns

Neal was my free unit, he rescues Leanne and goes far away from Marcia and Elincia to divert attention. He untransforms by enemy phase on turn 2 and the clouds save him from the last draco who had a hand axe. He goes around and was almost dead when Haar appeared. Haar clears the enemies near marcia and Elincia, and then leaves towards the boss. I killed the boss on the last turn and there was only 1 wyvern remaining :awesome:

2-1 8/9 turns. + brom and neph penalties.

Neph and brom go down the ledge and then up the stairs. Could have done 8 turns, maybe 7 but Nephenee, didn't wrath crit <_<

2-2 was like 8 turns + Lucia

Woot mordy, i give him like 3 level ups str, def, hp, luck lvl ups. Mordy goes north then west then south, and chokepoints afterwards. Lucia goes west with wind edge. She crits some, then she goes north, west, and to the generals protecting boss. She hits the boss with her last 2 uses of the wind edges. She kills the general kills boss next turn she arrives.

2-3 8 turns + Geoffrey.

Usual geoffrey runs towards the boss. He attracts the halb with speed wing breaks door and kills boss. Astrid went about killing the leftovers from the yellow units. The speed wing got sent to the convoy after a yellow unit killed the halberdier :awesome:

2-E 4 turns

could have 2 turned but i wanted the energy drop. Mordecai almost died with 13 hp left, but the ai went for the yellow unit instead :sweatdrop: Mordecai got 3 more level ups now at 20 def. Haar got 3 level ups aswell, str, skl (capped), def (almost capped).

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