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Untransformed Laguz Run

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Soooo, I finished school, and wanted to finally use a Laguz team, I rarely use laguz. So, I decided, Laguz only run.


- Easy Mode (Because I will really need the Tides & the 5 str boost if I want to maximize untransformedness) Besides, most of the fighting will be done untransformed, so i don't want to get slaughtered.

- Laguz must all fight as much as they can, in their untransformed state.

- Wildhearts are allowed to use

- Lyre must become my # 1 Killer

- Vika must reach level 40, and be in the top 5 (o.O)

- Ike is Banned, and must be BEXP'd for the final battles, ragnell allowed for BK Ashera

- Meatshielding is allowed, because untransformed lyre WILL die fast.

- When no laguz is available, I may fight with everyone, making them better shields.

- When laguz are around, other units may trade items, but no weapons

- After every unit on the map has been killed untransformed, laguz may transform and mop up.

- I don't really care much about turns this time

And I am starting now. ;o

Suggestions are welcome.

Edited by Vicious Sal
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After every unit on the map has been killed untransformed, laguz may transform and mop up.

Mop up what if you've already killed every unit?

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This sounds incredibly boring if it's going to be easy mode.

It would be if all the laguz were Bruce Lee, Steven Seagal or Hulk Hogan at a push but they're not so it should be fairly challenging

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Mop up what cannot be killed (untransformed laguz battle everything, after everything that can be killed is killed, they may transform to kill these: zero damage (generals) or priests, or 2 range stuff.)

@ Baerisslow, you missed the untransformed part? Even in easy mode, I think it'll be a challenge.


Micaiah gains a level, edward gains a level, both get defense, very crucial, especially for edward, Def is all i care about for them.


Nolan missed the boss, Edward backed him up, doubled, Mic killed, she leveled up twice, though only her main selling points. =/


Edward annoys me, 6-percenting 4 enemies and thereby stealing Micaiah's CEXP. >_>

*Goes back, was gone for walking the dogs*

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Untransformed Laguz aare EP only. This brings 1 huge problem. Dheginsea won't recieve 30 or more damage a turn. Caineghis won't do the damage and even Neassala can't double.

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I think I will only take normal laguz, if there is room, i'll take royal stuff. And Deghinsea can't be killed probably, so that means transformed, but I think i'll keep that for non royal only. <br>i'll think of something. :)<br><br>Meanwhile, finished 1-2, only def &amp; res are important:<br>Micaiah: 18/3/12/9/9/12/5/10<br>Edward: 6/0<br>Leonardo: 6/5<br>Sothe: 14/9<br>Nolan: 9/3<br>Laura: 2/10<br>Ilyana: 3/9<br><br>1-3<br>Some def up levels, not much interesting. =/<br>Got all meatshields. <br><br><br>1-4<br>Not interesting either, getting volug next chapter. =D

<div><br></div><div>1-5</div><div>This will be interesting.... </div><div>(Also doubting if I will still use zihark, he IS part of the laguz clan after all......... ) Anyway, I got volug, I pack him with Vulneraries & herbs & a pure water, for mages, and it's a rout map to boot! Mic & sothe will get minimal action I hope. Mic is doing really well btw.</div><div>*Starts*</div>

Edited by Vicious Sal
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Where the hell do all those ,Div. thing come from! Why the hell can't it edit normally!

<div><br></div><div>1-5</div><div><br></div><div>Volug took most of the stuf, Mic & sothe had 4 enemies, because of the Master seal, Volug leveled up horribly, Hp, Mag, Luck. -__-</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>And once again, Div glitch thingie stupid death stuff</div>

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Legible version;

I think I will only take normal laguz. If there is room, I'll take royal stuff. And Dheghinsea can't be killed probably, so that means transformed, but I think I'll keep that for non royal only. I'll think of something. (expression of mild joy)

Meanwhile, finished 1-2, only Def & Res are important:

Micaiah: 18/3/12/9/9/12/5/10

Edward: 6/0

Leonardo: 6/5

Sothe: 14/9

Nolan: 9/3

Laura: 2/10

Ilyana: 3/9


Some def up levels, not much interesting. (expression of dismay) Got all meatshields.


Not interesting either, getting Volug next chapter. (exclamation of delight)


This will be interesting (Also doubting if I will still use zihark, he IS part of the laguz clan after all...) Anyway, I got Volug. I pack him with Vulneraries, herbs, a Pure Water, for mages, and it's a rout map to boot! Mic & Sothe will get minimal action I hope. Mic is doing really well, BTW.


Volug took most of the stuff, Mic & Sothe had 4 enemies, because of the Master seal, Volug leveled up horribly, HP, Mag, Luck. This proved irksome.

And what about meatshield HP?

Edited by Furetchen
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Where the hell do all those ,Div. thing come from! Why the hell can't it edit normally!

<div><br></div><div>1-5</div><div><br></div><div>Volug took most of the stuf, Mic & sothe had 4 enemies, because of the Master seal, Volug leveled up horribly, Hp, Mag, Luck. -__-</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>And once again, Div glitch thingie stupid death stuff</div>

Looks like someone is starting to learn HTML.

As for your run... Laguz runs are always fun. Especially when you think of how useless weapons are when your teeth, claws, beak, breath, and talons do the work for you!

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Thanks for clearing it all up. And yeah, actually, speed would be helpful too, no doubling, but those are the rough number for the shields, that I have no use for, Volug is locked in halfshift, thus, he needs no meatshields. I may not deploy them in 1-5, 1-6-1 & 1-6-2. Since I only have one laguz there, who is transformed, so i'll probably have useless Vika guards in 1-7. =/

And no, the HTML learing isn't from my part, whenever I edit, these <div>'s etc just magically appear, when I edit, they do not appear until I go to another forum or topic. =/

Anyway, very happily gonna sleep soon, finished school. =3\

And yeah, the drafts will be picked up soon because I have time. =3

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I gave volug adept, bad choice, forgot resolve. >___< Anyway, he rescues zihark, and starts killing stuff, near the end, Strike went up, so he could 2HKO armors & OHKO not only mages, but myrmidons etc too. in 1-7 i'll give him savior. :) He also leveld up speed & def once, no STR yet though :( Howl actually is helpful at times.


Had to start over once, Volug triggered adept, on a mage he could OHKO, he missed both times (no doubling because he carried zihark, Earth x Earth later), he had 97 Displayed hit. He got Ko'd next turn.

Next try he did kill the mage, got to SS strike, still only 11 base STR. -__- Most marado units died, I couldn't use Tauroneo. =/ Sothe & Volug only. Sothe carried micaiah.

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Finally, enter my initial idea. Sothe runs toward tormod, whom Muarim will rescue, Sothe has the Drop, book, Robe & Shield for Vika, Volug has C with Zihark, SS strike & savior, and 11 base STR.

When encountering Djur, i thought, meh, I won't go for the easy kill with vloug. Besides, Vika & Muarim need training.


Unit		Lv	Exp	Strike	Hp	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	lck	Def	Res	Support
Mic		15	17	-	22	6	17	15	13	17	6	17	A Sothe
Sot		8	34	-	39	22	5	25	24	19	14	9	A Micaiah
Vol		21	43	SS	55	11	3	13	15	19	10	6	B Zihark
Mu		25	13	S	63	20	3	18	12	16	15	10	-
Vik		19	13	S	48	15	9	19	19	19	9	13	-

*And Yes, I know, it's a doublepost, but each and every time I edit, my posts get screwed up. -__- *


I have 8000 + BExp, so I'm going to cap Muarim & Vika a bit more. =3

Vika is now Lv 22, Capped STR, mag & skill. She has Imbue because of that Mag, saves in vulneraries.

Muarim has Capped STr, Skll & Res. Lv 28

Volug still has 11 Str, lv 22. -___-

Well, 1-8 certainly is going to be funny.

It took quite long because of the mountains and mountains of 2-range units, that were spread everywhere. Oh well, Nailah leveled up horribly, the rest was self improvement.


Mic reaches Lv 20, 7 Str, 7 Def & 15 Spd. She's awsm.


Bexp the laguz some more, Vika & Muarim will be able to handle themselves when they return.

Unit		Lv	Exp	Strike	Hp	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	lck	Def	Res	Support
Mic		20	-	-	26	7	20	17	15	22	7	20	A Sothe
Sot		10	74	-	39	22	5	25	24	21	15	10	A Micaiah
Vol		24	0	SS	58	11	3	14	16	22	11	6	A Zihark
Mu		31	0	S	69	23	3	18	12	21	19	10	-
Vik		23	2	S	49	16	10	19	20	22	9	17	-
Nai		34	15	SS	67	17	5	23	19	35	16	13	-
Raf		Base

ilyana is taking: Robe, Red Gem, Blue gem, Arms Scroll, adept, wrath, speedwings, shade, celerity & discipline.

i promoted her for the extra skill capacity. Nolan & Jill were also promoted, for being better shields.

Lots of 2 Range, luckily, half of them are stationary. Untransformed Muarim doesn't get doubled, and only gets like, 6 DMG from physical attacks, and 10 from magical. Vika reached SS strike. Fyeah. Muarim didn't, though not far behind. Muarim 3HKO'd Jarod. Ilyana took lots of stuff. Not much actually, this went very well. Especially for EP fighting only.

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Next Time, normal mode probably, but after this, drafts first. :)


Untransformed Nealuchi, put him in the clouds, after turn 3, every draco targeted him, everyone else slipped away, southward. Turn 8 Ep, ofc, the last Draco with 1-range suicided. Nea got Strike up. :) He did it all himself, comment: Frankly, i think these bones wouldn't be able to handle them alone. or something like that.




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ilyana is taking: Robe, Red Gem, Blue gem, Arms Scroll, adept, wrath, speedwings, shade, celerity & discipline.

i promoted her for the extra skill capacity. Nolan & Jill were also promoted, for being better shields.

For a second I thought that Ilyana could hold 9 items. :XD:

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Unit		Lv	Exp	Strike	Hp	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	lck	Def	Res	Support
Vik		19	13	S	48	15	9	19	19	19	9	13	-

Only level 19/S strike? Okaaay then... :rolleyes:

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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It's called Djur with a vulnerary. 8D Vika & Muarim ned training really bad, since they'll be gone after 1-E, so I only trained them. I mean, Lethe right now is being 3HKO'd by halberdiers, they double her. I need Leanne Blessing skill to minimize vulnerary use, I have way too little healing items. The reinforcements are killing me in 2-2.

nealuchi is the only one who isn't doubled. The thunder mage reinforcement 2RKO's mordecai.

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And no, the HTML learing isn't from my part, whenever I edit, these <div>'s etc just magically appear, when I edit, they do not appear until I go to another forum or topic. =/

Edit -> Use Full Editor -> Submit Modified Post.

That may fix those div tags.

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Thanks for the tip Sirius, also, the bowgun enemy does not use droppable vulneraries. Thieves do not use stolen healing items.


I trained lethe on the killer lance soldier, mordecai was being hit heavily in the end: general + maraj + maraj. I needed the 10 healing from transformed Leanne there. He did get to 12 Spd btw. :)


Stupid pacifist clear, over 10.000 Bexp, but i forgot to send speedwing to convoy. =/ Nealuchi has to get it later. =/


Damn, this was terrible, 2-range all over the place, Mordecai had to go to geoffrey, get the speedwing, the allied army was a boon here, they removed a lot of 2-range units. Also, a halberdier FRIT ludveck. Fail.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Nothing special, no Ike, i killed mist. W/e


I LOVE Player phase attacking. Lethe went wild, Lyre was Lyre.... Lethe = 19x2, no damage. Lyre = 6x2, 17 damage recieved.... Lyre.. killed herself, getting in range of the last sniper... I'm not sure if getting her killed means not recruiting her, so i restarted. She died again, crits.....

After that Rommit Critkilled TITANIA with the following rates: 15 Displayed hit, 8 Damage, 28 Crit. WTF Well, it's only titania, so no laguz were lost. Normally though, i'd be furious, and restart, i hate it when i do not recruit people or they die. That being said, Gatrie gets a crit to the face, he doesn't die ofcourse, great Hp, better defense, less combat...

And after that Rhys die because Lyre refused to hit a warrior reinforcement twice, she could OHKO him. The warrior had 8 % displayed hit on Rhys.

And after that... Boyd missed a OHKO on rommit, 97 % displayed hit, deserving a Crit. From Titania's death and onwards, was one chapter, mind you, i did not restart in between, all the same playthrough.

What the fuck did I do to piss off the RNG goddess this fucking badly. COME ON!

After another restart, Titania died another time, rommit again, he only had 10 % more displayed hit. 25 % Hit, 28 Crit. Wtf man.

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Celerity Haar reaches the boss' range on turn two, has a forged Steel axe, 17 MT, (Coin for +1 attack), with 15 crit. 23 Str, 24 Def, 16 Damage x 3 = 48, Boss has 46 Hp. I don't want to waste BEXP, and laguz don't need forges, or grass.

Turn 3 It was over. I hate this chapter, for having Ike forced, and a large map, and no titania.


will be just burning shit, Haarpower, and maybe getting some usefull stuff. Ashera Icon, Blossom, and maybe the crown for Haar, ferryservice. But damn, having Haar solo this map is damn difficult. Exact placement, mages... The enemies do not open the door themselves luckily. I found it quite funny actually, A wyvern keeps going everywhere, soldiers in chaos, can't get over their own barricades. Haar got hit by a 3 % displayed hit Steel Longbow. I didn't get the crown, but Haar burnt all supplies, got the Icon, and the blossom, with 2 Hp remaining, gaining 5 Levels. Good ones at that. In 15 Turns. =3 The low Hp was because I positioned wrong, got hit by an Elthunder, and he didn't have any vulneraries. Damn, Haar is epic.


Laguz, who, where! At Lyre's disposal are: Two Seraph robes, an Energy Drop, Two Speedwings, an Ashera Icon, Two Dracoshield, a Talisman, lots of skills, and almost enough BEXP to double her current level, 20000 BExp = Level 32 Lyre. The result is 65 Hp, 18 Str, 8 Mag, 20 Skll, 20 Spd, 29 Lck, 12 Def, 14 Res. Wrath, Adept, Vantage, Canel, Pass. Or should I ditch Adept/Wrath & Pass, and get Rend. I'd really hope Rend could activate untransformed, but chances are probably 0. I don't know for sure though, because Iv'e never used laguz that much.

Now, for the actual part, later. =3

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I doubt skills activate untransformed, as the many times i have put untransformed Mordecai in the range of a bunch of enemies to get into resolve range, he never did.

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