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Return of the Emblem Chapter Four: The Human Condition


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Gabriel was quickly rushed by three artificial humans, and eight security guards. Taking up his sword he immediately intercepted one and cut him down, then another! The artificials moved in quickly and swung their weapons and cast their magic only to miss utterly and be slice up in return. The guards switched to their guns and tried to get off shots of their own, but Gabriel dodged the first volley, killed them, and then came into striking distance of those who had yet to attack.

Grabbing the man's arm, he forced him to shoot the artificial behind him in the head. He then broke the man's arm, flipped him to the ground, snapped his neck with his foot, and then took out his sword again just in time to cut down an oncoming artificial. He leaped over the falling body and span around to slice a security guard in the chest before he could get off a shot, then whipped out his pistol with his right hand and shot the artificial coming up behind him before switching his sword to his right hand and tossing the pistol into the air. With his left hand, he used his other pistol to shoot an oncoming guard in the face, and then swung wildly striking down another person flanking him. He caught his pistol when it came back down, and then faced the rest of them.

"What's wrong? Losing confidence? Well that's too bad. I was just starting to break a sweat." he said as he wiped his brow with his sleeve.

"Grrrrrr. Leave him to us. We're the only ones that can handle him. The rest of you make sure there's no way out of here." Nathaniel instructed before facing Gabriel again. "I am going to find a way to kill you ..."

"You haven't already? Then why don't you just run away?"

"They're coming! The enemy is coming!" a guard called over.

"Gun them down!" Nathaniel called back.

Both Team Alpha and Team Bravo were met with a torrent of gunfire and flying bolts as they approached, but many survived the assault regardless. Still, the captains leading both teams were seriously wounded in the attack and couldn't press on.


This entire scene is just me killing off scores of generics on both sides. Your characters are not automatically injured in these attacks.


"Back up! We need back up, now! They took back the first floor and Major General Belo is still in there!" a scout reported.

"Uh oh. I guess we'll have to figure this out later. Come on." Raquel said to Xavier as she began heading toward the building with the rest of the group. "I'm only coming with you guys a short ways. I need to see if Xavier here can fit in somewhere. After that I'll have to get out." she explained.

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"Aww, why don't you join us, Pinky? It'd be a shame if you missed the party," Bert asked with a bit of malicious teasing, resting an arm over Raquel's shoulders and an obvious grin on his face.

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Bolts came flying, bouncy off or sticking into Tanner's armor, but none actually piercing it. A bullet did, though, almost tearing off the shoulder pad and skinny his shoulder underneath. "Urgh... You bastards!" He screamed, charging forward with the rest of the soldiers in his team. He noticed his captain get taken down, but he couldn't care less at the moment. One of the fools had gotten too close to Tanner with his crossbow, firing it off into his chest plate. It stuck in, but not deep enough to take him out, his axe crashing down into the soldier's head. "Come on, men!" He shouted at his group, taking the place of the captain for a moment, "Charge 'em! Don' let these bastards take us out!" He had to get them worked up, the adrenaline rush would help them fight.

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The patrol merely did its' job, asking for all members of the group to drop their weapons. Axel dropped his iron lance at his feet, as all hell broke loose. From what he heard, the stories didn't match up, so, one of the mercenaries had their wyvern vomit something up. Whatever it was, it brought about some sort of conflict between the patrol and the mercs, so they attacked. Ursians being Ursians, they were easily dispatched, and the mercenaries escaped. The lancer was amazed by how green the patrol was. If you have a ranged weapon, stay at range. It was one of the first rules in the military handbook, for Truth's sake!

Once the Ursians had recovered and the wagon was sent on its' way, the helmed man merely sat on the roof of the wagon, listening into the rabble. Most of it was irrelevant, but it didn't hurt to gather information for the long run. People came and went, some willingly, like the dark-skinned troubador, others not so much, like the thief that stole from Nika. After that particular event, there was a debate between Gabriella and Raquel over where to stay. The former wanted to stay at a five star hotel, which the group could easily afford thanks to their benefactor. The latter wanted less lavish lodgings for cost effectiveness. This made sense, if Axel wasn't already aware of how wealthy the professor really was. This led to Gabriella taking Connor to the hotel, and Raquel looking for a more efficient inn. The compromise wasn't ideal, because it split the two off from each other, a recipe for disaster.

Once the inn of choice was found, there was the room issue. The lancer didn't really care which room he was assigned to, if he even was to have one. Worst case scenario would be that he would have to sleep in the wagon, and even that wasn't terrible. The issue was left unsolved, as another threat materialized. Gabriella returned with news that the location of the serial killer's next target had been found, and that it was likely to be hit tonight. Less than twelve hours after nearly dying, they were going to go into harm's way again. Great.

As the group moved to the sight of the attack, the objective changed to a full assault on the building, which really irked lancer. This was looking more and more like a suicide mission, and that just would not do. As the band was called in, Axel turned to John, the closest member of his combat team.

"John, mind if I ask you to do something?", he asked, as he pulled the wyvern rider to the side.

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John was at the ready. It was clear from whatever noise it was coming from the inside that the situation was bad. Waiting for the actual signal to move in, he took a look around at the group. Everyone seemed ready as well, it was expected. Just then, something caught his attention. That horseman and avian from back at the inn were here as well.

'Huh? Are they participating as well in this operation?' He wondered. However, his thoughts were interrupted by Axel. ''Hm? What would it be...?'' He answered.

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"If things look hopeless when we enter," the lancer began, "I want you to take Veronika, and run. I'll hold the enemy off as long as I can. Can I have your word on that?" Axel was looking at the building as he spoke. Who knew what was lying in wait for the band of mercenaries. If it was humans, well, they stood a good chance. If there were enemies like the serial killer, however... they would all be killed, if they stood and fought.

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'What?' ''You want me to leave you behind?'' John was surprised. ''I can't give my word, especially since Veronika would have her own opinion on the matter.''

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"I don't necessarily value her opinion in this scenario," Axel said, frowning under his visor. "She probably has a family to go home to, and you're just too young to go and die for something. Well, I have nothing to look forward to. Nothing. Besides, a good mercenary keeps his client alive, right? Please, just get the two of you out of here alive, if things go to hell. That's all I ask."

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"I'm not joining in the violence because I can't fight and I'm not big on the idea to begin with. Besides, I don't want anyone having to risk their life to protect me when I shouldn't have been involved in the first place." she explained not really caring if he was serious or not.

The Party's All Here

As Team Alpha and Team Bravo forced their way into the central area, Raquel's group appeared as well.

"We won't be fighting very effectively with sneaky tactics anymore." Nathaniel said to the people gathered around. "Show them what it is they face ..."

As he said this, a bright flash overtook the area, but once it dimmed, the area was well lit, and the light persisted. The caster remained carefully hidden near the hole leading up to the second floor.

"This is what you face! Come and die now. All of you!" he called out to the three groups. Before them were a total of thirty-four artificial humans, each of them ready to fight.

Nathaniel 21/21 (Aggressive-Focused) Precise Wind Tome

Azrael 24/24 (Aggressive-Focused) Hand Axe

Uziel 15/15 (Aggressive-Focused) Killing Edge


AH-Sword A 9/9 (Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance A 9/9 (Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe A 9/9 (Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire A 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark A 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire B 9/9 (Defending AH-Fire A) Fire Tome

AH-Dark B 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark A) Dark Tome


AH-Sword B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire D 9/9 (Defending AH Fire C) Fire Tome

AH-Dark D 9/9 (Defending AH Dark C) Dark Tome


AH-Sword C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire F 9/9 (Defending AH Fire E) Fire Tome

AH-Dark F 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark E) Dark Tome


AH-Sword D 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance D 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe D 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire H 9/9 (Defending AH-Fire G) Fire Tome

AH-Dark H 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark G) Dark Tome


AH-Sword E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


Gabriel 24/24 (Erratic)


Joanna 12/12 (Erratic)


Class: Level 4 Sage

Raw Stats

HP: 7 STR: 2 MAG: 7 SKL: 7 SPD: 5 LCK: 3 DEF: 7 RES: 7

Simplified Stats

HP: 21 MT: 2/7 Hit: 7 Evade: 8 AS: 5 Defense: 7 Resistance: 7

Weapon 1: Precise Wind Tome E

Weapon 2: Dynamic Fire Tome

Special Weapon:


Special Item:

Overall Stats

HP: 21 MT: 2/7 Hit: 7(10 if PWT) Evade: 8 AS: 5 Defense: 7 Resistance: 7

(Artificial Human: Recovers two points of lost hp every turn.)


Class: Level 1 Warrior

Raw Stats

HP: 8 STR: 8 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 3 DEF: 5 RES: 5

Simplified Stats

HP: 24 MT: 8 Hit: 5 Evade: 8 AS: 5 Defense: 5 Resistance: 5

Weapon 1: SwordSlayer Axe

Weapon 2: Hand Axe E

Special Weapon:


Special Item:

Overall Stats

HP: 24 MT: 8(12 vs SSTs)(5 if HA) Hit: 5(10 vs SSTs) Evade: 8 AS: 5 Defense: 5 Resistance: 5

(Artificial Human: Recovers two points of lost hp every turn.)


Class: Level 2 Sword Master

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 9 SPD: 9 LCK: 2 DEF: 5 RES: 5

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 4 Hit: 9 Evade: 11 AS: 9 Defense: 5 Resistance: 5

Weapon 1: Killing Edge E

Weapon 2:

Special Weapon:


Special Item:

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 4 Hit: 9 Evade: 11 AS: 9 Defense: 5 Resistance: 5

(Artificial Human: Recovers two points of lost hp every turn.)

Generic AH

Class: Level 5 (First Tier)

Raw Stats

HP: 3 STR: 4 MAG: 4 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 4 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 9 MT: 4/4 Hit: 5 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: Iron Sword E

Weapon 2:

Special Weapon: Crossbow


Special Item:

Overall Stats

HP: 9 MT: 4/4 Hit: 5 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4

(Artificial Human: Recovers two points of lost hp every turn.)

Generic AH

Class: Level 5 (First Tier)

Raw Stats

HP: 3 STR: 4 MAG: 4 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 4 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 9 MT: 4/4 Hit: 5 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: Iron Lance E

Weapon 2:

Special Weapon: Crossbow


Special Item:

Overall Stats

HP: 9 MT: 4/4 Hit: 5 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4

(Artificial Human: Recovers two points of lost hp every turn.)

Generic AH

Class: Level 5 (First Tier)

Raw Stats

HP: 3 STR: 4 MAG: 4 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 4 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 9 MT: 4/4 Hit: 5 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: Iron Axe E

Weapon 2:

Special Weapon: Crossbow


Special Item:

Overall Stats

HP: 9 MT: 4/4 Hit: 5 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4

(Artificial Human: Recovers two points of lost hp every turn.)

Generic AH

Class: Level 5 (First Tier)

Raw Stats

HP: 3 STR: 4 MAG: 4 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 4 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 9 MT: 4/4 Hit: 5 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: Dark Tome E

Weapon 2:

Special Weapon: Crossbow


Special Item:

Overall Stats

HP: 9 MT: 4/4 Hit: 5 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4

(Artificial Human: Recovers two points of lost hp every turn.)

Generic AH

Class: Level 5 (First Tier)

Raw Stats

HP: 3 STR: 4 MAG: 4 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 4 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 9 MT: 4/4 Hit: 5 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: Fire Tome E

Weapon 2:

Special Weapon: Crossbow


Special Item:

Overall Stats

HP: 9 MT: 4/4 Hit: 5 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4

(Artificial Human: Recovers two points of lost hp every turn.)

Primary Objective: Defeat 50% (15) of the enemy generics.

Award: 10

Tip: Concentrate on killing specific combat teams.

Bonus Objective: Defeat an enemy boss.

Award: 10

Tip: Each of the bosses is focused solely on Gabriel and has left the grunts to deal with everyone else. Gabriel's kills do not count toward this objective, but him engaging a boss in combat does not negatively effect the objective.

Note: This objective can be completed multiple times.


Class: Level 11 Prototype (Level 1 Third Tier)

Raw Stats

HP: 8 STR: 8 MAG: 0 SKL: 9 SPD: 17 LCK: 2 DEF: 4 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 24 MT: 8 Hit: 9 Evade: 19 AS: 17 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: Xion (Unique Weapon)

Weapon 2:

Special Weapon: Dread (Flintlock Pistol)

Special Weapon: Despair (Flintlock Pistol)

Item: Vulnerary

Special Item: Large Pellet Pouch

Overall Stats

HP: 24 MT: 8(+1~ A2)(18 if FP) Hit: 9(+9 if X)(+1~ A2) Evade: 19 AS: 17(+5~ A1) Defense: 4(+8 if X) Resistance: 3

(Xion: Surprisingly light weight sword for its size, but still incredibly strong. It acts as a Guardian and Seeker Weapon simultaneously. While in use, auto-hits, criticals and lethal hits are inter-exchange-able.)

(Blitz: Using his pistols count as free actions during his turn, but may only be done twice per turn. Can launch up to two attacks using his pistols during any given combat round and can engage separate targets with each following gun regs.)

(Full Defense: For two turns, Gabriel cannot be automatically hit, but in exchange, he cannot land critical, or lethal hits, activate Anticipation 2, or use any of the numbers in dice rolls during counters to increase mt or hit. Full Defense has a two turn cooldown period.)

(Anticipation1: Whenever Gabriel is being attacked during enemy phase, his evasion increases relative to his attacker's raw skill. For every 10 points an enemy has in skill, Gabriel gains 5 points to his evasion for that combat round.)

(Anticipation2: Whenever Gabriel is attacking, his mt and hit increase relative to his target's defense. For every 5 points an enemy has in raw defense, Gabriel gains 1 point to his mt and hit for that combat round.)

(Anticipation Regs: Activating either of these is optional but only one may be active during a given turn. If an enemy scores an auto-hit, Anticipation 1 is disabled for one turn. If a critical or lethal hit is landed, Anticipation 2 is disabled for a turn.)

(Artificial Human: Recovers two points of lost hp every turn.)


Class: Level 5 Winged Cleric

Raw Stats

HP: 4 STR: 1 MAG: 6 SKL: 3 SPD: 8 LCK: 5 DEF: 1 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 12 MT: 6 Hit: 3 Evade: 13 AS: 8 Defense: 1 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: Boon (Augmentation ability)

Weapon 2: Curaga (Recover Staff ability)

Special Weapon: Purification

Item: Aurora

Special Item: Holy Amulet

Overall Stats

HP: 12 MT: 6 Hit: 3 Evade: 13 AS: 8 Defense: 1 Resistance: 4

(Self Healing: When Joanna forgos a turn, all of her status ailments are removed and her health is fully restored.)

(Boon: When used, an ally's skill, defense, resistance, or luck can be doubled for three turns. Cannot have more than one instance on a given character. Boon can only be used every two turns.)

(Purification: When targeting allies, all status ailments are removed. When targeting an enemy, temporary stat boosts are removed.)

(Dark Avian: Only suffers half damage from anima and light magic. Suffers double damage from dark magic attacks.)

The new battlepost limit is now 7



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Following Raquel towards the battlefront, Xavier never ended up on a team in the end. When the visage of such a mass amount of enemies appeared before him, Xavier felt intimidated.

'But I have the gods as my backup... these... things are against them... so I must strike them down.'

One of the flame-wielding artificials was close by. Xavier focused his eyes on the fire tome, the sight of his home burning to the ground reverberating in his memory. Hefting his axe high, Xavier charged the mage, leaving Raquel's side long before she had escaped the area.

Carnal rage filled Xavier as he closed the distance to the mage, a second fire mage behind his target almost smirking.

"Wrath, give me the strength to strike down this blasphemous filth! RAAGH!"

With a mighty swing of his axe, Xavier struck down the mage in a single blow, sending bloodied debris out to shower the fake man's team mates. The smirk dissapeared from the smug mage, replaced with a terror of the axe wielding reaper who had snuffed out his shield in a single enraged blow.

"Sinful beasts, created by humans, and not by the gods, meet your fate! Those flames... those wretched flames... unholy things, the gods will give you no sympathy when I send you to their door..."

Xavier(4,4,6) 10 hit - 6 evd, hit! 10 Mt - 0 Def, 10 Damage! KO

AH-Fire B (3,3,3) That was close...

AH-Fire B down!Roll

+5 points(kill)

+5 points(undersized team)

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Enraged by all of his comrades falling beside him, Tanner targeted one of the enemy soldiers, his axe swinging with such force that it literally cleaved the soldier in half. His corpse fell to the ground in two pieces, as he scanned for another piece of meat to stick his axe into.

Tanner (3,5,5) Hit, Critical Hit Mt 11 - 4 def, 14 damage! AH Lancer A, KO'd.


Edited by seph1212
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The order to advance was given, electing a foul scowl from Robin as she and the the rest of her group started to move out, only to be met with a sudden torrent of gunfire and arrows as the groups met. Wild chaos and explosions erupted around her in a fury as battle was met. Beside her, a member of the volunteer army she assumed had been a common thief forced to enlist for his freedom was struck in the shoulder by a clumsy arrow shot, causing him to drop to the floor and scream in pain before a bullet found its way into the maw of his open mouth, silencing him forever. Behind him, a young soldier from the farm, dressed in little more than simple armor and holding a common spear was hit in the gut by a well-placed bolt, finding its way past the armor into the flesh. Robin didn't know if he screamed at all as he collapsed to his feet, clutching his belly, only that she had seen that kind of wound before on wild animals, and unless the man was healed right away, he was dead.

The wind shuddered beside her head as a arrow passed by. She didn't hear it, didn't feel its breeze, yet she knew that it had been close. Her bow was out, she could feel her arm holding it, her hand knocking the arrow, her head going down to aim. The world seemed to fade slightly about her as she focused on the first of her enemies she saw, one of the axe-wielding enemies, her eye flicking up to check the tufts of her bow for wind direction by sheer instinct, and then, her fingers releasing the arrow and letting it fly.

Robin attacks Axe A!

Robin rolls a 4, 4, 3 !


Robins Hit = 12 (8 base + 4 roll). Enemies AVO = waaaay to low. HIT!

Robin deals 4 damage (4 + 4 - 4) to Axe A.

Edited by Snowy_One
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That was it, the battle had begun. The enemies sure were numerous, it was going to be a tough fight. John took charge at one of the sword-wielding enemies, ready to strike...

Target: AH-Sword E



Hit: 5+2+2(WTA)=9 > 6 HIT

Damage: 5+6=11 - 4 = 7

The hit was successful, injuring gravely the swordsman. However, he could still fight back, to which he then launched the counterattack, to which John was quick to place his shield in front.

Target: John



Hit: 5+6-2(WTD)=9 > 5 HIT

Damage:4+4=8 - 6 = 2

John barely got scratched by the swing, but it still managed to connect. John noticed it wasn't serious, but made a quick note to be more cautious. He didn't had a Vulnerary in hand anymore after all.

[Remaining HP:

AH-Sword E 2/9

John 16/18]

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Once the group entered, things went to hell. The enemy outnumbered them two to one, and it looked like the serial killer was present, as well. This was going to kill them all, if they fought.

John, in his earnest, had rushed forward and landed a lucky blow on one of the white-haired foes, leaving him open to attack from dozens of the other artificial humans.

"This is what I was talking about," Axel said, impaling the swordsman John had attacked through the chest. "Go, before it's too late!"


[1,5,3] = 1+4+2 - 6 = Hit! 9-4 = 5 points of damage! AH Sword E is defeated!

Axel 12/12 HP

Team Skotiabank gains 10 points.

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Shadrak charged into the battle. He noticed in the back was a rather angry, and powerful looking, Anima mage, and he wanted it dead... but first, there was a few lackies to take care of. He noticed one of the new guys cut a Magy type in half, leaving the one behind it open to a follow up attack. He smiled as he prepared his spell.



(4+4)-6=2 Hit!

MTA! +2 MT!

(8+1+2)-4=7 Damage!

Fire A: 2/9

The Dark magic flew straight and true, nailing the caster in the chest and sending him sprawling. Much to Shadrak bemusement he stood up, and returned with a spell of his own.


1/3/6 ((ooc: for some reason this roll layout makes me giggle.))

(5+1)-4=2! Hit!



Shadrak: 10/12.

The simple Fire-ball didn't even make it past Shadrak's barrier, though it hit it hard, making it clearly visible... and clearly cracked. Though it was obvious the blow itself hadn't hit him, he still looked taken back and weakenned. "Chelsea, I'm fine, this mooks got nothing on me!" he called out to his team mate, turning back to the mage with a smile. "Bring it!"

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John watched Axel finished off the swordman, and repeating the request from before.

''I told you already.'' He answered. ''I can't do much since she can refuse to leave, and I'm staying anyway. Yeah, it's dangerous to be here, but I'm not going to abandon the rest of the group for it! They're here fighting as well, so I'm not turning back!''

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A lot of the teams were rushing in along with the soldiers. However, Gytha decided to stay back. "Wait a moment, Amon and...other," Gytha told her team while she looked around the battlefield. Everyone looked almost exactly the same as one another. In the very back, though, three were fighting a guy who looked like he was one of them. Why would he turn on his allies...? It was sort of confusing, but he obviously was very skilled. Maybe he was never with them... "Amon, S-- ... other, let's not fight those four back there, especially not the one who looks like he's winnin'. Might be against th' same enemies as us. I need some more time t' pick out someone t' target smartly, so we'll hang back fer now. Other, ye can go off and heal people if ye want to, but I can't say Amon or I'll make it t' ye in time if ye do," she adressed her team, surveying the enemy and trying to decide where they wouldn't be in the way and to pick out an enemy they could take out.

Away from the majority of the fighting were some of the enemies, waiting for their chanse. Perfect. "Alright, we'll have t' be quiet. Other, ye follow along so we can protect ye. Amon, keep close," the mariner instucted before she began leading her party quietly along the peramiter towards the back of the army of look-alikes.


Norbert, in accordance with Valter's assignment, decided to put Joanna's safety first, carefully leading his team to a secluded spot ont heir side of the battlefield. "Okay, this should be a good place," he murmured to himself before adressing the dark avian directly, "Hey, Jo, is this a good vantage point for you to see everything going on? If you want, you and fly up onto this shelf and get a better view so you can heal whoever needs it." Then, he spoke to Valter and Ranyin, "Since we're supposed to be watching out for Jo, we'll stay in this area and just strike out if enemies get too close. Sound good?"

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Ranyin nodded to Bert's plan. He was not too keen to go rushing into battle. But his mentors had always told him about the importance of striking first, hence he asked Bert, "When we engage in battle, I'll try to weaken the enemies first with my range and magic, are you fine with finishing off injured I leave behind?"

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"Oh yeah, that's great. It'll be easier to tear them appart if they're weakened by your magic," Bert agreed with an almost cheerful smile. Heh. Having this little guy on my team seems like a good move.

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We Fight

While Amon followed closely behind Gytha, Gabbie spotted someone she wanted to take a stab at and readied herself. She lunged for the artificial human when she was close enough and left a deep wound in his abdomen!

Gabbie attacks AH-Sword B, rolls 6,4,6



-4 hp

He swung for her in return but she leaped out of reach of his counter.

AH rolls 1,4,3



Gabbie hp 15/15

AH-Sword B hp 5/9


AH-Axe A attacks Robin! Rolls 5,5,6.



-7 hp

AH-Axe A hp 5/9 *regens* 7/9

Robin hp 2/9

AH Sword A attacks Gabbie! Rolls 3,6,5



AH Sword A hp 9/9

Gabbie hp 15/15

Nathaniel attacks Gabriel! Rolls 3,4,5



Azrael attacks Gabriel! Rolls 4,1,1



Uziel attacks Gabriel! Rolls 1,1,6



Robin and Gabbie were both engaged at the same time as the enemies pushed forward, and both were struck, though Gabbie was able to defend with her lance and easily deflected the enemy's attack without injury. Nathaniel, Azrael, and Uziel all came at Gabriel at the same time from three different directions. As Nathaniel tried to shoot Gabriel with a wind blast, the other two closed in with their weapons. Gabriel dodged the attack, and then bent and curved his body out of the way of the two follow up attacks before shoving them both back.

"Try again. When I get bored, you're finished ..." he said suddenly having a deeper more threatening voice.


"I believe I can see enough of what's going on to tend to whoever needs it ..." she paused "... speaking of which ..." she noticed Bert's wound and was about to heal it but the archer in the distance was nearly taken down with a single swing. "Bert would you wait for a moment? I need to heal that archer but you could use some patching up as well." she said before thrusting out her hand and casting some light magic onto Robin from a distance.

Robin hp 9/9

Nathaniel 21/21 (Aggressive) Precise Wind Tome

Azrael 24/24 (Aggressive) SwordSlayer Axe

Uziel 15/15 (Aggressive) Killing Edge


AH-Sword A 9/9 (Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance A 0/9 (Not Aggressive) Nothing

AH-Axe A 5/9 (Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire A 4/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark A 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire B 0/9 (Dead) Open hands

AH-Dark B 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark A) Dark Tome


AH-Sword B 7/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire D 9/9 (Defending AH Fire C) Fire Tome

AH-Dark D 9/9 (Defending AH Dark C) Dark Tome


AH-Sword C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire F 9/9 (Defending AH Fire E) Fire Tome

AH-Dark F 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark E) Dark Tome


AH-Sword D 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance D 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe D 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire H 9/9 (Defending AH-Fire G) Fire Tome

AH-Dark H 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark G) Dark Tome


AH-Sword E 0/9 (Neutralized) kind of gripping the sword still

AH-Lance E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


Gabriel 24/24 (Erratic)


Joanna 12/12 (Erratic)


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With the mage taken care of, and the team seemingly knocked around well enough, Xavier turned his attention to a nearby lancer. Hefting his axe once again, he caught the lancer off guard, sinking the heave axe head into it's torso, through it's shoulder, nearly bifurcating this artificial as well. Somehow, it managed to keep itself together well enough to counter, and Xavier grimaced as the spearpoint dug into his thigh.

"C'mon ya damn artificials... I'll show you the strength of will granted by belief in our mighty gods!"

Xavier(4,2,2) 12 Hit - 6 Evd, hit! 8 Mt - 4 def, 4 Damage! Critical hit! 8 Damage!

Lance C(1,3,1) Autohit! 7 Mt - 3 Def, 4 Damage!

Lance E 1/9

Xavier 14/18


Edited by Ether
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Shadrak chuckled to himself at his targets predicament and threw another last bolt of Darkness to finish him off.


1+4-6=-1! MIss!

Though much to his amazement they puny mage still had enough fight in him to dodge the basic attack, and return fire with... Fire.



Hits by Default!

5+4-5=4 Damage!

Shadrak 6/12

Shadrak gasped as the bolt of flame shatterred his barrier and caught him right in the shoulder, causing him to recoil with a scowl. "oh... you shouldn't of done that..." he said coldly witha light chuckle as he gently patted out the remaining flame.

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''But anyway.'' John continued. ''Let's keep going, shall we?''

Looking around, he spotted another swordman. He ran up to him spear in front.

Target: AH-Sword D



Hit: 5+3+2(WTA)=10>6 HIT

Damage: 5+3=8-4=4

The blow wasn't as strong as the last one, considering the small wound from last attack. This one got left in better shape it then proceeded to counter.

Target: John



Hit: 5+3-2=6>5 HIT

Damage: 4+3=7-6=1

John got his shield in time once more for the attack. And again it barely grazed him, but still earned him another wound. John pulled back again. 'Not good. This guys are too good.' He thought, checking his new injury. 'Well, as long I can keep going I'll still fight.'

[Remaining HP:

AH-Sword D 5/9

John 15/18]

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Ranyin drew fort the magic of his tome again. He had spent the trip on the wagon trying to master the new technique from his tome to unleash the power of the wind. Unfortunately, he was unfamiliar with the technique and fumbled in the casting. A large savage wall of wind flew at one of the enemy wielding an Axe, then turned into a flock of doves before scattering harmlessly around the target. The only thing Ranyin was thankful about was that the extra range of the tome prevented his foe from counterattacking.


Ranged Attack

1/3/2 >_> Why the heck do I keep getting such low Hit rolls?

1+4 = 5 < 6 (MISS)

Ranyin 9/9

Axe C 9/9

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