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Abysmal Souls Chapter 1: Soul Eater


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Before the captain could respond, the soldier with a very sore Jaw stood up and plunged his spear into Adrians left shoulder, twisting it while it was still embeded to cause as much pain as he could.

The captains mouth had paused before making a sound, and he didn't really care what happened to these runts anyway. If one died now, it wasn't like his paycheck'd be cut or anything, it was probably easier that way since they wouldn't have to transport 3 sacks of potatoes back to the encampment. He glanced at the soldier again who was preparing to strike again, and turned to the other two, as Grant tried to start negotiations.

"You've either got the choice of dying now, or obliging with our demands, nothing more to talk about really" the captain stated gruffly, not liking the mans tone at all.

"I hope you two'll at least be smarter then your friends, he stated bluntly before holding up his blade only inches from Susans throat just in case Grant decided to try anything.

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Somehow, his plan worked and the goons had no clue where he was. At least, not yet.

Now would be an ideal time to make a run for it, but the other two soldiers on the ground are still armed... I don't even have that old blade anymore.

I could try to leap to the other tree, but that'd make too much noise at this hour.

Either way, he'd be spotted as soon as the man reached the top of his tree.

I need a plan, now!

Having no other choice, Ormis plucked off a small but sturdy and sharp branch, concealing it in his fist. It'd make a good enough weapon for one stab, but that was about it. The boy had no real choice beyond his current plan, so he hunkered down and waited to put it into action.

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They were going to die one way or another it seemed. Grant put his sword on the ground. "Happy now?" He made a mental note of what the captain looked like, he was going to die by his hands one of these days, Grant was going to make sure of it.

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"AGH, FUCK!" Adrian cried out, sobbing openly as he tried his best to cope with the intense pain in his shoulder. He'd never been stabbed before, and he never wanted to be again. The pain was unbearable, and he felt as if he was going to black out from it. He wanted to die; he wanted this pain to be over with already. It seemed like they were all going to die anyway, why were these soldiers prolonging it? His entire body hurt, his eyes hurt, his lungs hurt... He slumped over on the ground, crying, not daring to try anything else.

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The soldiers eyes reacted at the sound of a twig or something snapping nearby, the kid didn't have a bow or anything, but the prospect of having those metal shards thrown in his face didn't appeal to him at all. Just as the soldier was in range of seeing Ormis though, the sun dimmed enveloping Ormis in the shadows of the branches. Making it nearly impossible to see anything, the thick clouds that poured snow on them all day weren't helping visibility and the soldier didn't want to risk climbing head first into any trouble.

Climbing back down grumbling, the soldiers wandered around the area for a few minutes before giving up, they'd just report that they killed the kid and they forgot to bring back a souvenir, judging from the way the kid ran, he wouldn't be coming back anytime soon.


The captain rolled his eyes figuring he should have done this sooner, Judging from the spat the group was having earlier, they were clearly some sort of investigation team that to some extent at least, valued eachothers lives. After making sure that one of the soldiers had gained custody of Grants weapon, another soldier hesitantly approached Grant to tie his wrists up.

The only problem now was the man squirming in the snow. Judging by the way he wasn't going to be at all cooperative, and it didn't seem like he'd be willing to trek back to the encampment anyway. He made eye contact with the soldier sending him a silent message with his eyes, before speaking "We'll head back first, he's your mess, clean the mess up before bringing him back" he ordered before turning around, accompanied by soldiers and the two prisoners who'd had the brains to comply to his demands.

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Ormis almost was ready to leap back and stab the man with his stick when the light changed, concealing him in the shadows. He almost sighed in relief, but caught himself at the last moment. The boy stayed stock still for a while longer, though, just in case. Watching the soldiers out of the corner of his eye, it was clear that they all thought that he had some blade fragments left to throw, which he did. They were all too small to be anything more than an annoyance unless he got someone in the eyes, though, so it was not a good idea except in the case of emergency.

Dammit, Greg, where the hell are you?


Once the soldiers left, Ormis sniffed a trap. He waited a few more long minutes before climbing down, as he didn't know if the soldiers would be back any time soon. He was worried about Adrian and the others, though, so after taking a moment to rest and recover, he was almost in fighting shape again.

((A quick note about his energy reserves: He's sixteen, and so still retains that at-will adrenaline rushes which basically only work in extreme situations [AKA when he used speedscare]))

Once he was ready, he backtracked silently, pausing only to pick up his 2vvsy8m.jpg blade to use as a makeshift weapon against whatever stragglers there happened to be.

Luckily for him, the main brunt of the soldiers had left with Susan and Emerald (Grant), leaving only one man to deal with Adrian, who was clearly injured. Running around as quickly as he could, he snuck up behind the man and pressed the blade into his throat, saying quietly into the man's ear, "Tell me. Who are you and what are the charges against us? Don't give me any bullshit or I'll jam the sharp end of this blade into your eyes and ask again."

((Note: If the soldier is going to do anything to Adrian while Ormis sneaks around, be my guest. I purposely didn't mention that for a reason.))

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Adrian watched the rest of the group leave, Susan and the emerald knight being taken with them. The soldier got himself ready to stab Adrian in the throat, ending this whole ordeal for him. Great. It's me versus Mr. likes-to-knee-my-back. But I'm not going to die here...! He spun around in this snow, something he did with ease because it was wet, and jammed his left foot into the soldier's groin, watching him stagger back in pain. "There... you little shit!" He said, spitting out some blood. This shoulder wound was worse than he thought, and unless some miracle happened, he WAS going to die here.

Luckily, a miracle did happen, as Ormis appeared behind the man, holding a blade against his neck. "Ha... hahahaha--ack!" Adrian laughed, coughing up a bit more blood during it. "Ormis, I never thought I'd be this happy to see you." He fell back into the snow, still chuckling that a miracle actually did happen for him.

((Not so dammit Mao?))

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The soldier wasted no time in raising his spear to strike Adrian through the heart, he was less then an inch away had it not been for the ice cold blade that was held to his neck.

Unfortunately, for Ormis though the soldier wasn't in a good enough mood, nor a coward that would give away his colleagues just because a blade was at his throat, not when his spear point was placed just over Adrians heart. "Go ahead, you kill me, and I kill your buddy here" he stated confidently, figuring if the brat had come back to help his friend, he wouldn't risk his friends life"

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"Just try it."

Ormis had grabbed the back of the man's tunic while threatening him, and so yanked back as hard as he could while keeping the blade at the guy's throat, as well as kicking away the spear in the process.

"So I'll ask again. Why are we being prosecuted? Now that I look at you I can see that you're from Astarte. Gonna go try and conquer us now are you? Well then," the boy said quietly, shoving the man to the ground, "if you're not going to talk, I may as well kill you now, then." He then sliced through the man's throat as if his weapon were a knife.

Not planning to watch the man die, Ormis picked up his sword then hurried over to Adrian.

"Ugh, that wound looks nasty. I have no idea how to treat it and our only healer," he said wryly, "has been taken away to places unknown for reasons unknown. Though from the looks of it, they were heading to our original destination anyway. You'll have to put up with this for now," the boy said while using the remains of his cloak as a rag, "until we can find a way to get Susan back."

Then Ormis sighed, and asked one question.

"Can you still fight?"

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Adrian could do nothing but smile as the soldier's throat was slit, never having been so happy to see someone die. Ormis came over, letting his hands free and tying his shoulder within his cloak. He pushed himself up into sitting with his right hand, sighing. He was still bleeding, and unless they could get to Susan soon, he was going to bleed out; he knew that. "It's worse than it looks, trust me, Ormis..." His vision started to go shaky, so he shook his head to try and keep himself awake as long as possible. "We seriously need to get moving if I'm going to make it... I doubt I can last long." At which point, Ormis asked the one thing he didn't want to hear.

"Can you still fight?"

Adrian chuckled a bit, sighing at the end of it. "If I have to swing a sword at someone, I can. I doubt I'd last long in a real fight. I can't feel my foot anymore, though, so I can walk on it, albeit with a limp... Heck I don't even have my sword anymore. Should we loot the soldier, take his spear, and see if he has a dagger on him, or something?" Adrian must have been going insane, if he was agreeing to go along with Ormis's plan. It was either this, or waiting around to die. He'd rather try something.

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Carrion, had made it look like she'd teleported away, but the fact is, teleportation was flawed, as they hadn't figured out a way to use it on living beings without killing the transported. Their were three possibly methods, one would be to break the object up into bits and send it off into the distance, recomposing the object once it had reached its destination, clearly killing anything that would be living, the second would be warping time, but even if time was warped it'd cost a huge amount of mana and fatigue, making the caster wish they'd walked instead. And finally there was the options of engulfing the object in a sphere of magic, tossing it into a energy vein, and letting it flow to it's destination, perhaps the closest method of working, but the energy flow would mean the target didn't always go where it was supposed to, and Mana contamination usually killed the transportee anyway.

Instead Carrion had just cloaked herself with invisibility, ducking away from Grants blade, and had squatted there for awhile before using the uncovered earth she'd created with her flames to get away. Even if she were cloaked, she still existed, and walking through the snow would mean footprints would appear out of nowhere so her earlier flames had been essential in her getting away.

The cost however was a strong drain on the Prana she'd gathered, considering how little the man she'd killed earlier had to offer, the healing of her ankle, and the invisibility she'd used had put her accumulation for this mission into the negatives, hardly a desirable result.

She'd walked a fair bit away when she heard someone speaking in hushed tones, at first she'd though it was more soldiers, but wasn't much happier to discover that it was the Anri from earlier, he'd probably try to kill her too if she revealed herself, and the invisibility was starting to wear off unless she used more of her stocked up Prana. Her best option would be to flee from the Anri, as she was well aware she stood no chance against an Anri in a physical fight, and she'd used most of her magical energy on the earlier charade, most importantly though she was tired, and in a slightly foul mood for facing a near death situation.

Though there was something in the Anri's tone that intrigued her, it sounded almost as if he wanted to negotiate something, possibly the release of his companions, which would be of no merit to Carrion, infact they'd probably kill as soon as she tried, and whether they did or not was irrelevant since Carrion had no reason to help them.

Though an Anri...... she pondered for a few more seconds,if she could gain his trust and drain his Prana, she'd be well into the positives, and the potential of having someone as a meatshield was enticing.

However she decided against the idea of confronting someone who could rip her to shred in a matter of moments, and she headed back to the area in which she'd engaged the others earlier as the shouting had died down.

As the remaining individuals came into view, Carrion watched with amusement as the young boy she'd thought useless gutted one of the Alman soldier, such a cold hearted act without a hint of mercy would make for an ideal sword in future encounters, but judging from their interaction earlier, he'd probably try to strike her before she could even commence negotiations, that said, he was burdened with an injured team mate, and might be smart enough to not fight her the moment they made contact.

Either way, it didn't look like he had a proper weapon, on him approaching the pair silently, she picked up the spear the man had kicked away, before pointing the tip at the pair, who finally seemed to have noticed her. She'd never actually used one in combat before but she'd had more then one lesson in how to use it, though that wouldn't be happening anymore now that her mentor wasn't around to teach her.

"Now where could you two be off to in such bad shape?" she asked coyly, fully aware that she had the advantage here.

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"Not now..."

Ormis winced when he heard the one voice that he wanted nothing else than to never hear again.

Goddammit... It's like the world has it out for us, or at least me. First the soldiers, now this.

"Look, I'm not going to bother fighting you right now. From the looks of it, you've never had to actually fight with a spear before, so unless that's just a formality and you're actually going to just roast us, I'd wager that I have the upper hand here."

It was a terrible bluff and he knew it. She could easily take the two of them out in a second with that fire magic of hers, but if she was going to use a spear on them, they might have a chance of getting away.

"So unless you can think of a way to heal my friend here into fighting condition right now, don't bother us. I'm not in the mood for it right now, you cannibal. Unless you think that spear is actually going to be worth anything against me," he said, bending over quickly to relieve the dead man of his saber.

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Adrian seconded Ormis. He didn't want to see her ever again, let alone now.

"Ormis, she's spent. She doesn't have any more fire left in her, and if she does, it's gonna be extremely weak." Adrian smirked as he spoke. "Don't even try and deny it, witch. I might not know how your magic works, but I highly doubt you'd have run away if you had any more in you. You'd have stayed behind and roasted all of us, and those soldiers. Unless you've found someone else to feast on after you ran away-- ack, gack!" He coughed again, some more blood coming out.

"Listen, I don't have any time for your bullshit." Adrian pulled himself to his feet as he spoke. "If you're going to kill us, do it. Otherwise, I have some people to try and save with Ormis, here. Put down the spear before you hurt yourself." Adrian was dead serious as he spoke, now, since he knew how little time he had left. "Ormis, if you want to fight her, be my guest, I'm gonna start heading for the village." With that, he turned and started following the tracks the group had left in the snow.

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"You're right, who am I kidding" she stated simply before flames engulfed her hands and then the spear, bending the spear out of shape in a matter of seconds, "I just thought it'd look more menacing if I actually had a tangible weapon" she stated simply before summoning a ball of fire, she raised an eyebrow at the man, "First you want to kill me, then you want me to leave you alone just because it doesn't suit you?" she cocked her head to one side feigning contemplation before looking at the pair, "I really don't think you're in any position to be telling me to do anything, do you?"

To be honest, a single sphere of flame didn't take her much concentration or power at all, and she was rather glad for the warmth and wasn't sure why she hadn't been using one all this time.

"Now back to my question, where would you two rags of cloth be heading?"

She paused to pour a bit of energy in the flame making it flare up,

"Or would you rather I just set you ablaze now?"

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Alright, that annoyed him. Ormis had absolutely no idea why she was attacking him, as he'd hardly done anything beyond try to avoid getting roasted.

"What? I don't remember ever attacking you." He glanced at Adrian. "Well, I didn't, even if the others did. So what are you gonna do, burn us? Because I seriously don't care anymore."

He turned around, expecting to be engulfed in flames at any second.

"If you really need to know, I'm going to go see if I can get to the others. You can come try to stop me if you want, but from what I can see, all that ball of flame is doing right now is making stop regretting that I lost my cloak. Now piss off or help us out."

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Adrian could feel the heat of the flame, but he just kept walking. "We're going to try and help our friends. If you want to come with us, or kill us, do it. Your choice." He just kept walking. Sure, he could turn and admit he was wrong, which he was. He had figured that after such a display of magic, she'd be spent, but she obviously wasn't. Ormis wasn't going to fight her, and even if he did, one wrong move and he was a charred body. Although, Adrian wasn't going to get as far as he'd hoped, since his vision was starting to go blurry again. Dammit, not now... He glanced down at the rag, seeing it soaked in blood. "Hey, Ormis... Looks like... that gouge was worse... than I... thought..." he started, his voice giving out as he collapsed into the snow.

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Ormis noticed Adrian begin to pass out before he did, and was right there to catch him as he fell.

"Hang on, man, hang on! Don't die yet, come on! I nearly got myself killed to get back here to save your life, don't lose it here!"

A lie, but a fairly harmless one. Ormis was getting desperate, and he noticed tears were filling his vision again.

Assuming she doesn't interfere, I can probably break Susan and Emerald out on my own if I'm stealthy enough...

Ormis hoisted one of Adrian's arms over his shoulders and ran as fast as he could without hurting Adrian further or dropping him.

"Go ahead, try and stop me! I dare you!" (shouting to Scarlet)

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Carrion paused, trying to recall if the man had ever striked at her, but all she could remember was him hiding like a coward in the background hurling petty insults.

"Tch, no manners at all" she muttered before casting preparing for battle, all she really wanted from these goons was to drain them of their life force before she headed back to report her findings to earn a bit of gold. And if the rude little brat didn't care about living anymore, it was better if she took his life, instead of letting those Alman soldiers take it.

"Fine" she stated simply before summoning up three flare spheres"

Introduction to fighting 101

Battles in this RP will be done in a fashion similar to battleships, as it's a new concept that hasn't been trialled before, I will be introducting concepts one part at a time.

Firstly there is the ally map.


This is where you are all situated on the grid.

Your position will be randomly allocated by me unless you specifically ask to be positioned in a certain location beforehand.

Then there is the enemy map


This map is currently blank as you have not yet discovered any enemies on the map.

Searching is the first action you will learn.

Searching is simply when you specify a location to search (eg G3) You turn has now concluded.

-Searches will reveal whether there is an enemy in the area or not. It searches all adjacent spaces. But will not give you the exact location of the enemy. (See red space)

-To indicate that an enemy is in the area the letters "E1" have appeared, this means there is one enemy in the area. "E0" means no enemies, and "E2" means there are two enemies in that area, and so on.

-In the case that there is an enemy in the exact spot you searched, the "E1" will be red indicating that an enemy is hiding in this exact location.

Allied Phase will end when 3 people have searched (Used their turn)

(Part2 Battles)


Carrion HP6


Ormis HP4


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[spoiler=Battle][search G5]

"Ugh... Dammit! Come on, Adrian, don't die yet! Hang on for another day... Yeah, one day and I can get Susan to you! Come on! Wake up!"

Ormis placed his friend on the ground in front of him as softly as he could manage, then drew the 34q4irp.jpg saber.

"Damn you! I'll kill you first, then I can go get Susan, magic be damned!"

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[search C3]

Adrian's vision came back, though all of his hearing was muddy. He could hear what sounded like Ormis yelling at him, and through his blurred vision he glanced over at where the witch was standing. I'm really going to die... Wow. Alright, Ormis. I'll hang on for a little while longer.

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Introduction to fighting 101 (Continued)

You have searched the following locations, G5, C3


Unfortunately you have failed to find an enemy,

Your turn has now concluded.

It is now the enemies turn.

Introduction to fighting 102

You can now launch an attack on your turn




When you attack you will engaged any enemy character that is adjacent to you (excludes diagonally) this is where stats usually come into play, but as stats have not yet been allocated, everyone's defense will be 0, and their attack will be 1. Meaning you will deal 1 damage, and receive 1 damage if you land adjacently to Carrion.

However if you land on top of the enemy, you will deal double damage. So it may be a better idea to search out your enemies exact location first.

Note: Carrions ability is to not receive any counters, but only be able to attack certain spaces.

Their accuracy was appalling, perhaps it was the fatigue, but whatever their status she wanted that Prana, and wasn't about to go easy on them anytime soon. She focused her energy as she hurled all three fireballs at the duo.






Tch, she cursed, as her attacks missed their targets completely.


Carrion HP6


Ormis HP4


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[spoiler=Battle][search F2]

Ormis had no trouble at all avoiding the flames flying at his head. It was like she wasn't even trying this time. Despite the light of the flames, though, it was too dark to find Scarlet in the forest. He squinted in the general direction they came from, but had no real clue if she was there or not.

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[search E4]

Adrian's eyes scanned for the witch, as fireballs flew past him. He had no idea how she'd missed him, but she had, and that gave him a few more moments to try and collect himself. He was finally back on his feet, not knowing how it was possible, but it was happening.

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You still failed to find her~ XD






Carrion was starting to get impatient, she could see her targets because the flames kept lighting up their position, but the boys were alot more agile then she'd originally thought. Once again her flames hit nothing, frustrating her as she prepared for her next attack.

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((damn you Mao XD))

[search A1]

Adrian jumped out of the way of a ball of fire, not knowing why this witch was having such trouble hitting him. He was injured, and barely able to move; he should have been dead by now. Of course, spending all this time trying to stay alive was making it harder to see where the flames were coming from.

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