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Fiona isnt terrible when trained. She does take quite a bit of BEXP + Paragon (a secret book and/or energy drop) to get anywhere but its not like, horrible or even excruciating to do. Just takes a bit of patience. (which some players definitely lack.) I actually found Meg and Leo harder to train.

Good units to use if you want:

Soren (with transfers)

Jill (shes great but even better with tranfers)



Astrid (Blossom + Paragon + Transfer combo means she caps all the shit at like level 16 third tier)

Shinon (and how!)

Any of the swordies save Lucia. (Zihark and Mia are really great!)


Oscar (transfers)

Micaiah (staff bot)

Volug (sans Wildheart)

Ilyana (transfer plus speedwing = she does not suck)



Nolan (is badass)

A heron (mostly Reyson)

Units that are good that i dont use much:


Makalov (hes not that bad in this game. Takes a bit to level though.)


Rolf (yes hes ok)


Nephenee (i like never use her but shes really great when i do)


Skrimir *shrug*



Giffca (i never use him)



I say use who you want.

Edited by Giygas
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... You have to be completely stupid if you honestly believe that. Opinions can be misguided at best, not wrong, seeing as they're a subjective thing and not an objective thing.

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... You have to be completely stupid if you honestly believe that. Opinions can be misguided at best, not wrong, seeing as they're a subjective thing and not an objective thing.

It depends on the context. If you are trying to apply something subjective (opinions) to an obvious objective matter, then of course they can be wrong.

Takeo is fully entitled to liking marksmen and mages, but no amount of "It's MY OPINION and I'm entitled to it!" will change the fact that there are more powerful characters than the ones he suggested. (But he happened to hit the mark with Haar)

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... You have to be completely stupid if you honestly believe that. Opinions can be misguided at best, not wrong, seeing as they're a subjective thing and not an objective thing.

On the contrary, I contested his opinion with a fact, that mages lose to most other units in many important parameters.

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On the contrary, I contested his opinion with a fact, that mages lose to most other units in many important parameters.

I think he was responding to me. :P

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Fiona's stats aren't the only thing holding her back. Horses are penalized in almost every map she's available in (the only exceptions are 3-12, 4-P, 4-1 and 4-E). Even if she had good stats, she'd still be medicore.

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Takeo is fully entitled to liking marksmen and mages, but no amount of "It's MY OPINION and I'm entitled to it!" will change the fact that there are more powerful characters than the ones he suggested. (But he happened to hit the mark with Haar)
*shrug* doesn't mean you should try to contest every person with the "obvious facts" since not everyone really cares about that shit.
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Leonardo is good, you just have to use him normally. He usually turns out better than the other Marksmen if you train him well.

What about the part where he loses Str and Spd, the most important stats by far for a Marksman, to both Shinon and Rolf? Even Def and HP are losses for him, so he only wins/ties in Skl, Lck, and Res, but, like, who cares?

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Fire Emblem really enjoys reaming its early game archers. I've made it a point to always ignore the first archer in every single FE game (except Jamuka, I enjoyed using him).

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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I think it's perfectly acceptable for people to have opinions about units. But when someone is asking for advice, you should probably recommend characters who are actually good rather than characters you just "like".

Usually by the time he hits around 12 Sniper, he will start getting some better speed and strength. Tigers don't have that much speed, so he still can double with Lughnasadh, if not any other bow.

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Usually by the time he hits around 12 Sniper, he will start getting some better speed and strength. Tigers don't have that much speed, so he still can double with Lughnasadh, if not any other bow.

How exactly does this make him better than Rolf and Shinon, who have better stats in basically every area, don't require as much effort to train, and have better availability? While it's wonderful that Leonardo will eventually be good, by that criteria you could recommend basically any unit in the game on the basis that they'll be good after you level up them 30 times.

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If you like Leonardo you can afford to use him, personally, I wouldn't recommend it either (both out of personal hatred and whatever) but honestly, after playing through the game like 7 times I would only use Shinon. Rolf is good for some random scratch damage, but that's about it; he's kind of a pain to use long-term. As are the mages unless you really loved Soren, Callil, or Ilyana (I like using Callil because I tend to dedicate an entire Crimean Army chapter to her... it worked for me on HM but shes still not that good). I honestly think Pelleas is the easiest to use of all the mages/sages/archsages because in normal mode i remember him being able to either double or do massive damage to a bunch of enemies in the chapter he entered in.

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I honestly think Pelleas is the easiest to use of all the mages/sages/archsages because in normal mode i remember him being able to either double or do massive damage to a bunch of enemies in the chapter he entered in.

What. He starts with 21 speed - which won't make him double much of anything in 4-2.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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On the contrary, I contested his opinion with a fact, that mages lose to most other units in many important parameters.

There's no absolute truth about anything. Opinions and suggestions are subjective, therefore, they lack real knowledge or truth. Realities are also both subjective (personal) and objective (global), and there's no reason to turn a subjective matter into an objective one, especially since out of a thousand people, one can deny a statement.

A class or character can only be good by the reality the game (RNG) offers to the player. Suggestions just leave traces, but not all of them are followed.

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I remember him doubling something... I might've been thinking of a random Lance General after a level up or two. I just remember him being able to evade things in the grass... and such. All I actually remember is that I had a much easier time using him than the other sages.

I wager an entire kit-kat bar that the above post will provoke some really philosophical discussion that'll go over a million people's heads and make it sound like we're all stoned.

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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I wager an entire kit-kat bar that the above post will provoke some really philosophical discussion that'll go over a million people's heads and make it sound like we're all stoned.


*takes kit-kat*


But uh. The sages in this game suck. I'd say the good (read: not terrible) ones have terrible availabilty, and the ones with good availability suck.

But this is Radiant Dawn. With BEXP you can have completely capped characters by endgame easily. (I only had a completely capped Haar, Muarim, and Ilyana before)

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There's no absolute truth about anything. Opinions and suggestions are subjective, therefore, they lack real knowledge or truth. Realities are also both subjective (personal) and objective (global), and there's no reason to turn a subjective matter into an objective one, especially since out of a thousand people, one can deny a statement.

A class or character can only be good by the reality the game (RNG) offers to the player. Suggestions just leave traces, but not all of them are followed.

Fact: Soren starts with 28HP, 9DEF, and 18SPD

Fact: Soren has 6 move

Fact: Soren has 40% HP growth, 25% DEF growth, and 35% speed growth

Fact: This is all significantly lower than that of other units that Soren is directly competing with

I remember him doubling something... I might've been thinking of a random Lance General after a level up or two. I just remember him being able to evade things in the grass... and such. All I actually remember is that I had a much easier time using him than the other sages.

I remember bringing Tormod into the Tower of Guidance, and he really sucked (the enemies doubled him), but then I woke up and it turned out it was just a dream.

Edited by Anouleth
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Wow. Wow. Guys please don't take what I said so seriously. The reality is I never said that mages and Rolf/Leonardo were the superior characters, I simply remember that all my best runs had most of these characters, by best I mean the funnest. That's what I was going for in my first post, to suggest a couple of characters that MIGHT be used to have fun. If he wants to do a hardcore, fast as possible run then my second suggestion stands... Simply use ALL the best characters you receive in a stage to finish that stage ASAP and then use Laguz royals for part 4 and endgame. Really no one can recommend whats right for YOU, since their opinions would either be biased or quote stats and tier lists.

No need to dive into the realm of philosophy and try to reason out the meaning of life over that stupid statement of mine. Thanks Mercenary Raven, its good to see that I have at least one friend on here ;)

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We're not saying anything about turns though. If it was about turns you'd need Haar and some fliers.

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Wow. Wow. Guys please don't take what I said so seriously. The reality is I never said that mages and Rolf/Leonardo were the superior characters, I simply remember that all my best runs had most of these characters, by best I mean the funnest. That's what I was going for in my first post, to suggest a couple of characters that MIGHT be used to have fun. If he wants to do a hardcore, fast as possible run then my second suggestion stands... Simply use ALL the best characters you receive in a stage to finish that stage ASAP and then use Laguz royals for part 4 and endgame. Really no one can recommend whats right for YOU, since their opinions would either be biased or quote stats and tier lists.

Fun is different for everyone. I have a lot of fun using Tanith, but I recognise that she's not that great a unit. I wouldn't tell another player to use her because I recognise that what might be fun for me might not necessarily be fun for the other person.

However, that is neither here nor there. The person who created this topic is asked for recommendations. That is, he wants to know which characters are good. Not what characters that we think are fun to use.

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