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FE10 mafia: GAME OVER


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Where is it i don't see it. Something is wrong JB WHERE IS THE POSTGAME!!!! YOU DAMN LIER!!!!! YOU WILL BURN IN HELL FOR LYING ABOUT THE POST GAME BEING DONE!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!1111

*runs upstairs crying*

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[spoiler=LONG ASS POSTGAME]Crimea

In a game with quite a few independents, Crimea was a group which had 3 people that knew each other, though they had shit roles. Extremely underpowered role-wise, they at least had abilities to keep themselves alive, which is what won them the game in the end.

Vicious Sal/Elincia

Dear user,

Your character is Elincia.

You are the Queen of Crimea. You may be inexperienced, but you know that this conflict will require you to be a strong queen… and assert quite a bit more pressure to ensure Crimea stays on top.

During the day phase, whenever you cast a vote, you will use your status as the Queen of Crimea to influence the lynch, causing your vote to count for 1.5 votes instead of 1.

<SNIP>As you are Lucia’s milk sister and married to Geoffrey, you know that you will be able to trust them. You know that Lucia is going by the username of “Furetchen” and Geoffrey is going by the username of “SlayerX”.</SNIP>

You are allied with Crimea. You win when you have achieved parity with Daein and Begnion, and all other self-aligned characters have been removed from the game. Alternatively, you win if you and at

least one of Geoffrey/Lucia are alive at the end of the game.

Night Actions: None


Sal played horribly, even going on to trust Eclipse over Paperblade. Survived because he wasn’t deemed a threat, I think.


Dear user,

Your character is Ike.

You are the hero of the Crimean Wars. You are considered a hero to all of Tellius, but this conflict will test you even further, but you are determined to succeed, even if it forces you to resort to slightly more dubious methods.

During the night phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – Bring <USER> for some questioning. USER will be kidnapped by you and the Greil Mercenaries, and be unable to perform any of their actions. They will be detained until the end of the next night. The night after you perform the kidnapping you may also reply to your role PM with “Night X – Find out what USER has to say” or “Night X – Aether USER into oblivion”. USER will either be forced to give up their role PM or will be killed.

In addition, due to your absolute resolve to defeat the Black Knight, if you are attacked before you kill the Black Knight, you will deflect their attack and scare the attacker off. This ability will not work if you are found by the Black Knight.

You have the sword Ragnell. This sword cannot be stolen from you, and you may not give it to others. If you acquire Alondite, you may reply to your role PM once with “Day/Night X – Fuse Ragnell and Alondite together, and bequeath it upon USER”. You will create the Divine Blade, but it is incredibly powerful, and in your opinion it would be better kept in the hands of USER. USER can be yourself.

You also know that the Black Knight is involved in this conflict. During any phase you may reply to your role PM with “Day/Night X – USER is responsible!” You must state the name of the user whom you believe to be the Black Knight, and if you are correct you will successfully kill him. However, if you get the Black Knight’s username wrong after 3 tries you will kill yourself out of despair. You also have to hurry to complete this objective, as the Black Knight also knows you are involved and will attempt to kill you before you kill him.

You are allied with Crimea. You win if you survive this conflict or if you are able to successfully kill the Black Knight.

Dear user,

Your character is Ike.

You are the hero of the Crimean Wars. You are considered a hero to all of Tellius, but this conflict will test you even further, but you are determined to succeed, even if it forces you to resort to slightly more dubious methods.

During the night phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – Bring <USER> for some questioning. USER will be kidnapped by you and the Greil Mercenaries, and be unable to perform any of their actions. They will be detained until the end of the next night. The night after you perform the kidnapping you may also reply to your role PM with “Night X – Find out what USER has to say” or “Night X – Aether USER into oblivion”. USER will either be forced to give up their role PM or will be killed.

In addition, due to your absolute resolve to defeat the Black Knight, if you are attacked before you kill the Black Knight, you will deflect their attack and scare the attacker off. This ability will not work if you are found by the Black Knight.

<SNIP>Once there are less than 11 players left alive, you may reply to your role PM with “Goddess Ashera, end the misery of this world.” You will travel to the Tower of Guidance to awaken the goddess. If you are still alive after 3 more phases, the Goddess will awaken and destroy the world, and you will win the game. During this time period you may not post in the game thread.

You have the Divine Blade. This sword cannot be stolen from you, and you may not give it to others. During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - User, bow to the will of your goddess!" You will force USER into joining you, otherwise threatening you with death. USER's win condition will change to "You win when the goddess Ashera is awakened."</SNIP>

You also know that the Black Knight is involved in this conflict. During any phase you may reply to your role PM with “Day/Night X – USER is responsible!” You must state the name of the user whom you believe to be the Black Knight, and if you are correct you will successfully kill him. However, if you get the Black Knight’s username wrong after 3 tries you will kill yourself out of despair. You also have to hurry to complete this objective, as the Black Knight also knows you are involved and will attempt to kill you before you kill him.

You are allied with Crimea. You win when the goddess Ashera is awakened.

Night Actions:

Night 1 – Abduct Kaoz

Night 2 – Kill Kaoz, Convert Darros

Night 3 – Abduct StSS, Convert Sho

Night 4 – Kill StSS/Snike, Convert Eclipse

Died: Night 4

Kay generally played well until he got found out as the last independent. Death scene was hilarious.


Dear user,

Your character is Geoffrey.

You are married to Elincia, Queen of Crimea, and you are her loyal retainer. You are also commander of the Crimean Royal Knights, and thus do the Queen’s bidding, whatever it may be.

You have the Queen’s Seal of Approval. During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – Bring USER before the Queen!” You and the Royal Knights will charge against USER, and bring him before the Queen, where he will be executed. As the execution takes place in the Crimean Palace, no one will know USER’s true identity except for all those in the faction of Crimea. However, as others will become suspicious if this happens too many times, you may only use this item once for every 2 kills your faction may make.

<SNIP>As you are married to Elincia and brother to Lucia, you know that you will be able to trust them. You know that Elincia is going by the username of “Vicious Sal” and Lucia is going by the username of “Furetchen”.</SNIP>

You are allied with Crimea. You win when you have achieved parity with Daein and Begnion, and all other self-aligned characters have been removed from the game. Alternatively, you win if you and at least one of Elincia/Lucia are alive at the end of the game

Night Actions:

Night 1 – Kill WoMC

Night 3 – Kill Reinfleche

Died: Night 3

Slayer followed team orders as per normal, and amazingly both of his kills didn’t hit their intended target (WoMC won lol, Rein’s kill got retargeted to Sho).

He also posted his thoughts lol

I felt uninvolved an my interest is going down the drain tbh. IRC just makes it kinda tough for me to pay attention. Specially since i have limited internet plus me just being lazy, and school taking place and all. I'd like it if most people discussed the gsame in the topic, but alas, in a game with irc that is not possible.


Dear user,

Your character is Lucia.

You are the milk-sister of the Queen of Crimea, Queen Elincia, and brother to the commander of the Royal Knights, Geoffrey. You are also the bodyguard of the Queen, yet recently, you’ve found that your help may be needed in different areas, even if it’s not something you’d do if it didn’t affect the future of your country and Queen.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Go over to USER and give a little present”. You will visit USER, and USER will be so entranced by your beauty that they will choose not to perform any of their night actions. Also, upon leaving USER, you will take a look around and see if anyone else had visited USER that night. You may not target USER for more than 2 nights in a row, lest USER get too excited and get slightly… out of control.

<SNIP>As you are Elincia’s milk sister and sister to Geoffrey, you know that you will be able to trust them. You know that Elincia is going by the username of “Vicious Sal” and Geoffrey is going by the username of “SlayerX”.</SNIP>

You are allied with Crimea. You win when you have achieved parity with Daein and Begnion, and all other self-aligned characters have been removed from the game. Alternatively, you win if you and at least one of Elincia/Geoffrey are alive at the end of the game.

Night Actions:

Night 0 - WoMC

Night 1 – Radiant Dragon

Night 2 – Aquilae

Night 3 – Eclipse

Night 4 - Kevin


Bal was able to do quite a few things, talking to people quite a bit. His hooking of Kevin won him the match, and he was quite active.


Dear user,

Your character is Bastian.

You are the Count of Fayre, and also an excellent tactician. You orchestrated the rescue of Lucia from the hands of Ludveck’s rebel forces. You have a rather strong command of tomes and staves, so hopefully this will allow you to serve your country and Queen well in this newest conflict.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – Save USER from the boundless abyss of death!” If USER is targeted by any killing action, you will be able to nurse USER back to health before he succumbs to his injuries.

You are allied with Crimea. You win when you have achieved parity with Daein and Begnion, and all other self-aligned characters have been removed from the game.

Night Actions:

Night 1 – Balcerzak

Night 2 – Kay

Night 3 – Kay

Died: Night 3

Crimea MVP, he was able to unite his ragtag bunch of replacements to win the entire thing. He played really well for his first time, and good job =)


Night 0: I was talking into this game by eclipse and Furetchen on the basis that I couldn't possible by worse than Psych, and I like to think I wasn't. Maybe I'm wrong! But yeah, nothing to do that night since no deaths means no doctoring and my faction was pretty inactive (Sal has a very different timezone than me, Slayer was quiet all game, and the other two had request to be subbed out)

Day 1: zomg cheaters. Yeah that kind of sucked. I wanted to get Reinfleche lynched that day since he had admitted he had used WHOIS to cheat a bit (he claimed he just checked to see if there were multiple factions), but apparently this was suspicious so I was almost lynched. Ah well. Lynching Raymond left a bad taste in my mouth.

Night 1: I think it's kind of bullshit that our Weapons kill had lower priority considering how overpowered the Laguz faction was to begin with (my faction had no way of knowing they even existed, whereas Daein had Kurth and Begnion likely had Lekain or could get info from Zelg or something). I'm still curious as to how Psych died, since there seem to be no bodyguards or anything this game?...

Day 2: Meh. Anouleth fucked up here with his vote for Sal, but I also think Sal is a dipshit for not listening to me when I told him to vote Kevin (posthumously I've learned allegedly he went on eclipse's advice, which is infuriating considering eclipse wasn't part of our goddamn faction). Apparently Laguz and Daein were allied the whole time, probably because they had shared a member and don't have conflicting wincons (survive vs. elim. independents/achieve parity), which is really annoying.

Night 2: Eclipse on Aquilae was very suspicious but we stupidly thought nothing at the time and just assumed it made Aquilae Daein. Oh well.

Day 3: At this point Sho claimed he was on my side and it became apparent Wen and the Laguz were backstabbers. I voted early to get Flux off my back, although I guess maybe we should have lynched him anyway since he won. The role was kind of weird and I don't think he actually did anything all game other than that.

Night 3: This night really pissed me off. Not because I died. As I said, I expected to die. What I didn't expected, however, was Sho to throw logic completely out the window. I've discussed this with a few people, both dead and not even in the game (such as Life and Spoon), and the common conclusion is that what Sho did made no fucking sense.

Now, I don't hate Sho. But there was absolutely zero logical reason for him to betray me. He had no chance of winning by siding with the Laguz and Daein. Daein had more people, which meant allying with them meant the game would end sooner, and one of their people was Kurth, who is also a Laguz. In addition, I had offered him a way to win (I have learned Kay lied, but it doesn't actually matter, since even a 1% chance of victory should have been better than 0%). He betrayed the team that had the greatest reason to keep him around (extra vote, extra kill power, etc.) and got himself killed, but not until after he gave everyone's information to everyone else (actually I suspect he might have known the last 3 unknowns of Aquilae, StSS, and Reinfleche after he decided to side against Crimea).

Day 4 onward: I hope one of two things, either Kay is lynched so we can end this sad trainwreck (last independent gone + parity achieved), or Laguz and Daein go full retard and let him win.

If I seem mad, it's because I'm kind of frustrated by the imbalance in the Daein/Laguz faction/alliance that was basically handed to them, which was then combined with Geo's terrible role and Sho deciding to string me along and then betray me at the last second, rather than them just lynching me and letting it be over with.


Daein was, in hindsight, fucking OP. They had the best role in the game (Taur), as well as a Doctor. Hell, they even had the LA on their side already, and I’m amazed they lost.


Dear user,

Your character is Pelleas.

You are the King of Daein. You are a very young ruler, and suspected to be the son of King Ashnard. You are a young ruler, yet you have made several tough decisions, and this conflict will force you to make many more.

During the day phase, whenever you cast a vote, you will use your status as the King of Daein to influence the lynch, causing your vote to count for 1.5 votes instead of 1.

You know that Lekain is involved in this conflict, and you know that he holds a Blood Contract, which has to be destroyed in order to save Daein. If Lekain is killed, the Blood Pact will be destroyed and you will still stand a chance of winning.

You are allied with Daein. You win when you have achieved parity with Crimea and Begnion, and all other self-aligned characters have been removed from the game. In addition, you require Lekain to be killed in order to win.

Night Actions: None

Died: Night 4

Didn’t really do much lol


Dear user,

Your character is Micaiah.

You are the Priestess of Dawn, and you are considered as the savior of Daein. All citizens of Daein will be looking up to you in this conflict, and you know you cannot disappoint them.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – USER… Promise me we’ll live through this.” If USER is attacked by anyone, you will cast Sacrifice on them, allowing them to survive their night attack. However, as Sacrifice drains a lot out of you and healing someone about to die will nearly kill you yourself, if your attempt at healing someone is successful and saves them from death, you will be unable to heal the next night.

You are allied with Daein. You win when you have achieved parity with Crimea and Begnion, and all other self-aligned characters have been removed from the game. Alternately, you win if you are still alive at the end of the game.

Night Actions:

Night 1 – StSS

Died: Night 1

I’m kind of sad that Bizz was busy (as always) and that lolpsych ended up getting in. Got killed for… being Psych.


Dear user,

Your character is Tauroneo.

You were one of the Four Riders of Daein, and are the highest ranked General in the Daein Liberation Army. You were also one of the Four Riders of Daein, but yet here, you have decided not to resort to violence… unless it becomes absolutely necessary.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – Send out a few spies to check out USER”. You will command several spies of Daein to see what USER is up to, and by observing USER’s actions they will be able to find out which faction USER is from.

In addition, during the Night Phase, if you are to be attacked you will retaliate against your attacker and be able to defeat him, killing him as well. However, if you are attacked for a second time, you will be unable to stop the attacker in time and he will defeat you. This ability overrides any form of protection, but will fail if you are unable to complete any action for some reason.

You are allied with Daein. You win when you have achieved parity with Crimea and Begnion, and all other self-aligned characters have been removed from the game. In addition, you win if Pelleas or Micaiah survives this conflict.

Night Actions:

Night 0 – Anouleth

Night 1 – Kay

Night 2 – Flux_Blade

Night 4 – Darros

Died: Night 4

Kevin also wasn’t playing too bad, being able to at least chat up people on the game. Did pretty well, and since I’m not giving Daein MVP to someone who wasn’t in their faction I guess it’s him.

Also he was supposed to get one Day Kill if Pelleas died. Yeah, he was THAT broken.


N0 - Pretty pissed off at the whole WHOIS thing, but nothing else really happened though. Kinda thought it was a waste.

D1 - didn't really do anything D1, spend it as Kaoz's lapdog.

N1 - pissed that I had to investigate Anouleth, seemed like it was obvious to me. Oh well, had to follow team orders. Killing Excellen was OK though.

D2 - Was really stupid. Basically, I got annoyed at myself for just being a lackee, and jumped the gun with my anouleth vote. But hey, alls well that ends well amirite?

N2 - Hooray! Haze being modkilled was nice, now Begnion became a non-threat. Busy trying in futility to make it seem like Kaoz and I weren't aligned. I think this is when I proposed that two factions killed every night to the group, in contrast to Kaoz's evert third night proposition (which didn't really make sense conisdering the ordering)

D3 - Made some nice alliances. Didn't vote PaperBlade though as I thought it would give the LA too great an advantage over us.

N3 - Kept discussion with Sho active. Trying to weasel as much as I can out of him. Told Paperblade his info might be wrong in order to get distrust between the two, and lo and behold, Sho died right afterwards. :B): Dunno if it was Crimea though, by the ordering it seemed as if it was the vigilante.

D4 - well, that was pretty cool, I guess. Shame we couldn't kill balcerzak in the end.

N4 - pissed off at myself for not realising that eclipse was gonna protect Bal to force parity, especially since she made it so dman obvious. She'll get MVP for it, deservedly, but luckily for her I can't detach myself enough to not trust someone I like. But hey, who knows? Maybe if you didn't cut the round off early this wouldn't have happened. We'll never know.


Dear user,

Your character is Sothe.

You are a common street thief from Daein, and fought by Ike’s side in the Crimean War. You are like a brother to Micaiah, and have sworn to protect her, even through this conflict.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – Steal a little something from USER”. You will go to USER and while USER is not looking you will be able to steal away any items USER had. If USER had no items on them, instead you will decide to follow USER and see if USER targeted anybody that night.

You are allied with Daein. You win when you have achieved parity with Crimea and Begnion, and all other self-aligned characters have been removed from the game. Alternately, you win if Micaiah is still alive at the end of the game.

Night Actions:

Night 1 – Kay

Night 2 – Flux_Blade

Died: Night 2

I swear to god I’m never letting Jean-Marc play again. Anyway, didn’t trust his faction for some outlandish reason, got killed in the end because… IDK


Dear user,

Your character is Almedha.

You are the wife of the late King Ashnard, and your supposed son, Pelleas, is now the king of Daein. You have also kept in close contact with your younger brother, Kurthnaga, and with the two of them deeply embroiled in this conflict, you hope to find a way to at least save the both of them.

You have a Sending Stone. During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – Use Sending Stone to send an unknown message”. Below that, you may input in quotation marks the message you wish to send. This message will be posted in the main thread at the end of the Night Phase, and no one will know that it was from you. In addition, you know that Kurthnaga is <SNIP>USER</SNIP>, and that he holds the second Sending Stone. This Sending Stone glows with a bluish-green light, but it doesn’t seem to affect anything.

You are allied with Daein. You win if Kurthnaga or Pelleas survives, and if Kurthnaga has been killed you can only win if Pelleas survives and Daein wins.

Night Actions:

Night 0 –

As quite a few players already know more about the factions than they realistically should at this point in the game, to those of you who used the WHOIS command to figure that stuff out:

You probably won't get this chance again in a future game. Entertain me! ...I might have to kill you if you don't...

Night 1 –

Furet Balcerzak

Jean-Marc 13thShadow

Ether Kay

Bizz Psych





It's only the end of Night 1 people, if this continues we'll be running out of subs

Died: Night 2

Urgh urgh urgh urgh urgh. Sort of took control of his faction, I guess, and gave a few strategy tips once he died.


Night 0

Not much to say here; as I found Kurth pretty fast (I originally wanted to do so with my first announcement) and managed to get info about most of Begnion, I thought we were in a decent position despite the WHOIS stuff. In hindsight the N0 inspections might have been a bad idea, but I'd probably do it the same way again.

Day 1

I feel I kinda screwed up here by pushing too much for an Anouleth lynch. I probably should have followed the game's flow a bit longer. Based on Kay contacting me, I kinda had the feeling Paperblade was Crimea, but I was never really sure about it because of his voting pattern.

Night 1

As I said in the Daein PM, I was a bit suspicious of RD, mostly because of the combination of his role and the kill priorities. I would have liked to see his role before killing him, but it can't be helped.

Day 2

Given our position, I again tried to get into contact with Crimea and again it didn't really work. I wasn't pleased with what Wen Yang did and I thought he had to find/kill a certain character in Begnion. As that was not the case, I'm really not sure why he gave Haze that much info. Haze screwing up the godkill was kinda amusing.

Night 2

I'm not sure how early eclipse had all the factions completed, but that's pretty much the only noteable thing that happened. I think both of us should have shared information a bit more, but I guess in the end she didn't really trust me.

After death

I'm not exactly sure what Kevin and SSS are doing, but as they most likely don't cooperate with the LA anymore, I'm not very pleased with the situation. Also being the only ones that didn't vote D3 might have been a mediocre idea at best.


I sort of fucked with Begnion too. Begnion had a role that needed their leader to die as well as an independent, and on N0 I ended up nerfing Haze’s role (though he didn’t even use it trolololol). Ehh, this game was shit anyways ;/


Dear user,

Your character is Sanaki.

You are the young Apostle of Begnion, believed to have been chosen by the Goddess Ashera to lead your nation. While you are inexperienced, you are rather mature, and your entire nation is depending on you for this conflict.

During the day phase, whenever you cast a vote, you will use your status as the Apostle of Begnion to influence the lynch, causing your vote to count for 1.5 votes instead of 1.

You are allied with Begnion. You win when you have achieved parity with Crimea and Daein, and all other self-aligned characters have been removed from the game.

Night Actions: None

Died: Day 2

Was quite active as he played. He’s actually a pretty good player, and I’m curious to see what he can do with a better role.


Dear user,

Your character is Lekain.

You are the Duke of Gaddos, and extremely corrupt. You wish to topple the apostle and take over as the ruler of Begnion, and this conflict might just give you the chance to.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – Issue a little command to USER1 on “behalf” of USER2.” You will threaten USER1 with the might of the Begnion army, and you will force them to vote for USER2 during the next day phase.

You know that if Sanaki is dead, you will be able to take over the position of ruler of Begnion. As such, if Sanaki is killed whilst you are alive you will win.

You have a Rewarp staff. During the Night Phase, if you are targeted to be killed, you will use the Rewarp staff to escape away from your attacker. This Rewarp staff will break after one use.

You are allied with Begnion. You win when you have achieved parity with Crimea and Daein, and all other self-aligned characters have been removed from the game. Alternatively, you win if Sanaki dead while you are still alive.

Night Actions:

Night 0 – Raymond -> Kaoz

Night 1 – 13thShadow -> Kaoz

Night 2 – Eclipse -> Kaoz, Rewarp -> Sho

Night 4 – Kevin -> Rein

Died: Night 4

I don’t even know how badly I headwalled as I watched him play. He was pretty much crying to me in his role PM about his win condition changing :>_>: Also wasted his night actions beautifully.


Dear user,

Your character is Sigrun.

You are the captain of the Holy Guard, and the bodyguard of the Apostle. You love the Apostle as much as your own country, and are determined to make sure that she will live through this conflict.

During the Night Phase you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – USER, the Holy Guards have arrived!” You and the Holy Guard will follow USER to see whom he visits, and if USER does not visit anyone you will continue to observe USER to see if anyone has followed him.

You are allied with Begnion. You win when you have achieved parity with Crimea and Daein, and all other self-aligned characters have been removed from the game. In addition, you also require Sanaki to be alive in order to win the game.

Night Actions:

Night 0 – Eclipse

Died: Night 1

Did not talk, nothing much to say. Killed because he was a Begnion guy.


Dear user,

Your character is Levail.

You are a general under Zelgius, and you have absolute trust in him. You also aren’t a bad fighter yourself, and you are determined to see this entire conflict through.

During the Night Phase you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – Place USER under protection of the Begnion Royal Army.” You will personally protect USER from any night actions, but anyone who decided to target USER will decide that targeting you would help more than targeting than USER and thus, they will target you instead.

You are allied with Begnion. You win when you have achieved parity with Crimea and Daein, and all other self-aligned characters have been removed from the game.

Night Actions:

Night 1 – Haze

Night 3 - Reinfleche

Died: Night 3

Sho was extremely active in the IRC and on chats, which kept him alive for quite a bit of time. He also pulled the most illogical move in the game by telling the LA that Paper was Crimea, when he should have just gone with Crimea. Finally, he pulled the most amazing save in the entire game by taking a bullet for Reinfleche because… IDK why.


urDear user,

Your character is Oliver.

You are the Duke of Tanas, and a man who absolutely loves beauty. You were believed to have been killed in the Crimean War, but you were saved by the senate, and now you’ll hope to find even more beauty in this world.

During either the Day or Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Day/Night X – USER! You truly are beautiful!” You will be mesmerized by the beauty of USER, and if USER is killed within the next two phases, you will be so enraged by USER’s death that you will gain one of the following abilities:





-Alliance Check

Each ability may only be used on the following Night Phase, and once selected cannot be used again.

You are allied with Begnion. You win when you have achieved parity with Crimea and Daein, and all other self-aligned characters have been removed from the game.

Night Actions:

Night 1 – Sho.M.

Died: Night 2 (MODKILLED)

Haze was active, talked, and got himself modkilled in a failed attempt to save Anouleth. I also nerfed his role halfway through N0, so yeah. Was active in the works of Begnion, and was so amazingly pissed at his failed save and Kaoz :XD:

Laguz Alliance

Fucking broken assholes. Inspector, Janitor, Tracker/Killer, DOCTOR, HOOKER…

I really shouldn’t have left them to be able to contact each other, and have had all of them as independents.


Dear user,

Your character is Caineghis.

You are the King of Gallia, and you are an exceptional fighter as well as a fair king. You aim for the beorc and laguz to be able to coexist in harmony, and hopefully this conflict will be nothing more than a roadblock.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – Send the pack after USER.” USER will be hunted down by several Gallian laguz, and they will find out if USER was going to visit anyone that night phase. After finding out this information, USER will be killed by the laguz and they will bring their information back to you.

You are allied with the Laguz Alliance. You win if you are still alive at the end of the game.

Night Actions:

Night 1 – Psych

Night 3 – Paperblade


He left the heavy lifting to Eclipse, and honestly, this role was great. Didn’t really talk but he isn’t on much so yeah.


Dear user,

Your character is Tibarn.

You are the King of Phoenicis, and you are one of the best fighters in all of Tellius. Phoenicis has gotten involved in this conflict, and as such you might as well do what you can to have a little fun.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – To wing, USER! Keep up with me if you can!” You will jump off a cliff and transform into your laguz form midway, allowing you to be safe. However, USER will be unable to keep aloft and will fall to his death. After USER’s horrible death you will steal his role PM away, not letting anyone else know what it was.

You know that there is a very strong commander of Begnion known as Zelgius in this conflict. If you can find him, he would prove to be a very strong opponent and actually provide a decent challenge for you.

You are allied with the Laguz Alliance. You win if you are still alive at the end of the game. Alternatively, you win if you are able to kill Zelgius.

Night Actions:

Night 1 – Radiant Dragon

Died: WON

Barely talked, let Eclipse find out who Zelgius was and took it from there. Honestly was hoping he’d do more but ehh.


Dear user,

Your character is Nailah.

You are the Wolf Queen of Hatari, and you were the one who saved Rafiel from death. He has brought you to Tellius, and in any case, you won’t be able to return anytime soon, so you might as well get a few things started.

During the Night Phase you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – Show USER the wonders of Hatari.” You will ask USER to follow you across the Great Desert in order to see how beautiful Hatari truly is, but while travelling USER will realize he has to return back to town by the next day and turn back, failing to complete any of his night actions.

You are allied with the Laguz Alliance. You win if you are still alive at the end of the game.

Night Actions:

Night 1 – Haze

Night 2 – Paperblade

Night 3 – Balcerzak

Night 4 – Balcerzak


I really really should never have 2 hookers in one game ever again, because FUCK HOOKER PRIORITY. Anyway, same thing as other LA members and left most of the shit to Eclipse.

Wen Yang/Naesala

Dear user,

Your character is Naesala.

You are the King of Kilvas, and a king who truly cares for his people, no matter what it takes. As a laguz king, you’ve pretty much had to join the Laguz Alliance, but at least this will be a chance for you to benefit your beloved Kilvas.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – Take from USER what is rightfully ours!” You will attack USER, and in the midst of this you will steal away any items which USER had. If USER had no items on them you will steal away their role PM instead.

You are allied with the Laguz Alliance. You win if you are still alive at the end of the game.

Night Actions:

Night 0 – Haze

Night 1 – 13thShadow

Night 2 – Darros

Died: Day 3

I have no idea why Wen let himself get lynched since he just had to survive, but ehh, IDK. Did a lot of talking as well, though arguably Eclipse did more, and also played well for his first time in a mafia game (On SF, at least).


Night 0 - Not much to say. Most anything done is at random. Nothing really important happened.

Day 1 - I wasn't lying on using the RNG when deciding who to lynch, and whaddaya know? hit a BIG one.

Night 1 - Well, eclipse and I both guessed that RD might be the BK based on Raymond's parting words, we sent WoMC his way, Boom, WoMC wins. Offed Psych just because he's Psych. Still minimal inter-faction activity (other than eclipse's dealings with Daein).

Day 2 - started to get in contact with the Begnions, and this is where Haze started to tick me off. Had he told us WHO sanaki was we'd have wasted Kevin instead of Anouleth at that lynch, but he kept his mum until way too late, thus handing his faction to a non-cooperating Lekain, who has his own agenda compared to just about everyone else. Best point of the day was undoubtedly when Haze modkilled himself in vain.

Night 2 - ANOTHER derp move from Haze, where he had Begnion kill a Daein instead of a Crimean. Seriously, how moronic can someone get? :facepalm:

Day 3 - What you see is what you get. I'm dead, mm'kay thanks. Good game. ;):


Dear user,

Your character is Kurthnaga.

You are the Prince of Goldoa. You are very old, yet you have the human appearance of a young man. You are the younger brother of Rajaion and Almedha, and you’re here in order to find your sister, and make sure nothing happens to her.

During the Night Phase you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – USER, try this out.” If USER is attacked during the Night Phase, you will go to USER and give them an Olivi Salve, being able to heal their wounds.

You have a Sending Stone. During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – Use Sending Stone to send an anonymous message to USER”. Below that, you may input in quotation marks the message you wish to send. This message will be sent to USER at the end of the Night Phase, and USER will know that it was from you. In addition, you know that Almedha is <SNIP>USER</SNIP>, and that she holds the second Sending Stone. This Sending Stone glows with a reddish-yellow light, but it doesn’t seem to affect anything.

You are allied with the Laguz Alliance. You win if you are still alive at the end of the game , or if Almedha is still alive at the end of the game.

Night Actions:

Night 1 (Doctor) – Kaoz

Night 1 (Message) – StSS

Night 2 (Doctor) – Aquilae

Night 2 (Message) – Darros

Night 3 (Doctor) – Aquilae

Night 3 (Message) – Paperblade

Night 4 (Doctor) – Snike

Night 4 (Message) –

Died: Night 4

Eclipse, eclipse, eclipse~ Worked extremely hard, chatted up many people, and eventually became the main coordinator of who did what. Was able to coil Begnion and Daein around her finger, though I have no idea why she wanted to kill off Crimea at all.

I was also probably sleepy or something when I wrote this role PM because the message thing was fucked and she had no win condition, but whatever~


1. I really do want to help Daein (no one deserves to have Psych and 13th in the same faction), but Kevin is being a complete and utter moron about it. How am I supposed to help them if he argues with me? Strawman's nice, but not on. UGH.

2. I might have to vote my own inspector off. This makes me mad. He's been fun to talk to, and he gets some pretty crazy ideas. Begnion will probably betray him. I'm keeping my vote to No Lynch, but if the majority gets out of hand, I vote for him.

3. May Flux_Blade pull a Game Over tonight. If he doesn't, at least I can say I helped more people in this mafia to win than anyone else.

4. I wish Life was here to yell at Haze. And everyone else. This is NOT how a multi-faction is supposed to be played! Crimea shouldn't be at full strength!

5. My faction is screwed beyond belief. If Wen dies to the lynch, I'm making sure Flux survives.

6. I wonder why Aquilae hasn't bothered telling us the second half of his results?

And for that other request:

N0 - WHERE THE HELL DID MY WIN CONDITION GO?! Also, hi everyone! Didn't have much else of note happen.

D1 - I think this is when I found Kaoz. I didn't really trust him, but then RD was nice enough to tell me that Kaoz was who he claimed he was. JOY! I hope you enjoyed our conversation~!

End of D1 - Wow, Raymond, you're sweet. I'm lynching you ASAP, always! Hugs/cookies for you!

N1 - I wanted WoMC to target someone in Begnion, thanks to his flavor. Once I saw Wen's post, along with Raymond's role PM, I put two and two together, and had WoMC hit RD. Looks like I was right. Psych was killed because he was the biggest threat to our faction. Hooray, and SHUT UP HAZE!

D2 - Haze and his cheating accusations are getting on my nerves. I've got an obligation to Daein, and I'm most unhappy with Begnion, so I do my Ninja Vote. Haze said he called it. . .but hey, fail tiger. That's what you get for lying about Sanaki.

N2 - Wen was feeling pretty good about his chances of winning. I didn't much like talking to Begnion, and that conversation with Haze was really irritating. Seriously dude, start playing with your brain. I'm positive Kaoz didn't cheat. I'm taking WoMC's suggestion to heart in my mafia.

D3 - I decided to talk to Flux, in the hope that he'd vote our way. Instead, he says he's looking for me?! Well, I'm not a one to screw people who haven't provoked me over, so that's why I told him the truth. I was hoping he was my character's dad, and that he'd blow the crap out of this game. Sephiran, I miss you~! My team may not like me after that lynch vote, but I hope they understand why I did that. Oh, well. Time to cause as much mayhem as possible before going down. Kevin and Strawman had better start listening, or they'll end up dead in the crossfire.

N3 - Time to prank Paperblade. I don't know if you'll be able to see this video, but Paperblade will. Also, if Sho's telling the truth, I get to use Kevin~! I'm two for two in regards to victories!! Oh wait, Paper's going bye-bye. I'll prank Sal instead!

D4 - I want this stupid game to be over, so I can yell at Haze and most of Daein. Sorry, Kevin~! (or not) If Sal is nowhere in sight, I might be able to pull my stupid plan~! No lynch here we come!!

N4 - I hope Kay doesn't decide to betray. Anyway. . .let's hope Bal doesn't hook Kevin. Either way, someone from Crimea dies. Also, we get Snike back~! I think this is the first time I have a reason to save him.


Independents were kind of meh in this game. No SKs or anything, but this was meant to be multifaction anyway =D


Dear user,

Your character is Soren.

You are a Branded, the descendant of a beorc and a laguz. You are also a loyal friend of Ike, and an amazing tactician. However, it is not because of Ike or your skills that have brought you here. Rather, it is a slight rumour that you have heard, something involving your kin.

You know that Almedha and Kurthnaga are somewhere in this conflict, and they know of your past, especially your parents. During any phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Day/Night X – Ask SF USER1 and SF USER2 if they know about my past.” If SF USER1 and SF USER2 are Almedha and Kurthnaga (not necessarily in that order), they will reveal to you about your past and you will win. However, if SF USER1 and SF USER2 are not Almedha and Kurthnage, both SF USER1 and SF USER2 will receive your full role PM. If one of SF USER1 and SF USER2 is Almedha or Kurthnaga, neither of them will receive your role PM. Also, due to your tactical brilliance, you can tell that there are 5 people allied with Crimea, 6 people allied with Daein, 6 people allied with Begnion and 5 people allied with the Laguz Alliance.

You are not aligned with any faction. You win if you are able to find out Almedha and Kurthnaga’s SF usernames, and give the correct reply to the question in your role PM.

Night Actions: None

Died: WON

Flux honestly did jack shit and nearly got himself lynched, and honestly should have gotten a much earlier win when he found out who Eclipse was.


Dear user,

Your character is Sephiran.

You are the Prime Minister of Begnion, and have absolute trust placed in you by Sanaki. You hold some dark secrets in your heart, yet you know better than to reveal these secrets now. You see this conflict as the culmination of chaos in the world, and you believe that the only solution now is to end this, as well as the entire world.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – What exactly is USER hiding?” You will be able to discern some of USER’s secrets with skills you have picked up over your long life, and you will be able to find the faction they are allied with.

You have the Ashera Staff. During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – Goddess, save us from our torment”. You will use the power of the staff to heal everyone that night, stopping any deaths that would have occurred that night. You may only use this ability once.

Once there are less than 11 players left alive, you may reply to your role PM with “Goddess Ashera, end the misery of this world.” You will travel to the Tower of Guidance to awaken the goddess. If you are still alive after 3 more phases, the Goddess will awaken and destroy the world, and you will win the game. During this time period you may not post in the game thread.

If you are inspected, the following will appear as your role PM instead:

Dear user,

Your character is Sephiran.

You are the Prime Minister of Begnion, as well as the Duke of Persis. You have absolute trust placed in you by Sanaki. You’ve taken it upon yourself to protect Apostle Sanaki, as well as the entire nation of Begnion.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – USER, bow before the might of Ashera!” You will seek out USER, and kill him during the middle of the night. However, as you do not wish to taint the name of your goddess, you will only perform this despicable act once.

You are allied with Begnion. You win when you have achieved parity with Crimea and Daein, and all other self-aligned characters have been removed from the game.

You are not allied with any faction. You win if you are still alive at the end of the game. Alternatively, you win if you are able to successfully awaken Goddess Ashera, or if Begnion achieves parity with Crimea and Daein, and all other self-aligned characters have been removed from the game.

Night Actions:

Night 0 – Radiant Dragon

Died: Day 1

I honestly cannot remember why I didn’t have him know who Zelg was, but IDK. Really loved his role, but it’s sad that he died so quickly.

Radiant Dragon/Zelgius

Dear user,

Your character is Zelgius, the Black Knight.

You were one of the Four Riders of Daein, as well as Gawain’s student. You were believed to have been killed in Nados Castle during the Crimean War, but you recently were sighted during the retaking of Daein. Now, everyone knows you were not killed, but be thankful that they do not know of your true identity… yet.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – Micaiah/Sanaki, I am willing to serve.” If anyone attempts to kill your selected target for the night, you will rush in and kill the attacker.

You have the sword Alondite. This sword cannot be stolen from you, and you may not give it to others. If you acquire Ragnell, you may reply to your role PM once with “Day/Night X – Fuse Ragnell and Alondite together, and bequeath it upon USER”. You will create the Divine Blade, but it is incredibly powerful, and in your opinion it would be better kept in the hands of USER. USER can be yourself.

In addition, you have the Warp Powder. Due to the mystical powers of this item, if you are attacked before you kill Ike, you will use the Warp Powder to escape from your attacker. This item will not work if you are found by Ike.

You also know that Ike is involved in this conflict. During any phase you may reply to your role PM with “Day/Night X – SF USER is my final opponent.” You must state the name of the SF user whom you believe to be Ike, and if you are correct you will successfully kill him. However, if you get Ike’s SF username wrong after 3 tries you will kill yourself out of despair. You also have to hurry to complete this objective, as Ike also knows you are involved and will attempt to kill you before you kill him.

You are not allied with any faction. You win if you survive this conflict or if you are able to successfully kill Ike.

Night Actions: None

Died: Night 1

RD actually guessed correctly who Ike was N0, but it failed due to no kills. Also wished he could have done more in the game.

Faction kills

Here because I cbf to edit it in earlier


Night 1 – WoMC

Night 3 – Rein


Night 1- Excellen

Night 4 – Balcerzak


Night 2 – 13thShadow

Night 3 – Ulki

Laguz Alliance:

Night 2 – Kay

Night 4 - Kay


This was a horrible game. I completely failed at balance, hosting it, and putting up this very postgame. I was inconsistent with the rules as well, but at least you guys made this game bearable. I swear I got at least 500 PMs from this game though, all thanks to you guys. Again, sorry for this horrible game, but you guys at least made it memorable =)

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You guys are getting off lucky because most of my thoughts are in there. Haze, read well, unless you want me to yell at you again.

For the rest. . .

Sho - Did what he did because he thought Rein would be kidnapped, and I wanted him to be kidnapped so I could convince Darros to be useful.


Bal - One day, we will be on the same side, and we'll both be alive for D2.

Wen - Dude, I told you not to make yourself a target! Also, don't EVER volunteer the roles of you and your allies like that EVER AGAIN. I really hate voting off my own team members.

Sal - You are lucky to be alive. Don't take credit for that which you didn't do.

Kevin - I was on your side the entire time! Please don't get into a yelling match with your allies. It was bad enough that I had to have Snike talk to you.

RD - Sorry, dude. I put a bunch of things together, and you were the answer to WoMC's riddle of a PM.

The rest of my faction - Thanks for listening.

Paperblade - Seems like you did a lot of behind-the-scenes work. We really need to team up one day.

Darros - That is NOT how to play multi-faction. You spread your kills around, or someone gets too many members, and you can't do shit about it.

Snike - Sorry. I really did want to save you.

EVERYONE ELSE - Read this. NOW. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=23748&view=findpost&p=1410865

Edited by eclipse
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Paperblade - Seems like you did a lot of behind-the-scenes work. We really need to team up one day.

Me you and Bal should have been the masons in Mitnala.

Or one of the mafia groups (maybe with a straggler) or something.

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I'll just say this right here:

Kaoz and Daein made it incredibly easy to have themselves hate mongered, and I took full advantage of it.

Writing "I mad" posts is immensely fun.

Oh and I shot 13th because Begnion had 0% chance of winning and by that point I knew they were obscenely OP and wanted to neuter them to let Crimea win just to fuck with the LA.

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Someone (Kaoz, I think) told me Crimea was largely inactive, and I was sure I had been found out by WHOIS, which is why I started guessing on Night 0. I should have guessed Ether again on Night 1, but I was worried about losing my guesses to quickly when I realized I was still alive. And then I died, which just seemed like adding insult to injury.

Anyway, while I can't say I was happy with the balance in this game, it was quite fun to play, so it's not all bad.

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Kevin - I was on your side the entire time! Please don't get into a yelling match with your allies. It was bad enough that I had to have Snike talk to you.

Yeah, I pretty much convinced myself that the LA were disguised independants and was wanting to kill you off. It didn't help that Crimea had seemingly tied with us and Begnion, meaning that there was still an independant out there. Also, don't say stuff like "I have a plan of my own..." as that just looks even more suspicious.

Simple games are the best. No win-con changing, alliance changing BS pl0x.

Crimea was a group which had 3 people that knew each other, though they had shit roles.

Kidnapper/Hooker/Doctor isn't shit, just not as good as Granny/Doctor.

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