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For me, a laptop's a laptop, but...

Freohr Datia

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How slow would it be with 1 GB memory? It sounds slow since my home computer is 3 GB, but... could you explain how slow it would be? Painfully slow? Or just... slow?

My dad's getting me a laptop for graduation, but he can only get the cheapest he can find. So in my case I can't afford one so getting one at all is great for me. I just wanna have an idea how slow it'd be. =I

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1 GB isn't going to cut it these days, unless you're still using XP (in which I would advise you to upgrade to Windows 7, especially before April 2014 when Microsoft will stop supporting XP).

2 GB is a reasonable minimum for running 7, but 4 GB is ideal and doesn't cost a lot these days.

And personally, I would discourage your dad from buying a laptop since custom-built desktops are so much better >_>

Edited by Radeon
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ram can always be upgraded. Just make sure you get a duel core processer. Ram costs like...10$ a gig on newegg so its easy and cheap to upgrade.

Then, it should run fine.

In desktops, sure. In laptops, it is significantly harder. And, given the nature of the topic, I would wager that Freohr probably wouldn't be able to add RAM to a laptop by themselves, meaning that that low cost would be increased by having to have someone else do it.

EDIT - While custom built desktops always will have better performance for their cost, since this is a graduation gift, I think it is safe to assume that it may be used at college/university, where portability is often handy. In that case, having to lug a tower/case, monitor, etc. from home to school might not be practical either.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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EDIT - While custom built desktops always will have better performance for their cost, since this is a graduation gift, I think it is safe to assume that it may be used at college/university, where portability is often handy. In that case, having to lug a tower/case, monitor, etc. from home to school might not be practical either.

I wasn't being serious about that strikethrough'd comment. >_>

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I have 3 gigs on my desktop and it runs vista perfectly along with video games. But I think vista itself uses 700 MB of ram so i'd definitely go for more (yes you can buy more later but why not bother).

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We've found a 3 GB memory laptop that my dad might be able to get =o

We looked up the "cheapest ones he could find" and they were just mini laptops... =D Lo not getting those. He got my aunt, who's had her own college and computer/laptop experience, to recommend computers to him by looking at what they had on Best Buy online. xD

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My 4gig laptop runs W7 alright. It tends to slow down a lot when it gets overheated though, like when I'm using it in bed and the bedsheets block the vents, etc.

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Just get the cheapest you can find and buy parts from newegg to upgrade it...

Unfortunately, with many of today's laptops, the only thing you can really upgrade is the RAM. Everything else is pretty much soldered onto the motherboard (de-soldering is a bi*ch and you're likely to ruin your components) and the only way to upgrade those components would be to get a new motherboard and everything on it (which is pretty much buying a new laptop). Therefore, I suggest trying to get the best CPU and GPU on your lappy before worrying about RAM.

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I have it now. Hello from my new laptop! 2 GB memory. Does fine atm but that's cause it's still new and I haven't transferred all my files yet.

So yeah my first laptop! Having a lot of fun right now =] I'm a 5-year-old girl in a candy shop.

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lol 2 gig? My laptop's gigs are in the 100s. LOL

.......... In your hard-drive? If that's what you mean mine is 250. If you mean RAM then.... that sounds like a whole bunch =D

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My suggestion is to get Linux. It runs very well with only a little ram, it's also probably more reliable than Windows. If your problem is with that is the running of widows programs you can always download wine for free, it lets you run most windows apps.

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.......... In your hard-drive? If that's what you mean mine is 250. If you mean RAM then.... that sounds like a whole bunch =D

My joke was that I didn't know the difference between HD and RAM, so I thought that 1 gig was impossibly small.

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