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[FE10] new draft


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Who gives Beastfoe to Edward.

a person who only has edward, sothe, and micaiah.

Plus edward, beast foe and vantage make win. Especially if edawrd has maxed speed.

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Yeah, just kidding~

I originally gave it to Nolan on my first try of 3-6, at the previous draft. It was one of the most scary and overkill things I've seen, ever.

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Part 2 Prologue

MVP: Nealuchi

Took effing forever to get the strategy for this right. I had Neal rescue Leanne right away and I had to use at least 4 vulneraries as that stupid crow loses a ton of durability when he gets untransformed ever other turn. Recruited Haar for Physic Staff and Corossion.

Turns: 8


Part 2 Chapter 1

MVP: Nephenee

Blah, I hate this chapter. Recruited Heather, and....yep, that's it.

Turns: 8 + 6 (Brom, Nephenee


Part 2 Chapter 2

Nolan, Mia, Janaff, Reyson, Mordecai, Kieran, Rolf, Leonardo, Bastian, Kurthnaga

MVP: Mordecai (:

Gave Mordecai a few levels of bexp. For the actual map, I think it went perfectly. I made multiple attempts to find the quickest way through while also protecting Nephenee, Brom, and the Laguz. Mordecai went northwest to take out two troublesome enemies, and then sprinted towards the boss, clearing out everything in the way. Lucia went east and then north to back up Mordecai. The two of them broke a path to the boss and Lucia killed him with a Wind Edge so she could seize the next turn.

Turns: 6 + 4 (Lucia)


Part 2 Chapter 3

Nolan, Mia, Janaff, Reyson, Mordecai, Kieran, Rolf, Leonardo, Bastian, Kurthnaga

MVP: Geoffrey ):

Ugh, all these penalties...anyway, Geoff and Kieran raced to the seize pont. Kieran killed Tashoria with two swings of his axe, and then went to borrow the Speedwing from an enemy soldier. Geoff seized on turn 6.

Turns: 6 + 3 (Geoffrey)

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1-E 8 turns

Let me give a big "fuck you" to Sothe who couldn't dodge at 30 something display hit and died. And every other time you got hit during this chapter when facing shit hit rates. And every time something decided to suicide into the BK. >______> Damn Lehran. I don't know what happened here. I got the speedwing + the two skills and boss kill went to Aran.

Part 1 total: 76

2-P 8 turns

Hey Haar you weren't even MVP wtf. Neal was my free unit

2-1 7 + 3 Neph penalty

I tried doing this without Brom, (and wtf the myrm in front of the house doesn't even move) she dodged almost everything, luckily, and then Heather came up just in time to get herself recruited. Heather went into the far right corner on the top platform to not get attacked. She dodged Yeardley twice srsly and got into wrath range on the last turn (from all the other attacks) and critted.

2-2 6 turns

Lucia solo and yay for proccing str

2-3 5 turns + 6 Kieran/Geoff penalty

Got the speedwing at least

2-E 3 turns

Haar solo and I didn't even use the hammer and oh yeah Haar maxed speed thanks to BEXP and the speedwing

Part 2 total: 38

3-1 8 turns god damnit

Blah I hate Skrimir he killed the boss I wanted that exp why are your troops such dumbasses

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3-7 12 turns

This was lyre's playtime. She teased the little wyvern riders and steel lancer, and swordmaster with adept, to get s trike and she did :newyears: . Rhys and boyd went and killed the 2 rangers who would otherwise ruin lyre's fun.

3-8 was like 8 turns.

Boyd celerity goes through the left hand path, and rushes through with 3 hand axes. He destroyed two and was left with like a few uses of one. Rhys and ike go through the center. Lyre goes throuh the right hand path to increase her strike. She gets just above the strike letters :awesome:

3-9 was like 6/7 turns

Promoted geoffrey (20/20/01) Takes off. He gets speed wing and short spears th boss on enemy phase.

3-10 comment

I wish i had pass, because then what i'm thinking for lyre and rhys would work <_<

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Part 2 Endgame

Nolan, Mia, Janaff, Reyson, Mordecai, Kieran, Rolf, Leonardo, Bastian, Kurthnaga

MVP: Elincia

I gave almost everything in the convoy to Haar, Heather, Nephenee, Brom, and Lethe. Then came the fun part. I gave Mordecai the Speedwing see he could have 22 Speed. Then I BEXP'd him to level 25, and he capped Defense in the process and got a few points of Strength. I plan on BEXP slowplaying him later on. Not even Ludveck could hurt him, so I figured I'd take the Marcia penalty and drop Mordecai down to kill him...however, Mordecai is too heavy to rescue. So I just took the Elincia penalty, and she flew down and Stunkilled Ludveck. Mordecai get some nice WEXP in this map, and on the last turn with 1 guage point left, he killed an armour knight and took his Energy Drop. That probably wouldn't have been possible to do if I hadn't given Mordecai the Speedwing, so I'm glad I did (I was considering givin the wing to Kieran so he could clear 3-9 faster and be all-around better)

Total Turns: 4 + 5 (Elincia)

Total Part 2 Turns: 50

Total Playthrough Turns: 131

Off the top of my head...

Unit      Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Mordecai  25.11   66  16  01  09  11  23  22  04 

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my penalties:

1-P eddy

1-1 Nolan

1-2 Nolan

1-3 thru 1-7 None

1-8 Vika

1-9/E None

2-P Elincia(i used marcia too)

2-1 Brom(unless i pull a neph solo outta my ass)

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Is the free unit in Chapter 3-3 only allowed to burn supplies, or can he/she fight as well?

Part 3 Prologue

Nolan, Mia, Janaff, Reyson, Mordecai, Kieran, Rolf, Leonardo, Bastian, Kurthnaga

MVP: Ike

Everyone makes a mad dash for the arrive point and try to do some self-imporvement. Skrimir and the the laguz in general were dumb in this chapter so Mia was able to get the boss kill.

Total Turns: 9


Part 3 Chapter 1

Nolan, Mia, Janaff, Reyson, Mordecai, Kieran, Rolf, Leonardo, Bastian, Kurthnaga

MVP: Titania -_-

I absolutely hate this Chapter, so I took the Titania penalty so I didn't have to reset a ton of times while trying to scrape together a decent offense and hide all the undrafted units. Titana and Mia went east and then north while Ike took the west chokepoint and eventually dealt with the reinforcements. Rolf helped a bit with his Killer Bow.

Total Turns: 8 + 5 (Titania)


Part 3 Chapter 2

Nolan, Mia, Janaff, Reyson, Mordecai, Kieran, Rolf, Leonardo, Bastian, Kurthnaga

MVP: Ike

Sold everything I didnt need, resulting in 25000 gs. Bought 3 Sword forges, a Bow forge, a Wyrmslayer, and a ton of Wind Edges. Assigned Celerity to Mia and Paragon to Rolf. Mia took the Wyrmslayer and went to go hunt down the boss while Ike and Rolf screwed around getting some nice exp. Mia cleanly 2HKO'd the boss.

Total Turns: 4

Stats for beginning of 3-4:

Unit Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Ike  14.78   46  25  02  30  24  16  23  08
Rolf  06.99   36  22  03  22  22  18  15  11
Mia  18.00   40  22  06  30  30  23  21  13    

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3-10 8 turns

Ike rhys and lyre go through the forest. Lyre takes on the generals to get her strike up some more. Boyd goes through the center with celerity and daunt, and keeps going leaving most ai to the other phasers. On turn 8, the other phasers finish the remaining horses.

3-11 9 turns

I hate this chapter, Lyre got some fighting although not much, ike tried to get to the seize point as fast as he could but He couldn't kill boss so Tibarn pavises and kills the boss :newyears:

3-12 6 turns

I send the partner units to tauro's side. Micaiah and sothe join them as well. Resolve vantage Trueblade eddy goes south then east and kills everything. Its good that it ended on turn six, because it ended with eddy in worts bio, and in 3 turns it would become best. Allowing me to do....

3-13 3 turns

Eddy with beastfoe gets pushed by sothe turn 1. Tauro covers the ledge so as to not leave an opening. Eddy proceeds to reach ike in turn 3 and astras the shit out of him.

3-E comment

Lyre was giving bexp and she capped everything. She is quite a beast. Currently her strike is a bit beyond the letter. Which is awesome. I'm almost done with this chapter, i just needed to come and see where the rescue staff was. BTW, Pure waters for the win. Also killing my eddy was painful. He made me restart quite a few times. Boyd can 1hko with colossus Kurthanaga :awesome:

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3-E 5 turns.

I decided to restart because no one got rescue staff at normal bio. I got to the spot on turn 4 when ike was at best. He got the staff. Anywho, Lyre continued as usual. I will post stats in a few.

Experimental Teams - not including forced characters

silver army

Rhys and Neal




Boyd and edward.

Actually no 2 range on 4-1 and specially 4-4 is going to hurt me.

Lyre to hawks, Boyd to Greil.

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No lvl sorry ;_; they didn't fit :(

	Hp	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Edward	45	28	6	33	33	24	20	9
Micaiah	32	11	26	20	24	33	11	26
Sothe	38	21	9	26	26	24	18	11
Nealuchi57	14	4	11	20	31	13	11
Rhys	42	18	30	25	24	35	12	33
Boyd	65	39	5	28	31	21	27	13
Lyre	65	18	10	20	20	30	14	16
Ike	54	29	9	32	30	19	28	13
Nailah	66	17	5	23	19	35	16	13

Edward is lvl 3 ss swords

Micaiah lvl 7 b and b weaps

Sothe lvl 10 iirc s

Neal lvl 29 s

Rhys lvl 4 a and ss

Boyd lvl 10 ss

lyre lvl 40 s

Ike lvl 1 s

Nailah lvl 33 ss

there is a spider near my computer ahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It made a web on the upper left corner of the screen... I'm scared ;_;

BEXP, I have like 44 thousand bexp

Funds: 40000 +

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I don't really want to post my turn counts for 4-2 and 4-3...

4-P 6 turns

Rhys gets BEXP and speed wings, he had 28/29 speed by the end. He gets resolve and miracle as well. He soloes the northern part of the map. He was amazing. Nealuchi gets speedwing and 4 level ups of BEXP. He capped strength, speed, luck, and def iirc. Micaiah also got some bexp, and paragon. She got enough to dodge atleas a hit if she gets targeted. Shade made her stay hidden from most though. Sothe miccy, and neal go east.

4-1 8 turns

Ike gets paragon and goes south, east, west. He gets 36 speed, caps str, skill, and def, and gets 16 resistance (very important and good that he did) I'm guessing he finished on normal bio. Nailah goes east and then south. Boyd clears the west.

4-2 17 turns :facepalm:

Bet if i used Tibarn it would have been less but alas i didn't and i was too lazy to restart and now its too late as it would require me to start all over and thats just a no.

4-3 18 turns

I could have shaved like four turns off had i killed the bishop with neal but i had to go and be absent minded. Ah well, i got the laguz gem with rhys. Rhys took on the bulk of the army with resolve again (and miracle but it never got used). Rhys again amazed me. Sothe was quite useful with a silver forge i sent him. Although it was only one so bah. He dodge the sleep staff twice (part of the reason why i don't want to do over this chapter was hax for me).

4-4 10 turns

Ike gets boots and goes to above the ledge, and kills the guy with 1-2 range and allows for there to be 2 squares for the lea (vika rescues tormod). Nailah takes care of the section below the ledge. Boyd goes above takes care of the archer, then takes care of the treasure rooms. Ike gets a pure water on turn 3, he was at best bio, and dodges the sleep staff. He gets a lvl up and gets res only. On turn 4 he moves up and clears 2 stair way generals and dodges the staff again :awesome: He kills the sleep staff on turn 5, and takes the slow way of killing the people there, because they are lazy and won't move <_<. Boyd continues clearing the treasure rooms and then he gets fortify. Nailah ended on turn 10 after i got fortify.

4-5 2 turns plus elincia = 5

Elincia gets celerity, and rescue and shade. Edward gets in to shoving range of turn 2 elincia rescue range. Turn 2 eddy gets shoved by lyre, elincia moves and rescues him, pass!eddy moves through the cat laguz and crits izuka with wind edge. (was luckiy, because he had 21 crit chance, this was my second try, i was thinking that if eli died again i'd just have eddy rush through the swamp with lyre and geoff help.)

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4-E-1 6 turns

Lyre, giffca, Nailah, Ike, Rhys, Boyd, Ena, and Micaiah go through the center. Eddy and neal take the left side. Geoffrey, Sothe, and Renning take the right side. Everyone just plows through. Bastard lekain teleported to the southern left side corner on tunr 4. It costed me 2 turns.

4-E-2 1 turn

Ike kills Naialah with celerity, and pass takes on levail. Maxed rhys couldn't purge him. He would end up with like 8 hp, and i had no more range tome uses (only had 2) <_<.

4-E-3 2 turns

Everyone gets near on turn 1 then turn 2 i rampage on dheghinsea. I used obvious weapon choices for blessing. Miccy got thani (was going to use purge but i forgot) and Renning blessed wyrmslayer.

4-E-4 2 turns

Not much to say here really, just the usual.

4-E-5 5 turns

I may have been able to do 4 turns maybe 3 but that could be stretching it a little bit. Renning died, he served his duty, so i didn't bother restarting.

Turn count: 315 (15 less than last time)

Penalties: 10 (unless i missed a penalty)

Total turn count: 325

Top 5

5) Rhys

4) Sothe

3) Ike

2) Edward

1) Boyd


Was awesome, pretty much capped most important stats in 4-1 and then got his resistance up which was really helpful for 4-4.


Mediocre going to bad. BEXP saved her somewhat from being dead weight. At least i could risk her a little bit


Eh good in part 1, okay in part 3. Decnt in part 4. When he activated bane, activated it in the first hit against the enemies. Which was nice.


He was awesome for every part. Definately would draft again. Even over Haar.


Awesome for almost every chapter. Except the 2 starting chapters were he could die easily.


Godsend. His part 4 role was vital. He freaking soloed 2 maps with resolve. Would draft again.


Very good draftee, as opposed to last time, he got favoritism in part 2, and reached S-strike quickly.


Was awesome, while i'm not a fan of cat gauge, Her decent avoid allowed her to untransform on enemy phase, and transform back again in player phase most of the time. Her stirke went to SS in 4-2 so i never had to worry about her not killing. Adept, and rend also helped alot. I gave her quickclaw, bu she always did no damage <_< (she was mostly untransformed when it happened.) She is Mordecai on coffee :awesome:


He certainly worked as planned. His absence is rather disappointing but eh.


Eh worked rather fine eventhough he wasn't what I wanted as my last draftee. He actually had some use in 4-E-1 as he doubled most generals/sol.


If she had s strike she might have been useful outside of blood tide. I gave her bexp as i went along endgame. She capped almost everthing and did 10 dmage to the auras. It wasn't great but it was good chip damage. Giffca could 1rko auras after that, with blood tide.


She was great. She was did as i expected which was kill everything in sight and save me penalties/turns.


Was awesome, although i always had to spend that turn gemming. Caenighis was going to be my 1st choice but he was traken. In the end it payed off somewhat since his speed allowed for major kickass doubling. Caenighis could have done it maybe, but he doesn't have that much growth in speed.

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He was awesome for every part. Definately would draft again. Even over Haar.


Awesome for almost every chapter. Except the 2 starting chapters were he could die easily.


Godsend. His part 4 role was vital. He freaking soloed 2 maps with resolve. Would draft again.


Very good draftee, as opposed to last time, he got favoritism in part 2, and reached S-strike quickly.


Was awesome, while i'm not a fan of cat gauge, Her decent avoid allowed her to untransform on enemy phase, and transform back again in player phase most of the time. Her stirke went to SS in 4-2 so i never had to worry about her not killing. Adept, and rend also helped alot. I gave her quickclaw, bu she always did no damage <_< (she was mostly untransformed when it happened.) She is Mordecai on coffee :awesome:


He certainly worked as planned. His absence is rather disappointing but eh.


Eh worked rather fine eventhough he wasn't what I wanted as my last draftee. He actually had some use in 4-E-1 as he doubled most generals/sol.


If she had s strike she might have been useful outside of blood tide. I gave her bexp as i went along endgame. She capped almost everthing and did 10 dmage to the auras. It wasn't great but it was good chip damage. Giffca could 1rko auras after that, with blood tide.


She was great. She was did as i expected which was kill everything in sight and save me penalties/turns.


Was awesome, although i always had to spend that turn gemming. Caenighis was going to be my 1st choice but he was traken. In the end it payed off somewhat since his speed allowed for major kickass doubling. Caenighis could have done it maybe, but he doesn't have that much growth in speed.

Edward is good and everything, but after drafting Titania for the first time I'd say even she > him

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Edward is good and everything, but after drafting Titania for the first time I'd say even she > him

Edward saves many penalties from part 1, while Titania is not as needed, as long as you have a good draftee for part 3 which tbh shouldn't be too hard to acquire. Edward also has the possibility of being the only person in part 1. So he can get most resources from there. Titania instead has to share with people from part 2, part 1, and part 3.

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Edward saves many penalties from part 1, while Titania is not as needed, as long as you have a good draftee for part 3 which tbh shouldn't be too hard to acquire. Edward also has the possibility of being the only person in part 1. So he can get most resources from there. Titania instead has to share with people from part 2, part 1, and part 3.

But part 3 is alot longer than part 1, and part 1 is ~70 turns as long as you have any one of Zihark, Aran, Nolan, Edward, Ilyana, Jill, Volug, probably even Meg or Fiona. Also, just because you have other units doesn't mean you have to use resources on them, since unless you have Haar, Titania is going to be putting them to far better use than anyone except maybe Oscar.

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But part 3 is alot longer than part 1

Actually they are almost the same # of chapters, considering the fact that 4 chapters aren't part of the GMs and 3 of those are part of DB's. So edward and Titania have about the same amount of involvement. And edward has paragon as well. But yes i see your point on resources and what not, however i like to make my units able to fight and kill by themselves in preparation for part 4.

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Part 3 Chapter 4

Nolan, Mia, Janaff, Reyson, Mordecai, Kieran, Rolf, Leonardo, Bastian, Kurthnaga

MVP: Mordecai :D

Now this was a fun chapter. I BEXP'd Mia up to level 20 (she capped all the usual things, and Defense) and promoted her. She already has capped Def at level 1. 0_o I gave Celerity to Ike; Mordecai got Pass and Resolve. My whole team took the same western path up the mountain, with Mordecai doing most of the heavywork. I used a Laguz Stone on him turn one, then untransformed him right below a Thunder Mage on turn 3 so he could activate Resolve and recharge his laguz meter. From there, he ORKOd everything except the Boss, who I managed to finish off just in time to clear the map in 7 turns.

Total Turns: 7


Part 3 Chapter 5

Nolan, Mia, Janaff, Reyson, Mordecai, Kieran, Rolf, Leonardo, Bastian, Kurthnaga

MVP: Mia

Mia got Pass, Reyson got Celerity. Managed to get Mia in range of the Boss' guards on turn two so she could take them out and then murder the boss. I used the Brave Sword on the boss just in case she didn't get a crit with her forged sword, and amazingly enough, she didn't get one crit or Astra even with the Brave Sword despite being at good biorythm.

Total Turns: 3


Part 3 Chapter 6

Nolan, Mia, Janaff, Reyson, Mordecai, Kieran, Rolf, Leonardo, Bastian, Kurthnaga

MVP: Nolan

Gave a bunch of exp to Leo, promoted him, and gave him the Speedwing. Nolan solos the north part by himself while Micaiah, Sothe, Leonardo, and the partner units go deal east and up towards Lethe and Mordecai. Leonardo OHKOs everything with his Bowgun and got to level 5 with 19 Speed (should be good enough to double stuff next chapter with the Lughnasadh). Nolan is at level 14 with a bunch of stuff capped so I might be able to promote him before 3-12...

Total Turns: 8


Part 3 Chapter 7

Nolan, Mia, Janaff, Reyson, Mordecai, Kieran, Rolf, Leonardo, Bastian, Kurthnaga

MVP: Mordecai

Finally got the whole Greil Mercenary gang together. Mordecai got another BEXP level up (he gets Strength, HP and Luck every time, which is fine by me since he ORKO's everything with Resolve) and he got S-Strike near the end of the chapter for a grand total of 51 atk. Janaff got some Strike WEXP too by flying around and killing stuff (managed to off Jill, Zihark, Edward, Leonardo, Fiona, and Meg. I love killing those low-level jerks). Rolf gained a few (crappy) levels up as well.

It really is a shame that this chapter can't be ended early by killing Micaiah or something like that. Could result in some interesting strategies (but probably make Haar even more broken)

Total Turns: 12

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Ok I've got this running ^_^

1-P (6turns +Eddy 3)=9

Edward was necessary here since Micaiah couldn't be exposed much, but she was fed as many kills possible and even got the boss kill.

Unit    Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support

Micaiah  3.30 16 2  9  9  7  12 2  6  A Sothe

1-1(7 turns +Nolan 3)= 10

Nolan helped alot, the annoying archer caused me some restarts so Nolan visited the house for the hand axe and owned the fool on the next turn I did get the boss kill though, he moved to attack Micaiah and I thought he'd double her and kill her but apparantly Nolan had done enough damage to him for Micaiah to claim the kill, thankfully lol.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support

Micaiah  5.40  18  2 10 10  8  14 3  8  A Sothe

1-2(7turns +Nolan 3)= 10

I didn't want to pay penalties but I had no choice, Nolan was left to block choking point. Edward moved below the ledge and Micaiah next to him. I had to play range attacking tic tac toe with the enemies ^^' Micaiah attacks on player phase enemy suicides on enemy phase and it worked just fine thanks to her hp. Nolan annihilated the enemies soon enough to be moved to thani chest and luckily I managed to get it. Sothe cleared up everything else and got the str boost he even stole a vulnary.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support

Micaiah  6.74  18  2 11 10  9  14 3  9  A Sothe

1-3 7turns

This one was tricky, I didn't want to pay penalties at all so I had Kurth and Aimee behave as walls for a turn or two. Sothe unlocked the door and cleared the path for Micaiah to follow, their support works wonders she managed to dodge a few enemies not-named archers, he took care of those pests. I'm pretty sure she got the boss kill. Sothe is amazing and Kard is magnificent. Everyone was moved so they wouldn't get hit by enemies, in a few turns Kurth was placed on the door and there he walled all my playables and I had to pay no penalty.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support

Micaiah  8.09  20  2 13 11  9  16 4 11  A Sothe

1-4 6 turns

Finally I get Meg, I forged her a Max MT + Max CRT iron and I also forged Micaiah a MaxMT + MaxCRT tome. Micaiah got wrath and Megan got cancel and both dracoshield and energy ring. Sothe worked his way up, Micaiah assisted Meg for a turn or two and then she went up to assisted Sothe. Meg can't face two tigers so I had her block a chokepoint close to the master seal where she would heal herself on player phase. Sothe managed to get Seraph robe and Micaiah got beastfoe. (I couldn't have her open the 3000G chest because reinforcements would attack her). Meg landing crits was certainly helpful, Sothe got both boss kills. I think Meg's forge also had max hit but I don't want to lie.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support

Micaiah  8.47  20  2 13 11  9 16  4 11   A Sothe
Sothe    3.89  36 19  5 21 22 15 15  9   A Micaiah   
Meg      8.10  25 14  1  8 11 13 13 10 

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1-5 6 turns

Wow drafts cause everything to change drastically lol ^^' I didn't get to go up the layer like i'm used to but everything worked fine Micaiah and Meg worked together on some kills, Meg stomped enemies on enemy phase but the robe I gave her helped her alot Micaiah got in wrath mood thanks to a myrm and mages suicided into her. Volug was not used at all, Sothe kept going up and down stealing the seal and protecting the npcs. The npcs caused me several restarts in this chapter ^^' Zihark won't protect Jill.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Micaiah  9.29  21  2 14 11  9 17  4 12   A Sothe 
Sothe    4.26  36 19  5 22 22 16 15 10   A Micaiah    
Meg     10.36  34 15  1  8 13 15 13 10 

1-6-1 8 turns (no penalty o3o)

Micaiah got resolve but it didn't help her much I wanted her to kill the knights on the right hand corner but they had like 70% hit on her so instead Meg and Micaiah went into the middle. Sothe cleared up the left side. I got to admit I got lucky because on turn 6 or 7 can't recall Meg was in the shiny grass tile and Micaiah was below the tile left to Meg both were missing hp so I moved Micaiah all the way down to the left. Sothe got as close as he could and Meg burned out the killing edge pretty much, I got lucky because Meg missed the archer and the hammer both of these could of caused a restart and two pegs attacked Micaiah but she dodged the second one thanks to resolve. I did forge a few Max MT knives for Sothe, 3 of them. Sothe had adept too.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Micaiah 12.42  22  3 17 13 10 20  4 15   A Sothe 
Sothe    5.20  36 19  6 23 22 16 15 10   A Micaiah    
Meg     12.73  34 16  2  9 15 16 14 10 

1-6-2 4 turns

This one was trickier than 1-6-1 because of the annoying ballistician so I moved Miccy down and then far right, Meg moved up and took care of enemies near by while Sothe went on his mission to kill the boss. Volug and Tauro stayed near Miccy for no penalty. Meg took care of the ballistician and I had to move her close to Fiona because she caused me a restart by dying :sob:. Sothe was amazingly useful thankfully he dodged everything, I managed to get the gem thanks to him.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Micaiah 12.43  22  3 17 13 10 20  4 15   A Sothe 
Sothe    6.31  37 20  6 24 23 17 16 10   A Micaiah    
Meg     13.62  34 16  2  9 16 17 14 10 

1-7 7 turns

BEXPed Meg to ~17 and sealed her (her low move sucks at least she gains +1 on it) I also Bexped Fiona and bought her skl boost and max MT/CRT forge. Megara wielded paragon, Sothe adept, and Micaiah wrath although she was rescued by Fiona anyways so :lol:. They all went by the path and luckily Tormod and his gang came close to Sothe so I took an extra turn to recruit him. Meg took care of the enemies near the door and Fiona took an archer near the boss and Sothe took the boss. Fiona didn't gain as much CEXP as I expected ;;'.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Micaiah 13.16  23  3 18 14 10 21  5 16   A Sothe 
Sothe    7.24  37 20  6 25 24 18 16 10   A Micaiah    
Meg      2.24  38 18  5 14 20 20 19 13 
Fiona   12.63  26  9  8 12 13  9 10  6 

1-8 (5turns + Nailah 6)= 11

This chapter is so annoying! :angry: That annoying draco caused me too much hassle well I had to use Nailah or else I would of taked longer, Sothe went up and then right and then near boss and cleared everything. Micaiah went into the lake thanks to her forge she landed a crit on the wyvern (yes lucky o3o she needed 1 mag to OHKO him). Meggie took care of the South and Nailah took care of the west. The upper enemies suicided into Meg and Sothe. Sothe had celerity, Meg had paragon, and Micaiah had resolve.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Micaiah 14.58  24  3 18 14 10 22  5 17   A Sothe 
Sothe    8.15  38 21  6 26 24 19 16 10   A Micaiah    
Meg      2.84  38 18  5 14 20 20 19 13 
Fiona   14.00  26  9  8 13 15 10 11  6 

1-9 7 turns (omg Micaiah lol)

I risked Micaiah as much as I could she stayed near the start area the entire time and hey she had resolve so it helped :3. BK went up and then back down, I fed boss kill to Micaiah she critkilled him and I wasn't expecting that to happen :^_^:

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Micaiah 16.83  24  3 20 14 10 24  5 19   A Sothe 

1-E 11 turns

Ilyana is taking Resolve and some other skills I forgot which. I BEXPED Fiona and sealed her, I then forged her a MAX HIT/MT/CRT steel forge and gave her Adept ^^'. Meggie was having hit issues to I forged her a MAX HIT/CRT sword (it wasn't max MT though it was 2 mt less than that because I couldn't afford it ^^'). Meg's move hurts ouch! If she had more she would of helped so much more but hey still helpful. Micaiah chipped and enemy on turn 1 and then was rescued by Sothe she didn't face and enemy until 10turn enemy phase where she was dropped on seize tile and knights throwing javelins at her suicided (thankfully she missed thanks to support). Fiona did well I didn't expect her to do this decently, she killed the thief that stole the speedwing and she helped lure away an archer from Micaiah/Sothe ^_^. Meg stayed on the layers killing enemies on the same layer or below layer. I also opened the parity chest on 11-player phase. Sothe had Savior/Pass, Meg had paragon and Fiona had Adept. I forgot to mention I had bought a magic boost on 1-4 which I fed to Fiona ^^'.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Micaiah 17.45  24  4 20 15 10 25  5 20   A Sothe 
Sothe   10.11  38 22  6 26 26 21 16 10   A Micaiah    
Meg      6.24  41 19  6 18 21 24 19 14 
Fiona    3.57  38 13 10 17 23 15 16 10 

Total Turns: 96

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Part 3 Chapter 8

Nolan, Mia, Janaff, Reyson, Mordecai, Kieran, Rolf, Leonardo, Bastian, Kurthnaga

MVP: Mia

Mia got Celerity, Mordecai got Resolve, Janaff got Adept. I cleared this in 5 turns on player phase, so maybe 4 could have been possible if I was a bit more efficient...on second thought, though, lack of a really good 1-2 range probably ruins that. Mordecai took the northeast side by himself, Janaff + Ike went south, and everyone else went through the middle. I'm not sure why I didn't give Celerity to Reyson instead of Mia...oh well.

Total Turns: 5


Part 3 Chapter 9

Nolan, Mia, Janaff, Reyson, Mordecai, Kieran, Rolf, Leonardo, Bastian, Kurthnaga

MVP: Kieran

Gave Kieran almost all the of BEXP, the Adept Scroll, and the Master Crown at level 16. Kieran made a mad rush for the Boss so that he could get there in time to have Best biorhythm and activate Sol. For that reason, I skipped getting the Speedwing.

Total Turns: 4


Part 3 Chapter 10

Nolan, Mia, Janaff, Reyson, Mordecai, Kieran, Rolf, Leonardo, Bastian, Kurthnaga

MVP: Mia

Mia went and took out the whole south area by herself. Reyson with Celerity helped Janaff, Ike, Rolf and Mordecai move fast towards the boss. Mordecai is too slow to double Paladins and Halberdiers, so I gave him enough BEXP to boost his Strength and allow him to OHKO...basically everything.

Total Turns: 5


Part 3, Chapter 11

Nolan, Mia, Janaff, Reyson, Mordecai, Kieran, Rolf, Leonardo, Bastian, Kurthnaga

MVP: Ike

This is the epitome of my simulataneous hatred and love for this game. It took at least 5 restarts of the chapter, and countless battle saves, to complete. All those resets weren't for RNG abuse, but rather, finding the best way to navigate the field while keeping both Ike and Janaff alive.

Janaff got bexped all the way to level 38, capping Strength, Skill, Luck, and Defense. HP and Speed will be capped by level 40. The main issue with this chapter is that I accidentally gave Celerity to Reyson, and he's not around for this chapter... so I gave Janaff Pass, Resolve, and Daunt. Ike got Provoke and Adept. The other unimportant units got Paragon and some other generic skills.

Started the map off by shoving Janaff a bunch and making him transform with my last(!) laguz stone. He picked Ike up on turn 2 and flew towards to boss area. I used Tibarn's group as decoys so that Janaff wouldn't lose so much of his laguz meter. On turn 4, Janaff untransformed and dropped Ike off around the ballista area. The enemies brought Janaff down to 18 HP, but filled his Laguz meter so he and Ike could advance and take out the boss. Equipped the Slim Sword on Ike so 3-13.

Total Turns: 6


Part 3, Chapter 12

Nolan, Mia, Janaff, Reyson, Mordecai, Kieran, Rolf, Leonardo, Bastian, Kurthnaga

MVP: Nolan

Gave Nolan a ton of bexp, a Master Crown, and the Boots. All he needed to take out about 30 enemies were two Silver Poleaxes. Leonardo and Sothe went west to attack down the ledge, but they didn't get to do much.

Total Turns: 3

Unit      Level   HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Ike   	20.00   50  27  03  30  28  17  26  10
Mordecai  32.52   73  46  02  20  22  30  44  12 
Rolf      04.00   52  31  10  34  30  24  22  18
Mia   	05.72   47  28  12  34  34  27  25  18  
Janaff    38.21   64  36  08 46   38  35  32  16
Kieran    04.38   50  28  11  25  25  21  26  17
Nolan 	02.12   52  32  10  29  29  28  26  17

I don't understand this code nonsense. I had it all perfect except I moved Janaff's Speed one space to the right and the whole thing messed up.

Edited by Yuglyoshi
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3-1 7+ 5 Titania

This was a painful chapter. Ike helped Shinon clear out the middle then went into the thickets with Mist potshotting and healing behind him. Shinon crit things, broke the killer bow, and yeah. Tits killed the generals down there and one of the gens came up to attack Shinon but it doesn't matter anyway.

3-2 2 turns

Yay for both Haar and Shinon.

I'll put stats after the next chapter.

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2-P 8 turns..

Nealuchi was my free unit and I exposed him as much as I could and he even untransformed and got hurt which helped Elincia heal ^_^. I did recruit Haar though so he could ferry items to GMS.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Elincia  1.40  BASES ^^'

2-1 7 turns + Neph Penalty = 10 turns

Neph is quite suckish without transfers ^^' but she activated wrath at its due time. Brom recruited Heather. Do I take a penalty for Brom? He got attacked on turn 6 enemy phase ^^' but he was unequipped.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Not Recorded

2-2 6+4 Lucia = 10 turns

I had to use Lucia or else all my units would get attacked ^^'. I tried giving boss kill to Lethe but it didn't work out. I did give Lethe BEXP level and .99 she worked out fine but gosh I hate that cat laguz gauge it limited her. I'm glad she has good avoid it worked out just fine untransformed and she even gained decent experience.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Lethe    I forgot to record it ^^'

2-3 6 turns + Kieran/Geoffrey = 12

I BEXPED Makalov and he gained 2 spd levels and I saved which left a few BEXP for Astrid. I can't rely on Astrid's avoid much so I babysitted her with the npc's as her shields having "target" on her she ate up their scraps, killed a bowgun man and found ams scroll. Makalov did decently, I didn't use Kieran until the very end where he opened the door. Makalov killed the boss I didn't want to waste it on Geoffrey. Geoffrey got the speedwing (which will be fed to Astrid on 3-9). I did rely a bit too much on killing edge ^^' until I got steel blade, I'm proud of Astrid because she got her first kill on her own :lol:.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Makalov  10.21 39 18  5 18 20 21 18 10
Astrid    4.30 34 15  9 18 15 18 11 15

2-E 4 turns

Lethe blocked the right chokepoint where she claimed her kills and she didn't move from that spot much. Npc's targeted the broken spot on the ledge. Elincia was the Queen here she moved up and down killing the bowmen around (especially crossbow guy). On turn 3 she moved down the ledge killing one of the longbow men, Ludveck got close and on turn 4 she tried killing him but she didn't deal enough damage or stun:(. However I had cantoed her next to the boxes and on enemy phase he suicided to her which made my day. I had bexped Lethe and Elincia but apparantly I didn't bexp Elincia enough. Marcia was moved behind Lethe and Lethe took away some items I'm sure it was brave lance and hammer the she grassed up.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Elincia  2.71  37 20 18 21 22 30 18 24
Lethe   25.12  54 12  6 13 15 19 10 11   

Total Turns: 36

Total Turns: 96+36 = 132

Oh wow now Part 3 ^_^

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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