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Battle Animations: Which is better?



65 members have voted

  1. 1. Which animation is better?

    • Sword of Seals, Blazing Swords, Sacred Stones animations
    • Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem animations
    • Thracia 776
    • Genealogy of the Holy War
    • Dark Dragon, Gaiden, Mystery of the Emblem

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As far as the actual animation goes, I think DS wins hands down. The movement of the sprites is smoother and more fluid than they are in FE6-8.

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I thought it was pretty obvious that the DS sprites are supposed to be renders of cel-shaded models which in the end wouldn't be that much different than fully animated 2d sprites remniscent of anime/game artwork.

Edited by Jinouga
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I honestly didn't know how awesome the Thracia 776's battle animations are. They are much smother, and flow better. Actually looks like real combat vs the generic RPG take-turn combat. However, I do much like the sprites of the GBA Fire Emblems better. They look better. That is the biggest thing about about Shadow dragon is the sprites, they are faceless... With the better 'quality' of picture, you can see their face clearer..

If only we could get Thracia 776's graphics just with DS quality... For the hand held games anyway.

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And to round all of this up, they also got rid of the map battle animations so you really only have the choice between crappy animations and sprites just bumping into each other.

I am actually somewhat happy about this. It would have been nice to keep in the option of having map battle animations, but if I had to pick between those and bumping animations, I'd prefer the latter because they take up less time.

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That's the great thing about Fire Emblem, you can turn off animations and skip through dialogue to save time.

Anyway, I like the GBA animations better. I guess it's because I started with the GBA Fire Emblems, but the DS animations were quite underwhelming for me. Nothing in the DS compares to the GBA Warrior Axe Critical or the Swordmaster Critical. Although a very rare occurrence, I like the Bandit critical, where the guy raises his arms and yells "RAAAAAHHHH!!!!"

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Actually, I'd say I like most of the DS crits better. The GBA crits are way too over the top. The DS crits let you know whats happening, while not being crazy.

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I'm going to say FE5, for one, as posted above me, it's not just a hit, run back sort of thing, it's actually realistic sort of in that they stay in place. Also, the animations are pretty rad. For example: Leaf's critical animation is like a WHOOSH WHOOSH FLIP SLICE DICE sort of thing, as well as the pretty sound effects. Although kudos for FE3's Heroes and Generals who actually make use of their shields in the miss animations.

Also, was forced to voted for FE11 and 12 in the poll, needs moar 1/2, 3, 4 and 5 options in the poll!

Edited by Axefighter Maji
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I don't really know, they're both good in their own ways. The DS' animations are simple, but so is the entire rest of the game. Simple times call for simple battles. On the other hand, the GBA games have a lot more bells and whistles, so they've got overkill animations.

Also, your team is generally much stronger than the enemy in the GBA games, while it's a lot closer in the DS games. It wouldn't really fit for a swordmaster to move so fast you see multiples of him.

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I prefer the GBA animations because to me, they seem more stylized. The new DS animations with the jiggling sprites just seem to be very uninspired and lacking in character.

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I voted for the DS ones since it's more fluid and multiple attack animations, though I like the GBA ones just for the sprites and their crits. SNES animations were alright the only good thing IMO was the sprites.

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For me, it's totally the GBA style. It's just so more "stylish" and "cool" than every other style in the series.

I mean, if I wanted boring, cut-and-dry animations showing the characters simply duking it out, I'd probably be playing something else (maybe that one Civ clone that I forgot the name of), and that's essentially what the DS version is, not to mention that their movements are generally a lot less flashy; even so, having an extra animation for double hits was one nicety, I suppose, if not quite necessary.

As for the SNES animations, they were okay, though also somewhat cut-and-dry compared to the GBA anims, and I found the palettes to be incredibly ugly (almost as bad as Super Mario World's, oh gosh); though having different weapons actually look different was pretty nifty (though also somewhat unnecessary, imo).

Then we have the ol' NES animations. I actually liked them better than the SNES ones, simply because of what they did within their color limitations.

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I found the palettes to be incredibly ugly (almost as bad as Super Mario World's, oh gosh)

Umm.. it just might be me being an SNES purist, but WHAAAAAAAAT?!

Again, probably just me be being an SNES purist.

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DS; at least some classes don't walk back to their original spot only to attack again. another reason to like sword users

FE10 still beats all though

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