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Abysmal Souls


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I suppose I can reveal it now, since the two people I'm never trusting with my RP secrets again have revealed that Adrians not really dead. :/ How I do it, I'm not entirely sure yet, PM or here.... hmmm :/

> implying that you trusted me before

> loling

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I fail to see why you'd assume you would ever be able to keep your secrets with me in the first place.

Unless it specifically involved my character instead of "everybody is going to [blank]".

Edited by Camtech075
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Is it just me, or are those the hack people :/

*Blames Seph and Cam for the weirdness*


:/ I sort of did, but if that's the way I'm supposed to treat you, then I suppose it doesn't hurt me to change my ways.



Again, complete blunder on my behalf, my old age is making me soft it seems, but thanks to you two, young spiteful Kanami is somewhat revived and back in action.


Should you? I don't know, I don't see why you'd want to though. :/ Though people watching it is fine, if it was other people I'd shrug it off but having people like TBA, MK404 and BwdYeti around, it sort of feels as awkward as having staff constantly watching us xD

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Sure, Rey? Why not xD

@Mao Old age? There's no way you're more than 4 years older than me xD Yeah, your profile says 21, only 3 years xD You're not old until you hit 60, lady

And, the old Mao is back, yay! :D

Or not yay.

Edited by seph1212
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Quiet all of you!

It's 2PM! It's my RP so my time is the real time!

Adjust your clocks accordingly kthxbai.

I doubt anything will happen now, (partially my fault since I went off to eat lunch while activity was still going)

But hey, we got through another semi active day.

Not sure what to do with Susan and Grant though, Susan's alot more quiet then I'd like her to be, so I might force Greg on her at some stage. :/

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