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Pokemon Legendaries Mafia - Game Over


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Evidence why Life clearly has to be mafia instead of you know, telling the truth:



I hate the double standard that I AND ONLY I am held up to. If I say something, I have to be mafia or at least anti-town for whatever stupid reason.

Look, I'm not lynching you. What else do you want? The point is, that if I didn't exist, I probably would be voting in your direction. Sorry, but I'd rather hit a survivor of uncertain allegiance than shoot randomly.

If I don't say something (and this has happened in the past), I have to be mafia for NOT being myself.

I don't play that way.

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Look, I'm not lynching you. What else do you want? The point is, that if I didn't exist, I probably would be voting in your direction. Sorry, but I'd rather hit a survivor of uncertain allegiance than shoot randomly.

In that case, fuck your apologies because you're back at square one after the lynch and I lose. Therefore, this strategy is clearly wrong. An investigation is better than a lynch.

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There's not a much more basic role than a watcher aside from cops, vanillas and goons.

Well, it just seems to have an odd lack of flavor.

So I hear word that Wen Yang may be in the other mafia faction.

She/He won't explain why though. :/

Is that so? Then let's get some discussion started.

##Unvote, Vote: Wen Yang.

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I'd just like to point out that there is no real evidence for a Wen Yang at this point, this is just what I've heard.

I'm just trying to start discussion, since a day where we do nothing but bandwagon onto Anouleth isn't very productive.

What are other's opinions of him so far?

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Also, what about rein?

Forget about him.


Inspector, if you checked me (and exist) PM me, I post my role PM, you post the role PM you got, clear get. If not... ;/

Sorry, no. There are billions of ways for this type of clearance to go wrong. Before you all call me paranoid like last time, I'd like to point out Rule #11 (why the heck is this a rule anyway???)

We've chosen Mafia members and leaders in the past. Inspection can easily go wrong. Sure, maybe, you'll fit in the "Most likely Town" group, but if you want us to all roleclaim to you and follow your orders for our night actions, you must be out of your mind.

Thanks for that, Kevin. I'd like claims, then, to start this in the right direction.

@RD: That works just as well, I guess.

Yeah, because both you and Kevin are completely cleared.

Now, Anouleth is someone we CAN clear. With lynches being the Town's primary method of eliminating their enemies, an anti-Town Unlynchable would be quite overpowered. Joshaymin himself said so in the chat yesterday when I brought up the idea of a Mafia Unlynchable. A conversion is also highly unlikely, because Joshaymin actually knows how to balance a Mafia game based on the roles he makes, without depending heavily on a Cult Leader's choices.

##Vote: Anouleth

It's not like we'll try to lynch him again in the future so there shouldn't be a problem with using up his ability right now.

If he's a Jester... well, he'll be Neutral then, so why on Weyard should we try to stop him from winning? It's not going to harm us if we lynch him.

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How badly do you think inspection will go? We need a leader and I think I'm capable of doing so and my role fits well enough. I'm not clear yet, but I'd like to be so I can help the town be successful. If getting a leader installed means waiting, I will do so, but I would much rather prefer it sooner rather than later with the death figures so drastic already. If doing so means announcing my role and ruining its potential, fine. But I would prefer to do this the more effective way of having a cop investigate.

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How badly do you think inspection will go? We need a leader and I think I'm capable of doing so and my role fits well enough. I'm not clear yet, but I'd like to be so I can help the town be successful. If getting a leader installed means waiting, I will do so, but I would much rather prefer it sooner rather than later with the death figures so drastic already. If doing so means announcing my role and ruining its potential, fine. But I would prefer to do this the more effective way of having a cop investigate.

And I don't think it's a good idea to just pick our leaders by publicly telling the inspector to investigate you or anything like that. The Mafia heard your call. Dazzlers, Bus Drivers, etc. Kevin even claimed that the Framer tried to get you. An investigation is not foolproof. And this time, we actually have something more reliable: Anouleth's unlynchable claim, which can be proven.

Whatever your role is, you can relay it to Anouleth after we try to lynch him. If you think your role is somehow fitting for a Town Leader (whatever that's supposed to mean), then you can pretty much give that ability to Anouleth by simply doing whatever he tells you to do.

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And I don't think it's a good idea to just pick our leaders by publicly telling the inspector to investigate you or anything like that. The Mafia heard your call. Dazzlers, Bus Drivers, etc. Kevin even claimed that the Framer tried to get you. An investigation is not foolproof. And this time, we actually have something more reliable: Anouleth's unlynchable claim, which can be proven.

There is always the problem that it's just hard to clear that way, short of outing the Inspector. I still think that players should never ask for the Inspector to sit on them, since that's just begging for the mafia to interfere, whether through a Watcher or a Framer or whatever.

Whatever your role is, you can relay it to Anouleth after we try to lynch him. If you think your role is somehow fitting for a Town Leader (whatever that's supposed to mean), then you can pretty much give that ability to Anouleth by simply doing whatever he tells you to do.

Well, the best ability for a town leader to have is no ability, since they tend to have short lifespans!

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Whatever your role is, you can relay it to Anouleth after we try to lynch him. If you think your role is somehow fitting for a Town Leader (whatever that's supposed to mean), then you can pretty much give that ability to Anouleth by simply doing whatever he tells you to do.

Town leader is collecting roles and getting a way to make the night most successful. Some roles are better suited to it. Mine is one. Clearing Anouleth is good, yes, but it doesn't clear me. Neither does me claiming to him. I want to get inspected to make it more reliable. There's not much more to say about it. ;/

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Town leader is collecting roles and getting a way to make the night most successful. Some roles are better suited to it. Mine is one. Clearing Anouleth is good, yes, but it doesn't clear me. Neither does me claiming to him. I want to get inspected to make it more reliable. There's not much more to say about it. ;/

I don't get how being inspected proves anything. There are Drivers, and we know that there was a Framer: why not a Lawyer as well? Admittedly, the chance of there being three Drivers, a Framer and a Lawyer in the same game are all quite slim, but what happens after he checks you? Is he supposed to show his support through silence?

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There is always the problem that it's just hard to clear that way, short of outing the Inspector. I still think that players should never ask for the Inspector to sit on them, since that's just begging for the mafia to interfere, whether through a Watcher or a Framer or whatever.

Pretty much, yeah. Asking the Inspector to clear is a bad idea. Of course, we can't guarantee that we'll quickly find someone who is genuinely cleared, but this time we found Anouleth.

Well, the best ability for a town leader to have is no ability, since they tend to have short lifespans!

Never thought of this before but it makes perfect sense...

Actually, a Bulletproof would make a fine leader.

Infinite protection? If it's a one-time protection, they can just shoot him twice. If that role was on someone other than the leader, the Mafia probably wouldn't be so desperate to kill him and he'd likely survive longer.

Town leader is collecting roles and getting a way to make the night most successful. Some roles are better suited to it. Mine is one. Clearing Anouleth is good, yes, but it doesn't clear me. Neither does me claiming to him. I want to get inspected to make it more reliable. There's not much more to say about it. ;/

If you want to get cleared, publicly asking the Inspector to scope you is a bad idea. Like Anouleth said, the Mafia could hear you and they can easily take advantage of it. The number of ways it could go wrong is enormous. There are too many abilities that screw it up and Joshaymin could have even invented new ones.

Anouleth raised another nice point. Let's say everything goes okay and the Inspector finds you innocent. How would he clear you to the Town? He could PM you your role and whatnot, but how would the rest of us know anything? Are you suggesting that the Inspector should expose himself and clear you as Town? Because that would be the worst idea ever.

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I've always felt it was a little bit unfair that the mafia get to know there are two mafias, but the town don't. ;/

I kinda thought this was based off of real life. Town people aren't involved in any of these things plots or plans at all so they won't know anything was going on in the first place. As to how mafia would know, idk, maybe on accident.

As for voting Anouleth, I'm not quite satisfied with this, but... It could work out. If he is mafia, then great we got that taken cared of. If he's really shaymin and survives then that was a complete waste of time and we could've cleared up someone who was mafia. Though we aren't really having any leads at the moment it seems.

You can't blame the town for getting antsy and jumping to random conclusions, they're worried about the mafia making more moves and they want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. If they start getting leads, they'll jump on it if it means (to them) protecting themselves. It's the Salem Witch Trials.

And... Dear god, this is a game.

I have three more days, I'm just going to wait and watch some more.

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As for voting Anouleth, I'm not quite satisfied with this, but... It could work out. If he is mafia, then great we got that taken cared of. If he's really shaymin and survives then that was a complete waste of time and we could've cleared up someone who was mafia. Though we aren't really having any leads at the moment it seems.

You clearly have no fucking clue what's going on.

If Anouleth is mafia/wolf, he loses his LPV. Win for the town. Chances are that he's a wolf instead of mafia simply because the wolf would need some proper protection while mafia doesn't.

If Anouleth is town, we've proved that he isn't lying about the LPV. And that if we need someone to trust on a dime, we go to him. Win for the town.

Substitute we with you because I don't care about whether he's mafia or town, just that I don't die.

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You clearly have no fucking clue what's going on.

If Anouleth is mafia/wolf, he loses his LPV. Win for the town. Chances are that he's a wolf instead of mafia simply because the wolf would need some proper protection while mafia doesn't.

If Anouleth is town, we've proved that he isn't lying about the LPV. And that if we need someone to trust on a dime, we go to him. Win for the town.

Substitute we with you because I don't care about whether he's mafia or town, just that I don't die.

But I thought you were just here to observe us. But yeah if you're town then we shouldn't go killing you.

But wasn't that all what I just said?

I have realized though it would definitely let us trust him. But if he's town wouldn't he be just as clueless as everyone else? We could ask for an opinion of him and we can believe the opinion's for good, definitely while if we accidentally ask mafia of an opinion they'll give us false stuff. But he'd still be as clueless as anyone else.

But... it can be helpful to have someone to trust 100%...

(kinda just answering myself while I'm typing =o Even though it's just restating what you said, I'm just reaffirming them)

So sure, it's only day 2 anyway. No need to rush when it's only the beginning.

##Vote Anouleth

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Freohr Datia, this is an OC game. So you can PM other people and stuff. Players would feel more comfortable about revealing their role to someone who's confirmed as Town. So no, Anouleth wouldn't be as clueless as the rest of us. So, unlike, the other townies, he would end up being more informed to give you a better opinion than the others.

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