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Osama Bin Laden Killed


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If you have glanced at a news channel tonight, you probably already know, but in case you missed it, Osama Bin Laden was finally killed. The article above was just the first I could find; I'm sure there are better ones, feel free to post them. President Obama made an announcement on TV regarding the news earlier tonight.

I have to say, I'm surprised he was still alive. I figured he was dead in some cave years ago. I'm glad we've finally got some closure on this, though. It would suck if we never really knew if he was dead or alive.

Edited by Ragnell
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Honestly he's been out of the public eye for so long, in fact he was third on the FBI's most wanted list. And now he's dead, I honestly forgot about him. I'm more offended at the number of ignorant facebook statuses out there right now poking fun at Islam.

"wow, all of the gross and offensive statuses about Islam. Shut up you idiots, Islam's no more violent than Christianity and Judaism, stop with the "OSAMA'S GOT HIS 72 VIRGINS LOLOL GOOD RIDDANCE FUCK YEAH AMERICA". Seriously, learn some fucking respect."

That was my particular status, and some friends of mine have posted similar statuses.

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I'll say the same thing I said in SPAMLAND;

'killing one man who orchestrated the terrorist attacks is fantastic, but they wont stop because their leader is dead. They aren't a regular army. They will keep doing what they do, being led by the thirty other terrorist leaders. What the President said is half true, justice is not complete.' People got really mad, and probably will get mad at this statement. The hard, pragmatic truth, however is that the terrorists aren't going to stop because a guy who went into hiding is dead.

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A loss of human life is regretable, true, but whatever made Osama, osama, was evil, and needed to be destroyed. Any superfluous celebration is pointless, but his death is a good thing.

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Strawman (...this is a really bad name to give you before I contest your position), say a guy is stopped from killing two people by being shot through the face. A life (of arguably forfeited quality) has been sacrificed for two. Now, Osama's reputation and influence ALONE probably counts for over two lives, and he made damn well clear what he held as the value of human life.

I'm not calling for people to be killed here, or dancing on his grave. But I'm not exactly going to mourn for the guy.

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There are a few things I am worried about

1) Retaliation against the United States.

2) Heightened attacks on Israel. If I remember right, Life is in the Israeli Army, so that's one worry.

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It's interesting to see that people are indeed happy to see a man die. But, bin Laden is a different case for many people.

I can guess that there will be retaliations, but honestly no one has the charisma to lead as he did, so hopefully this extremist Muslim bullshit will die out, in terms of being a real threat, soon.

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Well, his death is a good thing, but I don't get this celebration. Maybe that's because, as one of the younger members of the forum, I didn't understand 9/11 when it happened and this war has just been a fact of my life, but it doesn't seem to call for celebration. And watching the reactions of people who lost family on 9/11, they don't seem to be CELEBRATING either.

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I love just reading posts on Facebook, this event is basically drawing the line of the intelligent and the idiotic. My roommate got drunk last night to celebrate. I posted a status condemning those who are making fun of Islam. This just proves how ignorant some people are.

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It's interesting to see that people are indeed happy to see a man die. But, bin Laden is a different case for many people.

I can guess that there will be retaliations, but honestly no one has the charisma to lead as he did, so hopefully this extremist Muslim bullshit will die out, in terms of being a real threat, soon.

It's gonna take far more than yesterday's events for the "bullshit" to die.

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I love just reading posts on Facebook, this event is basically drawing the line of the intelligent and the idiotic. My roommate got drunk last night to celebrate. I posted a status condemning those who are making fun of Islam. This just proves how ignorant some people are.

Don't get altitude sickness.

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Today in my school

Me: have you heard that they killed world champion of hide and seek

My Pal: Who?

Me: bin Laden Osama

My pal: Who?

me: O__O

me: :facepalm:

me: :sob:

Proven fact: This country has too much ignorance

This made me lol, Sho

Also, I realize that the good part is we have the body, not them, and thus they can't make his burial spot the third Muslim holy ground

Edited by 13thshadow
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