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I'll be gone for all Sunday and most of Monday, so assuming you guys start fighting before I get back, Ormis will still be lost in the forest or someone can character control.

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My apologies regarding the last two days, roy's usually gone for the weekend, and Cam said he'd be missing for half of it as well, so I accepted a managing role in a stupid charity flea market gathering concert money grabbing event for the earthquake in Japan (Or rather the side effects of the earthquake). Not something I'd usually do, but I figured it'd be a nice change of pace.

Sore all over now though >_<

I'll try to grab a hold of the plot again in my next post, at the moment though, I'm tired, sleepy and I think I can see my dead grandmother on the other side of the light :/ So, another day of inactivity here~

A battle's coming up soon, and I'll run everyone through battle when that time comes.

As for Zwool (Zsword). I really was expecting a wee bit more activity from you :/ And I'd appreciate it if you either joined up with the others, or informed me that you're withdrawing (temporarily: Zwool wanders off, or permanently: Character Death!) So that I don't have to wonder where or what he's up to.

Edited by Kanami
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It's alright XD

IRL is more important than some internet RP, of course :3

And, where has Zsword been? I mean, for reals :E

I've been waiting for him to post for a while, now. The birdy probably flew away ~( ' 3')~

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He spent his spring break gaming. I don't think I've actually seen him active since like Tuesday.

EDIT: Speak of the devil!

Edited by roymbrog
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*Guides you into a trap*

@Z: Not a problem, as long as you're back XD

@Rest, Things have drastically changed from what I had originally planned, so I need to readjust a few things, if you ever find that something doesn't make sense, or it too far-fetched, let me know here, or via PM. (I don't mind being publicly humiliated, more opinions I can get the better IMO)

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Well, I'm just waiting for Roymbrog to post :<

I mean, I could post, but I'd feel like I was posting too much, so, nyeh.

@Roymbrog, why not have us run into Kanami's girl? Have yours show off her healin' skills.

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Plus it's not my fault you all decided to leave my guidance by getting lost~

Probably should note that I'll be taking up any opportunities I can steal (Eg Susan noticing rustling), and will sometime take control of your characters senses. (Adrian noticed footprints in the snow). I'll usually try to get around it with something like (A large explosion shattered the silence) but it's not easy doing it in some cases.

@Z: I suppose it's fine, but you'd probably have trouble finding the others who a canopy of tree's :/ They didn't really hide their footprints, but they probably can't be seen from the sky :P And I doubt something Zwool's size is weaving through tree's :/ Just saying atm, you can still find your way to the group by air in this case. But if it conflicts henceforth, I might control your character into a wild goose chase~ (Zwool noticed that the tracks had ended, and at the tip of the tracks sat a rather large snow bunny which twitched its nose as Zwool as if it were telling him to piss off)

@Roy running in:

Not really what I had in mind, but you can if you want to, go ahead and burden me with another NPC XD

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Well, I kinda viewed it as him only being like, 8-9 feet in the air at the most, and I kinda thought that the forest wasn't TOO thick for him to atleast fallow through the trees. >_>'' but hey, your the GM, so it's your call.

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Your post was late, but it would have been fine, I had asked Slave to get Grant to attack me again so that it'd make sense. Up to you.

"Plus, even if I were to die, I'll just come back like last time, and I'll wipe out any family and children you have."

That was the final straw. Despite not actually knowing where his family was and what they were doing, Ormis still cared about them and would brook no threats to them.

"Alright, then. Let's see you put your money where your mouth is!" he exclaimed, leaping into action. Ormis could feel the heat of the fireballs around the other man, but some flying water from Susan quickly took care of that threat. The boy was pissed, and his anger sharpened his reflexes and senses. "You can posture and threaten me all you want, no puny little fire will kill me," Ormis said, spinning his sword around as he attacked the Crimson Witch's other side. ((This is assuming that Grant is attacking at an angle, otherwise just pretend Ormis attacked from the side or something))

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I actually would have gotten it in on time, but I had to go take out the trash midway through typing it up.

Doesn't really matter, since I contradicted like three things Ormis did in the next post, so I think I'm just gonna say ignore it.

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Yay, hurting myself because I highly doubt Adrian could have gotten behind Susan's wall without crashing through it XD

Also, are we making a chat for this RP? o:

Or are we just gonna ask a mod to move this topic?

Edited by seph1212
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I'm not entirely sure yet, seeing the other Rp's around, it seems like the chat/signup or both are dead due to lack of activity, and everyone hiding over on IRC. And I really want to avoid spamming new threads which'll get knocked down into nowhere.

I'm also hesitant to make an IRC channel since the RotE one seems pretty quiet a good portion of the time. I might talk to Phee to see if he'd mind us sharing that channel if people really want somewhere to chat. Otherwise I'll just leave it as is until I think of something better to do.

(Might move this thread to chat, and put a link in the first post of each RP chapter.)

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Yay for pretty much committing character suicide.

I'm pretty sure nothing short of a miracle or Ormis doing a Chuck Norris (neither of which I can see Mao allowing...) is going to save him, unless Greg happens to bluster in from out of nowhere.

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Wait, Mao? :/

Who are you? :blink:

*Suspicious and wary*

The others by the looks of it will have to follow suit anyway since I'm not Phee and will be forcing you all to hand over your weapons, doesn't matter if it's precious memento or a something that looks relatively harmless, try to hide it and I'll have them strip search you :P

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