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(FE6 & 7) Elibe Super Draft


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Chapter 17, 11 turns

I rushed up my Mounted as the others plodded behind. Matthew was able to obtain the Knight's Crest and the Silver sword. Lowen gained speed and Sain gained levels. I got a mine as I only saved one soldier. Marcus rushed and killed the boss with his newly obtained hammer. Raven was killed and Lucius was not recruited.

Chapter 17x, 10 turns

I stealthily went around as the pirates suicided on Marcus. Sain and Wil trained a little and I got the Devil's Axe and the Lancereaver.

Chapter 18, 12 turns

Marcus pretty much defended this entire chapter while everyone cowered behind him. Lowen also blocked an entrance to the deck, but the dark mages hit him pretty hard. Wil was actually useful as there were many Pegasus Knights that he killed. Lyn was also good at killing Peg Knights with her new Lancereaver.

Name    Level   HP      Pow     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Weapon level
Marcus  ?/8.64  34      15      16      14      9       12      11      A Swords S Lances A Axes
Hector  12.65   30      13      6       10      5       11      2       A Axes
Matt    10.17   22      8       8       19      4       5       3       C Swords
Lowen   12.92   32      10      12      9       9       14      5       C Swords C Lances
Lyn     7.91    19      5       12      13      7       3       1       B Swords
Wil     7.48    23      7       7       7       9       6       2       D Bows
Sain    8.26    25      11      5       9       7       7       1       D Lances D Swords

Edited by Second Pronoun
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Chapter 25: 7/118

This chapter was the first one in awhile that actually required thought other than "Run Marcus, Run!" I sent Marcus carrying Raven north. Canas and Eliwood went south. Raven carried a bunch Lancereavers and crushed the horseman while Marcus ran right past to get to the Bishops. Elysian Whip village died. Canas is yumtastically close to promoting. Rath will probably get early promoted soon, depending on how he grows/how the next chapter goes.



Chapter 26: 12/130

Camped hard in the middle. Canas and Nosferatu be tanking. Rath got to level 15.0, so he's probably promoting next Chapter. I'm still waiting on Eliwood... I'm not sure when he's getting up'd one. Probably after Chapter 27, since the extra move will be nice to save Zephiel's crappy stats. Havem't taken any pics. They might come later.

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That's a weird Canas you have there.

How so?

Chapter 27: 20/150

Jerme's Chapter sucks. The end. I'm pissed I didn't pick Lucius/Erk earlier so I could get to Kenneth's map. Oh well. I did manage to loot all the items, so I guess someone can use a Talisman?

I promoted Canas at level 20, Rath at level 15, and Raven at level 20 after the chapter. Serra and Eliwood are 10xp from leveling and will be promoted during the next chapter. So, for the folks at home, the score is:




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I thought his magic growth was higher, and his speed growth was lower lol.

Yeah, after I posted, I looked up his averages. He's maybe a point behind on magic, and 2-3 points ahead on speed, lol.

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Chapter 19 7 turns

I deployed Florina so I could get Fiora. Wil got a very nice level up and Lowen soloed the north. Marcus was the only one going south and as such he killed Uhai. My groups were, Lowen up north, Sain, Fiora, and Wil in the middle, Lyn, Hector and Matthew at the bridge, and Marcus in the south.

Chapter 19x 10 turns

Sain stayed back to take on the Pegasus Knights everyone else moved forward. Lowen got a Goddess Icon and Matt used it as he has abysmal luck. Everyone pot-shotted at the boss and Wil got the kill on turn 9. Hector seized on turn 10. Matt stole the Silver Card.

Name    Level    HP      Pow     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Weapon level
Marcus  ?/10.33  35      15      16      15      9       13      11      A Swords S Lances A Axes
Hector  13.48    30      13      6       10      5       11      3       A Axes
Matt    11.84    24      8       8       19      6       5       3       B Swords
Lowen   14.55    34      10      12      9       9       14      6       C Swords B Lances
Lyn     8.72     19      5       12      14      7       3       2       B Swords
Wil     9.26     24      9       9       9       10      7       3       D Bows
Sain    10.25    27      13      6       10      7       7       2       D Lances D Swords
Fiora   9.61     23      8       12      15      6       7       8       C Lances

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Chapter 28: 16/166

I won't lie, I only beat this level because Zephiel got the luckiest crit ever on a Merc that was going to kill him, but hey, it works. Eliwood promoted at level 17. I decided to keep Serra unpromoted and just spam heal/barrier during the map to get mass leveling. It helped a lot. People on horses went left, other went right. Canas and Raven combined for the kill on Ursula. Marcus and Isadora had some really close calls, but, hey, it works.



Save got messed up.

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Jan, I'd urge you to redo chapter 27. I'm sure you can do much better than 20 turns.

I sure I can as well, but I was pretty pissed at that chapter, and I don't think I kept a save state (or I overwrote them) and didn't seperate my saves.

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Chapter 20 14 turns

In this chapter I left behind Wil and Lyn to work on their support while everyone else moved up. I thought about it and decided not to recruit Legault. I don't need him I have Matt and it is a waste. I decided to promote Wil at level ten. He has been falling behind and now this gives him a boost.

Name    Level    HP      Pow     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Weapon level                 Support
Marcus  ?/11.05  35      16      16      15      9       13      11      A Swords S Lances A Axes
Hector  15.48    32      13      8       11      5       12      4       A Axes                       C Matt
Matt    11.98    24      8       8       19      6       5       3       B Swords                     C Hector
Lowen   16.21    36      11      12      9       11      14      6       C Swords B Lances
Lyn     9.88     20      6       13      14      7       3       3       B Swords                     C Wil
Wil     10/1.36  28      11      11      11      11      9       6       B Bows                       C Lyn
Sain    11.00    28      13      7       10      7       7       2       D Lances D Swords
Fiora   11.18    23      8       12      16      7       8       9       C Lances

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I have 1 hand axe left so Hawkeye is pretty useless here too, although he can OHKO valks with the halberd. Marcus + Pure Water + Elixir is usually fine, its just stupid stuff like Marcus getting Berserked at 12% that are holding me up. And Farina is a phail.

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I have 1 hand axe left so Hawkeye is pretty useless here too, although he can OHKO valks with the halberd. Marcus + Pure Water + Elixir is usually fine, its just stupid stuff like Marcus getting Berserked at 12% that are holding me up. And Farina is a phail.

I was doing great until it came out that Marcus gets doubled by Valks. So I have him getting doubled and Isadora being the most undurable Paladin ever. So it's getting ugly. I took a break from it before I raged.

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Chapter 21 3 turns

I gave Marcus the Silver Card and he bought tons of Javelins and Hand Axes. After that Ninian danced for him and Matthew lit the way he moved up. Hector went for one round in the arena and Fiora killed the Bishops. Marcus killed Oleg on turn 3.

Chapter 22 6 turns

I had Lyn put on the Angelic Robe and sent Marcus down to kill the boss. I did not get either of the chests and none of the secret shop items interest me much. Marcus killed the boss on turn 6.

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Chapter 23 9 turns

I got the Ocean Seal, Light Brand and Heroes Crest. I should not have problems with money anymore. Fiora was very important as she carried Matt around the map. Marcus got 1 boss kill and Fiora got the other. Hawkeye and Pent worked very well as NPCs. Hawkeye was talked to on turn 9 to get his Killer Axe. I got the Afa's drops and they are going on Lyn next chapter.

Chapter 24 3 turns

I moved up Marcus and gave Sain the Afa's Drops. Marcus hit Linus with his Swordreaver. Then Wil hit him with his killer bow, Wil was danced for and got the kill on turn three. Sain missed a 74% hit chance from Purge that would have killed him. Sadly, no Wallace, but he is such a waste of turns.

Name    Level    HP      Pow     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Weapon level                 Support
Marcus  ?/13.58  36      16      17      15      10      13      13      A Swords S Lances A Axes 
Hector  16.76    33      14      8       12      5       13      5       A Axes                       C Matt 
Matt    14.01    26      8       9       20      8       6       4       B Swords                     C Hector 
Lowen   17.04    37      12      12      10      11      14      7       C Swords B Lances 
Lyn     11.62    28      7       14      15      8       4       4       A Swords                     C Wil 
Wil     10/3.08  30      12      12      12      11      9       6       B Bows                       C Lyn 
Sain    11.00    28      13      7       10      7       7       2       D Lances C Swords 
Fiora   14.39    26      10      12      18      9       8       11      B Lances
Ninian  2.71     15      0       0       13      11      5       5

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I beat Chapter 4, wow. It's been so long since Sword of Seals Progress has been made... I kept a save file for Chapter 4 though, because my turn count sucks. I'm curious to see how others do.

Chapter 4: 17/44

This Chapter sucked. I can't explain it more than that. I had to turtle it so bad, but I don't really care. I haven't played HM on this game before, so I picked my team based on my NM experience and a look at the HM enemy stats. Dieck and Bors champed the end turns of this level; I camped them on the north ledge chockepoint so enemies swarmed them while Marcus and Roy headed to the throne. Thany did 0 combat, but got me the Angelic Robe, shopping, and Steel blade, so she was a great contributor.


Just got to finish. That's the foal here, just got to finish. Also, thanks for the Killing Edge Rutger. Saved me a turn or two.

Time to find a way to play Chapter 5...

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Ugh, I've had zero motivation to continue this for a while now. However, I will not break my record of finishing every draft I start, so I'm posting here to give myself less reason to drop it.

FE6 Ch 4 just really sucks hard...

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Ugh, I've had zero motivation to continue this for a while now. However, I will not break my record of finishing every draft I start, so I'm posting here to give myself less reason to drop it.

FE6 Ch 4 just really sucks hard...

Yeah, that chapter was pretty lame.

You should have complained about the HM! I hate it too, lol. It sucks. I thought that's what more people wanted. It was suggested and no one really talked against it, so I just did it. I hadn't even played HM yet on FE6, lol.

EDIT: If Horace doesn't care, we could switch it to NM for the purposes of completion. Us three are the only ones who have made progess in FE6, I think. If that happens, RK, feel free to play for Jake, since he hasn't posted except to complain about the team you (mostly) drafted for him. If you want to.

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