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(FE6 & 7) Elibe Super Draft


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I like this idea (drafting parents gets you their children too), I think it might work well and give units like Nino and Karla a bit more value.

NB: I don't have the time, experience or inclination to actually enter, I just wanted to make a comment.

I like this idea. And if this gets going I'm so in.

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There's also an option to use efficiency tierlists, where say, if you wanted to draft Sain (who IIRC is on top of FE7 excluding Marcus), you would also get Wendy from FE6. Just a thought, although it would tough to work out, as IIRC FE6 has more characters.

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But by doing that, you create an unfair advantage for the player who takes these "paired characters". Unless they're both extremely bad (say, Sophia and Wendy are a pair), I see no reason to pair characters together at random until we have a match of numbers. Again, besides the given example, I have not played an FE game yet where I was worse off for having more units on my team.

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Looking at the rules, here are some things I would recommend changing:

Athos should be free for all, especially since he isn't even on the list of draftable units.

Make 28x prohibited. Otherwise anyone without a flier can't win.

Make Matthew free for chapter 11.

What's the point of the rule saying Matthew and Chad can open chests and doors? Is there any point in the game where you need them to complete a chapter? Thief utility is one of the main draws to drafting a thief.

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Looking at the rules, here are some things I would recommend changing:

Athos should be free for all, especially since he isn't even on the list of draftable units.

Make 28x prohibited. Otherwise anyone without a flier can't win.

Make Matthew free for chapter 11.

What's the point of the rule saying Matthew and Chad can open chests and doors? Is there any point in the game where you need them to complete a chapter? Thief utility is one of the main draws to drafting a thief.

Athos is free. I just forgot to put him.

Good idea. Change made. EDIT: Bad idea, forgot Jaffar recruits there and would mess up the numbers... I changed it similar to 20x in FE6 - except gave 5 additional turns just to be safe.

Unsure of this one. Any further comments; it's not hard to beat it without Matthew...

Matt being free for chests is (according to the sticky) a standard rule, so I kept it and expanded it to Chad because it made sense to me. I like your idea though, and it adds value to otherwise crappy units, so I think I am going to change it.

Also, it looks like we have five people now that Jake and Pronoun are interested (assumign Joerachi is actually interested, I sort of just assumed based on his commment about the difficulty), so we can work on moving into the drafting process. As the win condition, I have been thinking and have come up with the following:

Each game will be determined individually. The lowest turn count in each game receives 5 points, second 4, and so on. The highest point total between both games wins the draft. This method will help to mitigate the fact that FE6 is longer than FE7 (and thus, FE6 units are inherently more valuable simply due to a longer game). This does however mean that the winner may not actually have the lowest absolute turncount (though, to be fair, that outcome is extremely unlikely). If no one else likes this win condition, we can switch to standard low turn count between both games wins.

Edited by Janissary
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That's a rather arbitrary reason to have one player start off with an immediate lead over everyone else...

I understand your reasoning, however, that one chapter is virtually the only chapter he can contribute turncount wise. He will save a turn or two early game when you lack units, but other than that, he's somewhat of a detriment in a draftthrough since he has pretty crappy offense and defense other than chip damaging, which isn't as important when you have like 4 other units midgame to finish off units. Other than Chapter 11, he isn't do too much that is special besides theiving utility.

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I understand your reasoning, however, that one chapter is virtually the only chapter he can contribute turncount wise. He will save a turn or two early game when you lack units, but other than that, he's somewhat of a detriment in a draftthrough since he has pretty crappy offense and defense other than chip damaging, which isn't as important when you have like 4 other units midgame to finish off units. Other than Chapter 11, he isn't do too much that is special besides theiving utility.

His contributions in later chapters depend on how long you're going to allow FE7 Marcus to be used. In my last FE7 draft, Matthew was an important and competent combat unit all the way through Cog of Destiny.

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His contributions in later chapters depend on how long you're going to allow FE7 Marcus to be used. In my last FE7 draft, Matthew was an important and competent combat unit all the way through Cog of Destiny.

If it's HHM, he should be allowed the whole game.

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If it's HHM, he should be allowed the whole game.

Do you think Matt should be free? If so, who should we switch him with? I am not opposed, but the numbers are working currently, so I'd like to keep it that way. This is a new endeavor, so I'd like the majority to be happy with it going into the event.

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Do you think Matt should be free? If so, who should we switch him with? I am not opposed, but the numbers are working currently, so I'd like to keep it that way. This is a new endeavor, so I'd like the majority to be happy with it going into the event.

I believe he's talking about Marcus.

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Yeah, I was talking about Marcus. Matt shouldn't be free.

That's what I thought, I just wanted to make sure. Once Joerachi comfirms that he is interested/not interested and find someone else, I guess we can begin drafting. Like I have said before, I will be away Friday and Saturday, but I have a 3G Phone, so I should be able to check the thread and post at least once in a 24 hour period so that the draft doesn't dead stop for me. I will make sure the OP is updated as of this point, and then randomize the draft order (with Joerachi playing). If Joerachi chooses not to compete, I will re-randomize it. I think that's everything...

Feel free to keep suggesting rule changes, as we are pretty flexible until the (super huge) 85 character draft ends.

EDIT: Order has been posted. I have a nice form in the OP if you would be so kind as to copy and paste it into your picks. General Horace has been chosen to pick first. As soon as Joerachi confirms interest in participating, feel free to make your first selection. Remember, the pool is from BOTH games.

Edited by Janissary
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Good idea. Change made. EDIT: Bad idea, forgot Jaffar recruits there and would mess up the numbers... I changed it similar to 20x in FE6 - except gave 5 additional turns just to be safe.

You only need to speak to Jaffar in 28 to recruit him for 29. 28x is unnecessary.

Matt being free for chests is (according to the sticky) a standard rule, so I kept it and expanded it to Chad because it made sense to me. I like your idea though, and it adds value to otherwise crappy units, so I think I am going to change it.

Matthew/Chad at least need to be free for acquiring promotion items and possibly the silver card. It would be a little unfair, in my opinion, to make people either constantly take penalties or go through the game forcing some units to be left unpromoted.

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Huh, never knew that about Jaffar. Might as well ban that gaiden then.

I figured that was the thought process with Matt. The only item you'd really miss is the Hero Crest (unless you wanted to use your Knight crest pre-Chapter 21). That's a tough call. I also stated they could not thieve if undrafted, so the Silver card is still outta play.

EDIT: I changed it because I'm lame and like easier games. :unsure:

Also, can anyone point me to an FE6 HM save state? I sorta don't have one, or whatever.

Edited by Janissary
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We could always make 28x a free chapter.

I'm not in the draft, btw. I have too many already. I don't think you can recruit Jaffar without getting the Gaiden.

Edited by Joerachi
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I'm not in the draft, btw. I have too many already. I don't think you can recruit Jaffar without getting the Gaiden.

You can. You just need to talk to him with Nino, keep him alive, and he'll be available in 29. That's why this page says 26x/27 | 28x/29.

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We could always make 28x a free chapter.

I'm not in the draft, btw. I have too many already. I don't think you can recruit Jaffar without getting the Gaiden.

According to the main site, you can, so I am inclined to believe you can. To the other four interested people, we have a choice; we can either way for a fifth, or we could ban Jaffar from use, dropping us to 84 PCs, and begin drafting (with Horace taking Lance in the first pick, and Second Pronoun being up). Each person would have 21 units + Frees if this is a 4 person draft.

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Never mind. I misread your previous post.

If you want another free unit for a four person draft, I'd recommend Fa, since she's forced into the final chapters anyway.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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