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My cards for this crisis are a total sack of shit. I trust you guys can handle this, since 14 seems a bit low. Though if you need me, I can help, I guess.

brb mutinying tables

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Cally Sniping someone from across the galaxy?

Aww, more role nerf! Next thing you know, I'll execute people by shooting them with a water gun full of fruit punch.

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Eclipse hasn't realised yet, but I secretly just want to make life as difficult as possible for him after what he did in Spoons mafia.

But as a serious message, let's put today to end in ~49 hours. It started about 24 ago. I'll say 1pm on Sunday BST (12pm GMT, stupid british summer time) as an end time.

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Eclipse hasn't realised yet, but I secretly just want to make life as difficult as possible for him after what he did in Spoons mafia.

But as a serious message, let's put today to end in ~49 hours. It started about 24 ago. I'll say 1pm on Sunday BST (12pm GMT, stupid british summer time) as an end time.

1. Has every player said something since starting the game? If not, I'd prefer an extension.

2. You realize Eclipse is a wimin, rait?

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OK I checked and everyone has responded. 6 people have more or less stated they'll play a card to pass the skill check. I'd like to know of Eclipse what she intends to do with her LEA card(too bad she went to bed?)

Assuming an average value of 3 per LEA card played, we are now sitting at an average confirmed total of 18LEA. I'm getting the feeling that without Eclipse's help on this our Cylon brothers can easily sabotage us this early in the game.

EDIT: made a correction, 6/7 people have stated they'll play their card.

Edited by Excellen Browning
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I have been told that Eclipse is indeed female, but I had a momentary lapse of memory. Sorry about that.

Edit: I'm debating giving an extension. 3 days was intended as a deadline to give sufficient time for discussion without the game getting stale, and not be a 'rush to a consensus because of time' kind of limit. I'll see if I think it's needed.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Either I'm being too subtle (again) or someone missed a comment by me. I did state my intentions earlier, which are to provide what help I can.

Which reminds me, now might be a good time to put my action in.

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Mm, everyone should make sure they've played the cards they intend to play.

And I don't see a need for an extension personally, the crisis seems to be handled, the only question now is whether we brig someone this month.

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Hm, I might want to help assist as well just in case there's a sabotage as well. Though, it would very likely give away a Cylon if they were to use both cards (nobody should be using more than 1 card if they're helpful).

Going with the aforementioned 3 average, they could either go all out if I were to help 24 - 12= 12, failing the mission but revealing both of them too. Or if they were to try and be safe and play one card each, 24-6= 18. They'd fail to sabotage. If they managed to luck out and one played 2 and the other played 1, 24-9= 15, revealing 1 and still passing. But if I were to not play, we could be in a much higher danger of failing at the cost of them only revealing 1 at a 3 average. Though it wouldn't help them toward their wincon of actually lowering population or morale. Though they can't coordinate as it's NOC, so it's not very likely. But this is also all assuming that both of the Cylons have LEA cards (WoMC or jaybee playing a card at all would make them definite Cylon). And there's also the fact that all this is assuming a 3 average...

ugh dammit, WIFOM on day 1. I suppose I should play it safe and put my card in too. >_<

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What I want to know is: Who wants a Politics skill?

Oh, it'd be useful if people who are playing nothing could state that in their PM. It's not necessary, but it's good for organisation purposes. Also it may be useful to note, your decision in the PM can be changed. So don't worry about (particularly in crises later than this when you may have a bigger hand) committing multiple skills then backing out if discussion makes it seem unnecessary.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Logic time!

Let's look at the conditions of this little jam:

Pass: No Effect

Fail: Each player discards 2 skills and draws 2 treachery skills

If you want to gamble your hand, feel free to sabotage. I don't know if the Cylons are happy with their hand, but if they are, I don't think they'll meddle.

Next, let's look at how much and what kind of oomph we need to get past this sucker:

Difficulty: 14

Skill types (positive): Leadership

There's seven players with LEA cards, IIRC. Unless everyone drew a 1, it's fairly likely that we should make it through, because each player with LEA needs an average 2 LEA to hit the difficulty.

So, Rein. . .if you drew a Piloting card that you think is utter garbage, feel free to play it. If it's not utter garbage, you might want to save it for a time when it'll truly matter.

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Why wouldn't the Cylons want us to discard our (possibly positive) skills and make us draw negative ones? Also, the Treachery skills make it much easier for the Cylons to interfere with the crisises.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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It's a matter of balancing their hand with the unknown. I'm gonna use another card game, so I can get away with naming cards~!

Let's say we're all playing a game of strip poker. You know that there's certain people who have the option to anonymously make everyone discard their hands and draw new ones. Do you think they'd use that option if they're holding a royal flush?

I have no idea what the Cylons are holding, but if they have that kind of hand, I can't imagine them meddling. However, I can't speak for anyone else's hand but mine, so the best I can do is hypothesize. Let's hope they got good hands, so they leave this crisis alone.

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Guest Wen Yang

probably because it risks exposing themselves this early in the game?

on that note, I'm tossing in my card. It's not the best, but should help at least.

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What would the 'royal flush' be in this case? We don't know what skills will be positive or negative in the next crisis, and I would not want to be a Cylon that has only positive skills. Treachery skills however, are always negative, so the Cylons will be able to continue messing with the crisises. More importantly, it also gets rid of possible positive skills that we could use to pass future crisises.

Is crisises even a word?

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You're thinking "crises".

I can't think of a time when all three skills will be positive (if there is a time, woohoo!) Likewise, I can't think of a time when no skills will be positive (because that doesn't make sense in my mind. . .and if I'm wrong, I'll cry). Omitting those two combinations, there's a total of six possible combinations of the three kinds of cards that a crisis can be: POL, LEA, TAC, and combinations of the two. The odds of a Cylon being able to only contribute positively are 1 in 6, assuming that they're one of the six/seven that draw two types of skills.

I count Rein as a special case, because he can turn one of his cards into whatever he feels like. Likewise, WoMC might be a special case, if I read his ability correctly.

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Yet with Treachery skills, Cylons can greatly improve their ability to interfere with the crisis AND decrease our ability to pass the crisis by making us discard potentially useful skills.

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It looks like a matter of risk vs. reward, then. Let's hope they got such awesome hands that they let this one go. The unknown draw makes me nervous, because I have :facepalm: drawing skills.

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