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How to play Brawl on the mixed philosophy following on how a person chooses to walk their own path in life both honorably and as passionately possible

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That doesn't make any sense, though.

Then your statement doesn't make much sense either, since both require skill, have competition in them, and both can be played for fun.

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Then your statement doesn't make much sense either, since both require skill, have competition in them, and both can be played for fun.

Only far more people are into sports, plus the bastards in the media get a chance to exploit it by trying to whip up some shitty moral outrage:

Player X is having an affair, Oh noes this is terrible complete loss of civility Baaw!111 I couldn't give two fucks about their personal life, although I will admit if they play for Tottenham I'd much rather they were scoring on the pitch.

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Then your statement doesn't make much sense either, since both require skill, have competition in them, and both can be played for fun.

I'm sorry, what?:

Playing sports for money over sports sounds kinda sad, imo.

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Initiate story sequence.

Nightmare: Where the hell am I? I remember being carried away by some sandstorm.

Songbird: Hello, I am Songbird. Do you wish to return home?

Nightmare: Hell yes. How can I do that?

Songbird: Well, follow the yellow brick road!

Nightmare: Why is the road yellow?

Songbird: You don't want to know...

(Nightmare skips along the brick road)


Nightmare: What was that?


Nightmare: Geez, this is some weird creature. I think I'll bring him along so he can get smarter.


(Nightmare and Serene skip along the brick road)

Knife: Hey asshole! What are you doing!

Nightmare: What are you talking about?

Knife: You have to pay a toll to pass me!


Nightmare: What's your problem? I'm just trying to get home.

Knife: Aww man, now I feel bad. I'm so insensitive sometimes.

Nightmare: Follow us and you'll get better!

Knife: Alright!

(Nightmare and Serene skip along the brick road. Knife floats along the brick road)

Freohr: Omigod, there are three guys are on the road! They might steal my purse!

Nightmare: What are you hiding from?

Freohr: Aren't you guys bad guys?

Nightmare: Not really. Except maybe Knife.

Knife: Give me your purse!


Nightmare: Knife, stop that.

Knife: Okay...

Freohr: Thanks. I wish I was braver so I could deal with people easier.

Nightmare: Come on!

(Nightmare and Freohr skip on the road. Knife floats along the road. Serene does barrel rolls on the road)

Knife: Serene, that's nasty. The road is yellow for a reason.


Nightmare: Guys I think we've reached some kind of house.

(Two mysterious figures appear)

Cymbeline: Who is there?

Nightmare: It's Nightmare and some other people. I don't remember their names.

Desdemona: Ah, Mr. Nightmare. We've been expecting you.

Nightmare: Really? Cool.

Cymbeline and Desdemona: Speak your wishes to our master.

(A giant hologram appears)

Zephrion: Whaddaya want?


Zephrion: I'll try.

(The hologram does a barrel roll)

Knife: I wish I was more sensitive.

Zephrion: Here, watch this movie.

(A movie named 'Brokeback Mountain' falls from the ceiling)

Freohr: I wish I had more courage.

Zephrion: Sure.

(Gives Freohr Knife)

Nightmare: I wanna go home!

Zephrion: This is your home now.

Nightmare: Huh, I guess it is.

Moral of the story: Home is what you make it.

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Nightmare: Where the hell am I? I remember being carried away by some sandstorm.

Songbird: Hello, I am Songbird. Do you wish to return home?

Nightmare: Hell yes. How can I do that?

Songbird: Well, follow the yellow brick road!

Nightmare: Why is the road yellow?

Songbird: You don't want to know...

(Nightmare skips along the brick road)


Nightmare: What was that?


Nightmare: Geez, this is some weird creature. I think I'll bring him along so he can get smarter.


(Nightmare and Serene skip along the brick road)

Knife: Hey asshole! What are you doing!

Nightmare: What are you talking about?

Knife: You have to pay a toll to pass me!


Nightmare: What's your problem? I'm just trying to get home.

Knife: Aww man, now I feel bad. I'm so insensitive sometimes.

Nightmare: Follow us and you'll get better!

Knife: Alright!

(Nightmare and Serene skip along the brick road. Knife floats along the brick road)

Freohr: Omigod, there are three guys are on the road! They might steal my purse!

Nightmare: What are you hiding from?

Freohr: Aren't you guys bad guys?

Nightmare: Not really. Except maybe Knife.

Knife: Give me your purse!


Nightmare: Knife, stop that.

Knife: Okay...

Freohr: Thanks. I wish I was braver so I could deal with people easier.

Nightmare: Come on!

(Nightmare and Freohr skip on the road. Knife floats along the road. Serene does barrel rolls on the road)

Knife: Serene, that's nasty. The road is yellow for a reason.


Nightmare: Guys I think we've reached some kind of house.

(Two mysterious figures appear)

Cymbeline: Who is there?

Nightmare: It's Nightmare and some other people. I don't remember their names.

Desdemona: Ah, Mr. Nightmare. We've been expecting you.

Nightmare: Really? Cool.

Cymbeline and Desdemona: Speak your wishes to our master.

(A giant hologram appears)

Zephrion: Whaddaya want?


Zephrion: I'll try.

(The hologram does a barrel roll)

Knife: I wish I was more sensitive.

Zephrion: Here, watch this movie.

(A movie named 'Brokeback Mountain' falls from the ceiling)

Freohr: I wish I had more courage.

Zephrion: Sure.

(Gives Freohr Knife)

Nightmare: I wanna go home!

Zephrion: This is your home now.

Nightmare: Huh, I guess it is.

Moral of the story: Home is what you make it.


You know what i meant soul. Stop nitpicking mistakes and typos :/

I really misunderstood what you meant this time. 8[ I'm not one to correct people all the time.

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I play Ike all the time, and it's still fun no matter how many times I play him.

Of course, I'm pretty sure I'm a low level sucky brawl player so, I have no weight in this conversation.

Edited by Jack - Keeper of the Dead
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I really misunderstood what you meant this time. 8[ I'm not one to correct people all the time.

Sometimes it feels like you do it all the time :sob:

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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...Uh, while I agree with most of the rules, #12 is kinda stupid. First of all, Marth's got nothing but Melee attacks, which is in and of itself manly. Second, his counter beats the everliving shit out of Ike's. Sure, Ike hits harder, but Marth is faster and can do more damage in the long run... Plus, Ike has a bad habit of killing opponents with weak attack combos. A really, REALLY bad habit. Marth's most powerful attacks, however, are just flashy and strong enough to kill an opponent without dishonoring them. And finally, Marth is a pure skill character. If a match is meant to be about skill, then playing as Marth is the manliest way to demonstrate such skill- That level of finesse takes real skill and precision to use, rather than the blunt trauma that Gannondork, Cap'n Falcon, and Ike provide.

That said, Jigglypuff is manlier than people give him credit for, for one reason: Rest. You have NO IDEA how much skill it takes to land that- The manliest of manly Brawl players can land Jiggly's Rest time and time again. It is, quite truly, the manliest move in the game- After all, how do you get manlier than killing someone by going Couch Potato on their face?

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I was expecting a Restkill of all 3 marths.


That, and Juliet, how can you find a match between the most Manly character versus the three most unmanly characters (according to you) in any way, a Greatest achievement. =/

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I'd like to play with these rules if anyone is willing.

Also, there is an exception to rule 7

The only exceptions to johning are "I suck", "you are better than me".

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I didn't think they would be having fun if they decide to lock themselves to a single character just for victory.

Those people can play multiple characters too, you know?

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