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Who do you usually give your 10 Master Seals to?

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In the order I use them on:

Lena, Ogma, Draug, Navarre, Barst, Caeda, Cain, Abel, Merric, (sold).

I barely pay attention to any other unpromoted units. Mostly because I just fill any vacant spots with Wolf/Zag, Chainy(I absolutely refuse to call him Xane.), Chiki, and Jake/Beck. That and I don't have enough seals or CEXP to go around(and no, arena scumming doesn't count. It's inefficient and only serves to turn anything into a gamebreaker.) And I just prefer these 9 units because I get them early, which means that they are getting more CEXP, WEXP, and support points than late bloomers like Dolph and Paola/Katua(and benefit more from said commodities than guys like Gaggles, Vyland, and Matthis.)

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One of Cain/Abel/Frey/Hardin

Darros [/surprise]


One of Bord/Cord

One of Ogma/Athena

One of Draug/Norne/Roger



Two of Catria/Palla/Caeda

Occaisonally other characters.

I thought there was more than ten. Did you count the secret shop?

And sometimes I'll buy more Master Seals/Elysian Whips online. I'm currently working on a "get everyone to 20/20 playthrough. XD

Edited by Hawk King Tibarn
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  • 2 weeks later...

I usually keep people in their beginning class, so besides Maji and Saji, everyone else are themselves.





Maji (Dark Mage)

Saji (Hunter)





I like using Thomas and Michelan instead of Gordon and Doga sometimes instead for shits and giggles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I almost always find myself giving them out to:







Then from there, it varies:

Catria or Palla (Est usually comes too late)

Cain or Abel or Hardin (one of the main cavs)

Castor or B male reclassed to Hunter

Ogma or B male reclassed to Mercenary

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  • 2 weeks later...

Abel/Frey/Cain, whichever I have on hand

One of the others if I have 'em

And If I'm playing casual, the third one.








No real order.

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  • 2 months later...

depends on what class I've chosen in any of my 1 class PTs

either Frey, Cain, Abel and Caeda

or Draug and Cord (use with wolf and sedgar, but they're already promoted)

next to that, I always use Lena as healer and starlight user. I promote her too

(and always Marth, but he doesn't promote either)

and Catria sometimes, but she just comes too late...

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  • 2 months later...

It's generally variable for most of my runs, but I always throw Est a Master Seal? Why, you say? BECAUSE I CAN.

Although it is rather impractical.

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  • 1 month later...

Est( super strong)

Ougma ( best character)

Mereric( exacilaboom)

Abel and Cain ( twisting twin calavier)

draug ( wall)

barst( silver axe equiper)

Lena( healer)

Palla or catria

The last is gordin/ saji or someone reclass to hunter ( I hate bow)

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  • 3 months later...

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