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(FE7) Tactician Stars Draft

Radiant Dragon

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Credit goes to Red Fox of Fire for the idea.

5 Participants will each draft a team with the goal of completing Hector Mode with the most Tactician Stars (use these tables for reference).

1. Units that are free for all are: Hector, Matthew, Serra, Marcus, Merlinus, Priscilla, Ninian, Nils and Athos.

2. Lyn Mode will be skipped. Side chapters are optional, but recommended.

3. Undrafted units may only: Visit shops and armories, trade, recruit characters, and rescue other undrafted units.

4. Undrafted units may not be used to talk to Fargus in Ch.17x or seize castles in Ch.25. Meatshielding is also not allowed.

5. Other units may do as they please without penalty.

6. Using an undrafted unit for anything they are not allowed to do will result in a penalty of -3 stars.

7. Lyn, Sain, Kent and Wil are free for use in Chapter 16.

8. Any other rules I forgot.

Participants (HHM):

1. Desro

2. Second Pronoun

3. General_Horace



Teams (HNM):

1. The Thief's Assassin: Dorcas, Lucius, Lyn, Dart, Wil, Vaida, Farina.

2. Bearissoslow: Eliwood, Kent, Guy, Rebecca, Bartre, Wallace, Renault.

3. noheartx: Canas, Oswin, Heath, Rath, Isadora, Karel, Legault.

4. Yuglyoshi: Florina, Sain, Raven, Harken, Hawkeye, Jaffar, Karla.

5. General_Horace: Pent, Lowen, Fiora, Erk, Louise, Nino, Geitz.

Voice any questions/comments/concerns openly.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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I mostly play ranked, so I would like to sigh up. However, I only have a cart, and have S ranked HHM more than once, so how would I know my success at the end (Unless I could somehow best the 115 currently recorded)? In any case, I recommend making Matthew, the healers and the dancers universal units if ranks are in play. Also, why do you need to mandate certain side chapters be played? It would be in your interest to play all of them on this run. Skipping them should still be an option if they prove too difficult with the more restricted team, however.

Edited by GreatEclipse
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I mostly play ranked, so I would like to sigh up. However, I only have a cart, and have S ranked HHM more than once, so how would I know my success at the end (Unless I could somehow best the 115 currently recorded)?

That's... I'm not sure. Is it possible for you to get access to an emulator? I suppose there's the option of erasing the data, but... that's a last resort.

In any case, I recommend making Matthew, the healers and the dancers universal units if ranks are in play.

Thieves maybe, since I forgot you need to steal the Member Card. But as for healers and dancers... they really only pad the EXP rank (well, and survival, but you'll be resetting if anyone dies anyway), so I don't think they'll be too good. Unless I'm missing something?

Also, why do you need to mandate certain side chapters be played? It would be in your interest to play all of them on this run. Skipping them should still be an option if they prove too difficult with the more restricted team, however.

That's a good point, although 19xx is still impossible to get to. I'll do that.

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Thieves maybe, since I forgot you need to steal the Member Card. But as for healers and dancers... they really only pad the EXP rank (well, and survival, but you'll be resetting if anyone dies anyway), so I don't think they'll be too good. Unless I'm missing something?

Thieves: You could just make stealing and chest opening free, or even specify items that can be acquired freely (like Silver Card, Member Card, and promotion items) while everything else, including combat, must be drafted.

Healers: are definitely the most valuable units in a ranked run. I'm not entirely sure how good they'd be in this sort of thing, but if it's anything like a regular ranked run, having one of them vs not is like getting both Jill and Marcia in a PoR draft. The variable, though, is that tactician stars are based on individual map performance instead of an overall basis.

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That's... I'm not sure. Is it possible for you to get access to an emulator? I suppose there's the option of erasing the data, but... that's a last resort.

An emulator would be fine if I did not need to first unlock HHM. Erasing my data has the same problem, but I would not be willing to part with everything I have unlocked in any case. Since my case will not be unique, we could change the rules so that overall rank is compared at the final chapter, but I am not sure you want that.

Thieves maybe, since I forgot you need to steal the Member Card. But as for healers and dancers... they really only pad the EXP rank (well, and survival, but you'll be resetting if anyone dies anyway), so I don't think they'll be too good. Unless I'm missing something?

Whoever has a healer or Ninian will have a massive advantage when it comes to avoiding 1 star in EXP (Since EXP fillers will be in short supply), in addition to the already enormous benefit they provide. It gives us an even 35 characters to split up, as another benefit.

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The variable, though, is that tactician stars are based on individual map performance instead of an overall basis.

This is why I don't think the healers and Ninils are auto-win, since they won't be gaining a huge amount of experience each chapter. However, if making the Thieves (or at least Matthew) free seems necessary, making the healers and Ninils free as well would get rid of the problem altogether.

An emulator would be fine if I did not need to first unlock HHM. Erasing my data has the same problem, but I would not be willing to part with everything I have unlocked in any case. Since my case will not be unique, we could change the rules so that overall rank is compared at the final chapter, but I am not sure you want that.

I think I have a save with HHM unlocked, but unfinished. I'll have to double check, though.

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Just download one from there, CharlieF's works well, if I recall correctly.

The problem with those is that HHM would probably already be S-Ranked, preventing you from checking how many stars you got this playthrough.

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Hmmm.....This seems promising. I am interested in this but I might not be able to do anything until say Friday or Saturday JST of course.

EDIT: This will be my "first" draft so don't kill me.

Edited by Blazing_Soul
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm interested in maybe joining, like Horace, I'm also currently doing another draft. I'm also rather concerned about the rule involving Thieves/Healers/Dancer-Bards, and kind of want to see what is decided on that.

I also think Thieves should be able to steal and use Lockpicks if undrafted. This doesn't kill the benefit to drafting a thief, but it solves the issue that there are only 2 of them.

Healers: there are also only 2 early healers. Maybe this: Serra can the Heal Staff (and only the Heal staff) if undrafted. She cannot promote if undrafted. Stat-boosters cannot be used on her, and she is still bound to the rest of the undrafted character rules. I don't exactly like this, but I really hate the idea of not having a healer for the first half of the game....maybe a time limit or level limit could be placed on her. Like she's free to use until she reaches level 10, then your on your own. Or she could be used up until you reach Dread Isle.

I'm kind of wondering why Ninian/Nils are separate drafts or why they aren't just free for all to use. I guess the big deal is that there are 40 draft characters and we need a multiple of 5....so guess it's just easier to include them in the draft.... I don't have any ideas about this except making 5 more characters free to use, and I'm not so sure about that. Ninian, Nils, Serra, Eliwood, Lyn, Matthew or Legault are the characters that come to mind. This isn't as much as and issue for me as the first 2.

I'm also I didn't see the rule about undrafted units meatshielding or being attacked when they are disarmed? Is that going to be a penalty? (hopefully not)

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I'm interested in maybe joining, like Horace, I'm also currently doing another draft. I'm also rather concerned about the rule involving Thieves/Healers/Dancer-Bards, and kind of want to see what is decided on that.

I also think Thieves should be able to steal and use Lockpicks if undrafted. This doesn't kill the benefit to drafting a thief, but it solves the issue that there are only 2 of them.

Healers: there are also only 2 early healers. Maybe this: Serra can the Heal Staff (and only the Heal staff) if undrafted. She cannot promote if undrafted. Stat-boosters cannot be used on her, and she is still bound to the rest of the undrafted character rules. I don't exactly like this, but I really hate the idea of not having a healer for the first half of the game....maybe a time limit or level limit could be placed on her. Like she's free to use until she reaches level 10, then your on your own. Or she could be used up until you reach Dread Isle.

I'm kind of wondering why Ninian/Nils are separate drafts or why they aren't just free for all to use. I guess the big deal is that there are 40 draft characters and we need a multiple of 5....so guess it's just easier to include them in the draft.... I don't have any ideas about this except making 5 more characters free to use, and I'm not so sure about that. Ninian, Nils, Serra, Eliwood, Lyn, Matthew or Legault are the characters that come to mind. This isn't as much as and issue for me as the first 2.

I'm also I didn't see the rule about undrafted units meatshielding or being attacked when they are disarmed? Is that going to be a penalty? (hopefully not)

After thinking about it some more, I agree with making Matthew, the healers and Ninils free for all (since even though they won't be getting that much exp in each individual chapter, I could easily see it being the difference between 3 or 4 starring a chapter, for example).

Yes, Ninils are usually draftable to make the number of characters divisible by five (although another alternative would be to make them free, and not bother with drafting Geitz, Wallace and Karla).

Meatshielding (even without weapons) will incur a penalty, although I'm open to making a exception for Lyndis's Legion in Chapter 16. I don't think that would be necessary, though.

Are people still interested in this?

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yea, I'm in.

The meat shielding thing probably won't be as much of an issue. I'm just concerned about a few early chapters where you can't access the party member select screen. Also still a concern for characters that just joined and get attacked (even after you trade away their weapons) it's really obnoxious to have to take a penalty. Someone like Guy, Harken, Karel, or Raven to name a few, if undrafted, would be quite a pain to recruit and not be the target of an attack in the fray of the battle.

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The meat shielding thing probably won't be as much of an issue. I'm just concerned about a few early chapters where you can't access the party member select screen. Also still a concern for characters that just joined and get attacked (even after you trade away their weapons) it's really obnoxious to have to take a penalty. Someone like Guy, Harken, Karel, or Raven to name a few, if undrafted, would be quite a pain to recruit and not be the target of an attack in the fray of the battle.

None of those are particularly hard to keep out of combat. Especially the last three, since they don't even join near the action. A good strategy for keeping strong undrafted units out of combat is letting them keep their weapons, so enemies will prioritize attacking other, weaker units.

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The idea of ranked running HHM is extremely off-putting. It'd be a pain in the ass and I'd probably get last. I'd literally be up for any other type of draft, but if you can't find a last participant, I'll fill up your hole.

Edited by Bearissoslow
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The idea of ranked running HHM is extremely off-putting. It'd be a pain in the ass and I'd probably get last. I'd literally be up for any other type of draft, but if you can't find a last participant, I'll fill up your hole.

Is it the idea of ranked, or the fact that it's HHM? I could always make it HNM, if everyone's okay with it.

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Moreso the ranked run part. I love to dawdle and build up supports. My only HHM run had a turn count of 1882, so there's your reference. Still, I don't wanna be a jerk and change anything, what with ranks being the best way to compete.

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Well, it depends on what Great Eclipse, Blazing_Soul and Second Pronoun want, if they're still even interested. I like NM drafts because more people finish them, but it really just depends on what the participants decide.

I'm just here to keep the OP updated.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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I couldn't care much what mode we play on. I'm nearing the end of a FE6 HM draft, and that game's HM is far more difficult than any mode of FE7, so it will feel easier in comparison.

I've beaten FE7 normal mode almost too many times, so I hard mode would be more interesting. It will also defeat the purpose if the run is too easy, then we will all make S-Rank with all the tactician stars, and then it just comes down to Turn count on who wins.....and that's not the intention here.

I'm not much of a competitive player....I've only done that one draft before and have never even tried a ranked run of FE7. I'll probably be close to last place, if that makes you feel better signing on Yuglyoshi.

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