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(FE10) Draft Tournament VI


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1-6-1: 5 turns clear = 53 total

Fuck those other guys, thanks Sothe.

1-6-2: 3 turns clear = 56 total

I don't want to talk about it.

1-7: 6 turns clear = 62 total

lol, an archer Mic DOESN'T double with RESOLVE.

Edited by Integrity
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Check part 3, actually don't, it's kind of sad...

3-P 10 turns

Damn the AI. I had this in 8 turns but then some dumbass who wasn't Skrimir and couldn't OHKO the boss moved in front of him, costing me 2 turns.

3-1 13 turns

That Titania penalty is brutal. Got the Seraph Robe and the Gem at least...

3-2 4 turns

Gave Mia Celerity and she moved up. On turn 4, after baiting the boss, she OHKOd him with the Wrmslayer.

3-3 12 turns

Not transferring pass was a bad move. Ike got Celerity and killed mostly everything in his way. I deployed Gatrie for free, and he burned the bottom two supplies. I got the white gem. Rhys also got Paragon and Psychic to get some levels.

3-4 9 turns

This was a pain as I couldn't have Ranulf getting attacked. Mia killed the guy next to the boss with either Astra or a Crit, and Ike killed the boss on turn 9, allowing Ranulf and he to arrive together.

3-5 4 turns

Mia got Celerity and got the job done here with a Steel Forge, OHKOing the boss on turn 4.

3-6 9 turns

Sothe went north while Eddie went East with Beastfoe, killing a bunch of shiz and facing surprisingly low hit rates. He also got some great level ups, and is on track to be quite the force in the later chapters. Zihark got Pass, Resolve, and a Crown for the GMs.

3-7 12 turns

Standard defense chapter. Lethe got S Strike here, and I used her to recruit Zihark.

3-8 7 turns

I promoted Rhys at lv18, gave him resolve, and Ike got pass. I really miss having Oscar and Ulki...Lethe with halfshift is the epitome of mediocrity, unable to double the swordmasters on the RHS. Everyone who wasn't Lethe charged towards the boss and thanks to lack of two range except from Rhys, who wasn't OHKOing shit, I couldn't do this any faster.

3-9 8 turns

I crowned Geoffrey and gave him Adept. He breezed through this level, and luckily for me I didn't even need to give him Adept, as he critted the boss, not like it saved a turn though.

3-10 7 turns

Once again I miss two range other than Rhys. Ike and Lethe go east, while Rhys and Mia go northeast, killing everything they encounter. I am pretty sure I couldn't do this any faster. Oh yeah, the crimean royal knights other than Geoffrey are so pathetic that a couple of them died. I'm pretty sure they cost me a turn too, what with baiting enemies away from Rhys and Mia by moving up.

3-11 10 turns

I gave Ike pass. This one was kind of sad without a flier or mount. I had Tibarn kill the boss for me on turn 9, and then Ike was able to seize. Lethe got SS Strike, not like it helped me save turns...

3-12 5 turns

Eddie got crowned at lv 15, becoming a beast. He also got Resolve and I ordered the partners to halt so he could get some nice EXP before Ike since I didn't unequip Ragnell, what with being a genius and all. By turn 5, 40 enemy units had died.

3-13 3 turns

Edward and Sothe jumped down the ledge on turn 2, then on turn 3 Sothe killed a Tiger in front of Ike, while Edward attacked and Critted him with some weapon I don't remember (probably Brave Sword).

3-E 5 turns

Rhys picked up Rescue with his glorious 32 luck. Here comes part 4...

Total turns part 3: 118 Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Silver Army: Micaiah, Sothe, Leanne

Greil Army: Ike, Mia, Lethe

Hawk Army: Elincia, Edward, Rhys

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4-P 4 turns

Sanaki went north with North and did her thing, seriously impressing me. She even OHKOd the bishop with an El tome, which is something that was unexpected. Naesala, Leanne, Sothe and Micaiah went east and finished off the foes. Everything went relatively well, and I could finish on turn 4.

4-1 7 turns

I made sure Lethe had Adept and Rend. Ike got blossom. Ike went South, Mia west, and Lethe east with halfshift. Lethe activated adept quite often, while Ike got a level or two of speed thanks to blossom and was soon doubling and OHKOing everything sans the boss. By turn 7 enemy phase, I'd finished the last of the reinforcements.

4-2 9 turns

Elincia got that coveted Robe, and some bexp. Rhys stayed near the start, dealing with reinforcements. Edward used Pass to go south and west eliminating everyone in his path, while Elincia went west, beasting. By turn 9 enemy phase, I'd finished off the last of those pesky reinforcements and was done with the chapter.

4-3 8 turns

Sanaki went south, activating Flare and killing stuff like a monster. Micaiah and Sothe went east and killed enemies, while Naesala and Leanne dealt with the western enemies. I left the BK to his own devices and he ended up slowing me down, but by turn 8 he'd finished off the last of the guys who crowd around him.

4-4 13 turns

Vika got bexpd to lv 30 and then got Tear. Lethe and Vika got all my Laguz Stones and Olivi Grass, and Mia, Vika and Lethe dealt with all of the northern enemies while Ike dealt with everyone near the start, thanks to his 2 range and +5 def. I killed Oliver, though looking back at it I could have recruited him pretty easily without costing turns, I didn't feel that way when I started. Oh well...

4-5 2 turns

Standard Elincia rescues Eddie who rapes Izuka.

Total part 4 turns: 43 turns

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Competition doesn't get permition to look at this

4-E-1 4 turns

4-E-2 1 turns

4-E-3 2 turns

4-E-4 2 turns

4-E-5 4 turns

Total turns: 282 turns

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Competition doesn't get permition to look at this

What is that supposed to mean?


Elincia was free to rescue Leanne. I had Nealuchi feed things for Marcia and try to raise his strike. Nealuchi got the boss kill, unfortunately.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Nealuchi   23.07 54 11   4  10  19   25 11  10 

8 turns.


The usual dondon strategy, which I'm thankful for.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Nephenee   2.14 32 15   6  20  21   12 16  15
Heather    7.14 32 15   9  21  25   16 10  14

7 turns (+3).


See above. :newyears:

5 turns.


Battle preparations

BEXP'd Marcia to 99 and bought a Horselayer for her.


I go with the pacifist clear, as always. Marcia gets boss kill and Speedwings for me. :newyears:

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Geoffrey  16.34 38 25   8  24  21   20 18  16
Marcia     8.27 35 19   8  19  22   12 18  16

6 turns (+3).


Battle preparations

BEXP'd Nephenee, Heather & Nealuchi.

Packed some stuff to send to the GM's.


It took a while and tons of restarts to find a good strategy to kill Ludveck. It also needed me to get lucky and block chokepoint, until I finally could do it. Nealuchi was in the middle of mosh pit and so was Marcia. They were both at Ludveck's 1-range, so he could've went for either of them and die. He decided to suicide to Marcia.

I could've done this alot faster if my Nealuchi was as good as my previous one. 8[

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Nephenee  10.74 36 19   6  26  27   17 18  18 
Heather   11.53 33 17   9  25  27   19 13  15
Marcia    10.44 36 20   8  20  24   13 18  17
Nealuchi  24.40 55 11   4  10  19   26 11  11

7 turns.

39 turns by the end of Part 2. And 114 turns in total.

Edited by Soul
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But i clicked on it before i read :(

I'll be updating Part of Part 3 if not all of it tomorrow. I had a busy week so i coulnd't really get anything done on video games.

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You guys can look at this though.

Character Opinions:

Edward: Solid in part 1 as usual. He helped make 3-6 and 3-13 alot less painful, and he capped most of his stats at level 14 as a Trueblade. He really impresses me every time I get to choose him.

Mia: One of my favorite characters, and probably a steal. She did her job in part 3, helping me avoid penalties sometimes and being a general beast. Come part 4 she was one of two units on the greil army with 2 range, which was crucial for 4-4. I'm glad I got her.

Elincia: Now of course, haters who shall not be named (*cough paperblade, soul*) gave me crap about choosing Elincia in the 3rd round, though I'm not quite sure why. She helped me 1 turn 2-E, and was great in 4-5 and 4-2. Not to mention she's another one of my favorites. She was good for Amiti and it's ability to double everything lategame, and was a capable member of my team when she was around.

Naesala: He helped with 4-P by taking care of the paladins who didn't use bows, and he also helped in the desert chapter thanks to flight. Come endgame though, his lack of SS strike really, really hurt me, and frankly, this guy was dissapointing, and probably an overall waste of a pick given the options that were left. However, since Integrity took both Sigrun and Tanith, my mindset was in need of a flier for 4-3, I guess he wasn't a complete failure.

Leanne: She was solid in 2-E, being the second part of my 1 turn formula, and in part 4 she was a beast in her own way, teaming up with Naesala to get kills on those ranged fighters who he couldn't deal with on enemy phase. A solid pick.

Sanaki: What a little beast. She surprised me, but really I guess any other sage could have done her job. However, her low strength really hurt me, as it prevented her from doubling some enemies. She did a solid job in 4-P and the desert chapter, which is basically what I drafted her for.

Lethe: Another pick that surprised me. She was very solid in part 3, helping me avoid penalties and increasing her strike rank. Come endgame she was my most powerful laguz. Her speed was good enough so that she activated Adept and Rend constantly, and in part 4 she was essential to the greil army, as Ike and Mia couldn't have gone it alone.

Vika: Terrible, just terrible. She had base defense and A Strike at lv32. Next.

Rhys: Not bad. He kind of helped in part 3, though he was never really needed. He did do some good picking up the Rescue staff in 3-E though, so he can be attributed with that.

Oliver: Killed him unfortunately.

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Battle preparations

Ike gets all of Mia's swords.


Ike - Adept


A trivial Ike solo in which I have to my luck in Skrimir's hands. This time he actually saved me a turn.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       13.24 44 24   2  28  25  15  23   7

9 turns.


Battle preparations

Titania takes all of Boyd's axes.


As always, Ike takes the North. Titania takes the entire Right side. And this time, instead of taking the Shinon penalty, I take a Gatrie penalty, for better results.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       15.47 45 25   2  30  27  15  23   7

7 turns (+9).


Battle preparations

First things first. I sell off a ton of crap. Buy two or three weapons and then BEXP Nephenee to lvl 15.


Ike - Celerity

Nephenee - Adept + Savior


- Established Heather x Nephenee C.


Ike went for the boss himself while Nephenee took the North side to gain some CEXP, while carrying Heather around.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       17.25 47 26   2  30  28  17  25   7   
Nephenee  16.83 42 24   6  26  27  20  22  18    C Heather
Heather   11.53 40 17   9  25  27  19  13  14    C Nephenee

4 turns.


Battle preparations

Bought a Dracoshield.

Heather got the Talisman.

BEXP'd Heather to 99.


Ike - Pass

Nephenee - Adept

Heather - Pass + Celerity

Gatrie - None


Heather ran circles around the enemies and flamed the place. She is like, the second best unit for this chapter, thanks to this awesome skill combo AND her Rogue movement type. The first one is Haar, of course. Anyway, Ike burnt the supply to the North-West, and Nephenee later head for Heather's rescue and got the boss on the way. Gatrie got the vey first supply and the Blossom scroll.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       19.40 48 27   3  30  29  17  26   7   
Nephenee  18.74 43 25   6  26  27  20  24  18    C Heather
Heather   13.93 40 18  11  25  28  20  15  17    C Nephenee

8 turns.


Battle preparations

Brought Lyre into the base. BEXP'd her to 99.

BEXP'd Heather to lvl 16 and then I Crowned her. Then I bought two Max Mt Steel nnife forges for her, and two more Steel knives. Nephenee got a max Mt/Crit Steel forge.


Ike - Celerity

Nephenee - None

Heather - Adept + Pass

Lyre - Blossom


They all just went UP. Except for Lyre. She stayed behind trying to carry her wight around a little bit.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 49 27   3  30  29  17  26   7   
Nephenee  19.14 44 25   6  26  27  20  24  18    B Heather
Heather    1.65 44 24  15  27  32  24  21  21    B Nephenee
Lyre      18.34 48  8   6  12  12  17   7   9

8 turns.


As usual, I have Heather steal the Energy Drop and have someone kill Lombroso. That "someone" being Nephenee, this time.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike      I forgot to checklist before BEXP'ing ):B Mia
Mia        3.22 43 26  10  34  34  19  19  14    B Ike
Heather   15.34 40 21  10  25  30  21  14  17

4 turns.


I would probably take my time to describe how brutal and overkill Nolan's performance was. But I can't now. So I'll just leave you guys with


Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res    Support
BROlan    6.??  60 34  10  32  32   26 24  20   Chuck Norris

8 turns.

Edited by Soul
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Hmmm... Got to 3-6 yesterday. lets see then what i can remember

3-p turns 9/10

Stupid skrimir would seize, he'd go far away from the arrive :facepalm: the laguz would go for things they couldn't kill it was annoying to watch. Ike got adept and miracle and mia's swords, he crits the boss on EP and then skrimir arrives OP. Gatrie was awesome. Gatrie had provoke

3-1 turns 11

Gatrie goes for the blue gem turn one, then goes retraces and goes towards the north side of the ble gem house. and starts to kill everything there. Ike goes north through the secret path. I wish i had wind edges. Gatrie took care of some reinforcements but some went to ike. The Partner units died bravely on like turn 1/2. They protected my undarfted from being attacked. I rescued undrafted with undrafted units to save space. Hope that is allowed.

3-2 turns 4

All units go all towards the boss. I got ily :awesome: gave celerity to ike, adept to Ily to try and help her combat a bit, i forget what i gave the other 2. Ily got the boss kill.

3-3 truns... 11 :facepalm:

stupidity with haar's flight

3-4 turns i think 8/9

Everyone charges up mordy plays around with people who went down the ledge. Got ettartd and a coin.

3-5 turns 3

Haar goes down and challenges eneemies. He couldn't double (he had master crowned chap earlier though) so he took 2 turns.

3-6 was like 9 turns.

I hate miccy's frailty, and the fact the Partner units don't protect her, atleast by blocking the west side...>_>

Meg was awesome, some BEXP levels now and she'll get the crown on 3-12.

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1-8: 7 turns clear + 6 turns Nailah = 75 total

Fuck Sothe. 60% STR growth my ass. He still gets the job done, though, even though I haven't quite pulled my Brigade pieces together yet.

And I still get to take penalties on every single Part 2 map WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

At this point I'll keep trying for turns, but I'm not worried about beating my own records or anything.

1-9: 7 turns clear = 82 total

Didn't expect THAT did you?

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3-7 12 turns. (amazing :o )

Not much happened, Mordy fought a lot tryign to get S rank which he didn't get (gets near though) Ike cards BK, next chap!

3-8 8 turns

Mordy assaulats the northern part, ily/gatrie/Ike ataack the middle/ Haar the south path. Mordy got S rank. Haar kills people in the boss area exceot boss and some scrubs flee, but they get killed by ike and company lol. Gatrie promoted after killing the boss (which was also the last enemy.)

3-9 8 turns + Geoff (hadn't i posted this before?.... hmmm)

Geoff rushes to boss, gets speed wing along the way. After he killed boss he moved up to the end of stairs and got Spirit dust :awesome: Astrid stayed around killing/hurting some stuff.

3-10 8 turns IIRC

Ily soloes the forest (promoted at base). Mordy had taken abunch of bexp up to lvl 28 he went along killing stuff with haar, ike, and gatrie. Not much else

3-11 9 turns

Astrid got some BEXP, BEXP'd Mordy to 35, he got STR/DEF/HP capped, 14 skl, and 12 spd (enough to double most things in this map.) Not much else either (as if i could remember anyway <_<)

3-12 6/7 turns

Meg gets pass promotes after getting BEXP'd up to lvl 19, and then just goes to kill stuff. (Gave her pass so that i could get her to be only unit in range of enemies since they were scared of her.)

3-13 6/7 turns

Meg rushes to ike but gets hurt along the way. Me being careful, waste a turn and heal, then she lunas ike on the first hit. Bam 50 hp off :awesome:

3-E 6 turns.

Astrid to Skrimir's side, Haar to Tibarn's side. The rest through the middle. They all kill everything in sight.

Silver : Mordy/Skrimir/Haar/Ily

Greil : Gat/Meg/Ike

Tibarn : Astrid (plan on just tibarn soloing most stuff)

4-P 4 turns.

Haar goes to the middle of the map with a few hand axes and rapes everything. Mordecai and Skrimir stay on the bridge on the begining are to take care o units that will never get ner haar. Ily goes to the east and rapes everything as well. BTW, my sothe isn't looking so bad. He has 30 speed, had capped str and skl before promo. He'll probably be somewhat useful i guess.

4-1 10 turns

Almost went into eleven but Ena transformed turn 9, and 2rko'd the dark magic user who tried to kill her. Meg went east gatrie west, ike south then east then west. Ike had paragon and capped str, has 36 str now, 18 Res, 31 def, 39 skl, 62 hp. Needless to say he's awesom.

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Did another distribution. This time Mordy went to Tibarn's army along with Astrid.

4-P 3 turns

Haar stunned the boss and then everything was like :awesome:

4-1 8 turns

Ike got the same treatment with paragon, except he wasn't about to cap skl,spd,def, and didn't have 18 res at the end :/. He did get like 34 speed though. Meg goes west, Gatrie goes east with Rafiel.

4-2 15 turns

Mordecai goes west. Astrid south then west with a forged javelin, silver lance forge, a javelin, and a steel greatlance, along with some bows. She raped everything. Mordecai had capped speed, and raped everything as well. He went back after devastating the north side to kill reinforcements. In the end, Astrid was near and went to get the last reinforcements that had 2 1-2 range units. In the end astrdi was left with 1 silver lance use and 11 steel greatlance use. Astrid had celerity btw.

4-3 9 turns.

Ily, goes south (not to the middle area, rather the left side.) She handled her self well with Flare. Skrimir goes east. Haar takes the bulk of the army. I got dragon foe.

4-4 18 turns ;_;

Damn Meg and gatrie movement. If they had more this would have ended 10x sooner :/ Ike got lucky (along with some restarts) and dodged the sleep staff. He had 16 res and pure water on him. Also meg couldn't 2hko and gatrie who could 2hko couldn double most units. Another reason why it took so freaking long >_>

4-5 prep...

I was planing on giving astrid pass but i left it on Ike's inventory :facepalm: Now i was trying to get astrid across, but the damn tigers won't attack her if there are only a few. That plus she can't 2hko them reliably. Mordecai can't do it either. And teaming them up risks Elincia getting hit and me getting a penalty >_>...

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Hey soul got a question, is it allowed to rescue volke and use him? There is no penalty stated for him but i'd like to be sure if using him is even allowed.

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4-5 8 turns plus Volke

Volke killed all the laguz which could get near tibarn/eli the turn after while mordy and Astrid when onwards toward izuka. In turn 7 enemy phase, the laguz were few and astrid had an opening after mordecai's kill which she used to get in to Izuka's range

4-E-1 4 turns

Skrimir right, Mordecai left, Ike and rest middle. Haar kills the bolting mage and ily the blizzard to protect rafiel. Astrid gets the double bow, and somebody trades her weapons to make it be equiped. She kills the mages of the left side on the same turn. They continue on and eventually i finish. Ily was amazing with every stat capped (the only one that manged to do so)

4-E-2 1 turn.

Ily gets the wishblade using blizzard tome, ike attack bk with hammer. BK dies ep

4-E-3 2 turns

ily gets rexbolt

Miccy purge

Sothe Pehzkats

ike ragnell

Gat wishblade

Astrid double bow

Haar urvan

Meg wyvernslayer. (would have given her alondite, but she had like 33 strenght.)

Ily along with ike rafiel and someone else kill the boss.

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