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(FE6 & 7) Elibe Super Draft


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Just so you guys know, I'm not suddenly devoted to my FE8 draft. Rather, I am saving this run for my 3 days/20 hours of car time comming up on my way to Mount Rushmore. I'm hoping to make a huge dent in this upcoming weak.

Also, I did do a dry run of FE6 Chap 1, and Bors is a beast. He might actually be usable.

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Horace, you didn't add Chapter 6 to your count, haha.

FE6Chapter 1: 5/5

Is it bad that Bors is the only one who leveled? Or that he was actually kinda good? Got 5k.

Chapter 2: 7/12

Bors kept owning. He's at level 3. Dieck tanked his way through most of the east so Marcus could rescue drop Roy. Thany carried him the armorslayer.

Chapter 3: 7/19

MARCUS (and Thany)!

Chapter 4: 7/26

Didn't get no Rutger, but I made the turn back that I lost to Lance first chapter. Also, Bors is actually kinda good on normal mode so far. Interesting.

Chapter 5: 3/29

No reinforcements at the gate is awesome. Thany made this strategy possible. After several iterations in order to figure out proper positioning on turns 1 + 2, I thany rescued Roy to within siezing distance, then Marcus'd the boss on 6 consecutive attacks while Bors and Dieck played honor guard as much as they could.

Unit   Level Class   HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES CON MOV Weapon Levels         Notes
Roy    04.70 Lord    21  05  05  09  08  05  01  06  05 D Sword
Marcus 03.68 Paladin 33  09  14  12  10  11  08  11  08 S Lance D Sword E Axe
Bors   05.92 Knight  24  10  06  05  06  11  00  14  04 B Lance
Dieck  08.59 Merc.   29  10  14  10  06  07  01  13  05 B Sword
Thany  02.51 Rescuer 18  04  06  12  05  06  06  04  07 D Lance

Chapter 6: 5/34

You are shocked, I know. I used the same strategy as anyone else, except Dieck got to kill stuff. Also, Bors is doubled loldiers. Horray!

Also, my Roy is taking a run at my Eliwood for worst unit ever.

Edited by Janissary
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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, so I was cleaning out my computer, and I deleted the FE6 rom with my progress on it, so I'm restarting. Now. I'm gonna get this done in the next two days. Probably not, but I have the time to do so.

FE 6 - Chapter 1 - 4/4 Turns

Same as before, Marcus picked up Roy on turn 2, and dropped him in range of seizing on turn 3. Marcus silver lanced the boss on turn 4, and Lance got the 5k.

UNIT       LEVEL    HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL                  SUPPORT
Roy        01.20    18   5    5    7    7    5    0   D Sword
Marcus  ??/01.33    32   9   14   11   10    9    8   A Lance D Sword E Axe
Lance      02.32    21   5    6    9    3    7    0   D Lance E Sword

Chapter 2 - 7/11 Turns

Same as before, Marcus picked up Roy, killed shit, then killed the boss with the armourslayer.

Bought lots of javelins.

UNIT       LEVEL    HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL                  SUPPORT
Roy        02.43    19   6    5    8    8    5    1   D Sword
Marcus  ??/01.82    32   9   14   11   10    9    8   A Lance D Sword E Axe
Lance      04.81    22   6    8   10    4    8    0   D Lance E Sword

Chapter 3 - 7/18 Turns

Marcus lead the way, while Lance and Roy followed. Roy isn't turning out half bad (so far...)

UNIT       LEVEL    HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL                  SUPPORT
Roy        03.77    20   6    6    9    8    5    1   D Sword
Marcus  ??/02.40    33   9   15   11   10    9    8   A Lance D Sword E Axe
Lance      05.90    22   6    9   10    5    8    0   D Lance E Sword

Chapter 4 - 7/25 Turns

I formulated a better strategy here, allowing me to recruit Rutgar on turn 7, then feed him the bosskill. Lance got the Angelic Robe village on turn 7, and Merlinus got the steel blade. Marcus got a nice levelup.

UNIT       LEVEL    HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL                  SUPPORT
Roy        05.25    22   6    7    9    9    5    1   D Sword
Marcus  ??/03.14    34  10   15   11   10   10    8   S Lance D Sword E Axe
Lance      07.12    22   7    9   12    6    9    1   D Lance E Sword
Rutgar     04.90    22   7   12   13    2    5    0   C Sword

Chapter 5 - 3/28 Turns

This took a bit of thinking, but it was really quite simple.

Roy and Rutgar were rescued on turn 1, but I did not trigger the gate. Alan and Thany started to head to the gate. Merlius went to dodge tank the fighters on the fort to get exp. On turn 2, Alan triggered the gate to open, and was rescued out of harm by Thany. Lance dropped Rutgar in front of the boss with the Killing Edge, and Marcus dropped Roy in seize range.

Rutgar critted the boss, (he only needed one crit in 4 tries) to save some uses on the Edge, and finished the boss off with an Iron Sword, while Lance and Marcus got exp before Roy seized.

UNIT       LEVEL    HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL                  SUPPORT
Roy        05.28    22   6    7    9    9    5    1   D Sword
Marcus  ??/03.18    34  10   15   11   10   10    8   S Lance D Sword E Axe
Lance      07.47    22   7    9   12    6    9    1   D Lance E Sword
Rutgar     05.92    23   7   12   13    3    5    0   C Sword

Chapter 6 - 4/32 Turns

Marcus had to hit two 50% hittrates for this to work.

Marcus handaxed everything, and killed most of the stuff on turn 1 EP. Roy killed a knight, then Lance killed a loldier blocking Marcus, who rescued Roy, and countered the Mages in the throne room. He dropped Roy on turn 3, and sat in front of Wagner. He killed him on turn 4, and Roy seized. Decided on another Silver Lance over 2000G.

UNIT       LEVEL    HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL                  SUPPORT
Roy        05.76    22   6    7    9    9    5    1   D Sword
Marcus  ??/03.92    34  10   15   11   10   10    8   S Lance D Sword E Axe
Lance      08.62    23   8    9   13    6   10    1   C Lance E Sword
Rutgar     06.29    24   8   13   14    3    5    0   C Sword
Saul       05.12    20   4    6   10    2    2    5   C Staff

Chapter 7 - 9/41 Turns

This chapter sucks. Whoever has Walt/Dorothy will have an easier time. Those Wyverns 2HKO'd Roy (even with his Angelic Robe boost), at 53 hit, so a couple turns were sketch. Lance is really defence blessed.

Marcus missed the ORKO on the boss by 1HP, and Lance couldn't do any damage to him, so the reinforcements were triggered, which was another pain. Rutgar couldn't do jack shit in the north, so I sent him to get villages, and Saul followed him around. Recruited Noah because I need Fir. It's interesting that if you recruit Noah, Zealot and Treck don't tag along.

UNIT       LEVEL    HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL                  SUPPORT
Roy        06.69    30   7    8   10   10    5    1   C Sword
Marcus  ??/04.89    35  10   15   11   11   10    8   S Lance D Sword E Axe
Lance      09.90    23   8   10   14    6   11    1   C Lance E Sword
Rutgar     06.67    24   8   13   14    3    5    0   C Sword
Saul       05.34    20   4    6   10    2    2    5   C Staff

Chapter 8 - 14/56 Turns

This chapter is loooooong.

Marcus carried Roy around, while Noah ferried Chad to the chests. Rutgar and Lance picked up Marcus's scraps, while Barth took like 6 enemies off of Marcus and proc'd speed.

UNIT       LEVEL    HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL                  SUPPORT
Roy        06.69    30   7    8   10   10    5    1   C Sword
Marcus  ??/06.54    36  10   16   12   13   10    8   S Lance D Sword D Axe
Lance      12.42    25   9   11   15    6   12    1   B Lance E Sword
Rutgar     08.40    26   8   14   15    3    7    0   C Sword
Saul       06.01    21   4    6   10    2    2    6   C Staff
Barth      11.01    27  12    6    6    2   15    2   C Lance

Edited by General_Horace
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FE6 Chapter 1 6 turns

I had Marcus carry Roy and Roy got the boss kill. Wolt chipped from forests.

FE6 Chapter 2 9/15 turns

Wolt killed soldiers and Roy got some kills. Ward joined and sat on a fort taking on bandits. Marcus used the Steel Axe and killed the boss.

FE6 Chapter 3 10/25 turns

Marcus leads the way and Merlinius gets Mend. Ellen has been really helpful so far and I hope it continues. Marcus killed the boss on turn 9 and Roy seized on turn 10.

FE6 Chapter 4 9/34 turns

Marcus moves forward and gets kills as my others units mop up. Chad visits the Angelic Robe village and shops. Clarine is gotten. Ward gets the boss kill and Roy seizes.

FE6 Chapter 5 7/41 turns

Marcus forces the gate and kills most everything. I work on a Roy and Wolt support so thy stay with Marcus. Everyone else heads north. I set Chad on a fort and Ward on a fort and Chad gets loads of expierience. Marcus gets the kill with the Killing Edge and seizes on turn 7.

FE6 Chapter 6 13/54 turns

I got Dorothy and Sue so yeah archers. Took a while but I wanted to get unlock for staff exp. Marcus kills and Roy seizes.

FE6 Chapter 7 10/64 turns

Having three bow-users worked out. I got the Torch, Longbow, Heroes Crest and Killing Edge villages. Chad opened the door and MArcus went after the boss. I had Wolt hit the Arena. Noah went shopping.

FE6 Chapter 8 20/84 turns

I hate this chapter. I got some of the chests and I got many levels to Noah and Sue who helped carry Roy and Chad. Marcus got two lucky hits with the hammer on the boss, and Noah killed with Oujay's armorslayer and Roy seized on turn 20.

FE6 Chapter 8x 16/100 turns

Marcus rushes with Roy in hold and I use this oppurtunity to train Sue and Dorothy to the left being healed by Clarine. Marcus Crits the boss with a killing Edge and then does it again. Roy seizes on turn 16.

FE6 Chapter 9 10/110 turns

I recruit Fir and Shin just because. I am sad because I am running out of killing edges as Marcus Crits another boss and then NOah kills it Roy seizes on turn 10.

FE6 Chapter 10A 10/120 turns

Marcus Rush. Noah is at level 18 and I will promote him soon. I recruit Geese for his brave axe and Then ferry Roy down. Noah kills a boss with a killing Edge for once and Roy seizes.

Chapter 11A 10/130 turns

Unfortunately I lost Lalum restarted forgot and Saved over my file. Well its not like my turncounts are going to win this draft anyways. Got a lot of villages, Marcus killed, Noah got to level 20 and promotes next chapter.

Chapter 12 15/145 turns

Marcus and Noah rushed with Roy in tow. A restore staff was brought and needed Chad opened chest. The wyrmslayer slayed the boss and Roy seized.

Chapter 12x 11/156 turns

I used Noah and Marcus to rush Roy and they teamed up to kill the boss. Chad got some treasure. Sue killed some people. Wolt, Dorothy and Ellen were not brought.

Chapter 13 12/178 turns

This was easier than expected as Dorothy, Wolt and Sue killed Wyverns, Marcus and Noah rushed and my healers healed

UNIT       LEVEL    HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL                  SUPPORT 
Roy        16.10    33  11   11   13   18    9    2   A Sword                  C Marcus C Wolt
Marcus  ??/15.43    40  13   16   17   13    9   10   S Lance A Sword C Axe    C Roy 
Ellen      11.84    25   4    7   10   16    0   11   C Staff 
Chad       20.--    32  11   11   20   15    8    0   C Sword 
Clarine    11.09    25   4   10   14   13    5    9   C Staff
Sue        18.94    26  12   14   18   12    7    3   A Bows
Noah     20/2.62    39  13   15   17   11   11    4   A Sword B Lance E Axe
Wolt       17.25    28   9   10   11   10   11    3   A Bows                   C Roy
Dorothy    13.64    28  11   11   11    6    6    4   C Bows
Ward       15.69    38  14    9   10    8    8    0   B Axes

Edited by Second Pronoun
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Chapter 8x - 11/67 Turns

Marcus wasn't at C swords, so the boss took a bit longer. Not making that mistake again. Merlinus stood on a fire tile and hoped he would get hit so Saul could get some much needed exp. Barth soloed the west, and takes 0 damage from axes.

UNIT       LEVEL    HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL                  SUPPORT
Roy        07.65    30   7    8   11   11    5    1   C Sword                  C Marcus
Marcus  ??/07.85    37  11   16   12   13   10    8   S Lance D Sword D Axe
Lance      13.75    26   9   12   15    7   12    1   B Lance E Sword
Rutgar     08.94    26   8   14   15    3    7    0   C Sword
Saul       06.57    21   4    6   10    2    2    6   C Staff
Barth      12.44    28  13    6    6    2   16    2   C Lance

Chapter 9 - 8/75 Turns

Marcus and Lance ferried Roy around, Saul spammed torch. Recruited Fir.

UNIT       LEVEL    HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL                  SUPPORT
Roy        08.02    30   8    9   11   12    6    1   C Sword                  C Marcus
Marcus  ??/08.83    38  12   16   12   14   10    9   S Lance C Sword D Axe    C Roy
Lance      14.36    27   9   12   15    7   12    1   B Lance E Sword
Rutgar     10.03    28   9   15   16    3    7    0   C Sword
Saul       07.73    21   4    6   10    3    2    7   C Staff
Barth      12.90    28  13    6    6    2   16    2   C Lance
Fir        02.82    20   6   10   10    4    4    1   D Sword

Chapter 10 - 9/85 Turns

Geese probably costed me a turn here, but, oh well. He got the swordslayer village, and comes with a brave axe, so it wasn't a complete loss. Marcus killed the boss, then waited a turn for Lance to get Roy close enough to seize. Fir gained a shitton of levels this chapter.

UNIT       LEVEL    HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL                  SUPPORT
Roy        08.99    30   8    9   11   12    6    1   C Sword                  C Marcus
Marcus  ??/09.93    38  12   16   12   15   11    9   S Lance C Sword D Axe    C Roy
Lance      15.17    28   9   12   16    7   12    2   B Lance E Sword
Rutgar     12.64    29  10   16   18    4    7    0   B Sword
Saul       08.74    22   5    6   10    3    3    7   C Staff
Barth      13.37    29  14    6    6    2   16    2   B Lance
Fir        07.03    25   8   14   14    7    4    2   D Sword
Geese      10.00    33  10    9    9    9    8    0   B Axe

Chapter 11 - 6/91 Turns

The turn Geese lost me on the last chapter he gained back in this one, as he smashed down the wall with ease with the brave axe. Unfourtunately, I didn't have a ton of time to visit the villages, so I only got the restore staff and Orion's bolt.

UNIT       LEVEL    HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL                  SUPPORT
Roy        09.11    31   8    9   12   13    6    2   C Sword                  C Marcus
Marcus  ??/10.54    38  12   16   12   16   11    9   S Lance C Sword D Axe    C Roy
Lance      15.17    28   9   12   16    7   12    2   B Lance E Sword
Rutgar     13.63    29  11   17   18    4    7    0   B Sword
Saul       09.08    22   5    7   11    3    3    7   C Staff
Barth      14.39    30  15    6    7    2   16    2   B Lance
Fir        08.43    26   8   15   15    8    4    2   D Sword
Geese      11.63    34  11    9    9   10    9    0   B Axe

Edited by General_Horace
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