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Just woke up, give me a few moments to catch up, also, don't expect me to be around any earlier then this, since I'm not getting up early just to RP xD I need my beauty sleep

A Slave, your assumption is correct, the prison is a makeshift one, so it wouldn't be high quality of anything.

Edited by Kanami
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Just woke up, give me a few moments to catch up, also, don't expect me to be around any earlier then this, since I'm not getting up early just to RP xD I need my beauty sleep

A Slave, your assumption is correct, the prison is a makeshift one, so it wouldn't be high quality of anything.

i also assume still tied up, right?

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@Slave, you're behind bars, disarmed, with a guard watching you, I really don't think it's necessary for me to keep you tied up. So it's up to you.

As for the argument regarding the combat system, as was stated, I'd appreciate if people didn't judge the combat system on the first rigged testing I do :/

As for wtf losing sight of the enemy, it's implemented to replace the concept of accuracy. In most cases, there'll be a lot more enemies so it'll be alot easier finding them. And the enemy seldom "Move" anyway.

If you feel like charging in blindly, you can attack without searching if you want.

As for Carrion getting three attacks, that was implemented much earlier then the trial. She's supposed to act as a support character (All my characters are). And they won't be turning up on the actual Grid with the rest of you, but offering some sort of bonus/advantage.

GM biased? Definitely, but I'm not aiming for a fair system, the system is already tipped in the players favor in all RP's cause the characters can't die, and the enemy usually get dumber as the group gets weaker to guarantee victory.

As for activity I'm not willing to slow the entire thing down, just for one person, upon signing up, I did mention that I'm expecting a minimum of two posts per day on average. That isn't very hard if others are posting. And with current player count, That's a bare minimum of 12 posts a day. And since some will probably post more (myself) I'd estimate that one page per day is the average speed. *Unless we get an inactivity spike).

I won't ask you to leave at this stage, but 1 post a day isn't really an adequate level of activity to maintain a proper position in this RP.

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The thing I like about your character Seph is that they're not the hero-y types that everyone else seems to have, Even I'm guilty of making my characters seem more competent then they actually should be. While Adrian..... (and Amera) xD They're kind of the opposite and more villager-y then normal :P

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The thing I like about your character Seph is that they're not the hero-y types that everyone else seems to have, Even I'm guilty of making my characters seem more competent then they actually should be. While Adrian..... (and Amera) xD They're kind of the opposite and more villager-y then normal :P

Hey, every group has to have the 'old vet' on their team. Plus, they're fun to play as if you do it right. Key is balance.

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But Great Greg..... :(

But yeah, I wasn't saying that people were godmodding, "old vet" or not, it's inevitable that people make their characters like that in an battle oriented Rp. I mean imagine an army of Adrian. They'd all flee the moment trouble came up xD


She seems the most balanced to me. Cam's probably going a bit overboard as am I. Below that (closer to balanced) come Grant, Susan then Adrian. No idea where Zwool fits in cause there simply hasn't been enough done with him.

@Cam activity

Is he still around today?

And Seph, you're totally begging me to kill you xD

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But yeah, I wasn't saying that people were godmodding, "old vet" or not, it's inevitable that people make their characters like that in an battle oriented Rp. I mean imagine an army of Adrian. They'd all flee the moment trouble came up xD



Ohwell, he's dying anyway :E

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well, I coulda sworn the req was 1 post a day, but if it's 2 then I'll go ahead and post when I get home, and post when I get to bed... but uh, yeah... back to the reading. (and I wasn't asking for a total STOP in the RP, just to slow down so that the guy doing the minimal time can atleast keep up.)

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