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Team Fortress 2 Mini-Mafia


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##No Lynch


It's Adventure Time themed

you should go join

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Since there's not going to be much discussion today with the No Lynch vote, can we just end the phase now?

Anouleth said in ipchat he'd end it at 12AM GMT (ie the same time phases would normally end just 2 days earlier)

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"SASHA!" Comrade Nicolai cried!

His gun! He had found it again! Nicolai ran to it, his every step shaking the ground, and cradled his closest companion. He was almost... crying. He wiped the tears away, but when he looked again, the gun was gone. In his arms was a knife-wielding RED Spy.

Paperblade has died!

Comrade Nicolai

Sick of having to fight leetle babies, you decided that today you would give a fair fight, and all you carry is your trusted Sandvich. However, things sooned turned for the worse on the battlefield, with your trusty Medic missing, your Sandvich was stolen and scoffed by an unpleasant Scout, and worst of all, Sasha is missing.

A proud member of the BLU team, you must protect the intelligence from the dastardly REDs! You win when all of the RED Spies are dead.

Night 2 has ended!

Day 3 has begun! It ends at 12:00AM GMT, 6th June!

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