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Team Fortress 2 Mini-Mafia


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Posting who you think is mafia is a double-edged sword. On one hand, people see your suspicions, so they know what's going through your head. On the other, if you've named a blue, you've ensured that they won't die (assuming the mafia has a brain). So, thanks for inadvertently keeping me alive, but I'd rather not be alive under these circumstances.

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Actually this already has more responses than Wen's mafia (307 vs 305)(well, 308 when you see this I guess), but that's to be expected as Wen's mafia is multifaction which tends to kill off public discussion.

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That, and the fact that this is NOC, which naturally has more in-thread discussion.

Reason why OC is so boring sometimes

*goes back to being dead*

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Sergeant Bradley curled up, calm and content. He had his nightcap of military-grade toilet cleaner, his soft General Patton plushie, and his favourite CD playing (a loop of the sound of two thousand jackboots marching in unison). Tonight would be a good sleep... in fact, he'd never wake up.

Kaoz has died!

Sergeant Bradley

Today hasn't been good for you. First, you accidentally rocketjumped a bit too high and went flying face first into a Sentry. Despite issuing fine commands to the other troops, they stubbornly remained dead. It was eventually up to you to lead a valiant charge into one of the RED blind spots, and then nobly advance back through the sewers to your own base to regroup.

A proud member of the BLU team, you must protect the intelligence from the dastardly REDs! You win when all of the RED Spies are dead.

Night 1 has ended!

Day 2 has begun! It will end at 12:00AM GMT, 4th June.

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Clipsey is innocent, on my report.

##Vote: No Lynch

sorry i havent been around i'm at a camp

this doesn't mean you can lynch me for inactivity

if you do i will slap you

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