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Nailah's 3-E AI

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What is her AI in 3-E? It's really awkward because sometimes she attacks but other times she'll ignore enemies even when they're in range. I found she attacks the ones within a few spaces but I'm unsure. Does anyone know what her AI really is?

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She won't move when they enter her movement, but i do know she moves when a unit is place infront of the general that is infront of her. (Haar died from this ;_;)

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One time, she mauled one of my guys. It was Shinon i think. (or Soren..i cant remember) Whoever it was was standing not very far from Pelleas (which was the target...so it may have been Soren.) and Nailah moved to destroy.

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I don't know if Pelleas is nivolved since I had him killed. Him appearing in chapter 4-2 would be a pain in the ass since I already have problems positioning correctly in that small upper corner.

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On my last attempt she didn't attack me when I got the 79 kill counter. I used Rafiel to get the 80. Maybe it's a combined effort of the kill counter and Rafiel being dead?

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On my last attempt she didn't attack me when I got the 79 kill counter. I used Rafiel to get the 80. Maybe it's a combined effort of the kill counter and Rafiel being dead?

I doubt either have anything to do with it. Perhaps its just about how many units move.

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On my last attempt she didn't attack me when I got the 79 kill counter. I used Rafiel to get the 80. Maybe it's a combined effort of the kill counter and Rafiel being dead?

I'd say its past a line since I don't bother trying to kill Rafiel but she still attacks me from time to time.

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