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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 90

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Her judgment in PoR wasn't that bad, she knew enough to get the hell away from Lekain.

But did she have to pick Makalov instead?

Best: Trabant

Worst: Lyn

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Worst: Roy, I forget why he's even involved in war

Best: Ah I'll go with Jill ^^' (Olwen is a good one too)

People pick on Eirika too much, she's a decent character throughout the game she grows from a innocent girl and matures bit by bit, I guess Micaiah is picked on too, but Lyn idk lol she's kind of irrelevant like Roy.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Best: FE9!Jill.

Typical bad-guy-turned-good-but-can't-escape-morals character but she was, like, cool. And she did stuff relevant to the plot. HER FATHER WAS A BOSS. AND YOU HAD TO KILL HIM.

Honorable mentions to Nino, Haar, and Shinon.

Worst: Micky Sue.

There are no words. She's so fucking generic and she doesn't even do much. She GOT EVERYTHING in the damn game. She was the queen of plot twists. EVEN THEY WERE GENERIC. "Oh, I'm a Branded." "Oh, I became a general." "Oh, I'm secretly carrying a goddess with me." "OH I'M SANAKI'S SISTER."


Dishonorable mentions to Ike, Roy, Lyn, and Rath.

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Best: FE9!Jill.

Typical bad-guy-turned-good-but-can't-escape-morals character but she was, like, cool. And she did stuff relevant to the plot. HER FATHER WAS A BOSS. AND YOU HAD TO KILL HIM.

Honorable mentions to Nino, Haar, and Shinon.

Worst: Micky Sue.

There are no words. She's so fucking generic and she doesn't even do much. She GOT EVERYTHING in the damn game. She was the queen of plot twists. EVEN THEY WERE GENERIC. "Oh, I'm a Branded." "Oh, I became a general." "Oh, I'm secretly carrying a goddess with me." "OH I'M SANAKI'S SISTER."


Dishonorable mentions to Ike, Roy, Lyn, and Rath.

lol spoilers

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Best: Micaiah

I just don't understand understand all the hate towards her.

As far as Fire Emblem protagonists go, Micaiah doesn't look so bad in my eyes. After all, almost all Fire Emblem protagonists are young teens, who are only in command because of their special heritage and blue hair, going up against seemingly unstoppable military forces. They somehow manage charm everyone into supporting them and even way more experienced leaders will submit themselves to their command. And of course they ultimately win against all odds.

Micaiah has most of the usual Fire Emblem Lord traits, but her command at last leads to the way more realistically result of utter failure with no one to blame but herself and her poor judgment, which in my opinion sets her apart from the usual fairytale princes of the series.

Worst: Astrid

I just really don't know what they were thinking when they decided to hook up the independence seeking girl with the biggest jerkass on Tellius. (Not counting goddesses, senators and silver-haired mass murderers.) My disappointment knows no bounds, really.

Edited by BrightBow
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Actually, Micaiah is a name taken from the bible.

You can take the five seconds necessary to type Micaiah into Google in order to check whether it's a mythological reference. I don't think that Wikipedia is banned yet in Australia, although it's only a matter of time. In addition, it's ridiculous to complain that there are 'too many vowels' in a name that IS didn't even come up with.

I wiki'd it. That was how I discovered it was a name at ALL, Biblical or otherwise.

I concede the rest. My apologies.

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lol most people have either played FE10 or know the spoilers

Yesterday, I was talking to someone in IP Chat that didn't know Alvis killed the first gen army in FE4. Leaving those assumptions for the FE10 forum would be a good idea.

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Best: Micaiah

I just don't understand understand all the hate towards her.

As far as Fire Emblem protagonists go, Micaiah doesn't look so bad in my eyes. After all, almost all Fire Emblem protagonists are young teens, who are only in command because of their special heritage and blue hair, going up against seemingly unstoppable military forces. They somehow manage charm everyone into supporting them and even way more experienced leaders will submit themselves to their command. And of course they ultimately win against all odds.

Micaiah has most of the usual Fire Emblem Lord traits, but her command at last leads to the way more realistically result of utter failure with no one to blame but herself and her poor judgment, which in my opinion sets her apart from the usual fairytale princes of the series.

Quick, how many other FE lords have the innate ability to heal people? Or see the future? Or are referred to by hair color half the time?

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What I want to know is: Why did Micaiah have Sacrifice? I don't believe that was ever described as one of the Apostle's powers.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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What I want to know is: Why did Micaiah have Sacrifice? I don't believe that was ever described as one of the Apostle's powers.

Then it's from her Heron heritage.

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Quick, how many other FE lords have the innate ability to heal people? Or see the future? Or are referred to by hair color half the time?

Because having special abilities kills any other hope.

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Because having special abilities kills any other hope.

None of the other FE lords had that kind of ridiculous inborn innate, no-item-needed advantage over everyone else, especially the seer abilities. Imagine how silly the Elibe saga would've been if Eliwood could "sense" the evil coming from whereever.

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Best: Micaiah

I just don't understand understand all the hate towards her.

As far as Fire Emblem protagonists go, Micaiah doesn't look so bad in my eyes. After all, almost all Fire Emblem protagonists are young teens, who are only in command because of their special heritage and blue hair, going up against seemingly unstoppable military forces. They somehow manage charm everyone into supporting them and even way more experienced leaders will submit themselves to their command. And of course they ultimately win against all odds.

Micaiah has most of the usual Fire Emblem Lord traits, but her command at last leads to the way more realistically result of utter failure with no one to blame but herself and her poor judgment, which in my opinion sets her apart from the usual fairytale princes of the series.

Leaf who has brown hair phoned, but he couldn't talk for long because Thracia was on his ass. Also, note how he became the Prince of Lenster (again): By slaughtering the shit out of everything, don't see prince in Sleeping Beauty slit the dragon's throat because she pissed him off, now do you? Other than that, I like how you like Micaiah, I agree that she gets more hate than she deserves, even if she is admittedly low to bottom tier (next to Eliwood maybe) in my list of FE Lords.

Edited by Axefighter Maji
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None of the other FE lords had that kind of ridiculous inborn innate, no-item-needed advantage over everyone else, especially the seer abilities. Imagine how silly the Elibe saga would've been if Eliwood could "sense" the evil coming from whereever.

I don't see how this is a problem. If anything, I think it makes a lot of sense; at least Micaiah does have something that might make people want to follow her. I think they implemented this ability into the story and her character quite well.

What I really need, though, is to go through Radiant Dawn's story again. I haven't done that since my first time through, and since I got the game the day it came out, that means it's been almost four years. I didn't have any problems with the story when I first went through it (on the contrary, I loved it) so I was confused to see so many people hating when I got on the internet. The only part that kind of bugged me was Ranulf's spoiler, but even that didn't exactly feel out of place, all things considered.

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