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Elincia's noobish sprite work

RNG Princess

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I decided to show how horrible my spriting is, take it easy on me i'm new at mapping and doing that is really tough especially the mountains ^^' (:

Class sprite animation ^^' rip off i know

Dark magic mounted unit I always wanted one ^_^ because mage knights and valkryies exist but no love for dark magic ;;'

the other half should be the wolf attacking and the mage just riding? ^^'





I like the 1st one more the second one was supposed to have more mountains but it was too much ;;'




Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Wat that sprite is excellent! Doggy! I feel like the red circle around the dark magic in the 3rd and 4th pic is weird though.

I see what you mean about the mountains though, they are kinda misaligned looking. Didn't know it was so hard to make mountains fit together nicely.

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Those boats are too small XD

You should just have them run off screen, because boats like that (the way they are right now), if they were IRL, wouldn't float at all.

Yeah, those things would sink like a rock from the size of them, and yet not enough length to displace water that equals its weight. Yay Buoyancy (Ignore the science crap, I'm just being Asian.)

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My goodness where have you been!

ANYwhoo, actual critique... Well you know what they already said about the boat map, the second map's rivers are a bit straight, may want to make them more curvy. And on mountains, you can reference FE7's bern chapter(the one when you fight Viada).

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lol how odd I did not expect to receive praise for mountedsprite ^^'

and thank you for commenting I appreciate the critique

@Severlan Mountains are the hardest imo :sob:

Those boats are too small XD

You should just have them run off screen, because boats like that (the way they are right now), if they were IRL, wouldn't float at all.

but they look so cute ;.;

you're right ^^'

I came up and colored the mountedsprite i'll call it Hound Rider ^_^

Enemy Palette


has anyone ever made a griffin/gryphon knight? ^^' I was playing around and I came up with something resembling it butI don't want to post it becuase half of the sprites I used were made by someone from DeviantArt ^^'

but here's the other half:


Dragon horns, Gwylli tail, Fa's wings I didn't use dragon horns in the end ^^'

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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I've been editing the maps ^_^ do they look better or worse? The mountain map was hard but I followed Hero's advice :3 (still not done)

btw how can I make that river look cooler? what sort of curve would make it stand out?



WInd Tome ^_^


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I edited the wind tome animation ^^'

which color is better?

Blue or Green?




The rivers in the bottom two should curve a lot and look more natural other than that they're pretty awesome!smile.gif

Thank you ^^' the last two are the same map but the one above the last one is the recent edit (:

Those rives ;;' idk what to do with them lol

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It kinda just, like, goes off to the top and bottom of the enemy without actually hitting them. At least, it looks like it will.


Oh lol it'll have "boom" white circle thingy in between ^^' or maybe the middle blade keep going left?

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What I would and will do would probably be to have them separate earlier on, then come back together into the enemy and then keep going past them. But that's just me. You could always just get rid of some blank space on the left to make it look more like they separate upon hitting. Or did you want two blades to him them? Then you can have them separate and then just go straight. It's really up to you. I oughtn't to decide on your animation for you ^-^;

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What I would and will do would probably be to have them separate earlier on, then come back together into the enemy and then keep going past them. But that's just me. You could always just get rid of some blank space on the left to make it look more like they separate upon hitting. Or did you want two blades to him them? Then you can have them separate and then just go straight. It's really up to you. I oughtn't to decide on your animation for you ^-^;

What about this?


and I like your idea :3 maybe for an elwind, the one I have would be for the wind tome ^^'

What do u think about this?


not the blades but the way its moving ^^'

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Well I'm liking these two maps a lot I must say.

First one is kinda cluttered though, that is a lot of things mashed into a small space XD You can probably "move" some people out to the outside area since it's pretty bland out there. Mountains or something else would be a nice touch too.

Prison map looks great, you just missed a few shading issues near some of the walls.

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I don't know the tilesets, but...

First map, the trees are super monotonous. The light grass tends to cut off randomly, and I'm preeeetty sure that main building has a top.

Second map is very nice, but I bet there's a better piece for the ¬ part of the individual cells.

Lol text font change.

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