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(FE10) Draft Tournament VI


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3-12: 5 turns clear = 249 turns total

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh laura laura laura laura laura laura laura laura laura laura

3-13-: 3 turns clear = 252 turns total

Laura was at Worst bio and Ike at best, leaving Purge with a 35% hit and precluding my delicious 1-turn clear. Also, I needed Zihark's Adept for it. Poor Leo got his Cancel nicked anyway and Laura ate the Boots.

Favoritism, ho!

3-E: 6 turns clear = 258 turns total

Tanith is SO sexy AMG.


Micaiah    / 2.57  23/ 7/19/11/12/17/ 8/15  Sothe A     Shade
Sothe      /11.47  38/22/ 9/26/27/22/17/10  Micaiah A   Wrath
Sigrun    // 3.18  38/23/18/26/27/31/23/28  no support  Celerity, Shade
TANITH    //20.00  50/32/16/36/36/33/28/31  needs none  Imbue, Provoke
Leonardo   / 6.18  26/12/ 4/22/16/12/10/10  no support  Beastfoe

Ike       // 1.00  54/29/ 7/32/32/19/26/11  Boyd A      Adept, Daunt
Boyd      // 9.30  65/38/ 6/32/32/22/26/16  Ike A       Blossom, Vantage
Danved    // 5.10  52/25/15/28/29/26/21/17  no support  Paragon, Cancel

Laura     // 5.32  35/12/30/26/29/25/14/17  Zihark B    Resolve, Cancel
Zihark     /14.27  40/20/ 6/30/28/16/17/14  Laura B     Paragon


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3-12: 5 turns clear = 249 turns total

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh laura laura laura laura laura laura laura laura laura laura

3-13-: 3 turns clear = 252 turns total

Laura was at Worst bio and Ike at best, leaving Purge with a 35% hit and precluding my delicious 1-turn clear. Also, I needed Zihark's Adept for it. Poor Leo got his Cancel nicked anyway and Laura ate the Boots.

Favoritism, ho!

3-E: 6 turns clear = 258 turns total

Tanith is SO sexy AMG.


Micaiah    / 2.57  23/ 7/19/11/12/17/ 8/15  Sothe A     Shade
Sothe      /11.47  38/22/ 9/26/27/22/17/10  Micaiah A   Wrath
Sigrun    // 3.18  38/23/18/26/27/31/23/28  no support  Celerity, Shade
TANITH    //20.00  50/32/16/36/36/33/28/31  needs none  Imbue, Provoke
Leonardo   / 6.18  26/12/ 4/22/16/12/10/10  no support  Beastfoe

Ike       // 1.00  54/29/ 7/32/32/19/26/11  Boyd A      Adept, Daunt
Boyd      // 9.30  65/38/ 6/32/32/22/26/16  Ike A       Blossom, Vantage
Danved    // 5.10  52/25/15/28/29/26/21/17  no support  Paragon, Cancel

Laura     // 5.32  35/12/30/26/29/25/14/17  Zihark B    Resolve, Cancel
Zihark     /14.27  40/20/ 6/30/28/16/17/14  Laura B     Paragon


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Leonardo is probably going to be crappy no matter where you put him, but at the very least send him to Ike's group or Tibarn's group. Leo won't be doing ANYTHING in 4-P and 4-3, whereas he can at least chip in the other chapters.

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I have to protect him in both of Ike's chapters and fuck that.

I have to protect him in both of Tibarn's chapters and fuck that.

At least on the Silver route I can give Sigrun Savior and carry him or osmethne.

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I finally started.8]

But I only got two chapters done. If I would have kept playing I would have strangled my sister.


Turns: 7+Eddie penalty (3) 10/10

Game Over Count: 4/4

Whee. Edward does the usual thing and blocks axes with his face. Olivia comes down, and tells me "You're doing everything wrong" and "Why aren't you using Leonardo?". I use the Dracoshield on Micaiah.


Turns: 8+Eddie penalty (3) 11/21

Game Over count: 7/11

God. Wrath decided to work for me (after 7 tries), whoo-hoo. My sister was still making comments about "use all your characters you idiot" and "Why is Micaiah so low? Let her solo this map" and dad came down and was like "wow, you're getting a lot of Game Overs". So Eddie went north, and Micaiah stood behind him, in range of one of the bandits, she dodged and Eddie got hit twice. He wrathed the rest of the map with a little Micaiah assistance.

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4-P: 6 turns clear = 264 turns total


Sothe actually played a role. Leonardo was Savior'd by Tanith and carried around the whole map. He's gonna be a support buttbuddy for her.

Not that she even needs it.

4-1: 7 turns clear = 272 turns total


Why are so many enemies in this map non-aggressive? This one Horseslaying motherfucker almost cost me two turns but ended up only costing me one because he wouldn't attack anything ever. And it's Fog of War! Why can't I attack at the end of my move? BAH.

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4-1: 7 turns clear = 272 turns total


Why are so many enemies in this map non-aggressive? This one Horseslaying motherfucker almost cost me two turns but ended up only costing me one because he wouldn't attack anything ever. And it's Fog of War! Why can't I attack at the end of my move? BAH.

That guy did cost me two turns. And I was pissed.

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4-2: 14 turns clear = 286 turns total

1: Why don't half the [insert racial slur]s on this map MOVE for Christ's sake?

2: Why the fuck won't I just suck up a penalty and not just do the Magical Adventure of Laura and the Hark?

3: Where the fuck do the reinforcements come from? Oh, BEHIND. Where I have to leave ZIHARK.

I could have a faster clear but I don't care anymore. I ain't pulling a GO 500-clear so I'm fine.

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Chapter 1-2

Turns: 9+Brolan penalty (3) 12/33

Game Over Count: 1/12

Micaiah gained speed. That's the highlight. Also the AI kept being stupid and attacking Leo instead of Miccy so I started over frequently.

Sothe showed up and stole the drops.

I stopped there for tonight, because I saw my crap turncount and everything and their dog in 1-3 loves to target Leo.

Current game over count for Chapter 1-3: 4.

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4-3: 11 turns clear = 297 turns total

Fuck Part 4.

4-4: 10 turns clear = 307 turns total

Fuck Part 4.

4-5: 6 turns clear = 313 turns total

Fuck Part 4.


Ike      //13.97  60/37/ 9/36/35/22/32/15  Boyd A     Adept, Daunt
Micaiah  // 1.00  27/12/22/14/14/19/13/19  Sothe A    Stillness
Sothe    //12.16  46/28/18/37/36/34/23/18  Micaiah A  Counter, Paragon
Ena        22.00          fresh off the boat          Paragon
Sigrun   //20.00  49/32/20/36/33/35/23/34  no support Adept, Disarm
Tanith   //20.00  50/32/16/36/36/33/28/31  Leonardo C Imbue, Savior
Leonardo  / 6.37  26/12/ 4/22/16/12/10/10  Tanith C   Shade
Boyd     //20.00  68/40/ 8/36/35/28/30/17  Ike A      Resolve, Pass
Danved   //15.99  60/27/17/33/33/30/28/21  no support Vantage, Imbue
Laura    //20.00  45/13/38/30/31/33/16/25  Zihark A   Resolve, Cancel
Zihark   //15.90  55/31/13/40/40/25/26/24  Laura A    Paragon, Vantage
Bastian  //12.99  47/21/37/29/26/22/21/34  no support Blossom, Miracle
Caineghis  36.00  fresh off the boat, plus speedwing  Renewal


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4-E-1: 5 turns clear = 318 turns total

Laura got Silenced with Pure Water running ON WARDWOOD for fuck's sake.

4-E-2: 2 turns clear = 320 turns total


4-E-3: 2 turns clear = 322 turns total

I forgot Dragonfoe but still blessed Nosferatu instead of Rexaura. That was kinda dumb.

4-E-4: 2 turns clear = 324 turns total


4-E-5: 5 turns clear = 329 turns total

Talk about Chekov's Gun. I only won this because I still had Provoke on Laura and - after bashing the Auras - Ashera decided to attack her instead of Caineghis/Ike/Boyd/Ena, all of whom she could have killed.

Synopsis incoming.

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Right, yeah.


Ike       //20.00  65/37/ 9/40/37/28/32/17  Boyd A       Nihil, Miracle
Micaiah   // 4.52  29/13/24/15/14/21/13/20  Sothe A      Stillness
Sothe     //15.56  47/28/18/38/39/35/23/19  Micaiah A    Counter, Paragon
Ena         32.99  66/18/20/15/13/24/14/20  Danved B     Resolve
Sigrun    //20.00  49/32/20/36/33/35/23/34  Bastian B    Adept, Disarm
Tanith    //20.00  50/32/16/36/36/33/28/31  Leonardo A   Imbue, Savior
Leonardo   / 6.38  26/12/ 4/22/16/12/10/10  Tanith A     Shade
Boyd      //20.00  68/40/ 8/36/35/28/30/17  Ike A        Nihil, Daunt
Danved    //17.99  60/28/17/35/33/30/28/22  Ena B        Vantage, Imbue
Laura     //20.00  45/13/38/30/31/33/16/25  Zihark A     Provoke, Wrath
Zihark    //20.00  55/32/14/40/40/29/26/24  Laura A      Vantage, Wrath
Bastian   //19.60  50/23/40/34/32/26/24/36  Sigrun B     Miracle, Parity, Discipline
Caineghis   40.00  79/24/ 5/23/20/32/23/10  no support   Nihil, Celerity, Provoke




I admit to fairly righteously NOT training Micaiah this time around. She got promotions at, like, level 7 and then at level 5 or something ridiculous. By the end, she was contributing absolutely nothing except Physic botting. At least I didn't draft her?


asdf where would I be without Sothe. I use this motherfucker clean through 4-3 and he even tends to get some kills in 4-E.


What the fuck ever. Blood Tide is nice, though.


Got a huge shot of BEXP very early, but never got going for some reason. I dunno. Sigrun is really, really, really hot but she just doesn't do what Tanith does.


TANITH. AFGSHGHSHRT. I love Tanith. Tanith did like everything from her joining chapter on, including credible damage on dragons, Dheginsea, and Ashera. She also blessed me a Wyrmslayer (Danved blessed her a Wishblade and got nothing himself. Fuck Danved.) and is overall ridiculously good-looking.


I'm not missing a slash up there; Leonardo is actually a level 6 Sniper. His usefulness just bottomed after 3-6 (where it was fairly limited but still present) and he mostly just jacked off until Tanith showed up. Then she got Savior and Leonardo mostly just got to ride with her for the rest of the game.


MVP, and with reason. Boyd takes credit for about half of all the kills from 3-4 onwards. Even the Dawn Brigade ones. Ah, Boyd.


Fuck this guy. Just... fuck him.


Second place! One day I'll get an MVP Laura. In any case, Laura didn't only satisfy - she actually impressed. She even gets to be called the only person I've used instead of Barnbarn to kill Izuka, so go her!


Despite his tremendous kill count, Zihark really disappointed this game. Like, really. He did get his shit together in Part 4, but Laura was already going going and gone by then so ...


Bastian was a surprisingly good draft. For one, he provided an extra staffer. For two, he provided my only source of reliable magical damage on Auras. And for three, he Meteorblicked several Cats blocking Laura in 4-5 and made my 6-turn no penalty clear possible. Thanks, man.




Verdict? I'm still a little bit bitter about how I acquired this team, and they're certainly not the best I've had, but they did their job and I guess I'm happy enough in the end. Glad it's over, though.

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I don't know if that was supposed to be ...



It's his health. Riiiiiight.

That explains why he only had 8 stats and I had to add health after tallying Mic, 'cause I put it there.

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Delayed RECAP




As of late, I haven't been training her as a combat unit in my drafts. However, that doesn't stop her from being a great supporting unit when it comes to ranged-healing. Love ya~


Did stuff until BROlan took over.

BROlan (1rst place)

The best thing that happened to the DB and this team in general.

Nolan is the first scene in all scenes of manliness. He made a complete joke out of Part 1 starting at the end of 1-4, when he started 1RKO'ing Tigers. Then he proceeded to lolstomp Part 3,

and Part 4. He was really worth most of my DB stat-boosters in the end.

The backfire, though, was having to deal with him ON TOP OF 9 MOV at 3-E. :(:


She was the best character in the GMs, easily. She helped me get through those chapters really quickly. Her Part 4 was also great. Would draft again, I guess.


Marcia is amazing. I can't believe I never drafted her before. :(: Her flight was the key to many low-turns in the chapters she's been at. Would defeneatly draft again.



Saves penalties, tears things apart and doesn't afraid of anything.


Heather isn't really a great draftee. I mean, she's pretty okay if you only have her and Ike throughout all of Part 3, but nothing special. I seem to have some kind of kooky attatchment to her like Integ has for Laura, reason why I love to draft her, regardless if it hurts turncounts or not.


Nealuchi is an okay character in Part 2. He removes 2-P, 2-2 and possibly (assuming he's either you're only character for Part 2, or one of two) 2-E. Due to the ability of flight, he's pretty decent at the Silver Route. Never really had offensive issues due to statboosters + BEXP.

Nasir & Gareth

Their roles are so similiar, that I'm just going to put them here together.

Nasir and Gareth got Nolan & Giffca to 1RKO Auras and got Ike, Nephenee & Marcia to double them. That kinda sums up most of their utility, aside from chipping Auras with okay damage.

I had sooo much BEXP by the time they arrived, that I just used it all on them to get them to lvl 40 with most of their stats capped.


Freaking beast.

How did I draft him this late again?


Lyre, Lyre, Lyre...how do you always manage to slip yourself into my team?

Lyre's Part 3 is all about self-improvement. In Part 4, she starts being a little more independent. In the end, she's like a Mini Nailah.

This has been my best drafting team ever. 8]

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Raise The Standard-1

This went very well, Sothe and Jill went west, Micaiah with resolve stayed back. Jill stayed in the center in the end. Mic had to handle the reinforcements, the steel sword armor had to do 19 damage, 1 HP left, resolve would double her. She'd level up, needed to proc MAG, so she could OHKO the archer with Thani. Everyone had great level ups. Sothe had one Adept that killed an armor early, but that one would be killed next turn anyway. Turn 5, he killed the healer, and the rest suicided on EP, all the reinforcements that is.

5 Turns

Raise the standard-2

Micaiah Doubled the first fighter, resolve through ballista, dodging the soldier and other fighter. Jill with hand axe helps sothe, sothe stands ready. Adept, big fail Laverton.

I need Jill promoted soon for that paragon. =/ Sadly, no shovers allowed, so three turns... =/

3 Turns

A Gathering Hope

Base: Bexp Jill and promote. Also gave her the book. 20/1


Units	Lv	Exp	Hp	Att	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah	14	73	21	5	20	13	15	20	3	16	A Sothe
Sothe	6	12	37	20	5	23	23	19	15	11	A Micaiah
Jill =D	4	0	36	22	3	18	22	17	22	11

Jill rescues Micaiah, Savior, sothe opens two doors, Turn 4 Jill drops, turn 5 she hammer OHKO's Djur, Micaiah Seizes.

5 Turns

Glory Unwanted

Why is Jill not able here. ;___: At least i've got Nailah to take the west Side, Mic South, and Sothe for east. Hate the draco. Gave Mic Three levels of BExp, lv 17, 17 Speed. =D She got two Speed ups, so she could double the bandit south of her. WEEEE

Ok, Mic kills the first bandit, sothe crits the bandit north. Muarim etc go to the center. Nailah just kills something. All the 1 Range suicides into Nailah, all the enemies near sothe suicide. Mic heads further south. Dracoknight starts killing stuff. Muarim etc keep their distance. Soldier vs Sothe survived with 1 Hp. Bandit died. Sothe kills the soldier. (Otherwise I could get the arms scroll =/). Mic attacks a bandit reinforcement. Nailah keeps moving up, the enemies attack her from the north, so she keeps moving up, which is very important. Sothe goes to Radmin, wounds the bandit. EP, all suicide into him, bandit was 2RKO'd. Mic finishes the last bandit, 4 HP remaining, so no venin danger. (She was poisoned). Dracoknight kills the middle left prisoner, getting him in nailah's range, she'd be out of range if she didn't move up every PP. Sothe kills the priest, micaiah kills the draco reinforcement. Nailah the last draco. No penalties. =D

5 Turns

One Survives

I tried the 4 Turn, but not yet, Mic got a BEXP level, 2 Bexp points needed, so got Speed Up, so she could double the fighter that could OHKO her. SHe killed it, Myrmidon threw her into resolve range, 6 Hp, she murdered everything else. Bk went back, killed Jarod turn 5.

5 Turns

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Endgame: Daein, Arise!

Ah, yes, Nailah and Jill, sothe and Micaiah... Forged Sothe a Max MT/Hit knife, a steel axe fighter would block the gap. Jill and Nailah switch Micaiah, once up, Jill drops micaiah in the jarod zone, where everybody misses her, and doubles them in return, mostly. So not even resolve... Nailah got the wing, sothe trailed behind, Jill even got time to get the awsm Parity, for 4-E-5. Mic as a Lv 1 Sage has 19 speed! c-D

Jill is just awsm, she killed jarod with extreme ease, she was MVP, nailah's lack of 2 range hurt her. Nailah is awsm though. And Micaiah is just wow, she's going to be an endgame powerhouse. the one Def point from the C support with jill gave her just enough Def to get into resolve, which was my tactic.. But no one hit her. xD

7 Turns

That makes a total of 76 Turns!

Time for... What characters again?


Units	Lv	Exp	Hp	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah	1	--	26	8	21	17	19	24	7	21	C Jill
Sothe	8	0	38	21	5	24	24	21	16	13	--
Jill =D	7	5	39	25	3	18	25	21	22	13	C Micaiah
Nailah	Base

On drifting clouds:

I know where to place Nealuchi, so he kills everyone 1 range untransformed, and no one else fights. :)

8 Turns.. Starting to hurt...

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Winds of rebellion

Well, I did this as fast as I could, with Heather recruited. Just break through the armors, Neph gets into wrath range turn 1 EP. Kills the mage, brom kills archer. Hand Axe dude & Javelin guy suicide on Neph, why they attacked 1 range, who the hell knows. Neph kills a javelin dude near yeardley, brom kills the myrmidon. Yeardley gets a crit to the face. Heather appears, neph & brom get out of yeardley's range. Heather runs up the stairs, Brom recruits, Neph finishes.

6 + 6 Turns.

Damn...that's 23 turns in 2 chapters...

Tides of intrigue

Sucks ass... Nealuchi + Leanne can hide in the water. But using Lucia alone requires a damn fucked up strategy. (Right now, I'm at 3 turns being able to get near Maraj, 4 turns she should be able to be in his range. Kill general EP, and Arrive in turn 6. But it needs two places with some crits from the wind edge.)

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Oh? I checked the penalty list, 3 for everyone.

Well, um, Soul, is the penalty list up to date?

I'm sorry. I'll go edit that. You can indeed use one unit for free at 3-P. The penalty cost is 3 if you use a second unit.

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I'm sorry. I'll go edit that. You can indeed use one unit for free at 3-P. The penalty cost is 3 if you use a second unit.

2-P, as it were.

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