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Endgame Teams

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This is similar to the "FE9 Preferred Team" topic except this relates mostly to the endgame of FE10. I was wondering people's usual teams and how they went around picking them.

Myself I usually go for using very SS weapon. Usually the distribution goes like this:

Rexaura: Micaiah

Baselard: Sothe/Heather

Urvan: Haar

Wishblade: Nephenee/Tanith/Oscar/Gatrie

Aldonite: Edward/Mist

Vague Katti: Mia/Edward/Mist

Double Bow: Shinon

Rexflame: Sanaki/Calill

Rexbolt: Ilyana

Rexcalibur: Soren

Balberith: Pelleas

Matrona: Micaiah

That's the usual but I've done otherwise.

As for the team itself, Jill is always there and will rarely get Urvan since Haar is usually there too. Otherwise she gets a maxed out Silver Axe forge to bless. Soren also always appears because of his almost always there A support with Ike.

The most frequent besides the required units, Jill, and Soren are Edward, Haar, Ilyana (only for Rexbolt), Pelleas (only for Balberith), Mist, and Tibarn. Others vary.

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Thats about the set units when i'm just playing for fun (not counting forced units). The rest are just whoever i feel like using.

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Ike - Ragnell

Micaiah - Rexaura*

Sothe - Peshkatz

Volke - Baselard

Elincia - Alondite

Mia - Vague Katti

Pelleas - Balberith

Titania - Urvan

Soren - Rexcalibur

Sanaki - Rexflame

Gatrie - Wishblade

Nephenee - Slvr Greatlance

Shinon - Double Bow





* - Until Sephiran arrives

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I usually pick my favorites for endgame they can vary on each playthrough, also I don't care about giving everyone a SS ranked weapon.

.Sigrun - Wrymslayer

.Tanith - Wishblade

.Tauroneo - Brave Axe or a forge

.Renning - Alondite

.Bastian/Calill (Depends on who I feel like using, sometimes I deploy both) -Rexflame/Rexcalibur/Seige tome

.Laura/Rhys/Oliver (Sometimes I deploy all of them, sometimes just only one) -Rexaura/Nosferatu/Seige tome

.Naesala (Sometimes)

.Aran (Sometimes)

.Stefan - Vague Katti

.Kieran - Urvan

.Geoffrey (Sometimes)

.Volke - Baselard or Peshkatz

Edited by Generic Officer
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Myself I usually go for using very SS weapon. Usually the distribution goes like this:

Rexaura: Micaiah

Baselard: Sothe/Heather

Urvan: Haar

Wishblade: Nephenee/Tanith/Oscar/Gatrie

Aldonite: Edward/Mist

Vague Katti: Mia/Edward/Mist

Double Bow: Shinon

Rexflame: Sanaki/Calill

Rexbolt: Ilyana

Rexcalibur: Soren

Balberith: Pelleas

Matrona: Micaiah

I did something similar on one of my playthroughs, with the differences being :

Baselard : Volke

Urvan : Nolan

Wishblade : Gatrie was used

Alondite : Stefan

Vague Katti : Zihark

Rexflame : Tormod

Last time I had :

Ike : Ragnell, occasional Hammer

Micaiah : Nosferatu

Sothe : Peshkatz/Beast Killer/bench

Sanaki : Cymbline/Bolting/bench




Elincia : Amiti



Zihark : Wyrmslayer/Alondite

Nolan : Urvan/Arbalest

Shinon : Double Bow

Haar : Brave Axe

Volke : Baselard/Beast Killer/Peshkatz

Oliver : Nosferatu

Oliver supports with herons are simply beautiful.

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Last time I had :

Ike : Ragnell, occasional Hammer

Micaiah : Nosferatu

Sothe : Peshkatz/Beast Killer/bench

Sanaki : Cymbline/Bolting/bench




Elincia : Amiti



Zihark : Wyrmslayer/Alondite

Nolan : Urvan/Arbalest

Shinon : Double Bow

Haar : Brave Axe

Volke : Baselard/Beast Killer/Peshkatz

Oliver : Nosferatu

Uh, Ike is forced to bless Ragnell, if those weapons you're listing are what they bless.

Oliver supports with herons are simply beautiful.

I'm sure they are. :awesome:

That aside...

Calill - Rexflame

Ilyana - Rexbolt

Elincia- Amiti

Laura - Rexaura (or Valaura)

Astrid - Double Bow

Mist - Alondite

Marcia - Wishblade

Tanith, Sigrun - Tempest Blades

Fiona - Spear

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I have a thing for choosing 33 or below speed cap units, just for fun, :)

I usually choose

Vague Katti - Edward/Renning

Alondite - Renning/Edward

Double Bow - Leonardo

Urvan - (Depends)

Wishblade - Tauroneo

Baselard - Sothe (Heather, sometimes)

Rexaura - Micaiah/Laura

Rexflame - Tormod (Sometimes)

Rexcalibur - (I don't use wind mages)

Rexbolt - Ilyana

Balberith - Pelleas (Sometimes)

Laguz - Mordecai, Muarim, Ulki, Volug. (I don't like Royals) :):

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I don't really have a "usual" team so to speak, but my common units and those I like to use aside from those forced are:

Jill - Urvan


Mia - Vague Katti

Rolf/Shinon - Double Bow

Astrid - Double Bow/Lance Forge

Boyd - Urvan/Brave Axe

Nephenee - Wishblade

Calill - Rexflame

And then sometimes, but not quite as commonly:

Mist - Vague Katti/Alondite

Marcia - Wishblade/Lance forge

Edward - Vague Katti/Alondite

Elincia - Amiti

Tanith - Wishblade/Lance forge


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This was the party I ended up with on my latest playthrough:

The Forced Six:

Ike: Ragnell

Miccy: RexAura

Sothe: Baselard

Snacky: RexFlame

Kurth: Black Breath

Ena: Red Breath

Player's Choices:

Eddie: Alondite

Mia: Vague Katti

Jill: Urvan

Gatrie: WishBlade

Shinon: Double Bow

Haar: Brave Axe

Soren: RexCalibur

Pelleas: Balberith

Tibarn: Great Talon

Cain: Great Fang



Units who were contenders, but didn't make the final cut:








Could give out reasons and stats, but I didn't feel like it.

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By weapons:

Ragnell - Ike

Amiti - Elincia

Vague Katti - Mia

Urvan - HAAR

Wishblade - Marcia

Double Bow - Shinnon

Cymbeline - Sanaki

Rexcalibur - Bastian

Rexaura - Micaiah

Baselard - Volke

I also brought all the forced units (duh) as well as the laguz royals. Yeah, I know, it was overkill, not gonna do that next time.

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