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How many units can you take to the Endgame?

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I think it's about 18 units, including Ike and your dragon. You also get to call in the Laguz Royal of your choice on Turn 2 and they arrive on Turn 3- or a lot later if you're on hard mode.

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I'd say Drop Oscar or Rolf for Jill. Or Drop Oscar and Rolf for Jill and Astrid.

I was actually thinking of making another playthrough using these units:














And some other unit I might want to use

I would probably do this one when I can do fixed stats.

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True, but I personally like some other units better. Here's who I'm going to use:















So yeah, that's how it's going to work.

Personally I'd drop Volke for Jill, he won't pull his weight in endgame.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't use him, mind. Just don't bring him to endgame.

Edited by Haze
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Personally I'd drop Volke for Jill, he won't pull his weight in endgame.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't use him, mind. Just don't bring him to endgame.

I see what you mean, but I was planning to give Volke lethality so he could rip through like half of the enemies. Jill is more of an offensive unit however so it would make sense to bring her as well.

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Actually his max crit is 25%, so his max Lethality activation rate is 12%. Still pretty low, but it, Sol, and Aether are probably the only Mastery skills that are often worth activating. Anyways, your team looks fine to me. It's very similar to what I usually use (not that I'm much of a role model for this game).

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Actually his max crit is 25%, so his max Lethality activation rate is 12%. Still pretty low, but it, Sol, and Aether are probably the only Mastery skills that are often worth activating. Anyways, your team looks fine to me. It's very similar to what I usually use (not that I'm much of a role model for this game).

I strongly disagree on Lethality being worth an Occult scroll, because, to be blunt, it isn't worth it. The best you'll be seeing is single-digit activation rates (after all, enemies have Luck, and probably enough to knock its pitifully low activation rate down to the single digits), and as a result, it could be considered a Useless Useful Skill.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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I strongly disagree on Lethality being worth an Occult scroll, because, to be blunt, it isn't worth it. The best you'll be seeing is single-digit activation rates (after all, enemies have Luck, and probably enough to knock its pitifully low activation rate down to the single digits), and as a result, it could be considered a Useless Useful Skill.

I'm pretty sure in this game (unlike FE8), Lethality's activation rate is determined from the crit stat and is not affected by enemy luck. But while it is relatively useless, what do you think is better? If you give Aether to Ike and give at most two of your horses Sol, you'll still have room for Lethality. This guy is using three horses, though I wouldn't give Sol to Mist.

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I'm pretty sure in this game (unlike FE8), Lethality's activation rate is determined from the crit stat and is not affected by enemy luck. But while it is relatively useless, what do you think is better? If you give Aether to Ike and give at most two of your horses Sol, you'll still have room for Lethality. This guy is using three horses, though I wouldn't give Sol to Mist.

Bold: There's no way I'm buying that enemy luck doesn't affect Lethality's activation rate.

And Volke's crit rate will never be good enough to make Lethality worth it.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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  • 2 weeks later...

Oscar is average. The best units in this game are Jill, Shinon, Ike, Kieran, Soren, Marcia, either Lethe or Mordecai, Mia and Nephenee. With only this people it's enough to ravage through all the enemies.

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Oscar is average. The best units in this game are Jill, Shinon, Ike, Kieran, Soren, Marcia, either Lethe or Mordecai, Mia and Nephenee. With only this people it's enough to ravage through all the enemies.


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Oscar is average. The best units in this game are Jill, Shinon, Ike, Kieran, Soren, Marcia, either Lethe or Mordecai, Mia and Nephenee. With only this people it's enough to ravage through all the enemies.

Mordecai I can get behind, just not for fighting purposes. But Shinon, Soren, Lethe, Nephenee, and Mia? Aside from Shinon none of those are bad, but best units in the game is giving them way too much credit. Even Ike is pretty borderline there. And Oscar average? Wth?

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