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FE10 mafia: GAME OVER


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So I can't win because I played the game correctly? WTF is this?

Look, if you don't want shenanigans like me remembering the story of RD, DON'T MAKE A STORY-BASED GAME!

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WoMC won on night 1 thanks to RD claiming to me, Raymond's "here's-what-I-know" post, and a stupid suggestion in the game thread by one of my teammates.

. . .though if I lost because Ike's recruiting ability made it impossible for me to win, I don't mind. I DO mind if I'm accused of cheating.

EDIT: Thanks, Paperblade. I feel much better.

Edited by eclipse
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Can you provide a priority list, JB? It'll be interesting to see who hooked who.

nobody because it wasn't deemed necessary/ haze/ paperblade/ balcerzak/ balcerzak

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Was my Zihark claim that bad?

I dunno about your Zihark claim, but there was a slight problem with your Tanith claim, though I admittedly didn't notice it and Sho/Anouelth didn't tell me about it until much later and you were dead so it didn't matter at all in the end.

You had 4★ authority, Excellen/Sigrun had 3, which doesn't make sense.

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Yeah, I couldn't think of a good role for her. At least as Volug or Tanith I could be an Interceptor, and I was going to claim Bulletproof Vest as Zihark (Earth affinity).

All were abilities I actually had, so that was no problem. But I had no idea what to do for a Crimean mole.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Yeah, I couldn't think of a good role for her. At least as Volug or Tanith I could be an Interceptor, and I was going to claim Bulletproof Vest as Zihark (Earth affinity).

All were abilities I actually had, so that was no problem. But I had no idea what to do for a Crimean mole.

Kieran, Second Commander Crimean Royal Knights!

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First of all, I apologize to Daein, it was probably my fault that we lost for the most part.

Secondly, congrats to those that won.


I would appreciate it if you stopped claiming that I used WHOIS. It's not my fault that you couldn't keep your mouth shut in my presence.

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I would appreciate it if you stopped claiming that I used WHOIS. It's not my fault that you couldn't keep your mouth shut in my presence.

For starters, I never said anything in front of you.

Secondly, it's JB saying it this time, not me.

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Eclipse, I never claimed to not be Crimean! What made you disbelieve me based on that? Everything I told you was true of my original role, which I may as well post now since JB hasn't posted it:

Dear user,

Your character is Ike.

You are the hero of the Crimean Wars. You are considered a hero to all of Tellius, but this conflict will test you even further, but you are determined to succeed, even if it forces you to resort to slightly more dubious methods.

During the night phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – Bring <USER> for some questioning. USER will be kidnapped by you and the Greil Mercenaries, and be unable to perform any of their actions. They will be detained until the end of the next night. The night after you perform the kidnapping you may also reply to your role PM with “Night X – Find out what USER has to say” or “Night X – Aether USER into oblivion”. USER will either be forced to give up their role PM or will be killed.

In addition, due to your absolute resolve to defeat the Black Knight, if you are attacked before you kill the Black Knight, you will deflect their attack and scare the attacker off. This ability will not work if you are found by the Black Knight.

You have the sword Ragnell. This sword cannot be stolen from you, and you may not give it to others. If you acquire Alondite, you may reply to your role PM once with “Day/Night X – Fuse Ragnell and Alondite together, and bequeath it upon USER”. You will create the Divine Blade, but it is incredibly powerful, and in your opinion it would be better kept in the hands of USER. USER can be yourself.

You also know that the Black Knight is involved in this conflict. During any phase you may reply to your role PM with “Day/Night X – USER is responsible!” You must state the name of the user whom you believe to be the Black Knight, and if you are correct you will successfully kill him. However, if you get the Black Knight’s username wrong after 3 tries you will kill yourself out of despair. You also have to hurry to complete this objective, as the Black Knight also knows you are involved and will attempt to kill you before you kill him.

You are allied with Crimea. You win if you survive this conflict or if you are able to successfully kill the Black Knight.

I had already assumed Aquilae had investigated me, I was just counting on being able to pass for either independent or Crimean. Of all the reasons to kill me, couldn't you think up a better one?

Edited by Kay
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For starters, I never said anything in front of you.

Secondly, it's JB saying it this time, not me.

Night 0:

[spoiler=IP Chat]

Chat 3:55pm

# Sho.M.the.M...

is our chat save now?

# Excellen Br...

I think so

# Haze

Get on the irc, I'll test it with one of you


Don't go into the one I sent you all

# Sho.M.the.M...



Just use #fe10mafia

# Black Star

you know Kaoz can read all of this, right?

# Haze

So you haven't made the faction channels private yet then

# Haze

Yes I do

# Haze

If he's interested in knowing why none of us can go to our respective channels, he can ask

Bolded the stuff that made me suspicious.


[15:57] <KaoZ> please tell me then

[15:57] -->| Empress_Sanaki (~chatzilla@synIRC-ED971B61.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #fe10mafia

[15:58] <Haze> JB didn't set them to private

[15:58] <Haze> You can WHOIS anyone and see that they're in their channels

[15:58] <Haze> Enough WHOISing could give you an entire team

[15:58] <KaoZ> so you know everyone's faction already?

[15:58] <Haze> based on them all being in the same channel

[15:58] <Haze> Fuck no

[15:58] -->| Sho (~5b98d1a6@synIRC-9E7FF4C.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has joined #fe10mafia

[15:59] <Empress_Sanaki> well, we're not going to abuse it

[15:59] <Haze> For starters the channels aren't named #FE10Crimea/Daein/Begnion

[15:59] <JBCWK> If I can get it to work

[15:59] <JBCWK> then good

[15:59] <Haze> And for second everyone who knows agreed not to abuse it

[15:59] <Empress_Sanaki> I think this can be solved just by everyone changing their nick

[16:00] <Haze> I'm not entirely sure how to make them private

[16:00] <Haze> try asking Spoon

[16:00] <JBCWK> Ok damn

[16:02] <Haze> Looks like he's fixed it

[16:02] <JBCWK> Haven't

[16:02] <Haze> Oh

[16:02] <Empress_Sanaki> yes

I got something out of this I think, I can't really remember what exactly though.... maybe it was just the Sanaki nick...

Kevin checked Anouleth on that night and eclipse told me they confirmed you as Begnion as well. Note that I was rather unsure about the whole thing until we got those night results.

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