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Claims claims claims.

Dawg I gotta do this shit.

For Madden.

I put the fuckin' team on my back, du'e.

In addition to claims I want every log anyone has of speaking with Kaoz and I want all of you to update me constantly on who you tell sensitive information to, such as what your role does. I have only two suspects for who killed Kaoz and they're not very good; this shouldn't happen.

Edited by Mazda
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Sup. I've been instructed to publicly post my role power, I dunno if this helps any of you:

You are content to stay in the shadows and let events unfold around you. From your vantage point, you can see that there are no hidden players in this game.
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Still missing claims from at least half of you IIRC. I won't have any choice but to target people who don't claim...

DIAGRAM TIME (Kaoz said he thought these were fun~)

This is what I have. Assume X means "might be true" and O means "definitely true". Also assume ? means "no idea".


This is what I'm missing:


This is what I want:


For convenience, let's assume that I have a strong foundation as a town leader. If I didn't, we'd essentially have no leader and we'd all be wandering around in the dark as usual. Also note that if my leadership causes problems it'd be so easy for me to be taken out. I'm no Life Admiral so I'd probably be caught much easier; also note there aren't any leaders before me for me to whore information from in the form of spreadsheets - since I'm making my own, my information won't be as strong as Life's was when he constructed the persona he used to fool people into thinking he was innocent in PTG.

So again, for convenience, let's assume I'm leading and people are actually comfortable with it (not all of you of course, but some of you).

In such a scenario, daytime attacks and potentially some portion of nighttime attacks would then be under my jurisdiction, and since the interests of the players are to stay alive, me holding their lives in my hands as a result of my position means that effectively everyone's goal is now to keep me from suspecting them.

Referring back to my graph:

OOOOXXXXXXXXXXXXX - ????????????????????????????????

The left is what I know and the right is what I listed second above converted from Os to ?s, as appropriate given my lack of interaction with that information.

Now, the left has already occurred; it can't be changed - I have what I have and I can't unhave it (barring me being killed, which shouldn't be able to happen anytime soon...maybe). This means I definitely trust at least some of the information since, as you can see, it's confirmed beyond doubt, and in addition I have some other stuff from the nice fellows who have claimed that is somewhat believable enough for me to accept it and consider it. Of the contributors of the two, only the people who have contributed the not-so-confirmed information are in any danger of being targeted by me.

Now let's look at the poor bastards hoarding all that nice knowledge on the other side. The people with all of the ?s. These people have a choice. They can become Xs on the left, thus giving me some peace of mind and deterring me from injuring them, or they can remain ?s on the right. If they are ?s on the right, they are even less comforting to me than the Xs on the left.

Now what I can do to coerce the situation in my favor is KILL YOU FUCKERS, albeit indirectly.

Obviously I am not going to kill people I trust (or myself, for that matter), so the contributors of the information marked by Os are safe.

Let's look at what happens when I kill the people who have claimed to me, the people who compose the Xs on the left side:

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - ????????????????????????????????

How about that, eh? Lots more Os from peoples' role PMs popping up after their deaths. Lovely, more peace of mind.


What happens if I kill people who DIDN'T claim to me, people who are responsible for all the mystery on the other side?



Way more Os, and on top of that, no more ?s...just Xs. As hinted above, Xs are "better" to me than ?s because information is information, while silence is useless.

As you can see it is in the interest of me and anyone who supports me to kill people who don't claim to me, via lynch or otherwise.

I've also pointed out that the odds that a decent number of people are backing me is probably the case.

Claims please~

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I haven't been on IP Chat this phase yet, so what I want to know is: What makes Snike and Obviam clear, besides their own word? I haven't seen any evidence of them being Twins or anything.

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I haven't been on IP Chat this phase yet, so what I want to know is: What makes Snike and Obviam clear, besides their own word? I haven't seen any evidence of them being Twins or anything.

I would also like to see this evidence.

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There's also Proto's, but I digress.

Also, if the Mist Valley Shaman is reading this, they should claim to me or Hextator. We have gained some interesting news with regard to the role PM update.

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I do not have a particular lynch target in mind at the moment due to a lack of incriminating evidence.

I do however think we should actually start lynching as it is typically in the favor of the town more than not lynching is to lynch players daily and I even think that not lynching on Day 1 might have been a bad idea.

With that said the only people I can propose lynching would be people who haven't claimed yet (duh) so for the moment I will ##Vote: Balcerzak.

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I still need claims. I want full claims, but anything you're willing to share is preferred over sharing nothing. I can't imagine anyone having a solid reason to fear their archetype or card name being known, for example.

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For the moment I have to ##Vote: Paperblade.

You made a suspicious statement the other day. I think you know what it was. Clarify or rescind it, and I can easily be swayed off of this path.

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I don't think you should be swayed off this path. I think you should claim to me and then PM me your thoughts about Paperbrad.

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Bal I would much rather lynch someone else if your claim looks the way I'm expecting; hurry up and get me it.

Diverting attention to Paperblade doesn't make you look good even though Paperblade looks hella mafia.

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That can't be it. Bal never said Paper said his suspicious statement publicly.

I suppose it could be it but that's hardly suspicious compared to other things he's done...

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The mayor thing was a joke, and I assume everyone knew it was because I did not get any claims and the only person to respond to it gave me an equally silly response. If there are any lingering doubts, I retract the mayor "claim".

@Obviam: I also have not spoken directly to Bal about this game through PM or otherwise, and I don't think I even talked about this game in general on IRC, so it actually has to have been made in this thread as Bal does not hang out in the IP chat. ;/

EDIT: For clarification, the response to my "mayor claim" is in the thread for all to see.

Edited by Paperblade
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Thank you for your minor cooperation, Ballerzak (though I still expect to hear more from you soon).

Since people who are at least active are more likely to switch from being ?s to Xs in that silly diagram of mine and some things about Balcerzak make him seem like much less of a good lynch target than I originally thought, why don't we go after someone less vocal?

Someone like ##Vote: Bizzity, who seems to have disappeared yet again? Of everyone playing, I've seen at least some discussion out of them all but her.

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How is she going to help anyone if she can't?

It's cruel, sure, but the people who are around can be identified by the results of actions I have them do or have done to them, whereas bizz can only be studied either by showing up or, if she doesn't, being "busted open", as I like to call it.

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