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Wii successor at E3, "Significantly More Powerful Than PS3"

Don Draper

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How are people going to do something like a split screen shooter?

Because it's impossible to control a shooter with the wiimote+nunchuck.

Or even a split screen racer?

Because it's impossible to control a racer with the wiimote+nunchuck.

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Because it's impossible to control a shooter with the wiimote+nunchuck.

Because it's impossible to control a racer with the wiimote+nunchuck.

I think that his point is that you can't do those without the TV. Part of the draw of the system is the video stream to the controller, so if a situation arose like in the reveal trailer with the baseball game, you'd effectively not be able to play those games.

Plus, this extends beyond those types of games to things that could be considered like Four Swords Adventures, where each player could/might need their own view of the game. I think someone mentioned Madden earlier. If you're selecting plays, you don't want your opponent to be able to guess what you're running (though they can't see exactly what you picked, there will be only so many plays on the page to choose between) and with only one Wii U controller, one person gets this advantage, while the other remains at a disadvantage.

Either way, having only one Wii U controller could be considered a major downside. (Plus, as far as we know, we can't take our own controllers to another Wii U and bind them. Minimally, there isn't a button that can do this on the controller. Doesn't mean that there won't be some kind of software means of doing it though.)

Edited by Lord Glenn
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A $250 dollar contoroller :/: What the hell, just make tablet like controllers for the wiiU, I don't think it'd be that hard to take the scrren out, and have the controller function like wii motes, except with more buttons and dual analogs. Is it that hard.

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News came up after the Wii U’s formal announcement last week at E3 that the console would only support one controller, at least at launch. I have been told by a source, who wishes to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, that the console can use up to 4 controllers simultaneously.

The source said that he has only seen 2 being used at the same time by Crytek on a new CryEngine 3-powered title for the platform but he has heard that 4 can be used with no noticeable lag or glitches. It must be noted that this is NOT Wii Remotes but the new Wii U controllers.

Additional details include that Nintendo only opted to include a touch screen on the controller “a few weeks before E3.” I assume that a screen must have been included on the controller before if developers have been working on the Wii U for almost 2 years. The console is also 2 times more powerful than the Xbox 360 in its current state.

The main reason that Nintendo want to downplay using more than one Wii U controller at the same time is because they are expensive to manufacture, which I’m sure we can all understand. A gyroscope, sensor bar with cameras and all the other bundled technology inside can’t be cheap, which is a worrying factor for me- will the console be too expensive for the public to accept?

Apparently the source is going to let out more information soon, so be on your toes around Games Pundit because we might have some more exclusive news to share with you.

For those with panties scrunched. Rumours are rumours, especially ones which have been thought over to reduce criticism, appealing to what others regard as "likeliness."


Slowly, but surely, we're starting to piece together what's going on inside that mysterious white box known as the Wii U. IBM was a little coy about the multi-core CPU it was providing, but did tantalize us by mentioning the name "Watson" in describing some of its underlying tech. Now details about the custom Radeon GPU are starting to surface and, while certainly capable, it's not exactly cutting edge. At its heart is a chip similar to the R770 found in AMD's last-gen cards like the 4890 and, before you dismiss the it, remember the PS3 and Xbox 360 are still capable of pumping out impressive visuals while packing five-year-old silicon (The 360 is essentially running a souped up ATI X1900). The custom core also supports Direct X 10.1 (Microsoft runs out of steam with Direct X 9) and Eyefinity-like multi-display tech for up to four SD video streams -- though it'll be up to Nintendo and developers to put that to good use. In case you're still not convinced of the Wii U's graphical prowess, Crytek has said its advanced CryEngine is "pretty much" up and running on Nintendo's upcoming console -- and, if it's good enough for Crysis, it should be good enough for you.


Also, TimeSplitter 4 is being hinted at quite strongly by Crytek people...

Edited by Celice
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oh god all these gimmicks

I miss owning a working PS2.

I have a ps2 slim i got for $100. Or, did I get both $100 and a PS2 slim at the same time? In other words, I'm the luckiest bastard.

Edited by SeverIan
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I think it should have been obvious that their would only be one controller per System, given that streaming a 720p-ish video wirelessly to 4 controllers would put the WiiU in an impossible price range for anyone to buy.

I for one, am glad that the investment I made on Wiimotion-plus wil carry over.

Here's some actual gameplay footage of the system in action... I know it's still early, and that the capability of a system is usually best revealed after it's been toyed with long enough... but man, that's some subpar graphical effects for this day. I played games like that six years ago D:

I'm not worried, the Zelda HD demo looked fantastic.

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I'm not worried, the Zelda HD demo looked fantastic.

I realize that tech demo releases are usually interesting, but something which most people seem to forget is that tech demo footage and games are not usually running in a normal setting. They're programs meant to demonstrate a particular aspect of the system... aspects which usually are not possible in the same fashion during an actual game. There's a playstation tech demo of a dinosaur walking which, for the most part, would not work in the average PlayStation game--the Peach's Castle tech demo is the same, in that it displayed what the GameCube could achieve... if everything else was put off in exchange for this one aspect.

There's a lot in the Zelda demo which isn't and didn't have to be taken into account. All it really had to do was show some prescripted events in a single environment... it could be tailored to exactness. No dynamic AI or lighting had to be done, or level coding, or physics--it can demonstrate what is possible, but not what is normal or will be available. They're tits, that's all they are, for console gaming.

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I realize that tech demo releases are usually interesting, but something which most people seem to forget is that tech demo footage and games are not usually running in a normal setting. They're programs meant to demonstrate a particular aspect of the system... aspects which usually are not possible in the same fashion during an actual game. There's a playstation tech demo of a dinosaur walking which, for the most part, would not work in the average PlayStation game--the Peach's Castle tech demo is the same, in that it displayed what the GameCube could achieve... if everything else was put off in exchange for this one aspect.

There's a lot in the Zelda demo which isn't and didn't have to be taken into account. All it really had to do was show some prescripted events in a single environment... it could be tailored to exactness. No dynamic AI or lighting had to be done, or level coding, or physics--it can demonstrate what is possible, but not what is normal or will be available. They're tits, that's all they are, for console gaming.

Again, I'm not too worried. Remember the Zelda tech demo for Gamecube back in 2000?

Yeah, I think Wind Waker's battle with Ganon looked way better:

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That tech demo may have been a bit outdated before it was shown, similarly to the early Zelda 64 footage itself (unearthing the beta content from the debug version of the game... it's really ass-quality graphics right there).

In comparison, this tech demo was created in 2001 for the event directly.

We don't know if that Space World demo was really tailored on the spot, of if it was an example of what was possible... much like the Wii-U showing PS3/360 footage during their presentation. And actually, still, those models on those characters are more detailed than the average GameCube game, at least, when going by polygon count--open up Super Mario Sunshine, a relatively-smooth looking game, and you'll be surprised how jagged everything is, including the characters themselves.

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I actually think Luigi's Mansion (A launch game) and Resi Evil 4 look better.

As for Peach's castle, since it's the second tech demo. I think it's only fair to compare to whatever tech demo Nintendo unveils next year.

But really, are we arguing that Nintendo's next console will be weaker than the PS3/360? There's absolutely no chance of that happening.

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I actually think Luigi's Mansion (A launch game) and Resi Evil 4 look better.

As for Peach's castle, since it's the second tech demo. I think it's only fair to compare to whatever tech demo Nintendo unveils next year.

But really, are we arguing that Nintendo's next console will be weaker than the PS3/360? There's absolutely no chance of that happening.

Ya there is. If Microsoft and Sony worked together to beat Nintendo, it could easily happen.

Or, alternatively, if they all three worked together.....

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Ya there is. If Microsoft and Sony worked together to beat Nintendo, it could easily happen.

Or, alternatively, if they all three worked together.....

I meant weaker graphically.

There's absolutely zero chance Nintendo will release a console with graphics capability weaker than PS3/360.

Most likely, it'll be be similar to how the Dreamcast was compared to the Xbox/PS2

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I meant weaker graphically.

There's absolutely zero chance Nintendo will release a console with graphics capability weaker than PS3/360.

Most likely, it'll be be similar to how the Dreamcast was compared to the Xbox/PS2

You mean, some people will like the dreamcast more and some people will like the other two more?

(PS2 fanboi here, cuz when you combine PS2 and PS1 library.....OMG)

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You mean, some people will like the dreamcast more and some people will like the other two more?

(PS2 fanboi here, cuz when you combine PS2 and PS1 library.....OMG)

No I mean the Dreamcast was more powerful than the PS1 ans N64 but a bit weaker than the PS2 Xbox Gamecube.

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No I mean the Dreamcast was more powerful than the PS1 ans N64 but a bit weaker than the PS2 Xbox Gamecube.

Aaaah. It is good to see someone with a highly technical understanding of game system potential.....I lack this understanding to the extent to which it is needed.

(Dreamcast: one of the best systems that passed me by)

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