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Besides the fact that I have an overwhelming advantage, Not really no, you can still win this if you've got luck on your side, and I have none XD

Adrian can still fight, so I'm not sure what Seph means, forfeiting a search turn? XD


Player actions don't need to go in spoilers, I put the tutorial in a spoiler since it wasn't an RP post.

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Eh... I noticed people from RoTE doing that and I thought it looked neater. Oh well.


@Not rigged: I'm fairly sure that it's possible, but knowing my luck we're gonna be obliterated fairly quickly.

Edited by Camtech075
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It's totally rigged; she can see us, and we can't see her D:

There has to be some fights in the future where enemies are visible. It's totally not fair for them to be invisible the entire time.

And, I meant he couldn't fight. I'll still take my searching XD

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Not to mention that against a lone opponent, we have 48 squares to cover between the two of us, which means 8 squares a turn. Because of this, it'll take 6-10 turns maximum (math ftw) to cover everything. Again, we're up against a lone opponent so the chance that one of us will find her is about 1/6. Now, we have a small advantage in that there's only one enemy, so we can flush her out as soon as one of us see her.

However, we have to remember that she can probably OHKO Adrian immediately. So barring some lucky coincidence in that we find her on turn one and Ormis can beat her without dying, it is pretty much rigged.

Edited by Camtech075
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@Seph, false, all battles will be concealed, it's just that I don't get a choice on where I want to attack :/ You'll see what I mean when I post Intro 102.

@Cam, usually there's more enemies on the map so you're more likely to find enemies, in this case though... actually screw this post, I'd rather just continue writing the tutorial XD

To clarify though, yes, it's rigged in my favor, not so I'll win 100%, but the chances aren't 50/50 :P

Edited by Kanami
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That's what you think now Seph, wait till I actually find one of you, then you're screwed XD

I don't really care if you believe me or not, but Carrion actually isn't moving about (I'm not cheating, I set her in one position, and she hasn't moved. You guys are just bad at searching, but that's my intentions so that's okay XD

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Nyeh, no need to continue tomorrow, I've got a few things I know which need fixing now anyway. (Basics will remain the same, just need to adjust the grid and a few technicalities)

My biggest problem with that set up is that Carrion isn't meant to be on the grid XD Players are supposed to fight while she hides "off" the map offering support fire. (Hence the reason she attacks three individual squares without counter opposed to following normal rules)

So there was also the problem of using Carrion who wasn't suited to be the test subject XD

Either way that provided a good deal of insight on a few changes I need to make. And I'll be able to put a good portion of it up under "battle" in the signup thread.

Edited by Kanami
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Ho dang um... to active for me =\ I tried guys... but uh, when the rest of you are getting like 2-3 pages a dat and I can barely manage one post, uh... yeah, that tells me either you all are going to fast. (which why would I penalize that) or I'm going to slow... (ok, that can be resolved.) I was expecting this to be a little slower of an RP, maybe 3-10 posts a day... not 30-40. =\ I"m going to have to drop out unless you can find it in your hearts to slow down for someone who's only going to post once or twice a day. >_>'''

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yeah... that's hard, I only promised one post a day by signing up, but my posting time is rather short, and your pages of 200+ word posts cut that time significantly, heck, I probably won't even be able to catch up today.. =,\

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I think it was more the turn of events that led to wtfspeed than the pace of the RP itself, personally. Maybe now that the drama's over it'll slow down again.

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Ok um... I'll go ahead and post, who's character is the cook the smells of Spices? Your going to be how I get Zwool back to the activity. (animalistic=using sense that aren't sight, so...)

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Adrian (Trent/Seph's character) is, or I assume he would be. Though not really sure how you'd smell spices through the smell of blood and burning wood. >_>

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