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Event Assembler Questions Thread


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I fixed all the errors, and also inserted a couple maps for insertion with the Tiled inserter. Now VBA is freaking out about not having a BIOS file, when it never needed one before, ever. Could it be I inserted the map wrong, or something else? I inserted the events at D400000, and the two maps at D800000, so accidental overlap shouldn't be a problem there... ?

If you inserted the maps at exact same offset, then it shouldn't cause any problems. Compare the start of ROM to the start of an unedited ROM. If there's a huge amount of difference, then your ROM is borked.

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I can't seem to get my FIGH code working right.

FIGH Serra Hector Sleep1

Using the format in Arch's tutorial. That points to...






Why won't it work?

I believe it's this:

FIGH Serra Hector Sleep1 $00000000

I fixed all the errors, and also inserted a couple maps for insertion with the Tiled inserter. Now VBA is freaking out about not having a BIOS file, when it never needed one before, ever. Could it be I inserted the map wrong, or something else? I inserted the events at D400000, and the two maps at D800000, so accidental overlap shouldn't be a problem there... ?

You know, I had this same exact problem. Unfortunately, I can't remember how I fixed it, but I do remember this: I needed a new ROM afterwards.

@Nintenlord: Thanks for that awesome response. Though I think I'll stay away from World Maps for now.

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So I want to make a whole bunch of custom maps and chapters for my hack that are pretty much pure background exploration with rewards 'Spotlight' chapters if you will. However I don't seem to be able to handle the important part, giving the player a character on the map, and then removing the character when the map is over.

EXAMPLE: Spotlight - Cath would focus on Caths first 'job' when she left the ruins of her village so she would deploy as a level 1 thief. Easy enough, just make a seperate character 'Cath' to deploy instead of the main party one, and be unable to deploy anyone (or skip the deployment page) the problem is how to make it so when the chapter is over you DON'T have another Cath anymore.

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So I want to make a whole bunch of custom maps and chapters for my hack that are pretty much pure background exploration with rewards 'Spotlight' chapters if you will. However I don't seem to be able to handle the important part, giving the player a character on the map, and then removing the character when the map is over.

EXAMPLE: Spotlight - Cath would focus on Caths first 'job' when she left the ruins of her village so she would deploy as a level 1 thief. Easy enough, just make a seperate character 'Cath' to deploy instead of the main party one, and be unable to deploy anyone (or skip the deployment page) the problem is how to make it so when the chapter is over you DON'T have another Cath anymore.

Fade in darkness, change alliance to enemy, end the chapter?

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I was wondering if somebody could look this over and see what I did wrong. Every time I try to insert it, it crashes the program. It gives me a "Values do not fall into the specified range." error.

[spoiler=whole chapter file]

//Made by Camtech075 of SerenesForest

#include EAstdlib.event
#include RoDDefinitions.txt


ORG 0x9E863C
POIN TurnBasedEvents
POIN CharacterBasedEvents
POIN LocationBasedEvents
POIN MiscBasedEvents
POIN Dunno Dunno Dunno
POIN Tutorial
POIN Ballista1 Ballista2
POIN GoodGuys BadGuys
POIN $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
POIN BeginningScene EndingScene



UNIT Ryen RyenLord Ryen Level(1,Ally,false)  [8,6] 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 

[YouthSword, Vulnerary, 0x00, 0x00] [NoAI]
UNIT Jason Cavalier Rye* Level(4,Ally,false)  [8,7] 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 

[ironSword, SteelLance, Vulnerary, 0x00] [NoAI]


BACG 0x00
Text 0x921


CODE $00

CODE $00



UNIT 0xAA Bloodhound ONeill Level(1,Enemy,False) [16,1] 0x00 0x00 0x01 

Baddie_Move1 [FireFang,0x00,0x00,0x00] [NoAI]
UNIT 0xAA Bloodhound ONeill Level(1,Enemy,False) [16,1] 0x00 0x00 0x01 

Baddie_Move2 [FireFang,0x00,0x00,0x00] [NoAI]
UNIT 0xAA Bloodhound ONeill Level(1,Enemy,False) [16,1] 0x00 0x00 0x01 

Baddie_Move3 [FireFang,0x00,0x00,0x00] [NoAI]
UNIT ONeill Fighter ONeill Level(4,Enemy,False) [16,1] 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 

[ironAxe,0x00,0x00,0x00] [NoAI]

//   X/Y	Spd Resc Delay
REDA [3,7] 0x5 0x00 0x20

REDA [15,8] 0x5 0x00 0x10

REDA [8,13] 0x5 0x00 0x10

MUS1 0x52
LOMA 0x40 //Loads Triannos map
TEX6 0x5 [0,0] 0x0664 //"Triannos Castle"
LOU1 GoodGuys
FlashCursor(Ryen,60) //flashes cursor on Ryen before convo
Text(0x0907) // "Franz, ride ahead and..."
LOU1 GoodGuys
FAWI 10 //Fade-in with white
LOMA 0x00 //Loads prologue map
FAWU 10 //Fade-out with white
WarpIn(Ryen, 0, 15)
WarpIn(Eirika, 2, 16)
Text(0x090D, 0x22) // "Princess! This way! I can see..."
//Introduce bad guys
FlashCursor(16,1,60) //flash on temple
Text(090F) // "Your highness, I won't lie..."
MUS1 0x25 //Tension
LOU1 BadGuys
Text(0x0910) // "Renais dogs! Where do you think..."

Text(0x0907, 0x0x22)
STAL 0x01
MNCH 0x__

MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset

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It's NoAI, not [NoAI]. Why do people keep doing this?

UNIT 0xAA Bloodhound ONeill Level(1,Enemy,False) [16,1] 0x00 0x00 0x01

Baddie_Move1 [FireFang,0x00,0x00,0x00] [NoAI]


Also, the whole UNIT thing needs to be on one line.

Once I fix those, I get these errors:



Events end at offset $9E8840

25 errors encountered:

File: test.txt, Line: 4, Column: 1: File System.String[] not found.: #include RoDDefinitions.txt

File: test.txt, Line: 28, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT Ryen RyenLord Ryen Level(1,Ally,false) [8,6] 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 [YouthSword, Vulnerary, 0x00, 0x00] NoAI

File: test.txt, Line: 29, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT Jason Cavalier Rye* Level(4,Ally,false) [8,7] 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 [ironSword, SteelLance, Vulnerary, 0x00] NoAI

File: test.txt, Line: 40, Column: 1: No code named Text found: Text 0x921

File: test.txt, Line: 65, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT 0xAA Bloodhound ONeill Level(1,Enemy,False) [16,1] 0x00 0x00 0x01 Baddie_Move1 [FireFang,0x00,0x00,0x00] NoAI

File: test.txt, Line: 67, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT 0xAA Bloodhound ONeill Level(1,Enemy,False) [16,1] 0x00 0x00 0x01 Baddie_Move2 [FireFang,0x00,0x00,0x00] NoAI

File: test.txt, Line: 69, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT 0xAA Bloodhound ONeill Level(1,Enemy,False) [16,1] 0x00 0x00 0x01 Baddie_Move3 [FireFang,0x00,0x00,0x00] NoAI

File: test.txt, Line: 71, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT ONeill Fighter ONeill Level(4,Enemy,False) [16,1] 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 [ironAxe,0x00,0x00,0x00] NoAI

File: test.txt, Line: 75, Column: 1: No code named REDA found: REDA [3,7] 0x5 0x00 0x20

File: test.txt, Line: 78, Column: 1: No code named REDA found: REDA [15,8] 0x5 0x00 0x10

File: test.txt, Line: 81, Column: 1: No code named REDA found: REDA [8,13] 0x5 0x00 0x10

File: test.txt, Line: 85, Column: 1: No code named LOMA found: LOMA 0x40 //Loads Triannos map

File: test.txt, Line: 96, Column: 1: No code named LOMA found: LOMA 0x00 //Loads prologue map

Ryen is not a valid number.

Ryen is not a valid number.

Ryen is not a valid number.

Jason is not a valid number.

Jason is not a valid number.

Ryen is not a valid number.

Eirika is not a valid number.

Jason is not a valid number.

090F is not a valid number.

Ryen is not a valid number.

0x0x22 is not a valid number.

0x__ is not a valid number.

You can ignore those that are caused by my lack of your definition file.

Edited by Nintenlord
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They are on one line, I guess the forum booted them to the next for some reason.

and what does it mean "No code found: REDA"? I copied it from Arch's tutorial. It should work?

Okay I fixed those errors and the 0x__ but now it's tleling me "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: startIndex"

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Always check the Event assembler language.txt when you get the unknown code error. As for the IndexOutOfRange, make sure you have the latest version. If you have, then the problem is in your definitions, since I got your script to compile without that error. Also, always repost your script when you change it.

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Okay, downloaded the latest version and got it to insert, at least.

um...does the event assembler have to be in the standard library folder for the codes to work? It doesn't seem to be recognizing codes that I copied right out of Arch's tutorial. :/

//Made by Camtech075 of SerenesForest

#define file EAstdlib.event
#define file RoDDefinitions.txt


ORG 0xE471E0
POIN TurnBasedEvents
POIN CharacterBasedEvents
POIN LocationBasedEvents
POIN MiscBasedEvents
POIN Dunno Dunno Dunno
POIN Tutorial
POIN Ballista1 Ballista2
POIN GoodGuys BadGuys
POIN $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
POIN BeginningScene EndingScene



UNIT Ryen RyenLord Ryen Level(1,Ally,false)  [8,6] 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 [YouthSword, Vulnerary, 0x00, 0x00] NoAI
UNIT Jason Cavalier Rye* Level(4,Ally,false)  [8,7] 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 [ironSword, SteelLance, Vulnerary, 0x00] NoAI


BACG 0x00
Text 0x921


CODE $00

CODE $00



UNIT 0xAA Bloodhound ONeill Level(1,Enemy,False) [16,1] 0x00 0x00 0x01 Baddie_Move1 [FireFang,0x00,0x00,0x00] NoAI
UNIT 0xAA Bloodhound ONeill Level(1,Enemy,False) [16,1] 0x00 0x00 0x01 Baddie_Move2 [FireFang,0x00,0x00,0x00] NoAI
UNIT 0xAA Bloodhound ONeill Level(1,Enemy,False) [16,1] 0x00 0x00 0x01 Baddie_Move3 [FireFang,0x00,0x00,0x00] NoAI
UNIT ONeill Fighter ONeill Level(4,Enemy,False) [16,1] 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 [ironAxe,0x00,0x00,0x00] NoAI

//   X/Y	Spd Resc Delay
REDA [3,7] 0x5 0x00 0x20

REDA [15,8] 0x5 0x00 0x10

REDA [8,13] 0x5 0x00 0x10

MUS1 0x52
LOMA 0x40 //Loads Triannos map
TEX6 0x5 [0,0] 0x0664 //"Triannos Castle"
LOU1 GoodGuys
FlashCursor(Ryen,60) //flashes cursor on Ryen before convo
Text(0x0907) // "Franz, ride ahead and..."
LOU1 GoodGuys
FAWI 10 //Fade-in with white
LOMA 0x00 //Loads prologue map
FAWU 10 //Fade-out with white
WarpIn(Ryen, 0, 15)
WarpIn(Eirika, 2, 16)
Text(0x090D, 0x22) // "Princess! This way! I can see..."
//Introduce bad guys
FlashCursor(16,1,60) //flash on temple
Text(090F) // "Your highness, I won't lie..."
MUS1 0x25 //Tension
LOU1 BadGuys
Text(0x0910) // "Renais dogs! Where do you think..."

Text(0x0907, 0x0x22)
STAL 0x01
MNCH 0x01

MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset

Even with the definitions file for my game, I'm still getting errors. I don't see why as I'm using the codes exactly how the other guys did. >_<

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Post the definitions and the errors.

um...does the event assembler have to be in the standard library folder for the codes to work?

No, in fact, don't add or remove or edit any files in the EA folder.

It doesn't seem to be recognizing codes that I copied right out of Arch's tutorial. :/

Check the Event assembler language.txt for those codes.

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*sigh* This is way more trouble than it's worth. *reverts all the data to hex numbers and sees if that gets the codes to work*

*still gets the "No code found" error* -_-

Check the Event assembler language.txt for those codes.


WARP [Location X' date= Location Y] *In or out*

WARP Character *In or out*

CAuses warp animation on a unit.

Unit isn't actually moved by this code.


Location = Location of the warp animation.

In or out = Weather warp animation is for warping in (animation

goes from up to down) or out (other way around)

Character = Character to do the warp animation on.

...Is there no warp function for FE8?

Heck, is there even enough functioning codes in this thing to make a chapter in FE8? I don't see many codes for FE8 at all...or at least the codes I thought I would need to make this stupid prologue look right. (in particular, the codes to make it seem like Ryen and Jason were warped from their homeland to the new one)

Edited by MagicTiger
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If you look in the Unit Helpers.txt you'll find this:

#ifdef _FE8_
#define WarpIn(Char,X,Y)		"_SETVAL 2 Char; _WARP -1 -3 [X,Y]; GOTO $9EE4F8"
#define WarpOut(Char,X,Y)		"_SETVAL 2 Char; _WARP -1 -3 [X,Y]; GOTO $9EE4F8"

It would seem FE8 does indeed have a warp in and warp out macro.

On a side note, the regular warp commands (I.E., the commands the macro uses) in FE8 seem really strange. blink.gif

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Well... there is the fact that FE8 Event Assembler has issues period.

For example, at one point, when I got the latest one, disassembling and reassembling it period screwed up coordinates and rendered the first chapter unplayable. That was without changes.

Has Nintenlord fixed that issue already? Haven't tested FE8 at all since that happened with Trent's FE4R Events.

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^That (hasn't been fixed in any released version, but only affects REDA codes as far as I can see) and the lack of codes are the only issues I know of, everything else is shared between all 3 GBA games, so it wouldn't be FE8 only problem. And I'm 97% sure that Leafys problems are caused by her, not by me. Feel free to prove me wrong, though.

Edited by Nintenlord
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I gave her the same answer back on Shrine of Seals maybe she's just having a bad time understanding how it works.

It was giving a 'code not found' error for a while, but my recent changes must have fixed it because ti's not giving errors anymore. :/

And I'm 97% sure that Leafys problems are caused by her, not by me. Feel free to prove me wrong, though.

I blame Arch for having out-of-date codes, and for not explaining to remove the parenthesis from the codes. *brick'd*

Okay, so I figured I needed to study a WORKING (FE8) chapter to get this straight, and extracted Chapter 1 from the ROM. I've been converting all the codes I see. I've been reducing the amount of errors this way.

But uh...how do FE8 text codes work? It won't recognize the macros Arch used, and I don't understand how the TEXTSTART etc. codes work.

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It's not in the current release, but will be in the next:

#define FancyAssasinEntry(X,Y) "_0xE3 0xCB401C [X*0x10-1,Y*0x10-1]; SOUN 0x2F6"

#define FancyThiefEntry(X,Y) "_0xE3 0xCAE5F8 [X*0x10-1,Y*0x10-1]; SOUN 0x2F6"

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It's not in the current release, but will be in the next:

#define FancyAssasinEntry(X,Y) "_0xE3 0xCB401C [X*0x10-1,Y*0x10-1]; SOUN 0x2F6"

#define FancyThiefEntry(X,Y) "_0xE3 0xCAE5F8 [X*0x10-1,Y*0x10-1]; SOUN 0x2F6"

So wait, it was figured out how Thieves AI works and after they are done stealing they leave? Or am I misinterpreting things?

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