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[FE10] new draft


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Unit      Level   HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Ike   	  20.00   50  27  03  30  28  17  26  10
Mordecai  32.52   73  46  02  20  22  30  44  12 
Rolf      04.00   52  31  10  34  30  24  22  18
Mia   	  05.72   47  28  12  34  34  27  25  18  
Janaff    38.21   64  36  08  46  38  35  32  16
Kieran    04.38   50  28  11  25  25  21  26  17
Nolan 	  02.12   52  32  10  29  29  28  26  17

I don't understand this code nonsense. I had it all perfect except I moved Janaff's Speed one space to the right and the whole thing messed up.

There ya go.

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yeah, its pretty lulzy...

a litle update, gave ike and neph An Adept, Gatrie got celerity and he Class changed in the middle of 3-3, neph and Ike are ocming out nicely, and Ranulf has pass/blossom, giving him 99xp before battles, he also took the dracoshield/energy drop/talisman. This is actually quite fun for me.

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Yeah this is the farthest I've gotten in an FE10 run in a while. I usually burn out at the end of part 3, but I'm almost done 4-P and still going strong.

Only problem is trying to take out all the bow users on the east side using on Sothe and Moredecai, neither of whom have good 2-range. :/

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Yes but howl only ends up hurting you, since you can hurt them with sothe on their phase, and then again on your phase. If howl happens however, you lose around 2 hits on one of them.

Send Sothe alone, give him saviour and resolve. Save miccy and send him into enemy lines.

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Yeah this is the farthest I've gotten in an FE10 run in a while. I usually burn out at the end of part 3, but I'm almost done 4-P and still going strong.

Only problem is trying to take out all the bow users on the east side using on Sothe and Moredecai, neither of whom have good 2-range. :/

This is why you train Micaiah and give her Resolve, Thani and Sothe/Earth support for this chapter. By putting her on the edge of the paladin's ranges with all these things, she's pretty hard to kill.

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Yes but howl only ends up hurting you, since you can hurt them with sothe on their phase, and then again on your phase. If howl happens however, you lose around 2 hits on one of them.

Send Sothe alone, give him saviour and resolve. Save miccy and send him into enemy lines.

Sothe only does 10x2 damage to the Paladins with 41 HP (using forged knife). Resolve won't do anything.

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Sothe only does 10x2 damage to the Paladins with 41 HP (using forged knife). Resolve won't do anything.

You need 3 turns to kill them, resolve is just there to help him avoid.

Edited by Ulki
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3-P 8 turns

Ike and Oscar made their way up, the first few turns were hard on Oscar since he wouldn't double but player phase was used for max move, unless the enemy was in the way, enemies suicided on their phase. After that he kind of caught up, Adept helped him and so did Ike. The undrafted units moved to where the npcs start to avoid any confrontation at all. Ike did land a crit on the boss which helped end in 8 turns ^^'.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Ike      13.02 45 24  2 29 23 14 21  7
Oscar    13.81 39 20  8 23 22 19 18 13    

3-1 (7 turns + Titania(5))= 12

I had no choice but to pick her up on turn 1 she got blue gem, Lethe and Lyre were put on target near Titania. Oscar went upwards then right and Ike went to the west chokepoint. Lethe and Lyre were set on roam on turn 2 and they were very helpful especially Lethe. Oscar had adept again, Ike cleared the left side, Titania cleared the bottom and reinforcements on the left with help of Lethe. Oscar was busy taking out the people on the upper right but he was dying, Lyre proved herself useful and played bait so he could heal himself, Lethe had to be put on halt for two turns so she could fill up her gauge.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Ike      15.24 46 24  2 30 24 15 23  7
Oscar    16.90 40 22  8 24 24 22 19 13    

3-2 3 turns

Oscar took Celerity, I forgot to give him BEXP but it worked out just fine. I know I forged and bought many things, even the bow forge I give to Astrid. Oscar with javelin dealt insufficient damage to boss but he owned him on turn 3 anyway. Ike was training himself pretty much in start area with the upper cavs and some enemies from the bottom start.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Ike      16.04 46 25  3 30 25 15 23  7
Oscar    18.10 42 24  9 24 24 23 19 13    

3-3 10 turns

Oscar took BEXP to promote and grabbed Pass, Ike took Celerity and I deployed Gatrie to burn supplies. Gatrie didn't move until turn 3, Oscar with his javelins is <3 I kept seeing "Sol" all the time. Ike grabbed blossom and moved far right to burn supplies (lol mage suicided into Ike) and the he made his way upwards. Gatrie only burned 2 supplies which was all he could reach anyway. Oscar went left and upwards, burned supplies and moved right near boss he then burned supplies on turn 9 I had to pick between hammerne or boss kill but I got hammerne odd thing is I got boss kill too he suicided :lol:. Ike burned the last supply, and thanks to Oscar I killed both senators. I know I bought dracoshield or something at base. OH yes Oscar has been using miracle since 3-1 but it is uneeded now and now uses Pass. Ike had celerity plus provoke.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Ike      17.84 46 25  3 30 26 15 23  7
Oscar     2.67 48 27 13 27 26 26 22 18    

3-4 8turns

I BEXPED Lethe to 30 and wow she's so pro (gauge is still an issue but wow!) I did give her a satori sign for rend which killed the boss :3: and the noob next to him, Oscar gained as much CEXP as he could. The record says Ike was MVP but he didn't even do anything helpful until the last 2 turns. Lethe did all the hard work, Ike was busing being attacked and wind edging back on those last few turns. I need to edit my easy mode tier list, Lethe is looking quite helpful. Ike had celerity and provoke, Lethe had pass, rend, and adept, Oscar had miracle.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Ike      19.08 48 27  3 30 28 16 24  7  C Oscar
Oscar     3.04 48 27 13 27 27 27 23 18  C Ike  
Lethe    30.36 58 14  6 14 18 22 11 12 

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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3-5 3 turns

Oscar had celerity, and Ike gained very little CEXP I didn't keep track of it. The funny thing is Oscar didn't even need horseslayer to kill the boss :lol:.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Ike      19.08 48 27  3 30 28 16 24  7  C Oscar
Oscar     4.06 48 27 13 27 27 28 23 18  C Ike  
Lethe    30.36 58 14  6 14 18 22 11 12 

3-6 7 turns

Fiona took on the right side all by herself (beastfoe), Micaiah would physic her when needed or npc healer would. Meg and Sothe went on the upper left side with Micaiah following them and assisting when no danger was around. Brave sword proved useful on Meg when she'd attack tigers, I love Micaiah/Sothe's support it helped him a lot. NPC's were put on target on the bottom left and roam when needed for healing. Fiona saved uses on her forges instead I had her use steel lance. I know I bought torch staff, physic, and beastkiller. So glad Fiona doubles or else it would be a pain, it sucks she can't leave the island but enemies kept coming towards her anyway.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Micaiah  3.11  27  7 23 16 12 26  8 23  A Sothe
Sothe   12.99  39 22  7 26 27 21 17 11  A Micaiah
Meg     16.73  45 23  6 23 22 28 21 17  
Fiona   10.24  41 18 11 20 24 20 20 13      

3-7 12 turns

Lethe and Ulki were risked as much possible to raise their strike. Lethe got to S and Ulki going close to it. Oscar and Ike were gaining CEXP too except I didn't give much to Ike since he's almost cappin anyway.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Ike      19.58 48 27  3 30 28 16 24  7  B Oscar
Oscar     4.29 48 27 13 27 27 28 23 18  B Ike  
Lethe    30.72 58 14  6 14 18 22 11 12 
Ulki     28.81 BASES

3-8 6 turns

Lethe and Ulki went right, Ike and Oscar went downwards. Ulki had Pass, Oscar had celerity, I forgot what Ike had but Lethe had Wildheart, vantage, Adept, and Rend. I didn't need to give Lethe any grass whatsoever! I kept seeing "VANTAGE, ADEPT, REND" or "VANTAGE, ADEPT, CRITICAL" it was a fun sight :3: and it helps she has amazing speed because even if she didn't activate adept she'd double enemies. I'm glad I kept wildheart, it was useful reverting, halfshifting and attacking enemies on player phase and it seemed like she kept gauge alive much more like this. What made me take longer was that an enemy general survived against Oscar (he didn't activate Sol on him :sob:). The javelin forges are amazing though :)

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Ike      20.00 49 27  4 30 28 17 24  7  A Oscar
Oscar     5.72 49 28 13 27 28 28 23 18  A Ike  
Lethe    30.83 58 14  6 14 18 22 11 12 
Ulki     30.59 61 15  3 17 19 27 11 10

3-9 5 turns

Again I gave Makalov more BEXP than Astrid and I crowned him so I didn't take a Geoffrey penalty :). Bought a silver bow for Astrid and gave adept to her which did help her self improve, Makalov took Geoffrey's Paragon. I managed to get speedwing and I didn't have time to extinguish houses, only npc's. Astrid did use the previous speedwing although I didn't notice if it helped her in that map whatever she killed was chipped by someone else or she'd activate adept on them. Makalov killed the boss.

Unit     Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support 

Makalov  2.84  45 23  9 22 28 24 22 15 
Astrid   7.86  35 16 10 19 19 21 12 18

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Part 3, Chapter 12

Nolan, Mia, Janaff, Reyson, Mordecai, Kieran, Rolf, Leonardo, Bastian, Kurthnaga

MVP: Nolan

Nolan is a good unit!

Total Turns: 2


Part 3 Endgame

Nolan, Mia, Janaff, Reyson, Mordecai, Kieran, Rolf, Leonardo, Bastian, Kurthnaga

MVP: Kieran

Since the 5 turns finish almost by themselves, I used this map to train Mordecai and Janaff as much as possible. By the end of it, Janaff got S strike and Mordecai is halfway to SS. I also got the Rescue Staff, but I realized that I forgot to get the Hammerne in 3-3. I could have swore I did get it, but aparently not. Thankfully I haven't burned through Brave weapons or any other items that I thought I could repair. Kieran inexplainably got the MVP; I thought Janaff, who took down about 8 enemies on turn 4 enemy phase, would finally get his moment in the spotlight here.

Total Turns: 5


Total Turns for Part 3: 95

Total Turns So Far: 226


Part 4 Teams:

Silver Army: Micaiah, Sothe, Nolan, Mordecai

Greil Army: Ike, Mia, Rolf, Leonardo

Hawk Army: Janaff, Kieran, Reyson, (Bastian)


Part 4 Prologue

Nolan,Mia, Janaff, Reyson, Mordecai, Kieran, Rolf, Leonardo, Bastian, Kurthnaga

MVP: Nolan

My first attempt at his map failed due to lack of good 1-2 range on anyone except Nolan. I used a different strategy the second time, however, with Nolan going through the middle of the map rather than going straight north and then east. This allowed almost every troublesome enemy to suicide into Nolan's forged axes. The remaining enemies were taken out by Mordecai and Sothe w/ Adept. No enemies drop items or weapons in this map, so I couldn't send Mordecai's Laguz Stone back to the convoy. :(

Total Turns: 4

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Part 4 Chapter 1

Nolan,Mia, Janaff, Reyson, Mordecai, Kieran, Rolf, Leonardo, Bastian, Kurthnaga

MVP: Ike

Gave Ike Paragon...my god. He went from level 1 to 15 in this chapter. Leonardo got a ton of BEXP, went from level 6 to third tier level 1. All that bexp made him almost equal to Rolf, yes, even strength and speed-wise. Ike went down the middle to take out the boss, Mia went east, and the Marksmen took the west side. Reinforcments plus fog of war was a bit annoying, although it's nothing compared to the next two chapters...

Total Turns: 7


Part 4 Chapter 2

Nolan,Mia, Janaff, Reyson, Mordecai, Kieran, Rolf, Leonardo, Bastian, Kurthnaga

MVP: Kieran

Forged a TON of weapons; I didn't know you could forge Silver stuff before the Endgame. Kieran with Paragon went west with Reyson backing him up. Got a total of 13 levels on Kieran. Janaff with Wildheart/Adept/Tear went down south and then back up to deal with the reinforcements (there were less of them than I thought there would be).

Total Turns: 8

Edited by Yuglyoshi
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I'm trying to figure out if taking the two-turn Sanaki penalty or the 3-turn Sigurn penalty for 4-3 is worth it. My combat units are just Mordecai, Nolan and Sothe, two of whom can't move very well, and there's so much ground to cover on this map...any suggestions?

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If you took Tibarn's savior off him theres you could have 2 people rescue Sanaki and Micaiah, Sigrun can just fly around and take no penalty. Or you could give Savior to Sigrun and have her fly around ferrying and maybe helping in combat if you give her BEXP. I know in HM Sanaki can't face an enemy or she'll die so I'd recommend rescuing her.

I'd recommend using Micaiah for combat or maybe smiting Sothe around if you don't want her to fight :^_^:

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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