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We're all gonna die!!!!!!

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So my history teacher said that in our lifetime there's gonna be a pandemic and it will wipe out at least 1/3 of the US...We're all gonna die of black plague!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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So my history teacher said that in our lifetime there's gonna be a pandemic and it will wipe out at least 1/3 of the US...We're all gonna die of black plague!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did he give any backing to that claim or is it going to be another ZOMG swine flu/avian flu/Large Hadron Collider Flu will kill us all sort of thing?

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I'm still skeptical over this, most communicable diseases can only really propagate themselves if the living conditions there are poor living conditions, the state of prevntative healthcare in advanced sociteies tends to be too great for these diseases to have much effect. Unless there's some sort of major famine I don't see that happening.

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It will either happen or it won't, so there's a 50/50 chance, right? Not such bad odds :D.

Well, no. We can say there is a 50/50 chance of the event occurring only so long as we haven't accounted for the actual likelihood of either happening. Just because there are only two possibilities does not mean that the possibility of the event happening is evenly split between the two. For example, the possibility of rolling a 3 or not rolling a 3 on any given six-sided die. Despite the fact that there are only two outcomes, one is far more likely to happen.

That said, I doubt the Black Plague will be that which will kill off much of the United States' population, when it eventually happens in however far ahead we go down the timeline. There was a big scare about that like fifteen years ago on the news, your teacher probably remembered all of the attention it got and just repeated it through all the years.

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Well, no. We can say there is a 50/50 chance of the event occurring only so long as we haven't accounted for the actual likelihood of either happening. Just because there are only two possibilities does not mean that the possibility of the event happening is evenly split between the two. For example, the possibility of rolling a 3 or not rolling a 3 on any given six-sided die. Despite the fact that there are only two outcomes, one is far more likely to happen.

It was a joke :P.

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Well, no. We can say there is a 50/50 chance of the event occurring only so long as we haven't accounted for the actual likelihood of either happening. Just because there are only two possibilities does not mean that the possibility of the event happening is evenly split between the two. For example, the possibility of rolling a 3 or not rolling a 3 on any given six-sided die. Despite the fact that there are only two outcomes, one is far more likely to happen.

Esau, you and I should breed and see if we can have a child. It'll either happen or it won't. 50/50 chance, right?

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It's a brand new day and the sun is high

All the birds are singing cause you're gonna die

Then I hesitated, now I wonder why

It's a brand new day

--Oh, you meant going to die without me killing you? Pfah.

Dr. Terrible...almost as awesome as Dr.Sholes...almost

And he says it could be a zombie like illness like the ones they have in Africa like that(they actually do no lies)

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Esau, you and I should breed and see if we can have a child. It'll either happen or it won't. 50/50 chance, right?

It seems you missed the point didn't you?

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Dr. Terrible...almost as awesome as Dr.Sholes...almost

And he says it could be a zombie like illness like the ones they have in Africa like that(they actually do no lies)

I've already read that book. tumblr_lhan84nOOC1qfbumb.jpg

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It was a joke :P.


Esau, you and I should breed and see if we can have a child. It'll either happen or it won't. 50/50 chance, right?

See, we can apply this earlier practice here. The possibility of the event occurring depends on how attractive you are. :awesome:

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See, we can apply this earlier practice here. The possibility of the event occurring depends on how attractive you are. :awesome:

He looks like Kyo Kusanagi, and we all know Kyo is sought after by all the girls. All of the girls. All of them.

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He looks like Kyo Kusanagi, and we all know Kyo is sought after by all the girls. All of the girls. All of them.

And I am indeeeeed a lady-person.

Kyo's cool, but Ralf's the man, man. Look at them muscles. Look at that bandanna. Look at that...that...RIDICULOUS CHANGE IN HIS CHARACTER DESIGN. UGH.

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And I am indeeeeed a lady-person.

Kyo's cool, but Ralf's the man, man. Look at them muscles. Look at that bandanna. Look at that...that...RIDICULOUS CHANGE IN HIS CHARACTER DESIGN. UGH.

Yeah man, he sucked after that makeover.

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