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Mafia of the Gods - Game Over

Guest Wen Yang

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Dear Bearissoslow,

You are The Flying Spaghetti Monster.

You are are a god made out of Spaghetti, sauce bolognaise, and meatballs. Don't ask how that works.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM With "Night X - Trip USER." You will cause USER to fall down, and can take a look at their Role PM.

You are allied with yourself. You win if you survive the game.


Gosh, I'm just terrifying, aren't I? Fact of the matter is that you have a guaranteed maf to lynch over me, a harmless TP survivor that can help maf factions or town based on whoever makes it worth my while. Any of you voting me are either hurting your own faction or aligned with eclipse, simple as that. I can't see why anyone would waste a lynch on me when I've proverbially outed a driver that will fuck up the rest of your game.

W/e though, I wanted to have some fun early on, can't be helped if town wants to lose by lynching me.

And yes, I received a role PM with "<SNIP>", your guess is as good as mine.

Edited by Bearissoslow
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The formatting on that thing is horrible. The description is totally lacking, the <SNIP> is in the wrong spot, there should be an extra line between "Dear ____" and the name of the character, and the "With" shouldn't be capitalised.

Guess who's on the chopping block today!

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The formatting on that thing is horrible. The description is totally lacking, the <SNIP> is in the wrong spot, there should be an extra line between "Dear ____" and the name of the character, and the "With" shouldn't be capitalised.

Guess who's on the chopping block today!

That's funny, all I did was copy paste my role PM. It can't be helped that you're too stupid to accept that you're making a horrid mistake and thus decided to make bad reasons for voting me.

Protip: try copy-pasting your role PM and you'll see the same issues, I'm sure.

By the by, isn't faking a role PM grounds for a godkill? If what you've said is true, I'm about to be godkilled any minute now. Try to think things through before you reason.

Edited by Bearissoslow
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That's funny, all I did was copy paste my role PM. It can't be helped that you're too stupid to accept that you're making a horrid mistake and thus decided to make bad reasons for voting me.

Protip: try copy-pasting your role PM and you'll see the same issues, I'm sure.


And it's easy to see just by *gasp* looking at OTHER role PMs! Hint: Look back a few pages, and you might just find the Role PMs of dead people. Compare with those, and there'll be more than one difference in the format, I bet!

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You do realize that I didn't access the reply function when I copy-pasted, right? Or that I'm going to be godkilled if I truly am faking this role PM? Exactly what motive do I have to lie if I'm removed from the game in the event of lying? Idiot.

Edited by Bearissoslow
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You do realize that I didn't access the reply function when I copy-pasted, right? Or that I'm going to be godkilled if I truly am faking this role PM? Exactly what motive do I have to lie if I'm removed from the game in the event of lying? Idiot.

There is no rule against faking a role PM. There is a rule against screenshotting, but that is entirely different.

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eclipse and bear have neutered his role already, without a need to kill him. Anyone who can fuck with results, be it lawyer, framer, hooker, etc. etc. can easily have bear in their sights every night. We don't need to lynch him now.

Obviam claimed on faction to me in IRC last night before I left for work. If anyone else has received a faction claim from him, contact me ASAP to see if he claimed the same thing or if he's full of shit.

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Double post, bite me.

I think incompetent was established when I got that message. Either he well and truly has no idea what kind of game this is, OR someone who is denser than me put him up to this. I sure as hell hope it's the latter, for his sake, and my sanity. Otherwise, all of you will see even more screaming come endgame.

If he is an independent, it is in everyone's best interest to lynch him today, because an independent role that's only an investigator makes less sense than whatever logic was used to send me that PM. I am pretty sure he's NOT independent, so if you guys want to involuntarily surrender your role PMs to him, then go ahead and be wishy-washy. He's probably not going to give out any more warnings like mine.

Besides, don't you guys with interference have better things to run it on than a stupid inspector?

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I'm not sure if I should unvote and follow Bal's suggestions, since yeah, he's basically useless, or if I should continue and follow eclipse since he is a Third Party.

Then there's always what we're doing about Obviam...

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Hell with it, Eclipse seems pretty dangerous.

##Unvote: Obviam

##Vote: Eclipse

Actually on second thought, Eclipse is a pretty cool guy. Makes people go crazy and doesn't afraid of anything.

##Unvote: Eclipse

##Vote: bearissoslow

Edited by SirBrickingtonCrushworthy
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Guest Wen Yang

A Majority has been reached.

Bearissoslow has thirty minutes remaining before he will be lynched.

Edited by Wen Yang
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Guest Wen Yang

"No! Stop! You can't do this to me!"

Apparently everybody else disagreed with Bearissoslow, and kept pushing him until he fell off a cliff, right into a a huge pan filled with boiling water - nobody knows where that thing comes from.

Bearissoslow did not cry out in agony for long, and soon, a mushy, icky porridge-like substance started forming up near the surface of the water.

Dear bearissoslow,

You are The Flying Spaghetti Monster.

You are are a god made out of Spaghetti, sauce bolognaise, and meatballs. Don't ask how that works.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM With "Night X - Trip USER." You will cause USER to fall down, and can take a look at their Role PM.


<SNIP>. Alternatively, you win if you can get yourself eaten.

Bearissoslow has been overcooked!

It is now Night 2. Phase will end at June 3rd, 12:00 PM GMT +7

Expect a surprise to come on Day 3. cool.gif

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