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Mafia of the Gods - Game Over

Guest Wen Yang

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Guest Wen Yang

Well, the majority has been reached, and stayed for more than three hours.

Without further ado...

Excellen and Kaoz turned towards BK-201.

Two against one, he stood no chance.

Kaoz held him while Excellen stabbed him to death.

Dear BK-201,

You are Freya

You are the goddess of Love and fertility. You are THE most beautiful creature on earth (at least according to the nords) and you don't like competition. You also know that Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love is in the game and is hostile to you.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – Seduce USER with your Beauty." If USER is male, you will know whether he has a harmful or beneficial ability, and can force him to do your bidding once. To do this, reply to your role PM with "Night X - Have USER1 do my bidding, target USER2." You may not use your usual ability when having another do your bidding. You can store up to two powers this way, but may only use one at most a night. You cannot visit the same user twice.

If USER is female, nothing happens.

You MAY use your power on members of your own faction.

You are allied with the Nordic Gods. You win when you have eliminated all other factions in the game.

BK-201 has died.

The Nordic gods have been eliminated!

The dirty deed done, Kaoz turned towards Excellen, and smiled.

He summoned his children from the void, and what they did to Excellen defies polite description

Dear Excellen Browning,

You are Amaterasu

You are the goddess of the sun. You don't really like crowds, so sometimes you just hide away in a cave and leave everyone else to trip around in darkness.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – Watch from USER's Shadow." You will hide beneath user, watching who they visit and who visited them that night. If USER dies at night, you will wait until the killer has left and will remove all evidence of USER's identity from their corpse.

You MAY use your power on members of your own faction.

You are allied with the Japanese Gods. You win when you have eliminated all other factions in the game.

Excellen got tentacle-raped to death!

The Japanese gods has been exterminated!

The Old Ones has won the game!

Comgratulations Kaoz, Eclipse, Haze, and StSS.

Postgame will follow in a couple of days.

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Brad says:


Kaoz's role was

mayor hitman BPV LPV

there was nothing you guys could do

Kadoom says:


Brad says:

about MotG

the game ended

old ones won

because their roles

are all bullshit

eclipse had

another ability entirely

that was snipped from investigation

Kadoom says:


and lynchproof?

what the frack


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Amusing pms from the Old Ones chat part 1.

Paperblade wanted my wincon.

[16:32:11] Brad: So Haze.

[16:32:13] Brad: What's your wincon?

[16:33:12] Haze: In what? MotG?

[16:33:17] Brad: Yeah

[16:33:49] Haze: You are allied with yourself. You win when a virgin is sacrificed to you or if everyone else is dead.

[16:33:55] Brad: oic

[16:34:09] Brad: How does one go about sacrificing a virgin to you

[16:35:45] Haze: Basically if my reading comprehension doesn't suck

[16:36:00] Haze: I guess who will be killed each night

[16:36:09] Haze: if they get killed and are a virgin, they're sacrificed to me instead

[16:36:19] Brad: ic

[16:36:24] Haze: how about you?

[16:37:02] Brad: I win if all threats are eliminated ;/

[16:37:09] Haze: I see.

[16:38:29] Brad: I'm pretty sure you're trolling me

[16:38:44] Brad: but idgaf

[16:38:56] Haze: Haha

[16:40:05] Haze: Well you could tell me who you're going to kill if you want proof~

[16:40:22] Brad: That would have to wait.

Congratulations Haze, that's the first troll of the game.

Well, that was a VERY interesting conversation from Snike. I think I might need to start feeding him some very careful half-truths.

His conversation told me:

1. Sho is probably not with Snike.

2. Snike seems to have no objections to keeping Raymond around (via a nice PM). I'll have to keep my half-truths consistent.

3. Psych and Sho probably aren't on the same side.

Psych is also chatting with me, and he is NOT aligned with Excellen. I'll do my best to not tell him anything useful. . .so add me as talking to Psych. HELP!!

For now, we keep Psych alive. We'll see if we can convince someone else to kill him (like someone on Snike's side). I don't think Dist has forgiven Mieu for being so incredibly dumb in TotA mafia.

And I'm pretty sure this is going to make half of the game shit themselves and realise what Eclipse was up to all game:

Something VERY interesting happened to me. . .I got hit over the head, then my own message was redirected to me. Here's what it looks like:

You have been blessed with a post restriction:

You must end every post in the main thread with, "Trust me, I'm the village leader!" You may not edit your posts or tell anyone about this post restriction, or you will be modkilled.

Anyone object to me faking my own post restriction?

Useless, but amusing log:

Shady_Shadow> Finally, someone's here

<Shady_Shadow> Ahoy

<Snike> Hello

<Snike> some night, huh

<Shady_Shadow> Nothin' special 'bout it

<Snike> I dunno

<Snike> I mean

<Snike> I was too drunk to remember

<Shady_Shadow> You shouldn't accept so many drinks just because they're from clipsey~

<Snike> I didn't

<Snike> I accepted one

<Snike> and apparently

<Snike> it was spiked

<Shady_Shadow> One is one too many. :D

Only two words can possibly describe my feelings about this little snippet.



so what's the chances that Regal is subbed out, Wen?

Wen Yang

Very high


has entered the room

Excellen Br...

has entered the room

5:25 PM




Wen, if that happens, that would be awesome.

Excellen Br...

Sup me



Excellen Br...



I have a headache.


Well, at least he didn't shit up the game ;/

Excellen Br...

Looks like I won't be catching sleep tonight


Regal confirmed for eclipse's team

Folks, we have a silencer!


has entered the room



Shade of Sh...

Hi, Obviam




hello xeld


**tries to speak; can't**


has entered the room


you're silenced?

Shade of Sh...

@clipsey: Do they still require points for the competitive lobby, then? And did they finally do something against the excessive trolling?




Yes, they do. 2000 points to get into the competitive lobby.

And they silenced Obviam?

I like this person already.

* Snike sho

* Snike are you aligned with clips or psych

I got this in IP chat. You got an idea how Snike could have come to this conclusion?

So, at first I thought this wouldn't mean anything, but after seeing this

Play? REALLY???

*goes back to playing with Raymond and Snike*

Ooh, look, I got something REALLY good out of Obviam!

Come morning, you found yourself incapable of speaking. Again.

You have been silenced. You may NOT post anything in the game thread during the day phase, not even to Vote, at the penalty of Death.

I'm saving this for later. I intend on "silencing" WoMC, if I must.

That's a my bad. >_>

Anyway, Anouleth's talking to me. What sort of BS should I feed him?

Something that makes him tell you his whole faction?

Something that makes him not kill people for stupid reasons.



Do I actually have to say "Idle" if I don't even have any night actions to begin with?

Archiving this for my own personal amusement.

Dear Bearissoslow,

You are The Flying Spaghetti Monster.

You are are a god made out of Spaghetti, sauce bolognaise, and meatballs. Don't ask how that works.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM With "Night X - Trip USER." You will cause USER to fall down, and can take a look at their Role PM.

You are allied with yourself. You win if you survive the game.


Gosh, I'm just terrifying, aren't I? Fact of the matter is that you have a guaranteed maf to lynch over me, a harmless TP survivor that can help maf factions or town based on whoever makes it worth my while. Any of you voting me are either hurting your own faction or aligned with eclipse, simple as that. I can't see why anyone would waste a lynch on me when I've proverbially outed a driver that will fuck up the rest of your game.

W/e though, I wanted to have some fun early on, can't be helped if town wants to lose by lynching me.

And yes, I received a role PM with "<SNIP>", your guess is as good as mine.

This is faker than my Volcano God claim was, though if it is true I sure wouldn't have minded feasting on him.

Oh and Kevin is pretty much confirmed to be on his team, no one drops a vote that quick just because of a simple (bad) claim.


You have successfully used your ability on Excellen.

On your way to JB's place, you find that he was heading to your place, with similar intentions.

You fight.

StSS's support allows you to escape the fight with your life.

You have successfully killed JBCWK.

Your surprise for Day 3 is as follows:

You have discovered the limits of your ability. On top of leaving a message to your nightly target, you can also leave a second message. This second message can either be identical to the first, and be given to a target of your choosing, or be different, and be given to a random target outside your faction.

I kinda wonder about the wording of that. Either I read Wen's mind, or someone's messing with me.

You read my bloody mind. Somehow.

I don't know how you did that, considering I have those prepared from before the game started.

ESP +1!

Looks like I was wrong about my other theory. Thank goodness.

Anyway, I can't wait to see what the tracker's gonna do~!

No surprise for me? The dead have feelings too, Wen!





Proto, are you Greek?


No, I'm American


What makes you ask that?




*gee whiz face*


It was just a guess


Alignment exchange?




Actually, my situation is bad enough as it is, I'd rather not risk it further


Think of it this way. . .I'm in the most dire straits of you all.


Then again, you are someone I COULD trust


You didn't lose two of your friends and have a third guy being hunted down


oh ****


oh ****


I am




an idiot


la la

This was the funniest thing to have happened all game.

...Why in god's name would anyone kill Strawman?

I'm leaning towards Paper being the culprit... I'm not sure if I can explain my reasons, but they're actually unrelated to this game.

Anyway, my action~! I'll explain my logic after I finish posting this action.

Night 3 - Use my chaotic influence on Snike. Hit Proto instead.

And my message to Snike is as follows:

Your powers have mutated. Instead of voting by posting "##Vote USER" in bold, you will vote by posting "##Mentally Undressing USER" in bold. To unvote, use the usual Unvote. If you do not post your vote in this manner, your vote will not count. If you tell anyone about your new power, expect swift and certain divine retribution.

I elect to send this to a second, random user.

Your powers threaten to overwhelm you. Before Day 4 has ended, you must make a post that contains your role name. You may not claim any other name except your actual role name. If you do not post this by day's end, or if you tell anyone about this message, expect swift and certain divine retribution.

Now, my reasoning. . .

Snike was originally gonna get something way more perverted (namely, "##Orally Pleasuring USER"). However, my goal is to mildly irritate him, not cause permanent mental trauma. There is a very small chance that what I had in mind could cause such trauma, so I opted for something safer. I think. If my prank stresses him out too much, please let me know.

I can't get information for my faction, so some poor schmuck's gonna provide it for me. I hope it gets on their nerves.

I'm only a little sadistic~!

I got my N0 threesome~!

You have failed to use your ability on Snike.

However, your message still went through.

Your second message has reached Raymond.


I, Izanami, do not approve of Snike's actions.

##Vote: Snike

Wanna bet Excellen's in Japan?

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And the rest:

Gah, it's over for me. Well, I didn't expect Eclipse and Kaoz to turn on me like that.

I was so close to controlling the game too...

If I just could've made it to night five we would've controlled the game....

Well played, and good luck.

Nice info free post there, idiot.

##Request Modkill: Brick


Anyway. . .kill Proto, I redirect Kevin to whereever, and send him a message stating that he needs to post his night results, Or Else? Not sure who else I should hit with the second message (Rein?)

My turn~!

Snike's theory about WoMC and Excellen would be correct, except that I redirected WoMC on Night 1, so he wasn't watching the same person Excellen would've robbed. . .but given Excellen's result, it's possible that he made it up on the spot.

We know precisely what WoMC can do, more or less. What I'd like to do is have someone help tie the lynch, then have Snike explode on someone, because it's cool like that.

Oh, and my night result:

You have successfully used your ability on Kevin.

On your way home, a horde of groupies allayed you, and proceeded to beat you up.

Your last memory was a large, pink hippo barreling through the groupies and about to step on your face.

You have died.

I... wha... pink hippo?

Go google Pink Hippo God. Slayer for Serial Killer.

I should totally try mindgames here, kill myself and hope that Kay drives me.

I'll just kill both of them and be done with it >_>;;

Uh, that works too. May your tentacles find a lot of--erm, never mind.

This is your reward if you win:



You know, I'm not really a fan of food. I appreciate the thought though.

This is your reward if you win:


Hey there's only three placements at that table. Did you forget Strawman?

Nope, I get to eat what's in the second picture. Try not to get too drunk in the first one, m'kay?

Well, that went better than expected. Pleasure to work with you guys.

And you said the "only X more people to kill" approach wouldn't work, Haze

Edited by Ceadeus
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You've got to be kidding me. One of these days we'll get a multifaction game where one faction isn't obviously more powerful than the rest...

Multifaction with only vanillas :awesome:

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You've got to be kidding me. One of these days we'll get a multifaction game where one faction isn't obviously more powerful than the rest...

Not an entirely fair thing to say given that we were down to one man while two other factions had three, Kaoz didn't win just because he was powerful.

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Multifaction with only vanillas :awesome:

Hmm... Maybe... I might have an idea...

@Haze: Ah. I kind of lost touch with the game after I died, so I didn't know what the numbers were until this phase. Still, that role made it made it very difficult for you guys to lose, not to mention eclipse's ability.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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OMFG. . .uh, well, nice game guys.

And Bear, if you're reading this, I owe you a nice long explanation. Hell, I owe a lot of people explanations.


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eclipse, I'm already making my to-kill list for SF MAFIA MAFIA and your name occupies the first five slots.

*Makes Excellen Voteless Survivor*

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Was it really that unbalanced? I mean all the factions ended up pretty close to winning.

My surprise was *1.5 vote power* when there was already a mayor.

Not only did the old ones have the best roles by far, they also outprioritized us at the least, probably a bunch of other teams too.

If you can honestly say after the whole game went down you think it was kind of balanced and you are not an Old One or Wen Yang, well, I can at least appreciate your ability to admit that, I guess. But it wasn't. There's not much more to discuss other than a full reveal of everything.

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