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funny post lol


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You wouldn't understand because you live over the rainbow... not the glorious u.s.!!!!!tongue.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif

*coughs urbanely*

Perhaps you should consider not irritating everyone and actually using emotes in their proper place? And learning the use of simple punctuation? Just a thought~

Edited by Furetchen
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Advertising is usually positive, this is more like advertising slander of a certain website. Also, learn capitilization.

Learn how to spell Capitalization first. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my message. Now fuck off.

When using His/Her to address a person, you capitalize the goddamn H!

@Shirona: That's a website Dr.Sholes made using Freeforums. I have one too. /Shameless plug

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Learn how to spell Capitalization first. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my message. Now fuck off.

When using His/Her to address a person, you capitalize the goddamn H!


Edited by Shirona
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Learn how to spell Capitalization first. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my message. Now fuck off.

When using His/Her to address a person, you capitalize the goddamn H!

@Shirona: That's a website Dr.Sholes made using Freeforums. I have one too. /Shameless plug

Touche, but you still don't capitalize as far as I'm aware as his/her always adresses a person.

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When using His/Her to address a person, you capitalize the goddamn H!

@Shirona: That's a website Dr.Sholes made using Freeforums. I have one too. /Shameless plug

Except for the fact that you, y'know, DON'T.

Yes. Yes, that was shameless, and you should FEEL shameless.

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