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FE7x: Immortal Sword - Part One Complete


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Best typo ever?

you think i'm kidding

actually i might be able to 4 turn chapter 2, i'm working on a strategy to get that asshole archer out of the way

(yes, hard mode)

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Marcus can solo the two guys near the lower village within that chokepoint.



Isadora and Harken cannot double those fighters and barely even 4HKO them by themselves. By the time I am done killing the initial enemies, the remaining ones that move are coming at me in waves and I am stuck there trying to ride them out. Besides tossing Marcus an Iron Lance, the trainees can't do crap to the generic soldiers.

I should note that I got depressing level ups in the prologue (I think Marcus was the only one to get more than 2 stats in anything), but if this chapter is an uphill struggle because I was RNG screwed, that's just as lousy. This is not "too easy".

Edited by Rambo M
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If not, you might just be bad at FE.

Oh don't you even go there.

It claims to be normal mode, but i'm suspicious. Do normal and hard have identical enemy counts? Incidentally, the game isn't keeping track of suspend data correctly (it just loaded the map back up for me several actions behind).

Edited by Rambo M
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Dude I totally went there.

Mine says 20, but my version's old and is a build from before FEE3. Yeti may have added more enemies in since.

I dunno what to tell you but if you're the only person having trouble I doubt things will be changed.

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This is exactly the kind of feedback we were talking about in our interview. Everyone who's tested these maps until the release have been experts, and now we're seeing how the balance sits from another perspective. It's pretty clear that, as anticipated, what we consider easy is a little skewed P:

RE: the high number of units/reinforcements in earlygame - the trainees have a short amount of time to gain a lot of exp, and a high volume of enemies is necessary to achieve that. If we do make changes, that won't be one of them.

Anyway for the meantime watch Ray's LPs for an idea of how to properly handle the maps. The stag thing is new I think, we'll look into it.

Edited by Myke
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Isadora and Harken cannot double those fighters and barely even 4HKO them by themselves. By the time I am done killing the initial enemies, the remaining ones that move are coming at me in waves and I am stuck there trying to ride them out. Besides tossing Marcus an Iron Lance, the trainees can't do crap to the generic soldiers.

I should note that I got depressing level ups in the prologue (I think Marcus was the only one to get more than 2 stats in anything), but if this chapter is an uphill struggle because I was RNG screwed, that's just as lousy. This is not "too easy".


You just need to ferry an Iron Lance over to Marcus with Eagler. This allows him to double the enemy at base level and 2RKO them.

Isadora needs 7 SPD to 2RKO the 3 SPD fighters. Granted Isadora's base SPD should be 7 to secure her usefulness. Eagler can do the same anyway so w/e. He can bait the fighters turn 1 and then grab an Iron Lance for Marcus to give to him on turn 3. Either way, I don't see the issue.

you think i'm kidding

actually i might be able to 4 turn chapter 2, i'm working on a strategy to get that asshole archer out of the way

(yes, hard mode)

The reason why is because I wasn't aware the boss could be reached turn 5 in Prologue before checking. You'd still need a couple lucky crits from the trainees though. And keeping Uther alive on turn 5 may or may not require a fluke.

Still, yeah It's possible, I guess. Eagler shananigans seem plausible for the others.

However, considering there is probably an EXP rank, I'm gonna take a gander and say it's not optimal in the slightest. I'm sure you know this anyway of course. For LTC it depends on later chapters requiring a competant team. Not that your point doesn't still stand, however. In any case, most FEs have this trend, so it isn't surprising.

Edited by DLuna
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Is this Chapter 2 discussion regarding LTCing it or just beating? If we're just beating it, I sent Eagler down to fetch the village on turn one, ran the swordies forward in a line towards the fighters to beat them, then bought a bunch of vulneraries and made a wall by the armory with Madelyn healing and vulneraries spread around. I didn't even touch the bottom enemies until either they charged me or all the squires/mercs from up above were dead.

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i got 5 turn prologue-c5 on one continuous run (i was playing a beta of hard mode though so idk if yeti will change/has changed things to make it more likely)

5 turn prologue requires a little bit of luck in uther's survival, but that's it; the trick is to use marcus and harken (they don't actually have to kill anything) to bait enemies out of the way; i think on my run he needed to dodge two 53%s (proof)

5 turns c2 and 5 just involves ferrying uther around lol

Edited by CT075
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Uploaded a small update, making a couple changes and fixes
-Added a vulnerary drop to the Prologue
-Slight changes to Isadora and Cybil's stats
-Fixed a bug where trying to start a chapter on normal mode while using a save where the previous chapter was cleared on hard would instead use the hard mode enemies and events
-Fixed a bug with canceling targeting enemies for attack while moving the cursor

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I really like the difficulty, though it seems a lot of the difficulty depends on how high enemy defences roll. Don't know how to fix that, though. Still, liking it so far.

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Pretty much all of the growth rate totals are between 250 and 350%

Madelyn's is obviously more than 350% you liar

So you're going for the FE7 range? That's cool. I always felt the later FE titles did overkill it a bit (5+ levels never felt that awesome anymore).

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Madelyn's is obviously more than 350% you liar

50 60 45 50 50 20 60 335

Her growths aren't insanely high, she just has very good growths, good enough bases, and the maximum possible amount of level ups

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50 60 45 50 50 20 60 335

Her growths aren't insanely high, she just has very good growths, good enough bases, and the maximum possible amount of level ups

Yeah, I Imagined it would be akin to that. Might just be because her HP growth is low, so her other gains are high across the board. Seems about right.

Yeah I've noticed that Isadora is consistently good if you level her. She's way better than Marcus and gives Harken a run for his money

Eh, I wouldn't say so. Isadora's STR and DEF are pretty mediocre/low. I think she averages 7 STR (30% growth?) at level 10/2/- and with mono swords, that isn't fantastic. Her DEF also averages 7 at that level, due to the promo bonuses.

She's like a mounted myrmidon. Her SKL/SPD are very impressive. I can imagine her with a Killing Edge later on and doing awesome with it, that can be assured.

Marcus on the other hand seems to average out with 9 or 10 DEF at promotion. Same with STR (and with Lances his attack is a great deal higher). SPD is a lot lower though and he does get weighted down a lot to boot. Harken's more in-between and balanced stat-wise. Don't underesetimate Focus as a skill though. When defending chokepoints the bonuses are really good. As are his promo gains.

So I wouldn't say Isadora is better. She's strictly less bulky than they are. But I wouldn't say she's worse either -- just takes a bit more effort to get there. Not much different than Harken overall in usage.

Marcus is just really good on the account of the enemy soldiers you fight (they are by far the strongest enemies you fight and Marcus doesn't gain WDA against them). Because Isa and Harken cannot fight them. This makes Marcus gain even more levels over them and promote really fast. So that makes his level advantage more severe than it actually seems. Which all in all, makes him really strong overall. He even arguably out-performs Uther in the Prologue since he can tank more damage, thus saving your healing.

The only reason I'm not demanding nerfs for Marcus is because well... he's Marcus.

:Dominating the earlygame since 2002: :MarcusYoung:

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Well since I haven't seen Marcus' growths I was just going by what I've gotten so far. He has really underwhelmed in str in all five of my playthroughs, rarely getting over 8 by promotion, while Isadora regularly reaches that. She also has really good luck for a mounted unit, and is extremely dodgy, which is more useful early game than doing chip and tanking some hits (marcus). Harken is easily better than both though, even losing the movement battle upon promotion

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Really? My Harken's have all been slowwwwwwww. Like getting 2 SPD across eight levelups every time that I've played. Marcus, meanwhile, has been hitting plenty hard for me and, um, actually doubling more than Izzy before this last update because she never broke level 3.

This last time I've played through, though, all three trainees were pretty equal in terms of usefulness. I still haven't done C5 with the update, though, so we'll see how that goes.

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Harken is pretty slow, yeah, and I may have overestimated Marcus's STR a little (he doesn't gain any through promo bonuses, so his average is more like 8). He gains more SPD instead -- which I mistaken for STR.

I get the impression that Harken's SPD growth is pretty good though -- at least 40% or something. It's his STR that's great. Guarenteed to have 11 at promo + focus. Yikes.

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