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Reverse Fire Emblem


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So for a long time I've been thinking about how IS could make a new Fire Emblem game and make it epic. And I thought one of the coolest things ever would be sort of a reverse Fire Emblem. Where you were in control of the Bad Guy. It could be like any other Fire Emblem, only instead of starting out as a little prince of an invaded country, you could start out as a normal soldier in the ranks of an Imperial Army, and work your way up to Second In Command of the Army(next to the Emperor, of course). Something else I think would be cool is take the story from a bad guy in one of the Fire Emblems and play through his/her story, I'll use Zelgius as an example, and I'll put it in Spoiler tags so no one is totally unaware that this could spoil FE10(seriously though, I think by now you should either have heard about it or played the game. But better safe then sorry)

It could start out as Zelgius being a young man appearing in his young teens(of course, he's probably somewhere around 20-something due to the branded aging slow). He is shunned by his village, a rural village in Begnion. His father was killed because he committed the forsaken sin of mating with a laguz, but Zelgius is unknown to the reason of his father's early death. His mother was never known to him. Zelgius moved away from his home village in his (appearing) early twenties to go join the army. He took up sword combat and began tracing his way up the ranks of the Begnion army. He then, by instance, came across Lehran, known to him as Sephiran. They began to become friendly, and Sephiran(being Laguz, himself), knew what Zelgius was. Sephiran told Zelgius who he was, and Zelgius continued to grow in the support of Sephiran. When Ashnard rose to power, Sephiran sent Zelgius, with the warp powder in his arsenal, to be an aide to the king. Zelgius quickly won the title of one of the Four Riders of Daein. And so on and so forth. I imagine the ending of the game being Ike's and Zelgius' battle in the Guiding Tower. But instead of Zelgius dying after Ike defeats him, Zelgius joins the battle against The Goddess(like Sephiran did).

So yeah. I just thought something like that would be a cool and interesting way to reignite the Fire Emblem flame.

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So for a long time I've been thinking about how IS could make a new Fire Emblem game and make it epic. And I thought one of the coolest things ever would be sort of a reverse Fire Emblem. Where you were in control of the Bad Guy. It could be like any other Fire Emblem, only instead of starting out as a little prince of an invaded country, you could start out as a normal soldier in the ranks of an Imperial Army, and work your way up to Second In Command of the Army(next to the Emperor, of course). Something else I think would be cool is take the story from a bad guy in one of the Fire Emblems and play through his/her story, I'll use Zelgius as an example, and I'll put it in Spoiler tags so no one is totally unaware that this could spoil FE10(seriously though, I think by now you should either have heard about it or played the game. But better safe then sorry)

It could start out as Zelgius being a young man appearing in his young teens(of course, he's probably somewhere around 20-something due to the branded aging slow). He is shunned by his village, a rural village in Begnion. His father was killed because he committed the forsaken sin of mating with a laguz, but Zelgius is unknown to the reason of his father's early death. His mother was never known to him. Zelgius moved away from his home village in his (appearing) early twenties to go join the army. He took up sword combat and began tracing his way up the ranks of the Begnion army. He then, by instance, came across Lehran, known to him as Sephiran. They began to become friendly, and Sephiran(being Laguz, himself), knew what Zelgius was. Sephiran told Zelgius who he was, and Zelgius continued to grow in the support of Sephiran. When Ashnard rose to power, Sephiran sent Zelgius, with the warp powder in his arsenal, to be an aide to the king. Zelgius quickly won the title of one of the Four Riders of Daein. And so on and so forth. I imagine the ending of the game being Ike's and Zelgius' battle in the Guiding Tower. But instead of Zelgius dying after Ike defeats him, Zelgius joins the battle against The Goddess(like Sephiran did).

So yeah. I just thought something like that would be a cool and interesting way to reignite the Fire Emblem flame.

Those are both really good ideas, The Zelguis one i don't know about him joining later that would kinda ruin it. But the first idea is very good

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The significance of Zelgius' turn would be his everlasting loyalty to Sephiran. Zelgius believes that Sephiran's judgement is the truth. So, let's say Zelgius were able to survive just enough from his defeat by Ike to be saved by Lehran/Sephiran just before the battle against the goddess. It would make enough sense. And besides, it'd be a very anti-climactic ending for the main character to die. It'd be a terrible ending

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No, Ike didnt defeat Zelgius. Zelgius defeated Ike. At this point, you can have Zelgius decides if he should kill Ike or not. If you let he kill Ike, the game will end. But if not, you will get extra stages.

Edited by Ga-rei Sulley
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No, Ike didnt defeat Zelgius. Zelgius defeated Ike and spared his life. At this point, you can have Zelgius decides if he should kill Ike ore not. If you let he kill Ike, the game will end at that point. But if not, you will get extra stages.

Oh, that's right. I must have forgotten such essential plot points...

Hahahah there is so much horribly wrong with this scenario... it's so contradictory to popular belief that I love it!

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I'd like to play as a True Neutral-alignment mercenary, FE style.

Earn gold, recruit characters (and generics if you're running low), research technologies to unlock weapons, armor, new job classes.

Choice of missions leads to different endings, some good, some bad.

Best of all: Kill. Kill. Kill.

And mercenaries tend to get the exotic-looking job classes. (GIMME MY COLORFUL VENETIAN RENAISSANCE CLOTHING DAMMIT)

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I'd like to play as a True Neutral-alignment mercenary, FE style.

Earn gold, recruit characters (and generics if you're running low), research technologies to unlock weapons, armor, new job classes.

Choice of missions leads to different endings, some good, some bad.

Best of all: Kill. Kill. Kill.

And mercenaries tend to get the exotic-looking job classes. (GIMME MY COLORFUL VENETIAN RENAISSANCE CLOTHING DAMMIT)

That would be interesting. It'd put an interesting twist to the already phenomenal gameplay. Good and interesting idea, but I think IS wants to stay true to the gameplay it has already mastered.

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[spoiler=FE10 spoilers]I'm guessing when he gets his armor, he'll end up being promoted to the Black Knight class, right?

Also, don't forget Greil. He was the one who trained Zelgius so he'll have to be an important character. And probably a boss as well. Speaking of bosses, we'll need to have him beat Ranulf up.

Anyhow, I think the idea of playing as a bad guy sounds pretty cool. Not specifically Zelgius, because apparently it's not gonna be easy to keep it consistent with the events of FE10. But the general idea of engaging in battles to fulfill your evil ambitious goals sounds pretty cool.

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I was thinking of reenvisioning an older Fire Emblem where you play from a different side, and Thracia's the only one I can really think of :/ But this is biased from the fact that Thracia's already beefed up with multiple places and characters which have possible story connections--while the rest of the continent is, for the most part, abandoned and free to be molded however. That's not really a new way of seeing the same game, as much as it's adding in all-new content.

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The idea is good, i'd like to play that way, not everytime, but sometimes, yes.

Also, go read the zelgius story. You are wrong. D=<

He's from kadohl, not a lousy farmbackwaterplummage. And you forgot gawain! D=<

That besides, nice idea. IS should join SF for ideas.

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The idea is good, i'd like to play that way, not everytime, but sometimes, yes.

Also, go read the zelgius story. You are wrong. D=<

He's from kadohl, not a lousy farmbackwaterplummage. And you forgot gawain! D=<

That besides, nice idea. IS should join SF for ideas.

Sorry, I made most of that up on the spot =P And again, I apologize for leaving out Gawain.

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I'd like to play as a True Neutral-alignment mercenary, FE style.

Earn gold, recruit characters (and generics if you're running low), research technologies to unlock weapons, armor, new job classes.

Choice of missions leads to different endings, some good, some bad.

Best of all: Kill. Kill. Kill.

And mercenaries tend to get the exotic-looking job classes. (GIMME MY COLORFUL VENETIAN RENAISSANCE CLOTHING DAMMIT)

I like this idea, though its gameplay kind of reminds me of SCII: Wings of Liberty.

As for an FE game starring a villain, or at least a "not-good-guy", I think it could be an interesting plot change. However, I find it unlikely that IS would ever make such a game, since it would kind of go against the "let's all be friends and be happy" philosophy of the previous games.

What is a bit more interesting to me is how this could influence the gameplay. I suppose the player might have more generic units, money might be less of a problem, and so on.

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I like this idea, though its gameplay kind of reminds me of SCII: Wings of Liberty.

As for an FE game starring a villain, or at least a "not-good-guy", I think it could be an interesting plot change. However, I find it unlikely that IS would ever make such a game, since it would kind of go against the "let's all be friends and be happy" philosophy of the previous games.

What is a bit more interesting to me is how this could influence the gameplay. I suppose the player might have more generic units, money might be less of a problem, and so on.

Hmm...maybe I should actually try out SCII then.....

I must've played too much Langrisser/Dawn of War II =) Generic units can suck....but they might have their uses:

- named characters can lead 2-3 generics each? Langrisser style?

- generics don't count towards the unit deployment limit in battles....or perhaps there is a separate deployment limit. Would be nice to have a few generic armor knights if I'm going for an all-archer team, or something.

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Or you just command a bunch of bad guys... I don't see why the gameplay would have to change that much. You can still have an elite group of characters who are just bad guys. Supports would stay the same; people still make friends and hold relationships. I wouldn't consider the "money not a problem" thing because armies still have budgets no matter what. As for the "goody-goody-lets-go-do-stuff-in-the-name-of-friends" thing, the point of the game would be to get away from that. To do something different. But, hey, it's not like IS will ever see this anyway.

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If Zelgius were to join, then that would make the fight against the Goddess too easy... Eclipse can 1-shot anything and everything.

What I would like to see though is a hack with a handful of battles where you try to take down the heroes, with their superior stats. THAT would be fun.

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If Zelgius were to join, then that would make the fight against the Goddess too easy... Eclipse can 1-shot anything and everything.

What I would like to see though is a hack with a handful of battles where you try to take down the heroes, with their superior stats. THAT would be fun.

I haven't played FE10 in a while, but I thought The Goddess and Her Auras had a hidden Nihil skill. I could be wrong though.

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Or you just command a bunch of bad guys... I don't see why the gameplay would have to change that much. You can still have an elite group of characters who are just bad guys. Supports would stay the same; people still make friends and hold relationships. I wouldn't consider the "money not a problem" thing because armies still have budgets no matter what. As for the "goody-goody-lets-go-do-stuff-in-the-name-of-friends" thing, the point of the game would be to get away from that. To do something different. But, hey, it's not like IS will ever see this anyway.

The gameplay doesn't have to change. I just think it'd be more interesting if it did, so such a game wouldn't simply be a reskin. That'd be almost like Nintendo re-releasing Wind Waker with Twilight Princess graphics.

Anyways, regarding generics, if they didn't want to change the gameplay too much, they could just do something like FE10's generic unit control (the yellow guys). Actually, a game centered around that would be pretty interesting, and it wouldn't require the player to command every single unit personally.

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Starring the Black Fang, and uncover nergals evil schemes before your quintessence gets taken!

This actually sounds like a really cool idea.

If Zelgius were to join, then that would make the fight against the Goddess too easy... Eclipse can 1-shot anything and everything.

She negates skills

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The gameplay doesn't have to change. I just think it'd be more interesting if it did, so such a game wouldn't simply be a reskin. That'd be almost like Nintendo re-releasing Wind Waker with Twilight Princess graphics.

Anyways, regarding generics, if they didn't want to change the gameplay too much, they could just do something like FE10's generic unit control (the yellow guys). Actually, a game centered around that would be pretty interesting, and it wouldn't require the player to command every single unit personally.

That is if all the units were more like FE10's Famous 3-13 Archer :D:

Actually this does seem like an interesting idea. Especially if the normal "Roam, Halt, Target, Avoid" were expanded on. Like if you could select a group of units to target an area to hold a choke point, while you gave another group of units the direction to "roam". Then there would be very few completely player-controlled units. It'd be rather interesting and fun.


And! The amount of generic units depended on the size of your payroll: The more money you have, the more units you can employ!

Edited by StinDuh
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That is if all the units were more like FE10's Famous 3-13 Archer :D:

Actually this does seem like an interesting idea. Especially if the normal "Roam, Halt, Target, Avoid" were expanded on. Like if you could select a group of units to target an area to hold a choke point, while you gave another group of units the direction to "roam". Then there would be very few completely player-controlled units. It'd be rather interesting and fun.

That sounds like a terrible idea. I don't want to rely on the AI for anything. That sounds much less fun than just controlling the units myself, where I actually get the chance to employ interesting tactics rather than just issue vague commands.

I think that in general, ally units as serious combatants (rather than as objects to be protected or interacted with in some other way) is just a terrible idea. I play the game so that *I* can do shit and move *my* units, not so I can watch a computer move someone else's units.

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That sounds like a terrible idea. I don't want to rely on the AI for anything. That sounds much less fun than just controlling the units myself, where I actually get the chance to employ interesting tactics rather than just issue vague commands.

I think that in general, ally units as serious combatants (rather than as objects to be protected or interacted with in some other way) is just a terrible idea. I play the game so that *I* can do shit and move *my* units, not so I can watch a computer move someone else's units.

I guess we should just keep the "large armies with more general orders" to the RTS genre.

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