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FE10 mafia: GAME OVER


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Never before seen role pm:

Dear user,

Your character is Zelgius, the Black Knight.

You were one of the Four Riders of Daein, as well as Gawain’s student. You were believed to have been killed in Nados Castle during the Crimean War, but you recently were sighted during the retaking of Daein. Now, everyone knows you were not killed, but be thankful that they do not know of your true identity… yet.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – Micaiah/Sanaki, I am willing to serve.” If anyone attempts to kill your selected target for the night, you will rush in and kill the attacker.

You have the sword Alondite. This sword cannot be stolen from you, and you may not give it to others. If you acquire Ragnell, you may reply to your role PM once with “Day/Night X – Fuse Ragnell and Alondite together, and bequeath it upon USER”. You will create the Divine Blade, but it is incredibly powerful, and in your opinion it would be better kept in the hands of USER. USER can be yourself.

In addition, you have the Warp Powder. Due to the mystical powers of this item, if you are attacked before you kill Ike, you will use the Warp Powder to escape from your attacker. This item will not work if you are found by Ike.

You also know that Ike is involved in this conflict. During any phase you may reply to your role PM with “Day/Night X – SF USER is my final opponent.” You must state the name of the SF user whom you believe to be Ike, and if you are correct you will successfully kill him. However, if you get Ike’s SF username wrong after 3 tries you will kill yourself out of despair. You also have to hurry to complete this objective, as Ike also knows you are involved and will attempt to kill you before you kill him.

You are not allied with any faction. You win if you survive this conflict or if you are able to successfully kill Ike.

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Guest Wen Yang

Well, it's kinda a bummer that eclipse didn't win. She deserved a win IMO. :(

Other than that, well played, and sure didn't expect Ike of all people to start a cult to awaken Ashera. XD

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More explanation time~!

Kay: I got your Crimean claim through Kevin. Dunno how that happened.

RD: You claimed Daein, and Raymond said you were independent. I knew Zelgius was in the game, thanks to WoMC's role PM. Kaoz was nice enough to confirm that you were in Daein. So. . .independent in Daein, with Sephiran being independent. Who could that be. . .

Lastly. . .I don't care if I won or not. The game's over, and that's all that matters.

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RD: You claimed Daein, and Raymond said you were independent. I knew Zelgius was in the game, thanks to WoMC's role PM. Kaoz was nice enough to confirm that you were in Daein. So. . .independent in Daein, with Sephiran being independent. Who could that be. . .

That's what worried me the most about contacting Crimea, since I knew they knew Zelgius was in the game. I would never have thought that there was someone else that wanted me dead, so I was more confident about contacting the LA.

On a slightly related note, did anyone else think the Tibarn role was overpowered? It's a Vigilante that's also a Janitor AND a Hitman, that also knows who NOT to shoot, and can kill every night.

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Eclipse: You got what from Kevin?

RD: It would have been interesting if you had lived longer. And yeah, Tibarn's role did seem overpowered. I was also really confused by there being someone else out to kill you.

Wen: Yeah. I was expecting to get another message from JB saying that was a joke.

Edited by Kay
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Guest Wen Yang

I think that's kinda why I never suspected you even though I heard that Crimea has a wincon-altering guy, and Lekain's wincon got altered.

Ike of all people... awakening Ashera... Does... Not... Compute...

*Mind blows*

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Great game guys! Special thanks to eclipse and Wen Yang for leading LA and gathering info, you two deserved to win :(

Also, @Kay, how did you get the Divine Blade? From what I know, you have to fuse Ragnell and Alondite, and I assume you started off with Ragnell, and Alondite was lost with RD when he died?

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Also, @Kay, how did you get the Divine Blade? From what I know, you have to fuse Ragnell and Alondite, and I assume you started off with Ragnell, and Alondite was lost with RD when he died?

That's what I would have assumed, but apparently JB gave it to him anyway even after I got thrown of a cliff.

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I had wondered about that as well, but after re-reading the phase update, it makes more sense.


"You know you're better than this."

"I... I can't... Aaaagh!"

Tibarn flew down and grabbed his target by the neck. He dropped his sword, and Tibarn threw him over the edge of the cliff, never to be found again.


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