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59 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you view them?

    • One of the best characters you can have.
    • Just for utility purposes.
    • Benchwarmers?

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Your poll is nowhere near indicative of anything.

I choose between 1 and 2. I don't view them as the best units in my army but I certainly see them as more than utility.

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Jeigans are practically necessary for most hard modes, and even if your team is competent enough to take on the hard mode without the Jeigan, he or she reduces turncount significantly. Certain ones can solo the game with ease while having his spd/skl halved due to carrying his base-level lord for 60% of the game.

Try playing FE11 H5 without Jeigan or FE12 H3 without Arran, I dare you.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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sure, in the beginning I use them for meatshielding and visiting houses before they're destroyed, but 3/4th of the game they're just benchwarmers.

only exception here is FE10 Sothe, because I like thieves.

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Because I'm all for rocking out on HM when applicable, I agree that Jeigans are fabulous, dat Silver Spear. cool.gifAnd Evayle's invincibility.

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It depends. I'll use an Oifey any day till endgame, but I'm not to fond of Pure Jeigans out of FE5. (Eyvel and Dagda are awesome)

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It depends. I'll use an Oifey any day till endgame, but I'm not to fond of Pure Jeigans out of FE5. (Eyvel and Dagda are awesome)

^^Very True.

It can't really be generalized. It depends on the Jeigan is question, the game, if your doing efficient playthough or just for fun. Personally I almost always do them for fun, so utility for me.

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Oifaye is underwhelming, in my opinion. At least compared to FE7!Marcus, Seth and Titania.

He's the Oifey though. He wasn't designed to be the best unit till endgame, but to be

1. Usable throughout all of Gen 2

2. A saviour for that person who got all the women killed.

3. Possibly a spare castle guard (like Hannibal)

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I use em for back up and utility most of the time so my other units get levels. The jeigan types very rarely get boss kills. Marcus gets benched after a certain point but is sometimes brought back for utility purposes. Seth and Titania actually remain on the team for most of the game because they are both great utility and do pretty good damage.

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I use em for back up and utility most of the time so my other units get levels. The jeigan types very rarely get boss kills. Marcus gets benched after a certain point but is sometimes brought back for utility purposes. Seth and Titania actually remain on the team for most of the game because they are both great utility and do pretty good damage.

Not to mention Seth's awesome supports. Eirika A/Franz B is quick enough and nets him full attack.

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Oifaye's underwhelmingness in the 2nd generation really has to do with how broken the 2nd gen is. I checked his stats and for the most part, he's pretty much a slightly worse version of Sigurd, so that does count for a lot. In an all subs run though, I'd say he's probably the best unit in the game hands down because a Sigurd for the 2nd gen is always good.

To the subject of Jeigans though. I love 'em. I loved Marcus when I first played, I then got corrupted by GFags who said Jeigans sucked and then I didn't use Marcus (still used Seth and Titania though). Eventually by 2008, I respected the Jeigan and now, I use Jeigans even past their prime. They're just that badass to me.

Edited by Dark Sage
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I'd say he's probably the best unit in the game hands down because a Sigurd for the 2nd gen is always good.

Celice, Hawk, and Asaello would lkke to speak with you.

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I'll use them if the going gets tough. However, I'll avoid them if I can help it. Marcus was the man in FE6 HM. Dagda remains useful due to his build.

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I don't see them as the best, but they're not utility. Could you have made it any more general? ;/

I use them for a point, then drop them, usually. There's some exceptions, of course- it's the opposite for Seth and FE9!Titania, who I tend to start using more as it gets closer to lategame since they trivialize everything otherwise, and Oifey's a mainstay all game.

Voted utility but the poll is... ugh

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Celice, Hawk, and Asaello would lkke to speak with you.

... Asaello's good? And I'm not at all seeing Celice>Oifey either, and Hawk isn't around long enough and has more move anyways.

Shannan and Aless on the other hand are gr9mazing. Shannan's almost an Oifey himself.

Edited by Reinfleche
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They're valuable in HMs, but for normal/casual play, they are "utility" to me. Use them in the beginning, then bench them once other units get stronger. The only ones that usually get use for the entire game is Oifaye*, Seth, Titania, and RD!Sothe.**

*Only because I field everyone in FE4

** Only because he is forced.

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trufax: The harder mode you go, the more you're forced to use the Jeigan character


As an example, in my NM Sealed Sword playthrough, I barely needed Marcus, as my other dudes could easily one round and survive the enemy phase in the first chapter without him. Once I started my second HM playthrough(as well as the first one I officially cancelled), I found that I actually needed Marcus for the first five chapters, especially Chapter 1, as well as Chapter 7. This was largely in part due to the fact that I would've needed strenuous RNG abuse(as in rigging hits, crits, and misses)to complete the first chapter in a reasonable timeframe without Marcus, as my other units were like 3-4HKOing the enemies and getting 2RKO'd in return(Bors was getting 3RKO'd as only 2 fighters had 7AS in my playthrough and both were in the back.), and even after Bors got more durable and I got guys like Dieck, I still was a bit undermanned as far as usable units were concerned(lol, the only competent units I had by C5 were Dieck, Bors, Rutgar, Alan, and Lance.), and Marcus delivers. As for why I deployed him in C7, it was largely due to the fact that I was facing 24 atk wvyerns that could borderline 5HKO my most durable unit and 2HKO everyone else I was using except Dieck(and were OHKOing my healers), and I couldn't afford to field anybody else because they would be ORKO'd(and even then, Thany and Sue were also in OHKO territory. TBH though, I was fielding Sue for the bonus damage against wyverns and Thany, however crap her combat is, is still good for flier duties.)

Edited by darkandroid125
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People who are good at fighting are good at fighting, period. Jeigan and Alan (in FE1/FE3) aside, they tend to stay good at fighting for enough time to be considered quality characters by the tiers. And while there are some notable exceptions, like Thracia, Fire Emblem tends to be more difficult in the early stretches of the game where Jeigan characters perform at their best.

And then there's someone like Titania who just continues to get better. I'll take her growths over Ike's any day of the week.

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^^Very True.

It can't really be generalized. It depends on the Jeigan is question, the game, if your doing efficient playthough or just for fun. Personally I almost always do them for fun, so utility for me.

...you speak as if the two are mutually exclusive. I mean, hell, if we aren't playing for fun, why are we playing at all?

I look upon Jeigans as some of my finest units, but in practice I use them in moderation. Still, Oifaye, FE7 Marcus, Seth and Titania all found a way into the endgame.

... Asaello's good? And I'm not at all seeing Celice>Oifey either, and Hawk isn't around long enough and has more move anyways.

Having fucked up on pairing Fury on my first run of FE4? Hawk was near-indistinguishable from any of the children, beyond being better than most of them. Sure, he's no Sety, and I can't say how good Oifaye is in all-subs, but....Hawk is not to be underestimated. Edited by Furetchen
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trufax: The harder mode you go, the more you're forced to use the Jeigan character

Is this why Oifaye is one of the worst?

Yeah, I said it.

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... Asaello's good? And I'm not at all seeing Celice>Oifey either, and Hawk isn't around long enough and has more move anyways.

He has Pursuit & Duel, 12 STR with a 40% growth not to mention a +5 promotion bonus., A bows, a secret conversation thay gives +3 STR, & 15 base Skill and Speed (higher than Jamkas bases). Sure, he doesn't have the Ichival, but he's not bad. I'd say he's the second best sub.

Edited by Hawk King Tibarn
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